Departure of the Jaladuta – 7

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The observance, according to the Vaisnava calendar, of the days of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental journey aboard the Jaladuta.

Wednesday, September 8


“Today at about 8 o’clock in the morning and near about Gibraltar we had a first experience of fog impediment. It was all dark round the ship and she stopped moving completely. She was whistling now and then to protect herself from other unseen ships being collided with. We started at about 11 again.


8/9/65 at about 2/30 p.m. we passed over Gibraltar Port ending at Tarita Light House. The other side is Spanish Morocco There is regular ferry steamer service. The strait is wide about seven miles across. We are in the Atlantic. “

Thursday, September 9


“Till 4 o’clock afternoon we have crossed over the Atlantic Ocean for twenty four hours. The whole day was clear and almost smooth. I am taking my food regularly and got some strength to struggle. There is slight lurching of the ship and I am feeling slight headache also. But I am struggling and the nectarine of life is Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita the source of my all vitality.”

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

Departure of the Jaladuta




Sep 08, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) —





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