Rādhā, feeling slightly bewildered and fatigued from Her amorous pastimes, repeatedly tried to rise only to collapse again in slumber. She looked like a royal swan bobbing up and down in a wave- filled lake. Rati-mañjarī, seizing the opportunity for service, lovingly pressed Rādhikā’s lotus feet.
The repeated coaxing of the sakhīs helped Rādhikā rise from Her luxurious bed.
Mukharā felt suspicious upon seeing a yellow cloth covering Rādhā’s body. She said,
“O Viśākhā! Your sakhī is wearing the same bright yellow cloth that I saw Krishna wearing last night! Alas, what madness! What type of behavior is this for a girl from a righteous family?”
Viśākhā, startled by Mukharā’s words, glanced apprehensively at the yellow cloth and gasped,
“Alas! What’s this?”
She quickly said to Mukharā,
“O foolish woman! You have become blind due to old age. Can’t you see? The rays of the rising sun shining through the lattice window upon Rādhā’s golden complexion make Her blue dress appear yellow. Why are you needlessly accusing our innocent Rādhā?”
A moment later, Lalitā and the other sakhīs, weary and stumbling as they walked from their homes, arrived before Rādhikā[1].
[1] Govinda-līlāmṛta 2.43-57
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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