Notes and Thanks From the Editors

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Notes and thanks from the Editors


Sri Harinama Cintamani is a literary masterpiece by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, the father of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Gosvami Maharaja, our parama-guru[1].


Written in 1900, it describes the process of chanting the Holy Names of Krishna during a dialogue between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Hari Dasa Thakura.


In the introduction, Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that Sri Harinama Cintamani is based on rare texts that he discovered during his research.


Part of Harinama Cintamani is not easy to read for the less experienced, for whom we have included hundreds of explanations at the foot of the page, which we hope will help.


We could not have written or explained even a single line of this work without the mercy of Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our spiritual master, to whom we owe everything. And of course, we pay our sincerest dandavats to our Deities, Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga and Sri Sri Radha Krishna of Vrindavana Dhama.

I thank Isvara Dasa, Madhavendra Puri Dasa, Yamuna Devi Dasi and Govinda Dasa, without whose help this book, as well as all the others, would not have been possible.


The corrections to dubious translations and the explanations at the foot of the page are my work, Manonatha Dasa, direct disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.


We apologize for any grammatical errors you are likely to find in this book. We are neither professional writers nor editors, but devotees of Sri Sri Radha Krishna who sincerely seek to present the history and philosophy of this wonderful tradition.

We apologize again.


The first Italian version of Sri Harinama Cintamani was published in November 2023.


  • Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP)


[1] Our Guru’s Guru, Sri AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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