News on

posted in: DB, English 2

Dear friends and devotees,
From today there is an important addition to the blog.


Now at the end of most of the articles there is the possibility to intervene, that is to ask questions or add further elements to broaden the topics covered.

We made it as easy as possible: you don’t even have to sign up.


However, we recommend that you sign up for the following reasons:

  • If someone replies to your post, you will be notified in your email.
  • You can subscribe to any article and, for anything that is added, you get notified to your email.
  • Registration is easy and free.

The messages are all moderated, i.e. before being published they are read by the moderators and approved or rejected.


They will be rejected those containing:

  • insults, rude expressions and lack of respect
  • ignite debates for the sake of going against someone or something
  • attacks on people without them agreeing to debate
  • topics that have nothing to do with the topics of the website itself
  • advertising to people and organizations with clear and exclusive proselytizing intentions
  • commercial advertisements

The case of posts, namely the main articles, is different. For those you are obliged to register.


  • Welcome to


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Thank you Dear Ivara Dasa and Manonatha Maharaja. All glories to your service of Guru and Gauranga!

This is a wonderful feature and addition to the website. Thank you Guru Maharaja, thank you Isvara Prabhu.