Maharaja Pariksit will die of a snake bite

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The wise Samika had not yet awakened from his reflections when a boy who was a friend of Sringi, his son, passed by his modest hut. Sringi, as virtuous as he was, had a terribly fiery and impulsive temperament, and could hardly control his emotions. At this point, it will be easy for you to imagine his reaction when, warned by his friend, he rushed to the place. Sringi was young, but thanks to his father’s teachings he had already developed strong mystical powers, so in meditation, he was able to reconstruct what had happened. Then, without even waiting for his father to open his eyes, he decided to avenge the insult.

“These Kshatriyas are blinded by the riches and respect the people bestow upon them,” he hissed, “and too often they forget that everything they possess is due to the blessings and wisdom that we Brahmanas lavishly give to all without expecting anything in return. This Pariksit has now passed the mark; by offending my father who was innocent, he deserves death.”

Without reflecting on the serious consequences that might result, he sanctified water and concentrated on reciting the Vedic mantras. Then in a solemn tone he said:

“Exactly in seven days, the coward who dared to outrage my father with a dead reptile garland will die of a snake bite.”

This is a section of the book “Maha-Bharata As It Is vol. 1 of 2”.
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