Difference between Radha and Chandravali

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Radharani’s mood is fiery, She doesn’t always accept what Krishna does and She looks like as She is rejecting Him. Sri Radha becomes angry and refuses to see the Lord. Krishna is so much in love with Her that in every way tries to appease Her.

Lalita Devi supports Radharani’s mood and pushes Her not to accept anything Krishna does. Otherwise, Lalita says, He will be out of control. In order to control the Lord so that He doesn’t make Radharani suffer, the Gopis headed by Lalila and Vishakha, chastise Sri Krishna and tell Him what is the right thing to do.
Candravali’s mood is different. She is deeply surrendered to Krishna and accepts whatever He does, and so her sakhis do.
Seeing Radharani’s and Her friend’s mood, they cannot tolerate to see Krishna confronted and sometimes chastised. They say Sri Krishna can do whatever He likes, and so they criticize Radharani for this.
Already separated by a difference of mentality and also seeing their dearest friend Radharani criticized, Radha’s sakhis are in constant battling mood against Candravali and her group.
You may remember that time when Sri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, who is a manjari in Lalita’s party, received some milk. He asked to the devotee where that milk came from and the devotee answered “from Sakhisthali” (Candravali’s place). Only by hearing the name of Sakhisthali, Sri Dasa Gosvami became angry and said “I’ll never accept anything coming from Candravali.”
These are the ways of transcendental plays.
Radharani’s sentiments are deeper and stronger. Those types of feelings give more pleasure to the Lord. Still for her intrinsec nature, Candravali Devi cannot partake of that mood and so two confronting ganas (parties) are eternally existing in Vrindavana.

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