Sanskrit notes – 1

darsapurnamasa, art.

The words used in this connection is vadatamvara, the best of those who can teach. Maha-bharata adi

The word pai means to “find” or to “obtain something.”

navanita, butter. art

Akrititvam, ākṛtitvam — dimension

bhaksa, to eat

tatha — in that way;


pascima established that it is later in the evening.
See art

sandhya, see art

radha, See art / Radha, etymology

The terrible Adi Parva

Naham mrsa, which means never lied or never said something that in future did not come true. Adi Parva

Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa, namely virtue, profit, desire and salvation

arimdama O King who can subdue your enemies SB 8.24.32
arimdamaḥ the subduer of enemies SB 12.1.21-26
अरिन्दम adj. arindama victorious
अरिन्दम adj. arindama foe-conquering
Here Janamejaya (verse 20.34) is called “arindama”, or “arimdama”, or one who can defeat any enemy. Maha-bharata adi

asti—there is;

Astika, so called because Jaratkaru said “there is”, meaning that his mother was pregnant

The Muni had a son, born of a cow, of the name of Sringin. Maha-bharata adi

Urvasi, Urvashi,
Since this beautiful nymph came out of the thigh she was called Urvasi. MB Adi Parva

dyutam — gambling;
see art.

jatismara, remembers his previous life

Bhaiya, big brother

Khirachora in Odia means Stealer of Milk. Ksiracora, Kshiracora

mamu, tio, uncle

Remuna, Remuṇā
The name “Remuna” is from the word “Ramaniya” which means very good-looking.

saranagati, surrender.

guru-pada-asraya, i.e., acceptance of the shelter of the lotus feet of sad-gurudeva.

tatraivānyatra elsewhere

Jāti-buddhir means literally “birth-mentality”

Naraki, nārakī, a candidate for hellish life.

Nara-matir means literally “[ordinary] person-mentality”

Kalanemi is a compound word made up of ‘kala’ which means “time”, and ‘nemi’ which means “the felly of a wheel or a portion”.

anvayat — directly;

Rte, (rite)
ṛte, ऋते
— save and except; without, except for;

Dittongo, diphthong, diptongo
In fonetica, un dittongo (greco δίφθογγος, “díphthongos”, “con due suoni”) è una combinazione di due vocali costituita da un rapido spostamento da un vocoide a un altro, spesso interpretato da chi ascolta come una vocale unica, cioè un singolo fonema vocalico. See art.

See under article

devanagari देवनागरी

iti — thus; इति

aham — myself; I; I am; अहं

seva, service, devotion

m. an epoch, period (especially a division or part of the year), season (the number of the divisions of the year is in ancient times, three, five, six, seven, twelve, thirteen, and twenty-four;in later time six seasons are enumerated, viz.
grisma-,the hot season;
varsa-s (f. plural Nominal verb ), the rainy season
sarad-, autumn;
hemanta-,”winter”;and sisira-,”the cool season”;
the seasons are not unfrequently personified, addressed in mantra-s, and worshipped by libations)

Respectable, excellent (art.)

anuvaka, section, said after (art.)

yajna — sacrifice;
Seven priests to perform sacrifices (art.)

Bairagi (Vaishnava) is a caste of Hindu Brahmins whose members follow one of four orders: (art.)

Yajamana, the institutor, the Hota, who repeats the hymns of Rig Veda, Udgata, who chants the Soma, the Pota, who prepare the material for oblations, the Nesta, who pour it in the fire, the Brahma, who ssuperintend, the Raksasa, who guard the door.
Rig Veda, pag.95

compendio, (art.)

parivara (family, famiglia, gruppo, descendants). Art.

Caturmasya se traduce como “cuatro meses” (catur = cuatro, masa = mes).
Este es el período durante el cual Sri Visnu entra en Su sueño místico. Esto empieza en el día de Sayana Ekadasi y termina durante el mes de Kartika, en el día de Utthana Ekadasi (también conocido como Haribodhini, Prabhodini o Devotthani).

(art.) e “La Quinta Nota”

The etymology of the name ‘Gayatri’ (feminine of Gayatra) is ‘gayan tatre’ which means ‘that which has saved the senses, mind and vital air’.
Gayan, song
Tatre, from trai, savior

viplavah — revolutionary;
विप्लव m. (for 1.See) confusion, trouble, disaster, evil, calamity, misery, distress (art.)

dvimata, the two mothers, the two sticks or the maker of the 2, or heaven and heart. Rig Veda

Rajamani, jewel among kings

ankusa ankusha, a goad (metal stick used to control elephants)

Anusvara (Sanskrit: अनुस्वारः anusvāra) is a diacritic dot used to mark a type of nasal sound and used in a number of Indic scripts. It is typically transliterated ⟨ṃ⟩. Depending on the location of the anusvara in the word and the language for which it is used, its exact pronunciation can vary.
In the context of Sanskrit, anusvara also refers to the nasal sound itself.
See articles

visarga, aspirant consonant (:)

सुधाकार m. sudhAkAra whitewasher plasterer, moon, mine or receptacle of nectar

a commentator on ancient or classical literature. See article

Scholia (singular scholium or scholion, from Ancient Greek: σχόλιον, “comment, interpretation”) are grammatical, critical, or explanatory comments, either original or extracted from pre-existing commentaries, which are inserted on the margin of the manuscript of an ancient author, as glosses. One who writes scholia is a scholiast. The earliest attested use of the word dates to the 1st century BC.[1] (art.)

atha – if, however; therefore;
thereafter; thereupon; thus; for the matter of; thus; then; as also; at one time; and so on; after all; now; thus; as also; after all; at one time; for the matter of; as well as; hereafter; also; then; if, therefore; even though; but; for this reason;
atha u—or in other words;
atha va — or;

varga; group, (art.)

Mimamsa, means “reflection” “revered thought” or “critical investigation”. (art.)

laghu, short, light (art.)

Analytic language, (art.)

Periphrasis perifrasi, (art.)

See svasti and under articles

gi गि (गे) ष्णुः [गै इष्णुच् आद्गुणः] 1 A singer. -2 Especially, a Brāhmaṇa versed in the hymns of the Sāmaveda and who chants them.

sillogismo, syllogism
Il sillogismo (dal greco syllogismòs, formato da syn, “insieme”, e logismòs, “calcolo”: quindi, “ragionamento concatenato”) è un tipo di ragionamento dimostrativo che fu teorizzato per la prima volta da Aristotele, il quale, partendo dai tre tipi di termine “maggiore” (che funge da predicato nella conclusione), “medio” e “minore” (che nella conclusione funge da soggetto) classificati in base al rapporto contenente – contenuto, giunge ad una conclusione collegando i suddetti termini attraverso brevi enunciati (premesse).
Esempio: 1) Tutti gli uomini sono mortali; 2) Socrate è un uomo; 3) Socrate è mortale.
an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn (whether validly or not) from two given or assumed propositions (premises), each of which shares a term with the conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion (e.g., all dogs are animals; all animals have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs ).
Moreover, modern usage distinguishes between valid syllogisms (the conclusions of which follow from their premises) and invalid syllogisms (the conclusions of which do not follow from their premises). (art.)

आदिकारण n. AdikAraNa
first cause [divine mind]

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरणचिह्न n. adhikaraNacihna
at sign – symbol ‘@’ [computer]

अधिकरणवाचक adj. adhikaraNavAcaka
possessive [Grammar]

आदिकारण n. AdikAraNa
algebra [fig.]

आदिकारण n. AdikAraNa
primary cause

आदिकारण n. AdikAraNa

अधिकरण adj. adhikaraNa
having to superintend

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
locative case

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
act of placing at the head or of subordinating government

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
sense of the locative case

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
relationship of words in a sentence

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
paragraph or minor section

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
court of justice

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa

अधिकरण n. adhikaraNa
अधिकरणमाला f. adhikaraNamAlA
compendium of the topics of the vedAnta by author bhAratI-tIrtha

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