Departure of the Jaladuta – 11

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The observance, according to the Vaisnava calendar, of the days of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental journey aboard the Jaladuta.

Thursday, September 16


“Today is the 35th day of our journey and yesterday night at about 10/30 p.m. we have turned one wheel towards north eastern corner from the Bermuda latitude towards Boston port. In the morning the atmosphere was fairly cleared and the ship was plying very smoothly.


The first officer told me that they never had such experience of the Atlantic ocean and he ascribed the good luck to me. I said yes it is all Lord Krishna’s Grace because due to my severe type of sea-sickness, He has Himself taken charge of the ship. In expansion the Lord is rowing the oars. We shall certainly reach to America port safely.


The whole day was clear sun-shine but at 4 p.m. the sky all of a sudden became foggy. The sun became dim covered by foggy weather. The horizon is still visible. Let us see what is still ahead. The ship is stopped completely at about 6 p.m. on account of dense fog.


Be Lord Krishna pleased to get out this fog. By the Grace of Lord Krishna the fog was cleared after 2-3 hours and the ship started. The whole night was non-disturbing and today on the 36th day of our journey we reached safely at Boston Port at 5/30 a.m.”

Friday, September 17


“We are now on the dockyard of Boston and at 10 a.m. the custom officers and others came on the ship. They have now issued the admittance permission after due checking etc. I saw the Boston Town with captain It is very nice and I shall describe it in a separate note. 36th day from starting from Calcutta Port To-day we are expected to reach Boston Port U.S.A. in the morning ACB –/9/65


We stayed the whole day & night at Boston till 4.p.m. next day.”

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

Departure of the Jaladuta



Sep 16, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) —




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