Even Then, Krishna is Merciful

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The manifestation of the Jiva


Since they are inherently spiritual in nature, Jivas possess independence. They are countless and their goal is limitless pleasure.


The liberated Jiva

Mukta jiva

Those Jivas who turn to Krishna for such pleasure are liberated from material bondage and become companions of Krishna.

The captive or adverse Jiva

Baddha va bahirmukha jiva

Those who continue to think of their own selfish happiness wish to remain by Maya’s side.

They eternally turn their faces away from Krishna and enter Devi-dhama, where they obtain bodies created by Maya.

Then they fall into the wheel of punya and papa[1]. They constantly wander around living in gross and subtle bodies[2].

Sometimes they rise to Svarga, sometimes they fall into hellish conditions. They constantly wander through eight million four hundred thousand wombs

Even then, Krishna is merciful

Tathapi krishna-daya

You are Infinite, and the Jivas are Your manifestations. Verily, You always think of the welfare of Your servants[3].

Whatever happiness they seek, You are so merciful that you grant it to them.


[1] Worthy activities and sinful activities, contrary to our own interests.

[2] Bodies made of physical and non-physical elements.

[3] Krishna never forgets the Jivas.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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