All the men loaded their valuables on carts and slowly left with their cows and other paraphernalia. After they had cleared out everything, Lord Krishna very slowly replaced Govardhana Hill exactly in the same position as it had been before. When everything was done, all the inhabitants of Vrindavana approached Krishna with feelings of love and embraced Him with great ecstasy.
The gopis, being naturally very affectionate to Krishna, began to offer Him yogurt mixed with their tears, and they poured incessant blessings upon Him. Mother Yasoda, mother Rohini, Nanda and Balarama, who is the strongest of the strong, embraced Krishna one after another and, from spontaneous feelings of affection, blessed Him over and over again.
In the heavens, different demigods from different planetary systems, such as Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka, also began to show their complete satisfaction. They poured showers of flowers on the surface of the earth and sounded different conchshells. There was beating of drums, and being inspired by godly feelings, residents of Gandharvaloka began to play on their tambouras to please the Lord.
After this incident, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, surrounded by His dear friends and the animals, returned to His home. As usual, the gopis began to chant the glorious pastimes of Lord Krishna with great feeling, for they were chanting from the heart.
Thus ends the Bhaktivedanta purport of the Twenty-fifth Chapter of Krishna, “Devastating Rainfall in Vrindavana.”
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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