Introduction to the Glories of the Holy Name

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Introduction to the glories of the Holy Name

Sri Nama mahatmya sucana


sri-godruma-candraya namaḥ

I bow to the Moon of Godruma[1].

Glories to Gaura-Gadadhara and the life of Jahnava[2]. Glories to Sita’s husband[3], Srivasa and all devotees.

On the shore of the saltwater ocean, in a beautiful temple in Nilacala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead descended in the form of daru-brahma[4] for the purpose of liberating the Jivas[5]. He gives material joy and liberation.

In this dhama[6], the Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya appeared in the form of a sannyasi to bless humanity and, while residing in the house of Kasi Misra, taught the yuga-dharma of the age of Kali.

Along with his intimate companions, he became like the wish-fulfilling tree[7] and gave Krishna-prema to everyone[8]. He listened with great pleasure to topics relating to bhakti from the mouths of various devotees[9] and taught them to the Jiva with great care.

One day, after bathing in the ocean, the Lord met Hari Dasa at Sri Siddha Bakula. Feeling great bliss, Mahaprabhu sincerely asked:

“How can the Jiva achieve liberation in the easiest way possible?”

Grasping the Lord’s feet with great humility, his eyes moist and his body hair standing on end, the generous Hari Dasa cried intensely and then said:

“O Prabhu, Your pastimes are extremely profound.

I have nothing! I don’t have a wealth of knowledge. Your feet are my only treasure. Tell me, O Prabhu[10]: if you ask this question to such an unfit person, what will be the result?

O Prabhu, You are directly Krishna Himself. O Great Person, You have come down to Navadvipa to liberate the Jivas. Please be merciful. Please be kind. O Gaura Raya, kindly protect me! Make bliss bloom in my heart.

Your Names are unlimited. Your many qualities are boundless. Your form is an ocean of bliss. Your pastimes are endless. Please show Your mercy and allow this wretch to taste them.

You are the transcendental sun, and I am but a particle of light. You are the Master and I am an eternal servant. The nectar of your feet is my blessed wealth. I desire only the nectar of Your Names.

I am very fallen. How will I know what to say, O Lord? But I must accept Your order. Whatever words You speak through my mouth, I will tell You with joy. I will not consider whether they are right or wrong[11].”


[1] Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

[2] Nityananda Prabhu.

[3] Advaita Acarya.

[4] A Deity made of wood, Sri Jagannatha Swami.

[5] We, the spiritual souls imprisoned inside a material body.

[6] Spiritual place.

[7] In the spiritual world there is a type of tree called Kalpa Vriksha. If one makes a wish while passing under it, one has all one’s wishes fulfilled.

[8] Prema means pure love, of a transcendental nature. Krishna-prema is pure love for Krishna.

[9] From the mouth of Sri Ramananda Raya came rasa-katha (discussions on rasa); from the mouth of Sri Sarvabhauma, the subject of liberation (mukti-tattva) manifested itself; from the mouth of Sri Rupa came rasa-vicara (deliberations on rasa), and from the mouth of Sri Hari Dasa, sri-nama-mahatmya (the glories of the Holy Name).

[10] Lord.

[11] Sri Haridasa Thakura establishes here some important points of bhakti: the mental attitude of humility which is the basis for receiving Krishna’s mercy. If He then commands, one must act even if one does not feel qualified.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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