I Must Have Committed an Offense By Not Showing Someone Proper Respect

Srila Rupa Goswami’s Samadhi Mandir at Sri Sri Radha Damodara Mandir in Vrindavan

Rupa Gosvami disturbed in his meditation

While associating with devotees always be careful not to create any ill feelings in their hearts. By doing that you’ll experiment many impediments in your path.

In this regard I will describe one incident.


One day in Vrindavana Rupa Gosvami was thinking in happy mood and saw Radharani being dressed by the Sakhis. Krishna was hiding behind Radharani, who was unaware of Krishna’s presence. But the Sakhis knew and were anxious to disclose the fact to Radha.

After finishing nicely decorating Radharani’s hair, they put a mirror in front of Her. As Radharani looked in the mirror Her beautiful face, She also saw the moon-like face of Krishna in the mirror.

Radharani, feeling embarassed and somewhat perplexed, immediately covered herself with a cloth. The Sakhis started laughing and Rupa Gosvami also joined them in laughter.


At that time one Vaisnava arrived there in great eagerness to see Rupa Gosvami. Seeing Rupa Gosvami laugh, he thought he was laughing at him and felt offended and sorry. Without saying anything he left and went to visit Sanatana.

He said:

“I went to see Rupa Gosvami but he laughed at me. Being distressed in my mind I did not say anything but now I am here to enquire from you.”

Sanatana explained to the Vaisnava the reason behind Rupa’s laughter. Hearing the explanation, the Vaisnava felt repentant. He lamented:

“Why did I offend him thinking he was laughing at me”?

Thinking in this way the Vaisnava was disturbed. Sanatana however pacified him.


Meanwhile Rupa Gosvami, who was previously meditating on Radha Krishna Lila, suddenly lost his feeling of ecstasies and felt sad. He immediately understood that this can happen if you disrespect a Vaisnava. He looked around but did not see anybody.

He thought:

“I must have committed an offence by not showing someone proper respect.”

Thinking like this he went to see Sanatana.


Seeing Rupa Gosvami coming, the Vaisnava went ahead to greet him and offered his obeisances falling on the ground. With great humility he said:

“I have committed an offence therefore please forgive me. A short time ago I came to visit you and without understanding that you were were in deep meditation I felt offended. Then I came here to Sanatana who mercifully cleared my doubts. Now if you kindly show your mercy to me my mind will be pacified.”

Hearing these words Rupa Gosvami felt grief stricken and with folded hands fell to the ground offering obeisances.

“I cannot understand how much I offended you. Please you forgive me.”

In this way, with humility and devotion, they forgave each other and thus became pacified. So they discussed topics of Krishna for a long time.


When everyone heard about this incident they were struck with wonder.


My dear brothers, be very careful with the Vaisnavas, beg their forgiveness for any offence with your heart and soul. Be careful not to find faults with the Vaisnava and always chant their glories. Great Acaryas have said that even they cannot understand the behavior of a Vaisnava.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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