Lord Narasimha with Senchu Lakshmi Thayar in Ahobilam
sulabho bhakti yuktānāṁ durdarśo duṣṭa cetasāṁ |
ananya gatikānām ca prabhu bhaktaika-vatsalaḥ
śanaiścara tatra nṛsiṁha-deva cakārāmala-citta-vṛtiḥ |
praṇamya ṣaṣṭāṅgam aśeśa-loka kirīta nīrājita pāda-padmam || 1 |
Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva is easily accessible to the devotees and punishes those who are evil-minded. He is the saviour for those who are helpless who desire to seek refuge in Him. When the demigods of innumerable planets bow down to His lotus feet, the bright jewels from their crowns are reflected on His toenails which gives the impression that lamps are being waved in front of them. Unto His lotus feet, Śanideva prostrated and prayed (in the court of Brahmā).
śrī śanir-uvāca –
yat pāda-pankaja-raja paramādharena
saṁsevitam sakala kalmaśa rāśī-nāśam |
kalyāṇa kārakam aśeṣanijānugānam |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||2||
Śrī Śani said – By the mercy of the dust of Your lotus feet which destroy a multitude of sins, grant infinite auspiciousness to Your devotee who always worships Your lotus feet with devotion. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
sarvatra cancalatayā sthitayāpi lakṣmyāḥ |
brahmādi-vandya-padayā stirayānya sevi ||
pādāravinda-yugalaṁ paramā-dharena |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā valokam||3||
Your lotus feet are worshipped by Goddess Lakṣmī, even though She is fickle by nature (cancala) and by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva whose feet are worthy of worship with devotion. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yad rūpam āgama-śiraḥ pratipādhyamādhya |
ādhyātmikādi paritāpa haram vicintyam ||
yogīśvarair apathagākhila doṣa saṅghaiḥ |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||4||
By contemplating or meditating upon Your appearance, which is expounded in the Vedas extensively, the best of the saints are liberated from the three-fold miseries and from all misfortunes. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
prahlāda bhakta vacasā harir āvirāsa |
stambhe hiraṇyakaśipuṁ ya udhārabhāvaḥ ||
urvau nidhāya udharam nakhārai dadhāra |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||5||
By the word of His devotee named Prahlāda, Lord Hari, who is generous and kind, appeared from a pillar and by placing Hiraṇyakaśipu on His thighs split open his stomach with His nails. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yo naija bhaktaṁ analāmbudhi bhūdharogra |
śṛṇga-prapāta viśa dhamti sarīsupebhyaḥ |
sarvātmakaḥ parama-kāruṇiko rarakṣa |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||6||
You protected your own devotee Prahlāda from a raging fire, the deep ocean, from falling from a tall mountain peak, poison, a mad elephant and the fangs of poisonous serpents. You are omnipresent and supremely generous. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yannirvikāra para-rūpa vicintanena |
yogīśvarā viśaya sāgara vīta rāgāḥ ||
viśrāmtim āpura-vināśa vatīṁ parākhyāṁ |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||7||
By meditating upon He whose great form is devoid of imperfections, the best of the saints attained liberation from the ocean of materialistic attachments and obtained unmitigated salvation. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yad rūpam-ugra parimardana bhāva śāli |
saṁcintanena sakalāgha vināśa kāri |
bhūta jvara graha samudbhava bhīti nāśam |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||8||
By meditating upon He whose form is fearsome, all peace, happiness and prosperity can be obtained, all sins can be obliterated, the fear arising from evil spirits, fevers and unfavorable planetary positions can be removed, O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yasyottamaṁ yaśa umā-patim padma-janma |
śakrādi daivata sabhāsu samasta-gītam ||
śaktaiva sarvaśa-mala praśamaika dakṣam |
sa tvam nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpā-valokam ||9||
Your transcendental fame is sung gloriously in all the divine assemblies of Śiva, Brahmā and Indra etc. and whose power is steadfast in wiping out all impurities, O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
evam śrutvā stutiṁ devaḥ
śanināṁ kalpitāṁ hariḥ |
uvāca brahma vṛndasta
śaniṁ taṁ bhakta-vatsalaḥ ||10||
On listening to the heartfelt prayer composed by Śanideva in the assembly of Lord Brahmā, Lord Hari who is ever compassionate to His devotees, spoke to Śanideva as follows.
śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca –
prasannoham śane tubhyaṁ |
varam varaya śobhanaṁ ||
yaṁ vāñchasi tameva tvam |
sarva-loka hitāvaham ||11||
Śrī Nṛsiṁha said – O Śani, I am pleased with your devotion. Whatever you desire that will benefit the world, ask for that kind of boon and I will grant it.
śrī śanir uvāca –
nṛsiṁha tvam mayi kṛpām
kuru deva dayā-nidhe |
mad vāsaras tava prīti-
kara syat devatā-pate ||12||
mat kṛtam tvat param stotraṁ
śṛṇvanti ca paṭanti ca |
sarvān kāman pūrayetās
teśām tvaṁ loka-bhāvanaḥ ||13||
Śrī Śanideva replied – O Lord Nṛsiṁha, O reservoir of compassion, please be kind to me. O Lord of all gods, let my week-day (Saturday) be Your favorite day. O Purifier of all the worlds, may You fulfill the desires of all those who listen to or read this great prayer to You composed by me.”
śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca –
tataivāstu śaneham vai
rakṣo-bhuvana saṁsthitaḥ |
bhakta kāmān pūrayiśye
tvaṁ mamaika vacaḥ śṛṇu ||
tvat kṛtam mat param stotram
yaḥ paṭecchṛṇu yāccha yaḥ |
dvādaśāṣṭama janmastād
bhayaṁ māstu tasya vai ||14||
Śrī Nṛsiṁha said – O Śani, let it be so! By virtue of My being the universal protector (rakṣobhuvana), I fulfill the desires of all My devotees. Please listen to My words – let there be no fear of the twelfth and eighth birth positions (and implicitly any unfavorable birth positions) and consequent troubles from you for any one who reads or listens to this prayer to Me composed by you.
śani narahariṁ devaṁ
tateti pratyuvāca ha
tataḥ parama-saṁtuṣṭo
jayeti munayovadan ||15||
Then Śanideva replied to Lord Narahari that he would follow the Lord’s instructions. Then the joyful saints and sages present there (in Brahma’s assembly) responded with cries of, ‘jaya, jaya!'”.
śrī kṛṣṇa uvāca –
itam śanaiścarasyāta nṛsiṁha deva |
samvādam etat stavanaṁ ca mānavaḥ ||
śṛṇoti yaḥ śrāvayate ca bhaktyā
sarvānyābhīṣṭāni ca vindate dhruvam ||16||
Śrī Kṛṣṇa told Dharmarāja, “Whoever listens to or recites this conversation between Śanideva and Lord Nṛsiṁha in the form of this prayer of devotion will definitely have all desires fulfilled and will always rejoice.”
iti śrī bhaviṣyottara purāṇe rakṣobhuvana mahātme śrī
śanaiścara kṛta śrī nṛsiṁha stuti sampūrṇam
Thus ends the prayers offered to the universal protector Śrī Nṛsiṁha by the great soul Śani
Śani’s Śrī Nṛsiṁha Stuti
Aug 31, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) —
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