Recipe: Peppers with breadcrumbs

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4 Peppers (red or yellow)

1/2 tsp asafetida (optional)

4 tablespoons of olive oil

2 tablespoons Capers (optional)

4 tablespoons breadcrumbs 

to taste salt

First of all wash the peppers thoroughly. Cut them in half and remove the white filaments. Cut them into strips.

Pour the oil into a pan and fry the asafetida.

Add the peppers and cook with the lid on for 15 minutes. Add a little water during cooking and never let all the liquid absorb.

Halfway through cooking, add the salt and capers and cook for another 15 minutes.

When the peppers are soft enough but not unmade, add the breadcrumbs, mix and  cook another two minutes; the breadcrumbs will absorb the excess liquid, giving the peppers a delicious dry appearance. Serve them cold or at room temperature, they will be even better!

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