- Bhrngara and Bhangura, who had been Krishna’s servants in Vrindavana, later appeared as Kasisvara and Govinda, the servants of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
- Raktaka and Patraka, who had been Krishna’s servants in Vrindavana, later appeared as Haridasa and Brhacchisu, two servants of Lord Caitanya.
- The two cowherdboys Payoda and Varida, who had formerly performed the nira-samskara ceremony for Lord Krishna, later appeared as Ramai and Nandai, two famous servants of Lord Caitanya.
- Madhukantha and Madhuvrata, who were singers in Vrajabhumi, later appeared as Mukunda Datta and Vasudeva Datta, two famous singers in Lord Caitanya’s kirtana party.
This is a section of the book “Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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