It Goes Along With the Devotee as if Following Him

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Jagannatha Puri in 1890s

A Pure Devotee’s Fame – Jagannatha Puri

And walking and walking he finally reached Jagannath Puri. And when he approached Jaggannath Puri he was overwhelmed with great ecstasy of love of God. He sometimes stood up and sometimes fell to the ground. Sometimes he laughed, danced and sang. In this way he enjoyed transcendental bliss by seeing the Jagannath deity. When Madhavendra Puri came to Jaggannath Puri all the people around were aware of his reputation. In fact everywhere he went on the way to Jaggannath Puri, every town and every village before he arrived, his reputation was already understood by everyone and they all greeted him and celebrated him. He did not like this. So he was always going from one place to another. It is explained by Krishnadas Kaviraj Gosvami that even though one may not like it reputation is ordained by providence. Indeed ones transcendental reputation is known throughout the entire world. Being afraid of his reputation Madhavendra Puri fled from Remuna. But the reputation brought by love of Godhead is so sublime that it goes along with the devotee as if following him.

Madhavendra Puri wanted to leave Jaggannath Puri because the people were honoring him as such a great devotee. However, this threatened his service.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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