Radha Krishna Who Taste the Nectar of Joyful Pastimes

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Syamananda Sataka (verses 76-80)

These 101 slokas in honor of Syamananda Prabhu were written by Sri Rasikananda.



kancid visva-vimohini tanumatim

samsiddhi-vidyam navam

murtam kancana mantra-rajam


kancit kanana-devatam ghana-

rucim mugdham lagantim sriyam

kancid bhranta-nadim vadhu-

dhriti-tarim sammajjayantim balat

… Lord Krishna whose goddess of perfect transcendental knowledge charms the worlds, Lord Krishna whose king of mantras makes the gopis’ devotion to their husbands become stunned, Lord Krishna whose charming handsomeness glistening like a dark cloud rules the forests of Vraja, Lord Krishna whose handsomeness makes the boat of the gopis’ peaceful composure capsize and sink in the ocean of being overwhelmed,…


kincil loka-vilocanasya

madhurasvadam padartham param

kancic citta-mahotsavam rasamayim

kancit pasasyam kalam

govindam madhuraih smitair

upadisaty ananda-murtim janan

yah premna karuno vivardhayatu

nah krishne ratim ko ‘pi sah

… Lord Krishna whose graceful form charms the eyes of all the worlds, Lord Krishna who is a festival of joy for the heart, Lord Krishna whose artistic skill is glorious and sublime, may that Sri Syamananda increase our love for Lord Krishna.


atha syamananda-kala-nidhih kalindya

upakulato nava-nave samphulla-vasantika-

kunje manjuni vibhramad-



talpe nivishtau sukham

vyamugdhau rati-vibhramai

rasa-cala-svantau kala-kovidau

An Ocean of Artistic Skill.

May Sri Syamananda, who meditates on Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna who on the Yamuna’s bank in a grove of blossoming vasanti vines, a grove filled with playful buzzing bees, lay down on a couch of kankelli flowers and, nectar in Their hearts, enjoy many amorous pastimes,




lavanyotka-rasa-ghanau nava-


madhurya-prakarancitau smara-


pasyantau nayanotsavam nava-

navam pratyanga-bhangim mithah

… Sri Sri Radha Krishna who are glorious with the splendor of youth, who are filled with the beauty and handsomeness of youth, who are two monsoon clouds of the nectar of handsomeness and beauty, Radha Krishna who taste the nectar of joyful pastimes, Radha Krishna who, gazing at each other’s limbs, give a festival of bliss to each other’s eyes,…


gauri-syamalakau nave mridutare

cine rase vallabhe


hare pattambare bibhratau


vapushau lilamritabhodharav

asrantabhinavau svayam suci-

rasau sri-sagarau nagarau

… Radha Krishna who wear soft silk garments splendid like gold and like blue lotus flowers, Radha Krishna whose limbs are anointed with kunkuma and musk, Radha Krishna who are two flooding oceans of the nectar of transcendental pastimes, Radha Krishna who are eternally new and fresh, are filled with the purest nectar, are two oceans of transcendental beauty and handsomeness, and are the best of lovers,…


This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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