Radharani Refused to Join Krishna On the Swing


Radha and Krishna on the swing

In the courtyard of the Braja Mohan Temple is the Imli Tala tree, near the place where Rupa Gosvami sat.

The original tree is no longer present here.

There is an interesting pastime of Radha and Krishna that took place here that was personally witnessed by Rupa Gosvami.


One day Rupa Gosvami sat down near a large tamarind tree to perform his bhajana.

After a while, he happened to look up at the tree and saw a beautiful swing hanging from one of the branches.

The swing was done in such a way that two people were able to sit facing each other.

In an instant, Radha and Krishna arrived there, suddenly together with all of their sakhis and manjari.

Then Krishna got on the swing and invited Radharani to join him. At first Radharani refused to join Krishna on the swing, because He always makes the swing go too high, which scares her.

Krishna again asked Radharani to sit on the swing but again she refused.

Krishna pleaded with Radharani and this time he promised her not to swing too high.

The sakhis and manjari also asked Radharani to take a seat on the swing, promising that they would make sure that the swing didn’t go too high, pushing it themselves.

Having received the request from all of them, Radharani softened and joined Krishna on the swing.

Then the sakhis and manjari began to gently push the swing back and forth and Radharani began to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the Radha Kunda.

When Krishna saw that Radharani was relaxing, with much dexterity, he began to move his legs to make the swing go a little higher.

Before the sakhis and manjari could realize what was going on, the swing was going so high that it was above their heads.

Radharani was very frightened when she saw that the swing was going so high and pleaded with Krishna to stop the swing and get her off. Krishna simply laughed at Radharani’s request and made the swing go even higher.

Suddenly the swing was so high that it seemed to go all the way around.

Feeling suddenly very frightened, Radharani screamed loudly and jumped into Krishna’s arms, clinging to Him very firmly.

Krishna felt very happy to see Radharani embracing him so tightly and, finding himself in such an ecstatic mood, he made the swing go so high that it went over the top, making a complete circle, to the amazement of all sakhi and manjari, who spontaneously began to sing the glories of Radha and Krishna.

After witnessing this wonderful pastime, Rupa Gosvami, due to intense ecstasy, fell to the ground unconscious.

When he regained consciousness, he saw that Radha and Krishna were gone, but the swing was still hanging there on the tree.

With amazement he saw that the branches of the tree had completely twisted, due to the strength of the swing.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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