Radharani ‘s Appearence in Goloka
In Goloka Vrndavana there is a place call the rasa-mandala. On one side of the rasa-mandala there is a mountain called Satasrnga. This mountain appeared in Bhuloka as Govardhana. In Vrndavana there are nice gardens of Malati and Malika flowers. The lord of the universe, by whose mere desire everything happens, was sitting in that garden on a beautiful ratna-simhasana. He has the desire to enjoy, and as soon as this desire came to his mind, immediately from his left side appeared a very beautiful Devi.
She was decorated with valuable jewels and wore cloth purified by fire. She was dazzling like million of moon, her body the color of molten gold. She was illuminating everything with her radiance. When she smiled her teeth were very attractive. Her face defeated the beauty of the lotus flowers in autumns. She was wearing a flower garland of malati and a diamond necklace. Her bodily effulgence was brilliant like the sun in the summer season. She was sitting next to Krsna on the ratna-simhasana.
Thus, the lord appeared in two forms. From the left side of his body appeared Srimati Radharani, and right side of his body appeared Sri Krsna. When lord Sri Krsna saw Radhika, he wanted to enjoy with her. Knowing this, her form became even more beautiful. Immediately she ran to pick flowers to offer to the lotus feet of Sri Hari.
Because she appeared in the rasa-mandala and immediately ran to serve the lord by picking flowers, she is known as “Radha;” “ra” represents the rasa-mandala, and “dha” represents dhavamana, running.
Because she appeared in the rasa -mandala and was running (dhavamana) to the lord when She saw Him very enthusiastic to enjoy (ramana), her name is Radha.
Regarding the appearance of two forms from one original form of the lord, it is started in Narada-Pancaratra (2.3.21),
Dvibhujah so ‘pi goloke.
Babrama rasa-mandale.
The two-handed form of Parabrahman in the form of a young cowherd boy whose bodily color was like new clouds, was wandering in rasa-mandala in Goloka Dhama.
Only one form of isvara divided into two forms: One part appeared as a female form known as Visnu-maya, or the internal potency of Krsna; the other part remained as Himself, Vibhu-Purusa, or the male form.
He is independent and act according to his own will. Everything happens as soon as He desires.
He has a blue bodily effulgent. He is Saguna (Having transcendental qualities) and Nirguna (Without material qualities).
There is no difference between Radha and Krsna. Krsna serve Radha and Radha serve Sri Krsna. Krsna is energetic and Radha is energy.
Radha-purna-sakti, Krsna-purna-saktiman
Dui vastu bheda nai, sastra paramana
By this it has been explained that Radha and Krsna are one in truth. Radha is constitutionally the energy of Krsna. She is His Svarupa-sakti or natural energy, just as heat is the natural energy of fire. One cannot separate heat from fire. In the same way one cannot separate Radha from Krsna. Energy and the energetic together is one object. There is not difference between them. In the same way Sr Sri Radha -Krsna is one and non-different truth.
Parabrahman Krsna is rasa-svarupa, made of rasa, and he desire to enjoy rasa also.
Sruti says: sa kamayate, He desires. But ekaki sa na ramate: He cannot enjoy along.
To enjoy through the exchange of mellows there has to be more than one. That is why, even if he is one, He has manifested in many forms from since time immemorial. (From Srimati Radharani’s book of Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaj)
Jay Jay Sri Raheeeeeee.
Hare Krsna
Aparición de Radharani en Goloka
En Goloka Vrndavana hay un lugar llamado rasa-mandala. A un lado del rasa-mandala hay una montaña llamada Satasrnga. Esta montaña apareció en Bhuloka como Govardhana. En Vrndavana hay bonitos jardines de flores Malati y Malika. El señor del universo, por cuyo mero deseo todo sucede, estaba sentado en ese jardín en un hermoso ratna-simhasana. Tiene el deseo de disfrutar, y tan pronto como este deseo vino a su mente, inmediatamente de su lado izquierdo apareció una Devi muy hermosa.
Estaba decorada con valiosas joyas y vestía ropa purificada al fuego. Deslumbraba como un millón de luna, su cuerpo del color del oro fundido. Ella estaba iluminando todo con su resplandor. Cuando sonrió, sus dientes eran muy atractivos. Su rostro derrotaba la belleza de las flores de loto en otoño. Llevaba una guirnalda de flores de malati y un collar de diamantes. Su refulgencia corporal era brillante como el sol en la temporada de verano. Ella estaba sentada junto a Krsna en el ratna-simhasana.
Por lo tanto, el señor apareció en dos formas. Desde el lado izquierdo de su cuerpo apareció Srimati Radharani, y el lado derecho de su cuerpo apareció Sri Krsna.
Cuando el señor Sri Krsna vio a Radhika, quiso disfrutar con ella. Sabiendo esto, su forma se volvió aún más hermosa. Inmediatamente corrió a recoger flores para ofrecer a los pies de loto de Sri Hari.
Debido a que apareció en el rasa-mandala e inmediatamente corrió a servir al señor recogiendo flores, se la conoce como “Radha”; “Ra” representa el rasa-mandala y “dha” representa dhavamana, correr.
Debido a que ella apareció en el rasa-mandala y estaba corriendo (dhavamana) hacia el señor cuando lo vio con mucho entusiasmo por disfrutar (ramana), su nombre es Radha.
Con respecto a la aparición de dos formas de una forma original del señor, empieza en el Narada-Pancaratra (2.3.21),
Dvibhujah so ‘pi goloke.
Babrama rasa-mandale.
La forma de dos manos de Parabrahman en la forma de un joven pastor de vacas cuyo color corporal era como nubes nuevas, vagaba en rasa-mandala en Goloka Dhama.
Sólo una forma de isvara se dividió en dos formas: una parte apareció como una forma femenina conocida como Visnu-maya, o la potencia interna de Krsna; la otra parte permaneció como Él mismo, Vibhu-Purusa o la forma masculina.
Él es independiente y actúa según su propia voluntad. Todo sucede tan pronto como Él lo desea. Tiene un cuerpo azul refulgente. Él es Saguna (Tiene cualidades trascendentales) y Nirguna (Sin cualidades materiales).
No hay diferencia entre Radha y Krsna. Krsna sirve a Radha y Radha sirve a Sri Krsna. Krsna es el enérgico y Radha es la energía.
Radha-purna-sakti, Krsna-purna-saktiman
Dui vastu bheda nai, sastra paramana
Con esto se ha explicado que Radha y Krsna son uno en verdad. Radha es constitucionalmente la energía de Krsna. Ella es Su Svarupa-sakti o energía natural, así como el calor es la energía natural del fuego. No se puede separar el calor del fuego. De la misma manera, no se puede separar a Radha de Krsna. La energía y el energético juntos es un objeto. No hay diferencia entre ellos. De la misma manera, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna es una verdad única y no diferente.
Parabrahman Krsna es rasa-svarupa, hecho de rasa, y también desea disfrutar del rasa.
El Sruti dice: sa kamayate, Él desea. Pero ekaki sa na ramate: No puede disfrutar solo.
Para disfrutar mediante el intercambio de melosidades tiene que haber más de uno. Por eso, aunque sea uno, se ha manifestado de muchas formas desde tiempos inmemoriales. (Del libro de Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaj de Srimati Radharani)
Jay Jay Sri Raheeeeeee.
Hare Krsna.
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