No dots

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Once baby Krishna was playing in the goshala.

One gopi was carrying fresh cowdung from goshala to make cakes for burning in her kitchen.

When she saw Krishna, she requested Him to keep the big pot on her head.


Krishna said,

“O Gopi! Why should I help you? You do your own job.”


The gopi said,

“I am not asking free service. If You help me I will give You a ball of butter.”


When Krishna heard about butter He agreed.

He kept the cowdung pot on her head.

She emptied the pot and came back to fetch more.

Krishna asked for the butter ball.

The gopi said,

“I will be coming more number of times and give You the balls once its all done.”


Krishna said,

“One ball for one pot! OK?”

Gopi agreed.

After few turns they started arguing.

Krishna was saying that He had lifted five pots and gopi was saying that there were only four of them.

Krishna said,

“You are cheating!!.”

The gopi said,

“OK. Lets do one thing. Every time I take out one pot I will make a dot on your face with the cowdung and once we are done we will count the number of dots on your face. I will give that many butter balls. Its a fair deal now. OK?”

Krishna agreed.

The gopi started putting one dot on His face for every turn.

She came so many times that there was no more space for putting dots.

Krishna’s whole face was covered by cowdung and the dots merged and nobody could count them.


When Krishna asked her to count and give that many number of butter balls.

Gopi said,

“There are no dots. Its just one big cowdung moon.”

Krishna said,

“You are a big cheat!! Give Me My butter balls.”

The gopi brought the whole big pot of butter and gave it Krishna.

This way Krishna who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and who is worshiped by all the devatas, who can destroy the whole creation by just lifting His eyebrow, was dancing to the tune of the gopis, who are His best devotees.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

To buy the complete book, click above


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