Jala Kridatikusala Sva Malali, the song


Srila Sanatana Goswami

Song Name: Jala Kridatikusala Sva Malali

Author: Sanatana Gosvami

Book Name: Krishna Lila Stava

Language: Sanskrit




jala-krīḍātikuśala sva-mālāli-kulāvṛta

sahāsa-gopikā-vrāta-sicyamāna namo’stu te



yamunā-jala-līnāńga kālindī-keli-lolita

yamunā-tīra-sañcārin kṛṣṇā-kuñja-rati-priya



jaya śrī-rādhikāsakta jaya candrāvalī-rata

padmāsya-padma-pānāle lalitāpāńga-lālita



viśākhārtha-viśeṣārthin śyāmalā-rati-nirmala

bhadrā-bhadra-rasādhīna dhanyā-prāṇa-dhaneśvāra




gopī-lampaṭa he gopī-stana-kuńkuma-maṇḍita




O Lord Krishna, ornamented with a great multitude of garlands, You gracefully performed pastimes in the water with the smiling gopis, who laughed as they splashed You with water.

O Lord, I offer respectful obeisances unto You.


2) O Lord Krishna, You performed pastimes, swimming about in the waters of the Yamuna river.

Emerging from the water, You walked along the shore, very attached to performing conjugal pastimes in the groves there.


3) O Lord Krishna, all glories unto You.

You are greatly attached to Srimati Radharani, and You engage in amorous pastimes with Candravali gopi.

You continually drink the nectar from the lotus flower which is the face of Padma-gopi, and You have become very playful, inspired by the side-long glances of Lalita-gopi.


4) O Lord Krishna, You try to fulfill all the wishes of Visakha-gopi and You appear very splendid, shining with the amorous love of Syamala-gopi.

You are subservient to the nectarean and auspicious love which Bhadra-gopi bears for You, and You are the master of the great treasure which is the life of Dhanya-gopi.


5) O Lord Krishna, You continually perform pastimes with the wives of those who have taken birth as cowherd men.

You are the debauchee with the kunkuma powder from the gopi’s breasts.



This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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