Govinda Kunda is about 400m after the village of Aniyora. This is where Lord Indra offered prayers and bathed Krishna, after Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill. This kunda was made by the bathing ceremony. Krishna’s feet were bathed with Ganges water, milk, tulasi manjaris and lotus flowers. This kunda was originally filled with these ingredients from the abhiseka (bathing ceremony).
In the purport to Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 18.37 it is stated. “Govinda Kunda is exalted for its many spiritual activities. It was here that Indra was defeated by Lord Krishna, and Indra offered his prayers and bathed Lord Govinda. In the Mathura-khanda it is also stated:
`Simply by bathing in Govinda Kunda, one is awarded liberation. This lake was produced when Bhagavan Sri Krishna was bathed by Lord Indra.'”
“In this way, Krishna was bathed by the milk of the surabhi cows, and Indra bathed Krishna by the water of the celestial Ganges through the trunk of his elephant carrier. After this, the heav¬enly King Indra, along with the surabhi cows and all the other demigods and their mothers, worshiped Lord Krishna by bath¬ing Him with Ganges water and the milk of the surabhis.” (Krishna Book, Chap. 27)
While Madhavendra Puri was staying at Govinda Kunda a beautiful blackish boy came to him and gave him a pot of milk. Later in a dream this same boy came and told him where the Deity of Gopala was located
Getting there
This kunda is a large kunda (100m by 100m), about 400m out of the town of Aniyora. It is next to Govardhana Hill and from the paved.
Gopala Temple
This temple is next to Govinda Kunda. The worship at this temple is supervised by the Gosvamis of the Govindaji temple in Jaipur.
Indra Tila
This is where Lord Indra and mother Surabhi are said to have bathed Lord Krishna. The water from the bathing gathered in Govinda Kunda. Getting there- Indra Tila (hill) is a small hill (about 20 feet high) on the southern bank of Govinda Kunda. If you are facing Govinda Kunda and Go¬vardhana, it is in front of you, to your left. It is a little difficult to see it because of the buildings near it.
Radha Govinda Temple
The Radha Govinda Temple is located between Nipa Kunda and Govinda Kunda. The Deity of Govinda in this temple is about three and a half feet tall and is playing a flute. The Deity in this temple is said to have been originally installed by Vajranabha. Getting there- If you are standing looking at Govinda Kunda and Govard¬hana Hill, this temple is directly behind you. It is a fairly good-sized temple, with a temple tower over the Deities. Darshan times are 7 to II am and 4 to 9 pm.
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