Pradyumna Appeared as Raghunananda Thakura

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  1. The Ganges River, who was born from the lotus feet of Visnu, appeared in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes as Ganga Devi, the daughter of Lord Nityananda.

Her husband, Madhava, had formerly been Maharaja Santanu.


  1. Pradyumna, the third member of the Caturvyuha, had formerly appeared in Vrajabhumi as a priya narma sakha[1] of Radha Madhava, where he helped in Their transcendental pastimes.

That same Pradyumna appeared in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes as Raghunananda Thakura, who was non-different from both Caitanya and Advaita.

[1] Close friend


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