Hari’s Hands Trembled and the Lines Became Crooked


Krishna took a brilliant necklace from the hand of Ruci-mañjarī and hung it on Rādhā’s chest.

Rādhā commented proudly,

“You have removed the sandalwood paste and bodice from My breasts. Without replacing them, why have You put on My necklace? Obviously, You do not know the art of dressing.”

Krishna replied,

“O Rādhe! Just watch what I will do! I will paint the most exquisite patterns on Your breasts that will astonish even Viśākhā and Your other sakhīs who are so proud of their artistry.”

Śyāma glanced at Śrī Rūpa-mañjarī, Rati-mañjarī, Līlā-mañjarī and other seva dāsīs and they immediately gave Him the ingredients in their hands. As soon as Krishna started painting Rādhā’s breasts, Cupid pierced Him with five arrows[1].

Hari’s hands trembled and the lines became crooked. To erase His mistakes, Krishna rubbed His chest against Rādhā’s breasts. In effect, Krishna cleverly lit the fire of Rādhā’s desire in order to burn the kindling of Her forbearance to ashes.

Kāmadeva[2] did not appreciate Krishna’s decorative efforts so he exerted his invincible influence. By rubbing Their bodies together, Kāmadeva happily ornamented the two lovers with artistic designs, erasing some, creating new ones and breaking others to pieces. The mañjarīs, with fully blossomed lotus eyes, fulfilled their long cherished desire to witness the amorous pastimes of the Divine Couple. Satisfied, they all made excuses to leave the kuñja so that Rādhā-Mādhava could enjoy again[3].

Rādhā-Mādhava, succumbing to the sway of rapture, dispersed a wonderful radiance in all directions by kissing and embracing each other with Their creeper-like arms. They concluded Their divine sports, and slept a little more as Their listless bodies collapsed on the crumpled flower bed. Alas! At dawn, the bed and sleep became depressed over their inevitable separation from Rādhā-Govinda. How could they possibly give Them up? Nevertheless, the parrots and other birds recited poetry to separate the Divine Couple[1].

[1] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.41-42

[1] Infatuation, intoxication, emaciation, burning, paralysis

[2] Cupid

[3] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 2.25-33


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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