Meeting Srila Jiva Gosvami

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Meeting Srila Jiva Gosvami

Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami told him:

“Go meet Jiva Gosvami[1]. You’ll get much benefit from his association. This devotee, named Dasa, will accompany you.”

In Vrindavan, which is surrounded by the River Yamuna, daughter of Surya[2], Duhkhi Krishna Dasa fulfilled his strong desire to have darsana of Govinda Deva, Madana Mohana and Gopinatha[3].

Then he met the great spiritual master Jiva Gosvami. He fell prostrated at his feet like a rod[4], and Jiva Gosvami felt a thrill of joy all over his body and immediately realized that his long wait for a particularly elevated person had come to an end[5].

He also felt that in a short time the stream of the nectarean supreme love displayed by the gopis of Vraja in their spontaneous mode[6] of worship as propagated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu would flow everywhere[7].

Jiva Gosvami said:

“Who are you?”

Duhkhi Krishna Dasa introduced himself with full particulars. Then he said:

“My Gurudeva has committed me to your charge. His petition to Your Divine Grace is,

‘I am entrusting Duhkhi Krishna Dasa to your care. Please fulfill his mind’s desire and send him back to me after some time.’”

Jiva Gosvami was extremely happy to receive Duhkhi Krishna Dasa into his care. Krishna Dasa very carefully began to serve Jiva Gosvami as well as study the literatures of the Gosvamis.

When Hridaya Caitanya heard of the enthusiasm with which Duhkhi Krishna Dasa was leading the devotional life in Vraja, he wrote a letter to Jiva Gosvami.

“I instructed Duhkhi to consider you as an extension of himself[8].


[1] A very prominent spiritual master of our history. He was the son of Anupama, the younger brother of Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami.

[2] Kasyapa is the father of Surya, who had Yama and Yamuna as children. Therefore the river Yamuna is the daughter of the Sun God.

[3] These are the three main Deities of Vrindavana.

[4] This is called dandavat, literally like a rod.

[5] Of course in Vrindavana there was no lack of saintly persons, however Duhkhi Krishna Dasa was empowered for a specific mission, and Jiva Gosvami knew it.

[6] This specific level of sentiment is called ragatmika-bhakti. But this can’t be faked. To have access to this very elevated spiritual mode, one has to undergo the disciplines called sadhana-bhakti. Otherwise all the ecstasies and so on are not factual.

[7] Here it is clear what that mission was, namely to preach the message of Mahaprabhu everywhere.

[8] Jiva Gosvami was the siksa guru, or instructor, of Syamananda. According to sastra there is no difference of value between the initiating spiritual master and the instructing spiritual master.


This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.

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