I Am Always Busy Serving You

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Experiencing intense feelings of separation, the moment they look at Krishna the gopis scold the creator for their eyelids. The following statement, taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.39), describes the state of the gopis as they meet Krishna in Kuruksetra:

gopyas ca krishnam upalabhya cirad abhistam

yat-praksane drsisu paksma-krtam sapanti

drgbhir hrdi-krtam alam parirabhya sarvas

tad-bhavam apur api nitya-yujam durapam (20)

As they stared at their beloved, Krishna, the young gopis blamed him who had created their eyelids (which prevented them from seeing Krishna for a moment). Then, seeing Krishna again after a long separation, they brought Him into their hearts with their eyes and there they embraced Him with full satisfaction. Thus, the gopis became totally engrossed in ecstatic meditation on Him, a meditation so profound that it was difficult to achieve even for those who constantly practice mystical yoga.

The gopis’ longing to have Krishna in their home (heart) is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.48) with these words:


ahus ca te nalina-nabha padaravindam

yogesvarair hrdi vicintyam agadha-bodhaih


geham jusam api manasy udiyat sada nah

Dear Lord who has a navel like the lotus flower, Your lotus feet are the only refuge of those who have fallen into the deep well of material existence. Your feet are worshiped and are the object of meditation for great mystical yogis and learned philosophers. We want these lotus feet to be awakened in our hearts as well, although we are just ordinary people engaged in household chores.

Oh Krishna! We are shepherdesses. We are not yogis; we are not even materialists. We dedicate all our activities to You. Our hearts are no different from Vrndavana, so please keep Your lotus feet there and grant our wish.

Krishna’s loving conversation with the gopis in Kuruksetra is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.40):

bhagavams tas tatha-bhuta

vivikta upasangatah

aslisyanamayam prtva

prahasann idam abravit

The Supreme Lord approached the gopis in a lonely place, at a time when they were enraptured by ecstasy. After hugging them one by one and asking them if they were okay, He laughed and spoke as follows.

Seeing the love between Krishna and the gopis, the spouses of the Lord of Dvaraka are amazed.

In Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.44) Krishna says that the affection that living entities have for Him is always a good omen and thanks to this affection they eventually reach Him.

mayi bhaktir hi bhutanam

amrtatvaya kalpate

distya yad asin mat-sneho

bhavatinam mad-apanah

Doing devotional service to Me qualifies any living entity to eternal life. But thanks to your good fortune you have developed a special loving attitude towards Me, through which you have had Me. This prema-bhakti that you feel for Me is the supreme nectar. Under the control of this love, I am always busy serving you.


The following is an introduction to pradosa-lila (the late evening pastimes) from Govinda-lilamrta:

radham saliganantam asitasitanisa-yogya-vesam pradose

dutya vrnda-padesadabhisrta-yamuna-tira-kalpaga-kunjam

krishnam gopaih sabhayam vihita-guni kalalokanam snigdha matra

yatnadaniya samsayitam atha nibhrtam prapta-kunjam smarami

I remember Sri Radha in the late evening. To please Krishna, She dresses in clothes suitable for the dark fortnight and the lighted fortnight (i.e., She wears dark clothes on the new moon day and light clothes on the full moon day). Following Vrnda’s advice, She takes refuge in an isolated arbor on the banks of the Yamuna in the company of Her messenger sakhi.

I also remember Krishna sitting with the little shepherds watching their exploits. His loving mother, Yasoda, takes Him home and tries to put Him to bed. Remembering Radha’s company, He after a while silently slips out of bed to go to the arbor in the forest.

I remember Radha and Krishna engaged in this pastime.


Thus ends the Saptama-yama Sadhana of Sri Bhajana-rahasya.


This is a section of the book “Bhajana Rahasya”, by Bhaktivinode Thakura.

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