- Lord Siva’s friend Kuvera, the king of the Guhyakas[1], appeared in Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastimes as Kuvera Pandita, the father of Lord Advaita.
- Formerly, on Mount Kailasa, where the Siddhas and Sadhyas reside, Kuvera, who is very dear to Lord Siva, chanted the transcendental mantra containing the names of Lord Siva.
- Merciful Siva then said to Kuvera:
“Please ask for some benediction. It is My desire to give you some gift.”
Kuvera then asked for a benediction, saying,
“O my Lord, please become my son.”
- Requested in this way, Sadasiva, the master of the demigods and the best of philanthropists, said to Kuvera:
“During my next birth in the material world I shall accept the position of being your son.”
- In this way Kuvera attained a very difficult to attain benediction.
When the appropriate time arrived, by Sadasiva’s mercy, Kuvera became the father of Advaita Acarya.
[1] A class of supenatural beings. Kuvera was their leaders
This is a section of the book “Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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