After Svamini has been fully dressed and ornamented She goes to Krishna’s abode Nandisvara to cook for Krishna, but first She will offer oblations to the Sungod, Her father’s worshipable deity, on a platform made of sun-stones.
She does not desire any material benefit from the Sungod, but She simply prays for Syamasundara’s welfare and for a meeting with Him without obstacles.
Later in the afternoon, at about 3 pm, She offers a full formal worship (puja) to the Sungod.
That is described in Govinda Lilamrita (Chapter 18):
Sri Radhika comes to the town of Suryakunda (about 12 km north of Radhakunda) with Her girlfriends, while Krishna has come dressed like a priest (brahmana), named Visva Sarma Brahmacari to perform the ceremony.
His body, draped in saffron robes, shines with the resultant effulgence of celibacy!
Mother Jatila is there, so Krishna says:
“I’m a brahmacari (celibate student)! I don’t touch women! Touch this Kusa-grass while accepting Me as Your priest!”
jagan mangala krt gotram sucivit pravaram sucim
bhavantam visva sarmanam purohitataya vrne
“I accept Visva-sarma, whose dynasty (gotra) performs welfare work (mangala krt) for the world (jagat) and who is most pure (sucivit pravaram sucih), as my priest!”
(Govinda Lilamrita 18,68)
The naughty pun of this verse is:
“I accept Krishna, who bestows welfare (mangala) on the world (jagat) by the recitation of His holy name (gotra), who is the best (pravara) of knowers of erotic flavours (suci rasa), as My priest!”
Svamini understands all these secret jokes made by Krishna in front of Her mother-in-law.
How beautiful is Her face! Therefore She is named Sumukhi in this verse.
After She accepts Visvasarma as Her ritual priest She must recite another mantra :
sri bhasvate’tanu tamah samhantrety anuragine
purah sate’smai mitraya padmini-bandhave namah
“I offer My obeisances to the effulgent (bhasvan) Sungod (padmini bandhu is the sun, the friend of the lotus flowers) Mitra, who destroys the darkness (atanu-tama) and who has a red splendour (anuragi) at dawn and dusk.”
(Govinda Lilamrita 18,69)
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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