Syamananda Sataka (verses 6-10)
These 101 slokas in honor of Syamananda Prabhu were written by Sri Rasikananda.
santa brahma-rasamburasim
iha yam jananti subhrasaya
yam su-prema-rasojjvalas ca
parama-premaspadam kovidah
maya-mohita-manasas ca
yam ami ajna janah prakritam
tam vande misha-manushakritim
ajam sri-durika-garbha-jam
I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syamananda, who although he is unborn, pretends to be a human being born from Sri Durika’s womb[1]. The pure-hearted devotees in santa-rasa think he is plunged in an ocean of the nectar happiness of Brahman. The expert devotes glistening with devotional love know he is the great abode of devotional love. The fools, their hearts bewildered by maya think him an ordinary human being.
vikrantair vikalam vilokya
parito gam karshna-senavritah
asil locana-gocaro ‘tra kripaya
yah prema-sastranvitas
tam vande kali-kalmashaugha-
dalanam karshnim jagan-mangalam
I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syamananda, the auspiciousness of the worlds. Seeing the frightened earth overrun by millions of powerful armies of atheists, sinners, Saivas[2], Saktas[3], and great demon kings, Syamananda came before our eyes. Surrounded by armies of Krishna devotees, and bearing the weapons of the devotional scriptures, he mercifully slashed into pieces the flood of sins that had covered the people in Kali-yuga[4].
balavac chardula-vikriditam
yan-namna kali-kala-sanga-
valitam stambham yayau tat-kshanat
tam karshnim pranamami murtimad
idam tejo maha-bhi-bhayam
I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syamananda. He is great power personified. He frightened Yamaraja himself[5]. His name alone stuns Maya’s Kali-yuga forest, a forest where wild passions roam, a forest that is the playground of the fearsome tigers of repeated birth and death.
dashtam kala-kubhogina
nipatitam samsara-kupe kalau
samslishtam vishayandhakara-
vidrisam yam prekshya lokam grihi
dattva svanghry-avalamba-bhakty-
agada-rat-premanjanany uddharet
samseve vyasanardanam tri-jagatas
tam krishna-sunum prabhum
I serve Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syama-nanda. He is my master. He relieved the sufferings of the three worlds. Seeing the people in Kali-yuga bitten by the black snake of time, fallen into the well of repeated birth and death, and blinded by the darkness of material pleasures, with his feet he mercifully gave the king of medicines, the medicine of pure devotional service performed with sincere love. He cured the people and delivered them.
dagdhah phalgu-viraktito ‘rasa-
hridas cadhyatmika-jnanato
vyasaktah kila haituka dridha-
jaran-mimamsakas tapasah
anye ye kathinas ca te yad-
krishnananda-sutam nato ‘smi
tam aham lila-rasambhonidhim
I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda’s son, Sri Syamananda. Because of his preaching the pretending renunciates, who have no nectar in their hearts, the renounced philosophers filled with impersonal ideas, the speculative thinkers who follow the vaisesika and nyaya theories, the followers of Karma-mimamsa[6], the ascetics, and all other followers of hard-hearted philosophies have now become devotees melting with pure love for Lord Krishna.
[1] Here Rasikananda is saying that Syamananda Prabhu descends in this material world and doesn’t take birth as a common man.
[2] Worshippers of Lord Siva.
[3] Worshippers of Goddess Parvati, Kali or others.
[4] The age of degradation.
[5] Yamaraja is the lord of death and of justice, being responsible for the dispensation of law and punishment of sinners in his abode, Yamaloka. A pure Vaisnava like Syamananda can vanquish any Deva, like Yamaraja.
[6] Karma-mimamsa philosophy is also called Purva-mimansa, examination of the antecedent, a system propounded by Jaimini, which is concerned with the ritualistic portion (karma kanda) of the Vedas, as seen in the mantra portion of the Samhita as well as in the Brahmanas. According to this theory, everything is regulated by the law of actions and reactions.
This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.
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