If people wants to criticise me they can do it as much as they like


If people wants to criticise me they can do it as much as they like.

I do not care.

I may become the poorest of the poor, barely able to make out a living for my family.

What is that to me?

I may become supremely unfortunate, and all calamities may befall me.

What importance is that to me?

I may become able to engage in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Even that is not of any great significance.

I have simply taken a vow to always patiently remain in Vrindavana-dhama.

I think that this by itself will bring the fulfillment of all my spiritual desires.



Vrindavana Mahimamrita 1.63, by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati


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