Syamananda Sataka (verses 26-30)
These 101 slokas in honor of Syamananda Prabhu were written by Sri Rasikananda.
praudha-priti-mayaih payobhir
atala-sparso ‘nukampa-kshama-
tatini-srenibhir alingitah
syamananda-maharnavo disatu
nah purno mano-dohadam
He is an Eternal Nectar Ocean of Spiritual Love.
May the fathomless ocean of Sri Syamananda, an ocean filled with the milk of spiritual love, an ocean filled with waves of mercy, tolerance, a father’s love for his disciples and the people in general, a son’s love for his spiritual master and grand spiritual master, sweet words, and a host of virtues, an ocean embraced by flowing rivers of modesty, glory, expert intelligence, and a host of other virtues, fulfill the yearnings of my heart.
radhaya dayitam sakhim bhagavatah
krishnasya nitya-priyam
kancit prema-rasatmikam
vraja-vadhu-yuthagrimam mohinim
rasollasa-vilasinim rati-kala-
vaicitrya-simam navam
premananda-vinodinim rasavatim
I worship Sri Syamananda who, concealing his original form as Srimati Radharani’s dear gopi friend, a gopi eternally dear to Lord Krishna, a gopi whose heart is filled with the nectar of spiritual love, a charming leader of many vraja-gopis, a gopi glorious in the rasa-dance pastime, a gopi who stays at the highest limit of wonderful skill in transcendental amorous pastimes, a young playful gopi filled with the bliss of spiritual love, a gopi sweet like nectar, a gopi like a flowing river of playful amorous pastimes[1]…
vrindaranya-vane yami-tata-
bhuvi srimat-kadambatavi-
madhye kalpa-taros tale
sumanasam renutkarair dusare
su-vimale gopangana-mandale
kula-pateh sri-yoga-pithopari
… a gopi who stays at Lord Krishna’s side in the midst of many gopis under a kalpa-vriksa tree in a transcendental place glorious with sumana-flower[2] pollen, a place paved with a mosaic of cintamani jewels, a glorious place in a beautiful kadamba[3] forest of Vrindavana by the Yamuna’s bank,…
… a gopi with wonderful beauty glistening with the sweetness of newly blossomed youth, a gopi like a flowering vine that attracts the wild black bumblebee that is the gopa prince Sri Krishna, a gopi like a crest of flowers in the hair of the all wonderfully beautiful girls, a gopi like a festival of newer and newer wonderful nectar pastimes,…
pranesasya rasojjvalam nava-
navam rasotsavam tanvatim
. . a gopi who, pretending arrogant indifference, flirts with Lord Krishna, a gopi who enjoys newer and newer nectar rasa-dance festivals with Lord Krishna, a gopi who, feigning contempt, gloriously flirts with Lord Krishna, a splendidly beautiful fortunate gopi who plays in the waves of many pastimes with Lord Krishna,…
[1] The gist of the last sentences are: “I worship Sri Syamananda who, concealing his original form as a gopi (a gopi described here in Texts 27-48), a gopi who, playing the vina, inspired Radha and Krishna (who are described in Texts 49-53) to dance, was sent (Text 54) to the material world by her beloved compassionate to the fallen souls in the material world, and who, playing the part of a human being as an actor plays a part on a stage, caused the people of the world to fall in love with the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, the master of the gopis. I worship him, Sri Syamananda, who is full of nectar, who is the abode of love for Lord Krishna, and who is compassion personified.” We know the Gopi name of Syamananda Prabhu in the spiritual world, which is Kanaka Manjari.
[2] According to some, the sumana flower is a type of jasmin.
[3] Sri Krishna performed many of his divine acts (lilas) in Vrindavana under the canopy of Kadamba trees.
This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.
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