असृष्टान्नं (asRishhTaannaM) = without distribution of prasaadam
असौ (asau) = him (from adas.h)
असौम्य (asaumya) = (adj) unpleasant
अस्त (asta) = fall (set)
अस्तं (astaM) = destroyed , vanquished
अस्तमवेला (astamavelaa) = (fem) evening twilight
अस्ति (asti) = (2 pp) is
अस्तु (astu) = there should be
अस्तेय (asteya) = non-stealing
अस्त्र (astra) = Weapon
अस्थि (asthi) = Bone
अस्थिपञ्जरम् (asthipaJNjaram.h) = (n) skeleton
अस्थिरं (asthiraM) = unsteady
अस्पर्शन (asparshana) = not touching
अस्मद् (asmad.h) = I, me
अस्मदीयैः (asmadiiyaiH) = our
अस्माकं (asmaakaM) = us
अस्मात् (asmaat.h) = these
अस्मान् (asmaan.h) = us
अस्माभिः (asmaabhiH) = by us
अस्मि (asmi) = I am
अस्मिता (asmitaa) = egotism, self righteousness
अस्मिन् (asmin.h) = in this
अस्मिन्द्वये (asmindvaye) = in this pair
अस्य (asya) = of it
अस्यति (asyati) = (4 pp) to throw
अस्यां (asyaaM) = in this
अस्वर्ग्यं (asvargyaM) = which does not lead to higher planets
अस्वस्थता (asvasthataa) = illness
अह (aha) = said
अहं (ahaM) = ii
अहः (ahaH) = of daytime
अहङ्कर (aha.nkara) = tendency to identify oneself with external phenomena, ‘the I-maker’
अहङ्कार (aha.nkaara) = Egoism, selfishness, ignorance
अहङ्कारं (aha.nkaaraM) = false ego
अहङ्कारः (aha.nkaaraH) = false ego
अहङ्कारविमूढ (aha.nkaaravimuuDha) = bewildered by false ego
अहङ्कारात् (aha.nkaaraat.h) = by false ego
अहङ्कृतः (aha.nkRitaH) = of false ego
अहत्वा (ahatvaa) = not killing
अहरागमे (aharaagame) = at the beginning of the day
अहर्निशं (aharnishaM) = ahaH and nishaa:day and night
अहि (ahi) = on earth
अहिंसक (ahi.nsaka) = non-violent
अहिंसा (ahi.nsaa) = non-violence
अहित (ahita) = sorrow (antonym of hita)
अहिताः (ahitaaH) = enemies
अहितुण्डिकः (ahituNDikaH) = (m) a snake charmer
अहैतुकं (ahaitukaM) = without cause
अहो (aho) = Oh !
अहोरात्र (ahoraatra) = day and night
अक्षम (akShama) = (adj) incapable
अक्षयं (akShayaM) = unlimited
अक्षयः (akShayaH) = eternal
अक्षर (akShara) = Letter
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = indestructible
अक्षरः (akSharaH) = infallible
अक्षराणां (akSharaaNaaM) = of letters
अक्षरात् (akSharaat.h) = beyond the infallible
अक्षि (akShi) = (n) eye
अज्ञ (aGYa) = the ignorant person
अज्ञः (aGYaH) = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
अज्ञता (aGYataa) = ignorance
अज्ञान (aGYaana) = ignorance
अज्ञानं (aGYaanaM) = nescience
अज्ञानजं (aGYaanajaM) = due to ignorance
अज्ञानसम्भूतं (aGYaanasambhuutaM) = born of ignorance
अज्ञानां (aGYaanaaM) = of the foolish
अज्ञानेन (aGYaanena) = by ignorance
आ (aa) = from
आ+घ्रा (aa+ghraa) = to smell
आ+चर् (aa+char.h) = to practice
आ+या (aa+yaa) = to come
आ+रुह् (aa+ruh.h) = to climb
आउदौ (aaudau) = in the beginning
आंदोलन (aa.ndolana) = movement
आंशिक (aa.nshika) = partial
आः (aaH) = to sit
आकर्ण (aakarNa) = towards the ear
आकर्णधनुरासन (aakarNadhanuraasana) = the shooting bow posture
आकर्ष (aakarshha) = attracted
आकर्षण (aakarshhaNa) = attraction
आकांक्षा (aakaa.nkShaa) = wish, ambition
आकार (aakaara) = (masc) form, shape
आकारमान (aakaaramaana) = volume
आकारिका (aakaarikaa) = (f) doorbell
आकाश (aakaasha) = ether
आकाशं (aakaashaM) = the sky
आकाशवाणी (aakaashavaaNii) = (f) radio
आकाशस्थितः (aakaashasthitaH) = situated in the sky
आकाशात् (aakaashaat.h) = (abl.S)from space or sky
आकुल (aakula) = full of
आकुलितम् (aakulitam.h) = sad, worried
आकृतीनि (aakRitiini) = forms
आकृष्ट (aakRishhTa) = (past part. of aa + kR\^ishh) attracted
आक्रम् (aakram.h) = to attack
आक्रमण (aakramaNa) = attacks
आक्षेपः (aakShepaH) = (m) insinuation, opposition
आखु (aakhu) = mouse
आख्य (aakhya) = named
आख्या (aakhyaa) = (f) name
आख्यातं (aakhyaataM) = described
आख्याहि (aakhyaahi) = please explain
आगच्छेत् (aagachchhet.h) = one should come
आगतः (aagataH) = having attained
आगताः (aagataaH) = attained
आगम (aagama) = arrival
आगमन (aagamana) = coming
आगमे (aagame) = on the arrival
आङ्ग्ल (aa.ngla) = English
आङ्ग्लभाषा (aa.nglabhaashhaa) = English language
आचर् (aachar.h) = to behave, interact
आचरतः (aacharataH) = acting
आचरति (aacharati) = he does
आचरान् (aacharaan.h) = performing
आचारः (aachaaraH) = behavior
आचार्य (aachaarya) = a religious teacher
आचार्य( ः) (aachaarya(H)) = (Masc.nom.S)teacher; preceptor
आचार्यं (aachaaryaM) = the teacher
आचार्याः (aachaaryaaH) = teachers
आचार्यान् (aachaaryaan.h) = teachers
आचार्योपासनं (aachaaryopaasanaM) = approaching a bona fide spiritual master
आच्छादकम् (aachchhaadakam.h) = (n) covering sheet, chaddar
आजानुबाहुं (aajaanubaahuM) = the one whose arms extend upto his knees
आज्यं (aajyaM) = melted butter
आढ्यः (aaDhyaH) = wealthy
आणिः (aaNiH) = nail
आतङ्क (aata.nka) = horror , terror
आततायिनः (aatataayinaH) = aggressors
आतप (aatapa) = heat
आतपत्रं (aatapatraM) = sunshade
आतङ्क्वादः (aata~NkvaadaH) = (m) terrorism
आतिष्ठ (aatishhTha) = be situated
आतुर (aatura) = anxious
आत्त (aatta) = ready
आत्थ (aattha) = have spoken
आत्म (aatma) = of the self
आत्मकं (aatmakaM) = consisting of
आत्मकः (aatmakaH) = possessing or controlling
आत्मकारणात् (aatmakaaraNaat.h) = for sense enjoyment
आत्मज (aatmaja) = son
आत्मजः (aatmajaH) = son
आत्मजा (aatmajaa) = daughter
आत्मतृप्तः (aatmatRiptaH) = self-illuminated
आत्मन् (aatman.h) = Soul
आत्मन (aatmana) = (Masc.instr.sing.) thro’ the self
आत्मनः (aatmanaH) = of the person
आत्मना (aatmanaa) = by the purified mind
आत्मनि (aatmani) = in himself
आत्मभाव (aatmabhaava) = within their hearts
आत्मभूतात्मा (aatmabhuutaatmaa) = compassionate
आत्ममायया (aatmamaayayaa) = by My internal energy
आत्मयोगात् (aatmayogaat.h) = by My internal potency
आत्मरतिः (aatmaratiH) = taking pleasure in the self
आत्मवन्तं (aatmavantaM) = situated in the self
आत्मवश्यैः (aatmavashyaiH) = under one’s control
आत्मवान् (aatmavaan.h) = established in the self
आत्मविनिग्रहः (aatmavinigrahaH) = self-control
आत्मविभूतयः (aatmavibhuutayaH) = personal opulences
आत्मविश्वासः (aatmavishvaasaH) = (m) confidence
आत्मसंयम (aatmasa.nyama) = of controlling the mind
आत्मसंस्तुतिः (aatmasa.nstutiH) = and praise of himself
आत्मसंस्थं (aatmasa.nsthaM) = placed in transcendence
आत्मसात् (aatmasaat.h) = to imbibe, to make one’s own, to train oneself
आत्महत्या (aatmahatyaa) = suicide
आत्मज्ञान (aatmaGYaana) = knowledge of self
आत्मा (aatmaa) = soul
आत्माऽतत्त्वमसि (aatmaa.atattvamasi) = Thou art That Not (self + Self are differnt:Duality)
आत्मानं (aatmaanaM) = the mind
आत्मानि (aatmaani) = in the pure state of the soul
आत्मासम्भविताः (aatmaasambhavitaaH) = self-complacent
आत्मियता (aatmiyataa) = the feeling of oneness
आत्मैव (aatmaiva) = the very mind
आत्यन्तिकं (aatyantikaM) = supreme
आदत्ते (aadatte) = accepts
आदान (aadaana) = taking
आदि (aadi) = beginning
आदिं (aadiM) = the origin
आदिः (aadiH) = the origin
आदिकर्त्रे (aadikartre) = to the supreme creator
आदिकेषु (aadikeshhu) = etc etc
आदित्य (aaditya) = a name of Sun, Vishnu is among twelve Aditya-s
आदित्यः (aadityaH) = the Adityas
आदित्यगतं (aadityagataM) = in the sunshine
आदित्यवत् (aadityavat.h) = like the rising sun
आदित्यवर्णं (aadityavarNaM) = luminous like the sun
आदित्यान् (aadityaan.h) = the twelve sons of Aditi
आदित्यानां (aadityaanaaM) = of the Adityas
आदिदेवं (aadidevaM) = the original Lord
आदिदेवः (aadidevaH) = the original Supreme God
आदिभिः (aadibhiH) = by those
आदिष्ट (aadishhTa) = ordered
आदिष्टवान् (aadishhTavaan.h) = (he was)commanded
आदीश्वर (aadiishvara) = the primeval lord, a name of Shiva
आदृतः (aadRitaH) = having begun
आदौ (aadau) = First
आद्य (aadya) = earliest
आद्यं (aadyaM) = original
आद्ये (aadye) = (Masc.loc.sing.) the first
आधत्स्व (aadhatsva) = fix
आधाय (aadhaaya) = resigning
आधारः (aadhaaraH) = support or base
आधिक (aadhika) = addition, plus
आधिक्य (aadhikya) = surplus
आधिपत्य (aadhipatya) = overlordship
आधिपत्यं (aadhipatyaM) = supremacy
आध्यात्मिकं (aadhyaatmikaM) = super-natural, spiritual
आनन (aanana) = Face
आननं (aananaM) = face
आनन्द (aananda) = happiness
आनन्दन (aanandana) = happiness
आनन्दमयः (aanandamayaH) = full of great happiness
आन्तरदेशीय (aantaradeshiiya) = within the country mainly for transaction??
आन्तर्जालं (aantarjaalaM) = (n) internet
आप् (aap.h) = to obtain
आपः (aapaH) = water
आपणः (aapaNaH) = (m) shop
आपणिकः (aapaNikaH) = (m) shop-keeper
आपद् (aapad.h) = calamity
आपदां (aapadaaM) = dangers
आपन्नं (aapannaM) = achieved
आपन्नाः (aapannaaH) = gaining
आपह् (aapah) = water
आपुर्यमाणं (aapuryamaaNaM) = always being filled
आपूर्य (aapuurya) = covering
आपृच्छ (aapRichchha) = take leave of
आपोक्लिम (aapoklima) = The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses
आप्तुं (aaptuM) = afflicts one with
आप्नुयां (aapnuyaaM) = may have
आप्नुवन्ति (aapnuvanti) = attain
आप्नोति (aapnoti) = achieves
आप्रवासी (aapravaasii) = (m) immigrant
आप्लुता (aaplutaa) = immersed
आब्द (aabda) = year
आब्दफल (aabdaphala) = yearly prognostication, also varshhaphala
आब्रह्मभुवनात् (aabrahmabhuvanaat.h) = up to the Brahmaloka planet
आभरणं (aabharaNaM) = ornaments
आभरणम् (aabharaNam.h) = (n) ornaments, jewellery
आभा (aabhaa) = colour
आभासं (aabhaasaM) = the original source
आमनस्क (aamanaska) = the mind free from desire
आमय (aamaya) = disease
आम्रफलम् (aamraphalam.h) = (n) mango (the king of fruits)
आम्ल (aamla) = sour
आम्लं (aamlaM) = (n) acid
आयतम् (aayatam.h) = (n) rectangle
आयनांश (aayanaa.nsha) = Precession of Equinoxes. Used to convert Tropical positions to Sidereal
आयातः (aayaataH) = (m) import
आयातन (aayaatana) = abode, resting place
आयुः (aayuH) = [long] life
आयुधं (aayudhaM) = weapons
आयुधानां (aayudhaanaaM) = of all weapons
आयुष्कारक (aayushhkaaraka) = Significator of Longevity which is Saturn
आयोगः (aayogaH) = (m) commision
आरती (aaratii) = crying out of desperation for help, ritual
आरब्धत् (aarabdhat.h) = started
आरब्धम् (aarabdham.h) = started
आरभते (aarabhate) = begins
आरभ्यते (aarabhyate) = is begun
आरम्भ (aarambha) = beginning
आरम्भः (aarambhaH) = endeavour
आरम्भशूर (aarambhashuura) = one who shows active participation in the beginning
आरम्भिकाः (aarambhikaaH) = beginners
आरक्षकः (aarakShakaH) = (m) policeman
आरक्षिका (aarakShikaa) = (f) policewoman
आराधनं (aaraadhanaM) = for the worship
आराध्य (aaraadhya) = pleasable
आराम (aaraama) = (m) garden
आरामः (aaraamaH) = from rAma? source?
आरुढ (aaruDha) = The sign which is as distant from the lord as the lord is from the house concerned
आरुरुक्षोः (aarurukShoH) = who has just begun yoga
आरुह्य (aaruhya) = having climbed
आरूढस्य (aaruuDhasya) = of one who has attained
आरूढानि (aaruuDhaani) = being placed
आरोग्य (aarogya) = health
आरोग्यशास्त्र (aarogyashaastra) = hygeine
आरोपः (aaropaH) = (m) charges (judicial)
आरोपयति (aaropayati) = to plant
आरोहण (aarohaNa) = climbing
आरोहति (aarohati) = to climb, to ascend
आर्जवं (aarjavaM) = simplicity
आर्त (aarta) = intensely troubled
आर्तः (aartaH) = the distressed
आर्दित (aardita) = parched, dry
आर्द्र (aardra) = wet
आर्द्रचित्ता (aardrachittaa) = having emotional mind
आर्द्रता (aardrataa) = (f) moisture
आर्द्रा (aardraa) = Sixth nakshatra
आर्य (aarya) = wise man
आर्यसमाज (aaryasamaaja) = Aryan group
आर्या (aaryaa) = (f) a respected woman
आर्हाः (aarhaaH) = deserving
आलम्ब (aalamba) = support
आलम्बते (aalambate) = to recline
आलस्य (aalasya) = idleness
आलिङ्गति (aali.ngati) = to embrace
आलोक्यलेखनं (aalokyalekhanaM) = graph
आलोचते (aalochate) = to think, to contemplate
आलोचय (aalochaya) = (verbal stem) consider
आवयोः (aavayoH) = of ours
आवरण (aavaraNa) = a veil
आवर्तः (aavartaH) = (m) whirlpool
आवर्तते (aavartate) = comes back
आवर्तिनः (aavartinaH) = returning
आवलि (aavali) = (f) line, row
आवासः (aavaasaH) = (m) residence, living quarters
आविर्भूतं (aavirbhuutaM) = having taken a physical form or incarnation
आविश्य (aavishya) = entering
आविष् (aavishh.h) = to be possesed by
आविष्टं (aavishhTaM) = overwhelmed
आविष्टः (aavishhTaH) = overwhelmed
आविक्षित (aavikShita) = descendent of avikshit (i.e, marutta)
आवृत (aavRita) = encircled
आवृतं (aavRitaM) = is covered
आवृतः (aavRitaH) = is covered
आवृता (aavRitaa) = covered
आवृताः (aavRitaaH) = covered
आवृत्तिं (aavRittiM) = return
आवृत्य (aavRitya) = covering
आवृष्टि (aavRishhTi) = (fem) rain
आवेगः (aavegaH) = (m) impulse
आवेशित (aaveshita) = fixed
आवेश्य (aaveshya) = establishing
आव्रियते (aavriyate) = is covered
आव्हयति (aavhayati) = to call
आशंस् (aasha.ns.h) = to wish, to hope, to desire
आशय (aashaya) = (masc) resting place
आशयस्थिताः (aashayasthitaaH) = situated within the heart
आशा (aashaa) = desire
आशापाश (aashaapaasha) = entanglements in a network of hope
आशापिण्डं (aashaapiNDaM) = AshA+pindaM, desire+lump(piNDaM also means rice-ball given
आशित (aashita) = (a) Eaten, given to eat; satisfied by eating
आशितं (aashitaM) = eating
आशिन (aashina) = old (also heard as aashiina)
आशिषति (aashishhati) = to give aashirvaad
आशु (aashu) = fast
आशुल्कं (aashulkaM) = (n) import duty
आश्चर्यं (aashcharyaM) = surprise
आश्चर्यमयं (aashcharyamayaM) = wonderful
आश्चर्यवत् (aashcharyavat.h) = with wonder, surprise
आश्चर्याणि (aashcharyaaNi) = all the wonders
आश्रम (aashrama) = a yoga centre or school
आश्रयत्व (aashrayatva) = dependence, leaning
आश्रया (aashrayaa) = sheltor
आश्रयेत् (aashrayet.h) = must come upon
आश्रि (aashri) = to take shelter
आश्रितं (aashritaM) = assuming
आश्रितः (aashritaH) = taking refuge
आश्रिताः (aashritaaH) = accepting
आश्रित्य (aashritya) = taking shelter of
आश्लेष (aashleshha) = embrace
आश्लेषा (aashleshhaa) = Ninth nakshatra
आश्वासनं (aashvaasanaM) = (n) assurance
आश्वासयामास (aashvaasayaamaasa) = encouraged
आश्विनी (aashvinii) = First nakshatra
आषु (aashhu) = very soon
आस् (aas.h) = to sit
आसं (aasaM) = exist
आसक्त (aasakta) = attached
आसक्तमनाः (aasaktamanaaH) = mind attached
आसन (aasana) = seat
आसनं (aasanaM) = seat
आसनस्थम् (aasanastham.h) = (lotus like-)posture-stood
आसने (aasane) = on the seat
आसादय (aasaadaya) = (causative of aa+sad) resort to
आसाद्य (aasaadya) = attaining
आसित् (aasit.h) = was/existed
आसिन (aasina) = by the weapon
आसिनं (aasinaM) = situated
आसिनः (aasinaH) = eaters
आसीत् (aasiit.h) = was
आसीत (aasiita) = does remain still
आसीनः (aasiinaH) = situated
आसुरं (aasuraM) = demonic
आसुरः (aasuraH) = demoniac
आसुरनिश्चयान् (aasuranishchayaan.h) = demons
आसुरी (aasurii) = demoniac qualities
आसुरीं (aasuriiM) = atheistic
आसुरीषु (aasuriishhu) = demoniac
आस्तिक्यं (aastikyaM) = religiousness
आस्ते (aaste) = remains
आस्था (aasthaa) = (f) confidence, interest
आस्थाय (aasthaaya) = following
आस्थितः (aasthitaH) = being situated
आस्थिताः (aasthitaaH) = situated
आस्य (aasya) = (m) mouth
आस्वाद (aasvaada) = tasting
आह (aaha) = said
आहति (aahati) = striking, hitting
आहर्तृ (aahartRi) = (m adj.) a performer
आहवे (aahave) = in the fight
आहार (aahaara) = Diet
आहारः (aahaaraH) = eating
आहाराः (aahaaraaH) = eating
आहुः (aahuH) = are said
आहृ (aahRi) = to eat
आहो (aaho) = or else
आज्ञा (aaGYaa) = command
इङ्गते (i.ngate) = waver
इच्छ् (ichchh.h) = to wish
इच्छ (ichchha) = the will
इच्छति (ichchhati) = (6 up) to wish
इच्छन् (ichchhan.h) = present participle of ishh, to wish
इच्छन्तः (ichchhantaH) = desiring
इच्छसि (ichchhasi) = you wish
इच्छा (ichchhaa) = desire
इच्छामि (ichchhaami) = do I wish
इज्यते (ijyate) = is performed
इज्यया (ijyayaa) = by worship
इडा (iDaa) = the channel on the left of the spine
इड्यं (iDyaM) = worshipable
इतः (itaH) = besides this
इतर (itara) = Other
इतरः (itaraH) = common
इतरेतर (itaretara) = mutual, each-other
इतस्ततः (itastataH) = (indecl) here and there
इति (iti) = like that
इतिहास (itihaasa) = history
इतिहास( ः) (itihaasa(H)) = history; epic
इत्थं (itthaM) = like that
इत्युत (ityuta) = thus it is said
इत्येतानि (ityetaani) = iti+etAni, thus+ these
इत्येवं (ityevaM) = knowing thus
इदं (idaM) = this
इदानीं (idaaniiM) = now
इदृक् (idRik.h) = as it is
इन्दु (indu) = moon
इन्द्रः (indraH) = the god Indra
इन्द्रचाप (indrachaapa) = (m) rainbow
इन्द्रधनुः (indradhanuH) = (m) rainbow
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = organ of sense or action
इन्द्रियः (indriyaH) = senses
इन्द्रियगोचराः (indriyagocharaaH) = the objects of the senses
इन्द्रियग्रामं (indriyagraamaM) = the full set of senses
इन्द्रियजय (indriyajaya) = mastery of the senses by controlling the desires
इन्द्रियस्य (indriyasya) = of the senses
इन्द्रियस्यार्थे (indriyasyaarthe) = in the sense objects
इन्द्रियाणां (indriyaaNaaM) = of the senses
इन्द्रियाणि (indriyaaNi) = the senses
इन्द्रियारामः (indriyaaraamaH) = satisfied in sense gratification
इन्द्रियार्थान् (indriyaarthaan.h) = sense objects
इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः (indriyaarthebhyaH) = from the sense objects
इन्द्रियार्थेषु (indriyaartheshhu) = in sense gratification
इन्द्रियेभ्यः (indriyebhyaH) = more than the senses
इन्द्रियैः (indriyaiH) = by the senses
इन्द्रो (indro) = the Lord Indra
इन्धन (indhana) = fuel
इमं (imaM) = (from idaM) this
इमाः (imaaH) = all these
इमान् (imaan.h) = these
इमे (ime) = these
इमौ (imau) = these
इयं (iyaM) = this
इव (iva) = just like or as if
इशत् (ishat.h) = a little
इषुभिः (ishhubhiH) = with arrows
इष्ट (ishhTa) = of all desirable things
इष्टं (ishhTaM) = leading to heaven
इष्टाः (ishhTaaH) = palatable
इष्टान् (ishhTaan.h) = desired
इष्टिका (ishhTikaa) = (f) brick
इष्ट्वा (ishhTvaa) = worshiping
इह (iha) = here
इहैव (ihaiva) = in the present body
इक्षुः (ikShuH) = sugarcane
इक्ष्वाकवे (ikShvaakave) = unto King Iksvaku
ईदृशं (iidRishaM) = of this nature
ईदृषं (iidRishhaM) = like this
ईर्ष्या (iirshhyaa) = (f) jealousy
ईश (iisha) = God
ईशं (iishaM) = Lord Siva
ईशावास्यं (iishaavaasyaM) = inhabited or manifested by the Master
ईश्वर (iishvara) = lord, the capable (here)
ईश्वरं (iishvaraM) = the Supersoul
ईश्वरः (iishvaraH) = the Supreme Lord
ईश्वरप्राणिधान (iishvarapraaNidhaana) = attentiveness to god
ईह् (iih.h) = to wish
ईहते (iihate) = he aspires
ईहन्ते (iihante) = they desire
ईहा (iihaa) = wish
ईक्ष् (iikSh.h) = to see
ईक्षण (iikShaNa) = seeing
ईक्षणं (iikShaNaM) = eyes
ईक्षते (iikShate) = (1 ap) to see
उक्तं (uktaM) = said
उक्तः (uktaH) = addressed
उक्ताः (uktaaH) = are said
उक्त्वा (uktvaa) = saying
उग्र (ugra) = powerful, noble
उग्रं (ugraM) = terrible
उग्रः (ugraH) = terrible
उग्रकर्माणः (ugrakarmaaNaH) = engaged in painful activities
उग्ररूपः (ugraruupaH) = fierce form
उग्रासन (ugraasana) = the posterior stretch posture
उग्रैः (ugraiH) = by terrible
उच्चार (uchchaara) = pronunciation
उच्चार्य (uchchaarya) = having uttered or pronounced
उच्चैः (uchchaiH) = up
उच्चैःश्रवसं (uchchaiHshravasaM) = Uccaihsrava
उच्छ (uchchha) = Exalted Planet
उच्छब्द (uchchhabda) = loud sound (masc)
उच्छिष्टं (uchchhishhTaM) = remnants of food eaten by others
उच्छोषणं (uchchhoshhaNaM) = drying up
उच्छ्रितं (uchchhritaM) = high
उच्यते (uchyate) = is said
उज्ज्वल (ujjvala) = radiant
उड्डाययति (uDDaayayati) = to fly
उड्डियान (uDDiyaana) = a fetter or binding involving the raising of the diaphragm
उत (uta) = it is said
उत्कट (utkaTa) = fierce
उत्कटासन (utkaTaasana) = the the hunkering posture
उत्कण्ठया (utkaNThayaa) = (instr.sing.) feelings
उत्कृत्यमान (utkRityamaana) = one who is cut up
उत्कृष्ट (utkRishhTa) = excellent
उत्कोचः (utkochaH) = (m) bribe
उत्क्रान्ति (utkraanti) = evolution
उत्क्रामति (utkraamati) = gives up
उत्क्रामन्तं (utkraamantaM) = quitting the body
उत्तङ्गता (utta.ngataa) = greatness
उत्तम (uttama) = exceptional
उत्तमं (uttamaM) = transcendental
उत्तमः (uttamaH) = the best
उत्तमविदां (uttamavidaaM) = of the great sages
उत्तमाङ्गैः (uttamaa.ngaiH) = heads
उत्तमौजाः (uttamaujaaH) = Uttamauja
उत्तरं (uttaraM) = covering
उत्तरदायित्वं (uttaradaayitvaM) = (n) responsibility
उत्तररूपं (uttararuupaM) = having it in the northern direction
उत्तराफाल्गुनि (uttaraaphaalguni) = Twelfth nakshatra
उत्तराभाद्रपद (uttaraabhaadrapada) = Twenty-sixth nakshatra
उत्तरायणं (uttaraayaNaM) = when the sun passes on the northern side
उत्तराषढा (uttaraashhaDhaa) = Twenty-first nakshatra
उत्तान (uttaana) = an intense stretch
उत्तिष्ठ (uttishhTha) = get up
उत्तिष्ठत (uttishhThata) = (Verb Imp.II P.pl.PP)get up; stand up; rise; arise
उत्तुङ्ग (uttu.nga) = tall
उत्थं (utthaM) = produced of
उत्थित (utthita) = stretched
उत्थिता (utthitaa) = present
उत्पत्ति (utpatti) = production
उत्पद् (utpad.h) = to obtain
उत्पन्नं (utpannaM) = produce
उत्पाटिन् (utpaaTin.h) = (masc) puller-up
उत्पातय (utpaataya) = (causative of ut+pat) produce
उत्पादक (utpaadaka) = producer
उत्पादन (utpaadana) = production
उत्पादशुल्कं (utpaadashulkaM) = (n) excise
उत्पीठिका (utpiiThikaa) = (f) table
उत्प्रपातः (utprapaataH) = (m) cliff
उत्प्रवासी (utpravaasii) = (m) emigrant
उत्प्लवते (utplavate) = to jump
उत्सन्न (utsanna) = spoiled
उत्सव (utsava) = festival
उत्सव( ः) (utsava(H)) = (Masc.Nom.sing.) festival
उत्सादनार्थं (utsaadanaarthaM) = for the sake of causing annihilation
उत्साद्यन्ते (utsaadyante) = are devastated
उत्साह (utsaaha) = enthusiasm
उत्सीदेयुः (utsiideyuH) = would be put into ruin
उत्सृज (utsRija) = give up
उत्सृजामि (utsRijaami) = send forth
उत्सृज्य (utsRijya) = giving up
उद्.द्रोहः (ud.drohaH) = (m) uprising
उद्घाटयति (ud.hghaaTayati) = to open
उदक (udaka) = (n) water
उदधि (udadhi) = sea
उदपाने (udapaane) = in a well of water
उदय (udaya) = rise
उदयत् (udayat.h) = rising
उदर (udara) = bellies
उदरनिमित्तं (udaranimittaM) = for the sake of the belly/living
उदरम् (udaram.h) = (n) stomach
उदान (udaana) = the vital air controlling the intake of food and air
उदार (udaara) = generous
उदाराः (udaaraaH) = magnanimous
उदासीन (udaasiina) = neutrals between belligerents
उदासीनः (udaasiinaH) = free from care
उदासीनवत् (udaasiinavat.h) = as neutral
उदाहरण (udaaharaNa) = example
उदाहरणाय (udaaharaNaaya) = for example
उदाहृतं (udaahRitaM) = exemplified
उदाहृतः (udaahRitaH) = is said
उदाहृत्य (udaahRitya) = indicating
उदीची (udiichii) = (f) north
उदूदशा (uduudashaa) = Vinshottari Dasha
उद्गच्छति (udgachchhati) = to overflow
उद्गार (udgaara) = expression
उद्दिश्य (uddishya) = desiring
उद्देशतः (uddeshataH) = as examples
उद्धर (uddhara) = uplift
उद्धरति (uddharati) = to draw up (water from a well)
उद्धरेत् (uddharet.h) = one must deliver
उद्धारण (uddhaaraNa) = lifting up
उद्धृतं (uddhRitaM) = that which had been lifted
उद्ध्वहन्ती (uddhvahantii) = she who is bearing or carrying the load
उद्भवं (udbhavaM) = produced
उद्भवः (udbhavaH) = generation
उद्यत (udyata) = uplifted
उद्यताः (udyataaH) = trying
उद्यम (udyama) = industriousness
उद्यमेन (udyamena) = (msc.instr.S) effort; exercise
उद्यम्य (udyamya) = taking up
उद्यान (udyaana) = garden
उद्यानपालकः (udyaanapaalakaH) = (m) gardener, mali
उद्यानम् (udyaanam.h) = (n) garden
उद्योगिन् (udyogin.h) = industrious
उद्वर्त (udvarta) = plentiful
उद्वाह (udvaaha) = (m) marriage
उद्विजते (udvijate) = are agitated
उद्विजेत् (udvijet.h) = become agitated
उद्वेगैः (udvegaiH) = and anxiety
उन्नतिः (unnatiH) = (f) improvement
उन्नयति (unnayati) = to lift
उन्मनी (unmanii) = samadhi
उन्मिषन् (unmishhan.h) = opening
उन्मीलित (unmiilita) = opened
उन्मूलयति (unmuulayati) = to pull out, uproot
उप (upa) = near
उप+शं (upa+shaM) = to extinguish
उपकरण (upakaraNa) = means
उपकल्पना (upakalpanaa) = (f) hypothesis
उपकार (upakaara) = benefit
उपकारक (upakaaraka) = beneficial
उपकृ (upakRi) = to do a favour
उपक्रमः (upakramaH) = (m) project, undertaking
उपग्रहः (upagrahaH) = (m) satellite, spacecraft
उपचय (upachaya) = Houses of earning (3,6,10,11)
उपचारः (upachaaraH) = (m) remedy, treatment
उपचारिका (upachaarikaa) = (f) nurse
उपजायते (upajaayate) = takes place
उपजायन्ते (upajaayante) = are born
उपजुह्वति (upajuhvati) = offer
उपदानं (upadaanaM) = (n) gratuity
उपदेश (upadesha) = advice
उपदेशः (upadeshaH) = advice
उपदेशयति (upadeshayati) = giving advice
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति (upadekShyanti) = they will initiate
उपद्रष्टा (upadrashhTaa) = overseer
उपधानम् (upadhaanam.h) = (n) pillow
उपधारय (upadhaaraya) = know
उपनगरम् (upanagaram.h) = (n) suburb
उपनाम (upanaama) = alias
उपनिषत् (upanishhat.h) = says the `upanishat.h’
उपनिषद् (upanishhad.h) = the philosophical parts of the Vedas.
उपनेत्रम् (upanetram.h) = (n) spectacles, glasses
उपन्यासकः (upanyaasakaH) = (m) lecturer
उपपत्तिषु (upapattishhu) = having obtained
उपपद (upapada) = The sign which is as apart from the 12th lord as the latter is from the 12th house
उपपद्यते (upapadyate) = is befitting
उपपन्नं (upapannaM) = arrived at
उपबन्धः (upabandhaH) = (m) provision
उपभोग (upabhoga) = consumption
उपमं (upamaM) = compared to
उपमा (upamaa) = comparative
उपयान्ति (upayaanti) = come
उपयुज् (upayuj.h) = use
उपयोग (upayoga) = use
उपयोगिता (upayogitaa) = Utility
उपरतं (uparataM) = ceased
उपरन्जितैः (uparanjitaiH) = splendid, resplendant
उपरमते (uparamate) = cease (because one feels transcendental happiness)
उपरमेत् (uparamet.h) = one should hold back
उपरि (upari) = (adv) above
उपलभ् (upalabh.h) = to obtain
उपलभ्यते (upalabhyate) = can be perceived
उपलिप्यते (upalipyate) = mixes
उपवस्तु (upavastu) = (n) by-product
उपविधिः (upavidhiH) = (m) by-law
उपविशत् (upavishat.h) = sat down again
उपविशति (upavishati) = to sit
उपविश्य (upavishya) = sitting
उपविष्ठ (upavishhTha) = seated
उपसङ्गम्य (upasa.ngamya) = approaching
उपसर्ग (upasarga) = Prefix
उपसृ (upasRi) = (root) go near
उपसेवते (upasevate) = enjoys
उपस्था (upasthaa) = to stand near, to stand by
उपस्थे (upasthe) = on the seat
उपस्नेहः (upasnehaH) = (m) lubricant
उपहत (upahata) = overpowered
उपहन्यां (upahanyaaM) = would destroy
उपहारः (upahaaraH) = (m) gift
उपात्त (upaatta) = obtained
उपाधिः (upaadhiH) = (f) title
उपाय (upaaya) = (masc) means
उपायतः (upaayataH) = by appropriate means
उपार्जन (upaarjana) = earning/acquiring
उपालभते (upaalabhate) = to reproach
उपाश्रि (upaashri) = to take shelter in
उपाश्रिताः (upaashritaaH) = being fully situated
उपाश्रित्य (upaashritya) = taking shelter of
उपासते (upaasate) = worship
उपाहारगृह (upaahaaragRiha) = restaurant
उपाहारगृहम् (upaahaaragRiham.h) = (n) restaurant
उपेतः (upetaH) = haaving reached or attained
उपेत्य (upetya) = achieving
उपेक्षा (upekShaa) = disregard
उपै (upai) = to go to
उपैति (upaiti) = gets
उपैष्यसि (upaishhyasi) = you will attain
उप्कारः (upkaaraH) = (m) cess
उभय (ubhaya) = both
उभयत्र (ubhayatra) = at both places
उभयोः (ubhayoH) = both
उभे (ubhe) = both
उभौ (ubhau) = both
उमा (umaa) = pArvatI
उरगान् (uragaan.h) = serpents
उरस्थल (urasthala) = place on the chest
उरु (uru) = thighs
उरुक (uruka) = (n) pant
उर्जितं (urjitaM) = glorious
उर्ध्वकः (urdhvakaH) = (m) tabla
उर्वारुकं (urvaarukaM) = (Masc.Acc.S)water melon ; melon
उलूकः (uluukaH) = (m) owl
उल्बेन (ulbena) = by the womb
उल्लः (ullaH) = to shine
उल्लसितं (ullasitaM) = shining
उल्लोल (ullola) = a large wave
उवाच (uvaacha) = said
उशना (ushanaa) = Usana
उषित्वा (ushhitvaa) = after dwelling
उष्ट्र (ushhTra) = a camel
उष्ट्रः (ushhTraH) = (m) camel
उष्ट्रपक्षी (ushhTrapakShii) = (m) ostrich
उष्ट्रासन (ushhTraasana) = the camel posture
उष्ण (ushhNa) = summer
उष्णमापकम् (ushhNamaapakam.h) = (n) thermometer
उष्णरक्षकम् (ushhNarakShakam.h) = (n) thermos flask
उष्णीषम् (ushhNiishham.h) = (n) turban
उष्मपाः (ushhmapaaH) = the forefathers
ऊच्छबल (uuchchhabala) = Exaltation strength part of Shad Bala
ऊयते (uuyate) = to weave
ऊरू (uuruu) = thighs
ऊरूः (uuruuH) = (m) thigh
ऊर्जा (uurjaa) = (f) energy
ऊर्णनाभः (uurNanaabhaH) = (m) spider
ऊर्णा (uurNaa) = (f) wool
ऊर्ध्व (uurdhva) = raised
ऊर्ध्वं (uurdhvaM) = upwards
ऊर्ध्वप्रसारितएकपादासन (uurdhvaprasaaritaekapaadaasana) = balancing forward posture
ऊर्ध्वमुख (uurdhvamukha) = face upwards
ऊर्ध्वरेतः (uurdhvaretaH) = a celibate intending to control(upward) the semen
ऊर्ध्वहस्तत्तनासन (uurdhvahastattanaasana) = the up-stretched arms posture
ऊर्ध्वमूलं (uurdhvamuulaM) = with roots above
ऊर्ध्वात् (uurdhvaat.h) = from above
ऊर्मि (uurmi) = wave
ऋक् (Rik.h) = the Rg Veda
ऋचः (RichaH) = the Rig Veda
ऋच्छति (Richchhati) = one attains
ऋजुः (RijuH) = (adj) straight
ऋण (RiNa) = debt
ऋणपत्रं (RiNapatraM) = (n) debenture
ऋतं (RitaM) = truth
ऋतु (Ritu) = season
ऋतूनां (RituunaaM) = of all seasons
ऋते (Rite) = without, except for
ऋद्धं (RiddhaM) = prosperous
ऋद्धम् (Riddham.h) = enriched
ऋषयः (RishhayaH) = those who are active within
ऋषिः (RishhiH) = the sage
ऋषिन् (Rishhin.h) = great sages
ऋषिभिः (RishhibhiH) = by the wise sages
ऋइतं (RiitaM) = truth
एक (eka) = one
एकं (ekaM) = one
एकः (ekaH) = one
एकत्वं (ekatvaM) = in oneness
एकत्वेन (ekatvena) = in oneness
एकदंतं (ekada.ntaM) = one who has a single tusk
एकदंताय (ekada.ntaaya) = to the one-tusked
एकमक्षरं (ekamakSharaM) = pranava
एकमेवाद्वितीयं (ekamevaadvitiiyaM) = one without a second
एकया (ekayaa) = by one
एकवचनं (ekavachanaM) = singular
एकस्थं (ekasthaM) = in one place
एकस्मिन् (ekasmin.h) = in one
एकाः (ekaaH) = one
एकाकिनि (ekaakini) = solitary woman
एकाकी (ekaakii) = alone
एकाग्र (ekaagra) = one-pointed
एकाग्रं (ekaagraM) = with one attention
एकाग्रेण (ekaagreNa) = with full attention
एकान्तं (ekaantaM) = overly
एकाक्षरं (ekaakSharaM) = the one syllable
एके (eke) = in one
एकेन (ekena) = alone
एकैकं (ekaikaM) = one by one
एकैकमक्षरं (ekaikamakSharaM) = each and every word
एकोऽहं (eko.ahaM) = I the one single being
एतत् (etat.h) = it
एतन् (etan.h) = this
एतयोः (etayoH) = of these two
एतस्य (etasya) = of this
एतां (etaaM) = this
एतान् (etaan.h) = all these
एतानि (etaani) = all these
एतावत् (etaavat.h) = this much
एति (eti) = attains
एते (ete) = they
एतेन (etena) = by this
एतेषां (eteshhaaM) = of the Pandavas
एतैः (etaiH) = all these
एधते (edhate) = (1 ap) to grow
एधांसि (edhaa.nsi) = firewood
एनं (enaM) = this
एभिः (ebhiH) = by them
एभ्यः (ebhyaH) = to these demigods
एव (eva) = ( used to put emphasis )
एवं (evaM) = thus
एवंविधः (eva.nvidhaH) = like this
एवंविधाः (eva.nvidhaaH) = like this
एवापि (evaapi) = also
एषः (eshhaH) = this
एषा (eshhaa) = this
एषां (eshhaaM) = of them
एष्यति (eshhyati) = comes
एष्यसि (eshhyasi) = you will attain
ऐकान्तिकस्य (aikaantikasya) = ultimate
ऐक्य (aikya) = unity
ऐच्छत् (aichchhat.h) = desired
ऐरावतं (airaavataM) = Airavata
ऐश्वरं (aishvaraM) = divine
ऐश्वर्य (aishvarya) = desire for power
ओङ्करासन (o.nkaraasana) = the OM posture
ओजस (ojasa) = concentrated psychic power
ओजसा (ojasaa) = by My energy
ओषति (oshhati) = (1 pp) to burn
औद्योगिक (audyogika) = industrial
औपम्येन (aupamyena) = by comparison
औशध (aushadha) = medicine
औषध (aushhadha) = medicine
औषधं (aushhadhaM) = medicine
औषधम् (aushhadham.h) = (n) medicine
औषधसूची (aushhadhasuuchii) = (f) syringe, injection
औषधिवन (aushhadhivana) = medicinal garden
औषधीः (aushhadhiiH) = vegetables
क (ka) = what( use) is the
कं (kaM) = whom
कंकन (ka.nkana) = bracelet
कंच्न (ka.nchna) = anyone (or someone)
कंटः (ka.nTaH) = (Masc,Nom.sing.) throat
कंठं (ka.nThaM) = neck
कंठे (ka.nThe) = in yhe neck
कंथा (ka.nthaa) = rags?
कंस्य (ka.nsya) = bronze
कः (kaH) = who
ककुदि (kakudi) = hump of an ox
कच्चित् (kachchit.h) = whether
कच्छप (kachchhapa) = (masc) tortoise
कज्जल (kajjala) = lamp black
कञ्चुकः (kaJNchukaH) = blouse
कटः (kaTaH) = (m) carpet
कटाक्ष (kaTaakSha) = glance
कटि (kaTi) = hip
कटिः (kaTiH) = waist
कटिकासन (kaTikaasana) = the front-stretching posture
कटिवस्त्रम् (kaTivastram.h) = (n) underwear
कटी (kaTii) = waist
कटु (kaTu) = (m) pungent, hot
कठिन (kaThina) = tough
कण (kaNa) = small bit
कणत्व (kaNatva) = particularity
कणिकापीता (kaNikaapiitaa) = a little droplet, drunk
कणीय (kaNiiya) = particulate
कण्टकम् (kaNTakam.h) = (n) thorns
कण्ठ (kaNTha) = throat
कण्ठः (kaNThaH) = (m) throat, neck
कण्ठभूषा (kaNThabhuushhaa) = (f) necklace
कण्ठहारः (kaNThahaaraH) = (m) necklace
कण्डूयति (kaNDuuyati) = to scratch
कण्डोलः (kaNDolaH) = (m) a wooden basket
कतरत् (katarat.h) = which
कतिपय (katipaya) = Some
कथ् (kath.h) = to tell
कथं (kathaM) = tell
कथन्त (kathanta) = howness
कथय (kathaya) = describe
कथयतः (kathayataH) = speaking
कथयति (kathayati) = (10 up) to narrate, to tell
कथयते (kathayate) = (10 up) to narrate, to tell
कथयन्तः (kathayantaH) = talking
कथयिष्यन्ति (kathayishhyanti) = will speak
कथयिष्यामि (kathayishhyaami) = I shall speak
कथा (kathaa) = story
कथामृत (kathaamRita) = Gospel
कथामृतं (kathaamRitaM) = Gospel
कथित (kathita) = told
कदलिफलम् (kadaliphalam.h) = (n) banana
कदली (kadalii) = banana
कदलीतैलं (kadaliitailaM) = banana oil
कदा (kadaa) = when
कदाचन् (kadaachan.h) = never
कदाचन (kadaachana) = at any time
कदाचित् (kadaachit.h) = at any time (past, present or future)
कदापि (kadaapi) = at any time
कनक (kanaka) = gold
कनीनिका (kaniinikaa) = (f) eyeball
कन्ठ (kanTha) = throat
कन्थः (kanthaH) = throated man
कन्द (kanda) = a knot, the place where the three main nadis join
कन्दः (kandaH) = (m) root
कन्दर्पः (kandarpaH) = Cupid
कन्दासन (kandaasana) = the upward ankle-twist posture
कन्दुक (kanduka) = (m) a ball
कन्या (kanyaa) = Zodiacal sign Virgo
कपटयोगः (kapaTayogaH) = (m) intrigue
कपटिक (kapaTika) = cunning, scheming
कपतं (kapataM) = (n) plot, conspiracy
कपाल (kapaala) = forehead
कपालः (kapaalaH) = (m) human skull
कपालभति (kapaalabhati) = a process to clear the sinuses
कपाल्नल (kapaalnala) = fire in the forehead (??? again perhaps wrong)
कपि (kapi) = monkey
कपिः (kapiH) = (m) monkey
कपिध्वजः (kapidhvajaH) = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman
कपोत (kapota) = pigeon, dove
कपोतासन (kapotaasana) = the dove posture
कपोलः (kapolaH) = (m) cheek
कबंधी (kaba.ndhii) = build
कमनीयकरं (kamaniiyakaraM) = desired hands
कमल (kamala) = Lotus
कमलपत्र (kamalapatra) = Lotus leaf
कमलपत्राक्ष (kamalapatraakSha) = O lotus-eyed one
कमला (kamalaa) = saraswati
कमलासनस्थं (kamalaasanasthaM) = sitting on the lotus flower
कम्पते (kampate) = (1 ap) to shake
कम्पयति (kampayati) = to shake
कर (kara) = Hand
करं (karaM) = the cause of
करः (karaH) = (m) tax
करणं (karaNaM) = the means
करणाय (karaNaaya) = to do
करणीयं (karaNiiyaM) = to be done
करतलभिक्षा (karatalabhikShaa) = alms in the palms
करतलम् (karatalam.h) = (n) palm
करदीपः (karadiipaH) = (m) torch, flashlight
करभोरु (karabhoru) = fair-limbed
करलं (karalaM) = terrible
करवाल (karavaala) = sword
करवावहै (karavaavahai) = may we do
करस्थाः (karasthaaH) = obtaining(literally standing) in his very hands
करांशुकम् (karaa.nshukam.h) = (n) full-sleeved shirt
कराल (karaala) = dreadful
करालं (karaalaM) = horrible
करालानि (karaalaani) = terrible
करियादः (kariyaadaH) = (m) hippopotamus
करिष्यति (karishhyati) = can do
करिष्यसि (karishhyasi) = perform
करिष्ये (karishhye) = I shall execute
करुणः (karuNaH) = kindly
करुणा (karuNaa) = the sentiment of sorrow
करुणाकरं (karuNaakara.n) = the one induces compassion
करुणार्णवं (karuNaarNavaM) = the ocean of `karuna’ (compassion)
करोति (karoti) = does
करोमि (karomi) = I do
करोसि (karosi) = you do
करौ (karau) = hands (lower arms)
कर्क (karka) = The Zodiacal sign Cancer
कर्कटि (karkaTi) = (f) cucumber
कर्करोगः (karkarogaH) = (m) cancer
कर्ण (karNa) = ear, also KarNa from Mahabharata
कर्णं (karNaM) = Karna
कर्णः (karNaH) = Karna
कर्णपिडासन (karNapiDaasana) = the ear-press posture
कर्णिकार (karNikaara) = Himalayan tree
कर्णेभिः (karNebhiH) = through the ears
कर्तयति (kartayati) = to cut
कर्तरी (kartarii) = (f) scissors
कर्तव्य (kartavya) = should be done
कर्तव्यं (kartavyaM) = prescribed duty
कर्तव्यानि (kartavyaani) = should be done as duty
कर्ता (kartaa) = doer, also attributed to main person in a household
कर्ताऽसि (kartaa.asi) = are the doer
कर्तारं (kartaaraM) = the father
कर्तुं (kartuM) = to perform
कर्तुमर्हसि (kartumarhasi) = kartuM + arhasi:to do + deserve (You are entitled or you should)
कर्तृत्वं (kartRitvaM) = proprietorship
कर्तृत्वे (kartRitve) = in the matter of creation
कर्पुर (karpura) = camphor
कर्म (karma) = Action or activity
कर्मभाव (karmabhaava) = The 10th house of Careers and Work
कर्मजं (karmajaM) = due to fruitive activities
कर्मजा (karmajaa) = from fruitive work
कर्मजान् (karmajaan.h) = born of work
कर्मणः (karmaNaH) = than fruitive action
कर्मणा (karmaNaa) = by work
कर्मणां (karmaNaaM) = of prescribed duties
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in action
कर्मन् (karman.h) = work
कर्मफल (karmaphala) = the result of an action
कर्मफलं (karmaphalaM) = the results of all activities
कर्मफलत्यागः (karmaphalatyaagaH) = renunciation of the results of fruitive action
कर्मफलासङ्गं (karmaphalaasa.ngaM) = attachment for fruitive results
कर्मफले (karmaphale) = in fruitive action
कर्मबन्धं (karmabandhaM) = bondage of reaction
कर्मबन्धनः (karmabandhanaH) = bondage by work
कर्मभिः (karmabhiH) = from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions
कर्मयोग (karmayoga) = unselfish actions
कर्मयोगं (karmayogaM) = devotion
कर्मयोगः (karmayogaH) = work in devotion
कर्मयोगेण (karmayogeNa) = by the linking process of devotion
कर्मसंन्यासात् (karmasa.nnyaasaat.h) = in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work
कर्मसङ्गिनां (karmasa.nginaaM) = who are attached to fruitive work
कर्मसङ्गिषु (karmasa.ngishhu) = in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities
कर्मसङ्गेन (karmasa.ngena) = by association with fruitive activity
कर्मसु (karmasu) = in all activities
कर्माणं (karmaaNaM) = the fruits of actions
कर्माणां (karmaaNaaM) = whose work
कर्माणि (karmaaNi) = deeds
कर्मिभ्यः (karmibhyaH) = than the fruitive workers
कर्मेन्द्रिय (karmendriya) = an action organ, e.g. the hands or feet
कर्मेन्द्रियाणि (karmendriyaaNi) = the five working sense organs
कर्मेन्द्रियैः (karmendriyaiH) = by the active sense organs
कर्ष (karshha) = attracted, contacted
कर्षक (karshhaka) = farmer
कर्षति (karshhati) = (1 pp) to draw, to pull
कर्षयन्तः (karshhayantaH) = tormenting
कलकत्तानगरं (kalakattaanagaraM) = Calcutta
कलकल (kalakala) = a sort of sound imitation (dhvnyanukaraNa) like a river flow
कलत्रकारक (kalatrakaaraka) = Significator of marriage partner which is Venus
कलयतां (kalayataaM) = of subduers
कलह (kalaha) = fight/discord/argument
कला (kalaa) = Art
कलानाथ (kalaanaatha) = moon (??? I may be wrong here)
कलायः (kalaayaH) = (m) groundnut
कलि (kali) = Bud
कलियुग (kaliyuga) = the current, pleasure-loving age
कलिलं (kalilaM) = dense forest
कलुषः (kalushhaH) = smeared, blot
कलेवर (kalevara) = (neut) body
कलेवरं (kalevaraM) = the body
कलौ (kalau) = during the kali age
कल्पद्रुम (kalpadruma) = kalpa-vRiksha : the tree that will give you anything you can
कल्पतरु (kalpataru) = (m) The heavenly tree giving whatever one desires
कल्पते (kalpate) = is considered eligible
कल्पवृक्षाणां (kalpavRikshaaNaaM) = the kalpa(imagined) vR\^iksha trees (wish-yielding)
कल्पक्षये (kalpakShaye) = at the end of the millennium
कल्पादौ (kalpaadau) = in the beginning of the millennium
कल्पित (kalpita) = imagined
कल्मषः (kalmashhaH) = all material contamination
कल्मषाः (kalmashhaaH) = of sinful reactions
कल्याण (kalyaaNa) = well being (of others)
कल्याणं (kalyaaNaM) = (n) welfare
कल्याणकृत् (kalyaaNakRit.h) = one who is engaged in auspicious activities
कवची (kavachii) = with armor
कवयः (kavayaH) = the intelligent
कवयित्री (kavayitrii) = (f) poetess
कवलीकृत (kavaliikRita) = (adj) swallowed
कवि (kavi) = poet
कविं (kaviM) = the one who knows everything
कविः (kaviH) = poet
कविता (kavitaa) = poetry
कविताशाखां (kavitaashaakhaaM) = the poetry-branch (of a tree)
कवीनां (kaviinaaM) = of all great thinkers
कव्य (kavya) = poetry
कशा (kashaa) = (f) a whip
कशेरुः (kasheruH) = (m) spine, spinal chord
कश्चन (kashchana) = cerain
कश्चित् (kashchit.h) = someone
कश्मलं (kashmalaM) = dirtiness
कषाय (kashhaaya) = (m) astringent
कस्ते (kaste) = kaH+te, who+your
कस्मात् (kasmaat.h) = why
कस्मै (kasmai) = to `Ka’
कस्य (kasya) = whose
कस्यचित् (kasyachit.h) = anyone’s
कहलयोग (kahalayoga) = Stubborness (Ranjan says laziness). Lords of 4th and 9th houses should be in Kendras from each other and the lord of Lagna should be strongly disposed
कङ्कालः (ka~NkaalaH) = (m) skeleton
का (kaa) = who
कापुरुष (kaapurushha) = contemptible fellow
कां (kaaM) = which
कांचनमाश्रयंति (kaa.nchanamaashraya.nti) = take refuge in gold or money
काक (kaaka) = crow
काकासन (kaakaasana) = the crow posture
काकिणी (kaakiNii) = the goddess in anaahata chakra
काकुत्स्थं (kaakutsthaM) = kAkutsthaH is another family name for rAma(kakutstha’s
काकुत्स्थः (kaakutsthaH) = descendant of `kakutstha’
कागदम् (kaagadam.h) = (n) paper
काङ्क्षति (kaa.nkShati) = desires
काङ्क्षन्तः (kaa.nkShantaH) = desiring
काङ्क्षितं (kaa.nkShitaM) = is desired
काङ्क्षे (kaa.nkShe) = do I desire
काञ्चन (kaaJNchana) = gold
काञ्चनः (kaaJNchanaH) = gold
काते (kaate) = kA+te, who+your
कादंबरी (kaadaMbarii) = name of a girl or title of a novel
कादम्बः (kaadambaH) = (m) duck
कानन (kaanana) = forest
कान्तं (kaantaM) = lovely , glowing
कान्ता (kaantaa) = wife
कान्ति (kaanti) = splendour
काम (kaama) = lust
कामं (kaamaM) = desire
कामः (kaamaH) = desire
कामकाम (kaamakaama) = desirer of desires (kaamaan kaamayati iti aN)
कामकामाः (kaamakaamaaH) = desiring sense enjoyments
कामकामी (kaamakaamii) = one who desires to fulfill desires
कामकारतः (kaamakaarataH) = acting whimsically in lust
कामकारेण (kaamakaareNa) = for enjoying the result of work
कामदाम् (kaamadaam.h) = (the hymn which) gives (grants) all desires
कामधुक् (kaamadhuk.h) = kaamadhenu : the cow who can milk out anything you wish
कामधेनु (kaamadhenu) = the heavenly cow
कामप्रि (kaamapri) = son of kaamapra
कामभोगेषु (kaamabhogeshhu) = to sense gratification
काममधीते (kaamamadhiite) = desire, reads
कामये (kaamaye) = (Vr.Pr.IP.S.AP)desire; wish for
कामरूपं (kaamaruupaM) = in the form of lust
कामरूपेण (kaamaruupeNa) = in the form of lust
कामविकारः (kaamavikaaraH) = sensual/sexual attraction
कामहैतुकं (kaamahaitukaM) = it is due to lust only
कामाः (kaamaaH) = desires
कामात् (kaamaat.h) = from desire
कामात्मानः (kaamaatmaanaH) = desirous of sense gratification
कामान् (kaamaan.h) = desiring
कामित (kaamita) = something one has wished for
कामेप्सुना (kaamepsunaa) = by one with desires for fruitive results
कामेभ्यः (kaamebhyaH) = material sense gratification
कामेश्वर (kaameshvara) = lord of desires
कामैः (kaamaiH) = by desires
कामोपभोग (kaamopabhoga) = sense gratification
काम्यानां (kaamyaanaaM) = with desire
काय (kaaya) = body (masc, neut)
कायं (kaayaM) = the body
काया (kaayaa) = body
कायिका (kaayikaa) = pertaining to the body
कायेन (kaayena) = with the body
कारक (kaaraka) = Planetary Significator which remain the same for all houses
कारकैः (kaarakaiH) = which are causes
कारण (kaaraNa) = reason
कारणं (kaaraNaM) = the means
कारणम् (kaaraNam.h) = reason
कारणानि (kaaraNaani) = causes
कारयन् (kaarayan.h) = causing to be done
कारागृहम् (kaaraagRiham.h) = (n) prison, jail
कारि (kaari) = causing
कारुण्यरूपं (kaaruNyaruupaM) = the personification of compassion
कार्तिकेय (kaartikeya) = the god of war, was reared by the Pleiades
कार्पण्य (kaarpaNya) = of miserliness
कार्पण्यवादी (kaarpaNyavaadii) = adj. wrechedness incarnate
कार्य (kaarya) = work
कार्यं (kaaryaM) = work
कार्यकर्ता (kaaryakartaa) = worker, active participant in an organisation
कार्यते (kaaryate) = is forced to do
कार्यालयः (kaaryaalayaH) = (m) office, place of work
कार्ये (kaarye) = work
काल (kaala) = Time
कालं (kaalaM) = time
कालः (kaalaH) = Master Time
कालत्रय (kaalatraya) = three states of time(present, past and future)
कालपुरुष (kaalapurushha) = Universal Prototypal Human. Spirit of Time
कालबल (kaalabala) = Temporal strength of planets used in Shad bala
कालबाह्यम् (kaalabaahyam.h) = (adj) outdated, obsolete
कालभैरवासन (kaalabhairavaasana) = Lord Kalabhairava’s posture
कालसर्पयोग (kaalasarpayoga) = Planets on one side of the Nodal Axis of Rahu-Ketu
कालानल (kaalaanala) = the fire of death
कालाय (kaalaaya) = (masc.dat.S)to the (Lord of) Time
कालीमातुः (kaaliimaatuH) = Mother Kali’s
काले (kaale) = time
कालेन (kaalena) = in the course of time
कालेषु (kaaleshhu) = times
काव्य (kaavya) = poetry
काशते (kaashate) = (1 ap) to shine
काशिराजः (kaashiraajaH) = Kasiraja
काश्यः (kaashyaH) = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
काषाय (kaashhaaya) = saffron cloth
काष्ट (kaashhTa) = wood, branch
काष्ठ (kaashhTha) = (neut) piece of wood
कासते (kaasate) = to cough
कासारः (kaasaaraH) = lake
किं (kiM) = what
किङ्किणी (ki.nkiNii) = (f) ghungroo
किञ्चन (kiJNchana) = any
किञ्चित् (kiJNchit.h) = a few, little
किन्तु (kintu) = but
किमू (kimuu) = how come ?
किरण (kiraNa) = ray
किरति (kirati) = (6 pp) to scatter
किरीटिन् (kiriiTin.h) = Arjuna
किरीटिनं (kiriiTinaM) = with helmets
किल्बिशं (kilbishaM) = sinful reactions
किल्बिषः (kilbishhaH) = all of whose sins
किल्बिषैः (kilbishhaiH) = from sins
किशोर (kishora) = son
किशोरी (kishorii) = daughter
किसलय (kisalaya) = A sprout, a young and tender shoot or foliage
कीदृशी (kiidRishii) = how
कीर्त् (kiirt.h) = to tell
कीर्तयन्तः (kiirtayantaH) = chanting
कीर्तिं (kiirtiM) = reputation
कीर्तिः (kiirtiH) = fame
कीर्ती (kiirtii) = fame
कुपरीक्षक (kupariikShaka) = one who cannot judge value correctly
कुंजरः (ku.njaraH) = (Masc.nom.S)elephant
कुकुटासन (kukuTaasana) = the cockerel (rooster) posture
कुक्कुट (kukkuTa) = rooster
कुक्कुटः (kukkuTaH) = (m) cock
कुक्कुटी (kukkuTii) = (f) hen
कुक्कुरः (kukkuraH) = (m) dog
कुङ्मलः (ku.nmalaH) = (m) button
कुज (kuja) = Mars
कुजदोष (kujadoshha) = Affliction caused by Mars occupying the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses. There are some more details and it is best to learn more about this before delineating marital relationships
कुटी (kuTii) = (f) a small hut
कुटीचक (kuTiichaka) = the hut-builder
कुटील्बुद्धी (kuTiilbuddhii) = adj. heinous, attrocious, nefarious
कुटुंबकं (kuTuMbakaM) = small family
कुटुम्ब (kuTumba) = family
कुटुम्बक (kuTumbaka) = family
कुट्टति (kuTTati) = to grind, to pound
कुण्ड (kuNDa) = starting place of kundalini
कुण्डल (kuNDala) = coil of rope, ring
कुण्डलि (kuNDali) = The Wheel or Horoscope Chart
कुण्डलिनी (kuNDalinii) = a coiled female snake, the latent energy at the base of the spine
कुतः (kutaH) = from where
कुत्र (kutra) = where
कुत्स्य (kutsya) = despicable
कुन्चिका (kunchikaa) = (f) key
कुन्तः (kuntaH) = (m) spear
कुन्तिभोजः (kuntibhojaH) = Kuntibhoja
कुन्तीपुत्रः (kuntiiputraH) = the son of Kunti
कुन्द (kunda) = night lily
कुपित (kupita) = angered
कुपितं (kupitaM) = angry
कुप्यति (kupyati) = (4 pp) to be angry
कुप्यसि (kupyasi) = you get angry
कुमार (kumaara) = (m) boy, young
कुमारः (kumaaraH) = boy
कुमारिका (kumaarikaa) = (f) girl
कुमारी (kumaarii) = (f) girl, young
कुम्भ (kumbha) = The Zodiacal sign of Aquarius
कुम्भक (kumbhaka) = holding the breath
कुरङ्ग (kura.nga) = deer
कुरु (kuru) = do
कुरुते (kurute) = does (from kRi)
कुरुनन्दन (kurunandana) = O beloved child of the Kurus
कुरुप्रवीर (kurupraviira) = O best among the Kuru warriors
कुरुवृद्धः (kuruvRiddhaH) = the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhishma)
कुरुश्रेष्ठ (kurushreshhTha) = O best of the Kurus
कुरुष्व (kurushhva) = do
कुरुसत्तम (kurusattama) = O best amongst the Kurus
कुरुक्षेत्रे (kurukShetre) = in the place named Kuruksetra
कुरून् (kuruun.h) = the members of the Kuru dynasty
कुर्म (kurma) = a tortoise, one of the vital airs – controls blinking
कुर्मासन (kurmaasana) = the tortoise (leg-lock) posture
कुर्यां (kuryaaM) = I perform
कुर्यात् (kuryaat.h) = must do
कुर्वंति (kurva.nti) = (Vr.Pr.IIIP Pl.PP)do; act
कुर्वन् (kurvan.h) = doing anything
कुर्वन्ति (kurvanti) = do (from kRi)
कुर्वन्तु (kurvantu) = may do
कुर्वन्नपि (kurvannapi) = although engaged in work
कुर्ववधानं (kurvavadhaanaM) = pay attention
कुर्वाण (kurvaaNa) = one who does
कुर्वाणः (kurvaaNaH) = performing
कुर्वान् (kurvaan.h) = doing
कुल (kula) = family, dynasty
कुलं (kulaM) = family
कुलगुरुः (kulaguruH) = (m) chancellor
कुलघ्नानां (kulaghnaanaaM) = for those who are killers of the family
कुलजना (kulajanaa) = of noble people
कुलधर्माः (kuladharmaaH) = the family traditions
कुलधर्माणां (kuladharmaaNaaM) = of those who have the family traditions
कुलनाम (kulanaama) = last name, surname
कुलनिहंतारौ (kulaniha.ntaarau) = family+destroyers (2 persons)
कुलविनाश (kulavinaasha) = the destroyer of the kula(dynasty, lineage) of (rAkShasaas)
कुलस्त्रियः (kulastriyaH) = family ladies
कुलस्य (kulasya) = for the family
कुलक्षय (kulakShaya) = in the destruction of a dynasty
कुलक्षये (kulakShaye) = in destroying the family
कुलानि (kulaani) = lineages
कुलालः (kulaalaH) = (m) potter
कुलीन (kuliina) = from a good family
कुलीरः (kuliiraH) = (m) a crab
कुले (kule) = in the family
कुल्या (kulyaa) = (f) canal (carrying water for irrigation)
कुश (kusha) = and kusa grass
कुशलं (kushalaM) = welfare
कुशले (kushale) = in the auspicious
कुशहस्त (kushahasta) = holding kusha grass in hand
कुसुम (kusuma) = flower
कुसुमाकरः (kusumaakaraH) = spring
कुसुमित (kusumita) = blooming
कुस्यति (kusyati) = (4 pp) to embrace, to hug
कूजंतं (kuuja.ntaM) = making the `coo’ing sound
कूजत् (kuujat.h) = the singing (chirping) one
कूटनीतिः (kuuTaniitiH) = (f) strategy
कूटस्थं (kuuTasthaM) = unchanging
कूटस्थः (kuuTasthaH) = spiritually situated
कूपः (kuupaH) = (m) well
कूपी (kuupii) = (f) bottle
कूर्चिका (kuurchikaa) = (f) paint brush, drawing brush
कूर्दति (kuurdati) = to jump
कूर्परः (kuurparaH) = (m) elbow
कूर्मः (kuurmaH) = tortoise
कृ (kRi) = to do
कृच्छर (kRichchhara) = difficult
कृडति (kRiDati) = (1 pp) to play
कृण्वंतः (kRiNva.ntaH) = that person who is doing
कृत् (kRit.h) = the man who did (the destruction of raakshasa kula)
कृत (kRita) = Done
कृतं (kRitaM) = done
कृतकृत्यः (kRitakRityaH) = the most perfect in his endeavours
कृतधियां (kRitadhiyaaM) = of sanes (stable-minded)
कृतज्ञ (kRitaGYa) = Grateful
कृतज्ञता (kRitaGYataa) = gratitude
कृताञ्जलिः (kRitaaJNjaliH) = with folded hands
कृतान्ते (kRitaante) = in the conclusion
कृति (kRiti) = Direction
कृतेन (kRitena) = by discharge of duty
कृत्तिका (kRittikaa) = Third nakshatra
कृत्य (kRitya) = Deed
कृत्यैः (kRityaiH) = that which was done
कृत्वा (kRitvaa) = after doing
कृत्स्नं (kRitsnaM) = whole
कृत्स्नकर्मकृत् (kRitsnakarmakRit.h) = although engaged in all activities
कृत्स्नवत् (kRitsnavat.h) = as all in all
कृत्स्नवित् (kRitsnavit.h) = one who is in factual knowledge
कृत्स्नस्य (kRitsnasya) = all-inclusive
कृन्तति (kRintati) = (6 pp) to cut
कृपः (kRipaH) = Krpa
कृपण (kRipaNa) = adj. niggardly
कृपणाः (kRipaNaaH) = misers
कृपया (kRipayaa) = please
कृपयाऽपारे (kRipayaa.apaare) = out of boundless compassion
कृपा (kRipaa) = compassion
कृपाछाया (kRipaachhaayaa) = care, protection
कृश (kRisha) = weak
कृशः (kRishaH) = (adj) thin
कृशति (kRishati) = (6 pp) to plough
कृषक (kRishhaka) = peasant
कृषकः (kRishhakaH) = (m) farmer
कृषि (kRishhi) = plowing
कृषीवलः (kRishhiivalaH) = (m) farmer
कृष्ण (kRishhNa) = the eighth incarnation of Vishnu i.e. Krishna
कृष्णपक्ष (kRishhNapaksha) = Dark half of lunar month, also known as vadyapaksha
कृष्णं (kRishhNaM) = unto KRishhNa
कृष्णः (kRishhNaH) = the fortnight of the dark moon
कृष्णाजिनाम्बरौ (kRishhNaajinaambarau) = )two) persons wearing the deer-skin as clothes
कृष्णात् (kRishhNaat.h) = from KRishhNa
कृष्णासन (kRishhNaasana) = the Krishna posture
कृष्णे (kRishhNe) = and darkness
के (ke) = who
केचित् (kechit.h) = some of them
केतकी (ketakii) = a fragrant flower
केतू (ketuu) = The south Lunar Node also known as Cauda Draconis in latin. The Dragon’s tail in English
केन (kena) = by what
केनचित् (kenachit.h) = by somebody
केन्द्र (kendra) = center
केन्द्रक (kendraka) = nucleus
केन्द्रे (kendre) = (adv) at the centre
केमद्रुम (kemadruma) = No planet flanking the Moon sign. Traditionally a sign of great misery and mental instability
केयूर (keyuura) = armlet (bracelet worn on upper arm)
केवल (kevala) = whole, pure
केवलं (kevalaM) = (adv) merely
केवलैः (kevalaiH) = purified
केश (kesha) = hair
केशव (keshava) = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRishhNa)
केशवस्य (keshavasya) = of KRishhNa
केशिनिशूदन (keshinishuudana) = O killer of the Kesi demon
केषु (keshhu) = in which
केसरवर्णः (kesaravarNaH) = orange colour
कैः (kaiH) = by whom
कैलास (kailaasa) = a Himalayan mountain, home of Shiva
कैवल्य (kaivalya) = spiritual independence and freedom
कोऽपि (ko.api) = whosoever
कोऽहं (ko.ahaM) = who am I
कोउस्तुभ (koustubha) = gem named Kostubha
कोकिल (kokila) = the cuckoo
कोटि (koTi) = (fem) extreme corner/edge
कोटिभाग (koTibhaaga) = (masc) edge portion
कोटी (koTii) = 1 crore, 10 million
कोणः (koNaH) = (m) angle, corner of a room
कोणे (koNe) = (adv) in the corner
कोन (kona) = an angle
कोप (kopa) = anger
कोपवती (kopavatii) = when angry
कोपित (kopita) = angered
कोलाहल (kolaahala) = (masc) uproar
कोश (kosha) = body or sheath
कोष (koshha) = a vessel, bucket, a box, seheath, cover, store, store-room, treasury, nutmeg, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary
कोषः (koshhaH) = (m) pocket
कोष्ठः (koshhThaH) = (m) room
कोष्ठावलिः (koshhThaavaliH) = apartment complex
कोष्ठिका (koshhThikaa) = (f) cabin
कौतुक (kautuka) = (neut) curiosity, eagerness
कौन्तेय (kaunteya) = O son of Kunti
कौन्तेयः (kaunteyaH) = the son of Kunti
कौमारं (kaumaaraM) = boyhood
कौमार्य (kaumaarya) = childhood
कौमुदी (kaumudii) = (f) moonlight
कौशलं (kaushalaM) = art
कौसल्येयो (kausalyeyo) = kausalyA’s (son)
कौस्तुभ (kaustubha) = one of Vishnu’s jewels
क्रकचः (krakachaH) = (m) a saw
क्रतवः (kratavaH) = good deeds; sacrifices
क्रतुः (kratuH) = Vedic ritual
क्रान्ति (kraanti) = revolution
क्रान्तिकारक (kraantikaaraka) = revolutionary
क्रामति (kraamati) = to cross
क्रिकर (krikara) = one of the vital airs, causes coughing and sneezing
क्रिय (kriya) = action
क्रियः (kriyaH) = and activities
क्रियते (kriyate) = is done
क्रियन्ते (kriyante) = are done
क्रियमाण (kriyamaaNa) = someone in the process of doing
क्रियमाणानि (kriyamaaNaani) = being done
क्रिया (kriyaa) = Purificationary rite, religious ceremony
क्रियाः (kriyaaH) = performances
क्रियातत्त्व (kriyaatattva) = action principle
क्रियाभिः (kriyaabhiH) = by pious activities
क्रियाविशेष (kriyaavisheshha) = pompous ceremonies
क्रियाशील (kriyaashiila) = active
क्रीडति (kriiDati) = plays
क्रीडा (kriiDaa) = play
क्रीडानक (kriiDaanaka) = (n) a toy
क्रीडालुः (kriiDaaluH) = (m) sportsman
क्रीणाति (kriiNaati) = to buy
क्रूर (kruura) = cruel
क्रूरग्रह (kruuragraha) = Malefic planet
क्रूरान् (kruuraan.h) = mischievous
क्रोध (krodha) = anger
क्रोधं (krodhaM) = anger
क्रोधः (krodhaH) = and anger
क्रोधात् (krodhaat.h) = from anger
क्रोशति (kroshati) = (1 pp) to cry
क्रौंच (krau.ncha) = a mountain said to be pierced by Kartikeya
क्रौंचपति (krau.nchapati) = kArtikeya
क्रौञ्च (krauJNcha) = a heron
क्रौञ्चासन (krauJNchaasana) = the heron posture
क्लिन्न (klinna) = wet
क्लेदयन्ति (kledayanti) = moistens
क्लेश (klesha) = (masc) distress
क्लेशः (kleshaH) = trouble
क्लैब्यं (klaibyaM) = impotence
क्व (kva) = where
क्वचित् (kvachit.h) = at any time
क्वथति (kvathati) = to boil
क्षमता (kSHamataa) = (f) competency
क्षकिरणः (kShakiraNaH) = (m) X-ray
क्षयरोगः (kShayarogaH) = (m) tuberculosis
क्षेत्राधिकारः (kShetraadhikaaraH) = (m) jurisdiction
ख (kha) = sky, aakaasha
खं (khaM) = ether
खग (khaga) = one traversing in the sky, a name of Sun, also birds
खगः (khagaH) = bird (literally the sky-goer, ‘khah’ meaning sky
खगोलशास्त्रम् (khagolashaastram.h) = astronomy
खङ्गः (kha.ngaH) = (m) sword
खङ्गमृगः (kha.ngamRigaH) = (m) rhinoceros
खञ्जः (khaJNjaH) = (m) a handicapped person, lame
खड्ग (khaDga) = sword
खड्गी (khaDgii) = with sword
खण्ड (khaNDa) = (masc, neut) piece
खण्डन (khaNDana) = to pound, cut into pieces, injuring, hurting
खण्डपिटासन (khaNDapiTaasana) = the ankle-twist posture
खण्डयति (khaNDayati) = to grate (as in grating a coconut)
खण्डशस्कृतः (khaNDashaskRitaH) = made into pieces
खनति (khanati) = (1 up) to dig
खर (khara) = sharp
खरध्वंसी (kharadhva.nsii) = he who smashed (killed) khara (a rAkShasa)
खल (khala) = rouge
खलयोग (khalayoga) = The Yoga of a swindler or confidence trickster
खलु (khalu) = (indec.)indeed
खल्वाटः (khalvaaTaH) = (m) pate, baldness
खादत् (khaadat.h) = one who eats
खादति (khaadati) = (1 pp) to eat
खिन्न (khinna) = sad
खे (khe) = in the sky
खेचरी (khecharii) = mudra where the tongue is inserted in the upper cavity
खेटः (kheTaH) = (m) shield
खेद (kheda) = sorrow
ख्यात (khyaata) = famous
ख्याती (khyaatii) = an outlook of knowledge, fame
ख्रिस्त (khrista) = Christ
ख्रिस्ताब्दे (khristaabde) = A. D., calendar year
ख्रिस्ति (khristi) = Christian
ख्समता (khsamataa) = capacity
गं (ga.n) = the letter or sound `ga.n
गकारः (gakaaraH) = beginning with the letter `ga’
गगनयात्रिकः (gaganayaatrikaH) = (m) astronaut
गङ्गा (ga.ngaa) = river Ganga
गङ्गासागर (ga.ngaasaagara) = the sea of Ganga (banks of the Ganges)
गच्छताम् (gachchhataam.h) = (may the two)go
गच्छति (gachchhati) = goes
गच्छन् (gachchhan.h) = going
गच्छन्ति (gachchhanti) = they reach
गज (gaja) = Elephant
गजः (gajaH) = elephant
गजकेशरियोग (gajakeshariyoga) = Yoga in which the Moon is in an angular position (Kendra) or 1,4,7,10 signs from Jupiter. Good Yoga for Wealth and Power based on strength and other factors in the chart
गजेन्द्राणां (gajendraaNaaM) = of lordly elephants
गञ्जीफा (gaJNjiiphaa) = playing cards
गण् (gaN.h) = to count, to consider
गण (gaNa) = Number
गणकऋषिः (gaNakaRishhiH) = the rishi of this stotra is gaNaka
गणना (gaNanaa) = consideration
गणपतये (gaNapataye) = to gaNapati
गणपति (gaNapati) = gaNaanaaM pathiH or lord of groups (of devas)
गणपतिं (gaNapatiM) = Ganesh
गणपतिर्देवता (gaNapatirdevataa) = the god of this stotra
गणपती (gaNapatii) = god of luck and wisdom
गणयति (gaNayati) = (10 up) to count
गणित (gaNita) = mathematics
गणेशविद्या (gaNeshavidyaa) = the knowledge of gaNeshha
गण्ड (gaNDa) = the cheek
गत (gata) = gone
गत( ः) (gata(H)) = (Masc.Nom.S)having gone or the person who has gone
गतं (gataM) = reached (past part.)
गतः (gataH) = returned
गतचिन्ता (gatachintaa) = thinking of
गतरसं (gatarasaM) = tasteless
गतवति (gatavati) = while gone
गतव्यथाः (gatavyathaaH) = freed from all distress
गतसङ्गस्य (gatasa.ngasya) = of one unattached to the modes of material nature
गता (gataa) = became
गताः (gataaH) = having achieved
गतागतं (gataagataM) = death and birth
गतासून् (gataasuun.h) = gata + asuun.h:departed life (dead people)
गति (gati) = the movement
गतिं (gatiM) = progress
गतिः (gatiH) = entrance
गत्वा (gatvaa) = attaining
गदति (gadati) = (1 pp) to say
गदिनं (gadinaM) = with maces
गन्तव्यं (gantavyaM) = to be reached
गन्तासि (gantaasi) = you shall go
गन्ध (gandha) = smell (masc)
गन्धः (gandhaH) = fragrance
गन्धर्व (gandharva) = of the Gandharvas
गन्धर्वाणां (gandharvaaNaaM) = of the citizens of the Gandharva planet
गन्धान् (gandhaan.h) = smells
गमः (gamaH) = take to
गमन (gamana) = Going
गमनं (gamanaM) = going
गम्यते (gamyate) = one can attain
गरीयः (gariiyaH) = better
गरीयसि (gariiyasi) = (fem.Nom.S) better (thing or person)
गरीयसे (gariiyase) = who are better
गरीयान् (gariiyaan.h) = glorious
गरुड (garuDa) = eagle
गरुडासन (garuDaasana) = the eagle posture
गर्ज् (garj.h) = to thunder
गर्जनम् (garjanam.h) = thundering sound
गर्त (garta) = (m) pit, trench, cavity
गर्द (garda) = Dark shade
गर्दभ (gardabha) = donkey
गर्दभः (gardabhaH) = (m) donkey
गर्भ (garbha) = womb
गर्भं (garbhaM) = pregnancy
गर्भः (garbhaH) = embryo
गर्भपिण्ड (garbhapiNDa) = an embryo
गर्भासन (garbhaasana) = the foetus posture
गर्भिणी (garbhiNii) = (f) a pregnant woman
गर्व (garva) = vanity
गर्वं (garvaM) = arrogance/haughtiness
गल (gala) = neck
गलित (galita) = (adj) dropped off
गलितं (galitaM) = weakened
गवाक्षः (gavaakShaH) = (m) window, an opening for ventilation
गवि (gavi) = in the cow
गहना (gahanaa) = very difficult
गां (gaaM) = the planets
गाङ्ग (gaa.nga) = of the ganga river
गाण्डीवं (gaaNDiivaM) = the bow of Arjuna
गात्राणि (gaatraaNi) = limbs of the body
गान (gaana) = singing
गायकः (gaayakaH) = (m) singer
गायति (gaayati) = (1 pp) to sing
गायत्री (gaayatrii) = the Gayatri hymns
गायिका (gaayikaa) = (f) singer
गाहते (gaahate) = (1 ap) to plunge
गाहमान (gaahamaana) = (present participle) swimming or floating
गिर् (gir.h) = language
गिरः (giraH) = words
गिरां (giraaM) = of vibrations
गिरि (giri) = mountain
गिरिकन्दर (girikandara) = (neut) ravine
गिरिजा (girijaa) = paarvati
गिरिश् (girish) = God of mountain attributed to Lord Shiva
गिलति (gilati) = to swallow
गीत (giita) = (n) song
गीतं (giitaM) = described
गीता (giitaa) = Shrimad.h Bhagavad.h gItA
गु (gu) = darkness
गुड (guDa) = jaggery
गुडः (guDaH) = (m) jaggery
गुडाकेश (guDaakesha) = O Arjuna
गुडाकेशः (guDaakeshaH) = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance
गुडाकेशेन (guDaakeshena) = by Arjuna
गुण (guNa) = qualities
गुणकः (guNakaH) = (m) multiplier, coefficient
गुणकथनपुण्येन (guNakathanapuNyena) = through the merit from praising Thy glories
गुणकर्म (guNakarma) = of works under material influence
गुणकर्मसु (guNakarmasu) = in material activities
गुणतः (guNataH) = by the modes of material nature
गुणत्रयः (guNatrayaH) = three qualities i.e satvaH , rajaH \tamaH
गुणधर्म (guNadharma) = property
गुणधर्म (guNadharma) = properties
गुणधर्म (guNadharma) = property
गुणन् (guNan.h) = praising
गुणनम् (guNanam.h) = (n) multiplication
गुणनिधिं (guNanidhiM) = the stock-pile of good qualities
गुणभेदतः (guNabhedataH) = in terms of different modes of material nature
गुणभोक्तृ (guNabhoktRi) = master of the gunas
गुणमयी (guNamayii) = consisting of the three modes of material nature
गुणमयैः (guNamayaiH) = consisting of the gunas
गुणवान् (guNavaan.h) = a man with good qualities
गुणसंख्याने (guNasa.nkhyaane) = in terms of different modes
गुणसङ्गः (guNasa.ngaH) = the association with the modes of nature
गुणज्ञ (guNaGYa) = one who knows qualities (one who is a patron of good qualities)
गुणांक (guNaa.nka) = coefficient
गुणाः (guNaaH) = senses
गुणाङ्क (guNaa.nka) = coefficient
गुणाङ्क (guNaa.nka) = coefficient
गुणातीतः (guNaatiitaH) = transcendental to the material modes of nature
गुणान् (guNaan.h) = the three modes of nature
गुणान्वितं (guNaanvitaM) = under the spell of the modes of material nature
गुणेभ्यः (guNebhyaH) = to the modes of nature
गुणेषु (guNeshhu) = in sense gratification
गुणैः (guNaiH) = by the qualities
गुणोत्तर (guNottara) = ratio
गुनवत् (gunavat.h) = man with good qualities
गुप् (gup.h) = guard, hide
गुप्त (gupta) = secret
गुप्तासन (guptaasana) = the hidden posture
गुरु (guru) = teacher
गुरुः (guruH) = teacher; weighty
गुरुचरणाम्बुज (gurucharaNaambuja) = the lotus feet of the teacher/guru
गुरुणापि (guruNaapi) = even though very difficult
गुरुत्वं (gurutvaM) = (abstract noun)greatness;weeightiness
गुरुत्वाअकर्षण (gurutvaaakarshhaNa) = gravitational attraction
गुरुन् (gurun.h) = the superiors
गुरुवार (guruvaara) = Thrusday
गुरू (guruu) = teacher, preceptor, long syllables as against short(laghuu)
गुलिका (gulikaa) = (f) tablet, pill
गुल्म (gulma) = the spleen
गुहा (guhaa) = (fem) cave
गुह्यं (guhyaM) = confidential subject
गुह्यतमं (guhyatamaM) = the most confidential
गुह्यतरं (guhyataraM) = still more confidential
गुह्यात् (guhyaat.h) = than confidential
गुह्यानां (guhyaanaaM) = of secrets
गूढ (guuDha) = (adj) secret, mysterious
गृञ्जनकम् (gRiJNjanakam.h) = (n) carrot
गृणन्ति (gRiNanti) = are offering prayers
गृणामि (gRiNaami) = I hold
गृध्रः (gRidhraH) = (m) eagle
गृह (gRiha) = house
गृहगोधिका (gRihagodhikaa) = (f) house lizard
गृहपाठः (gRihapaaThaH) = (m) homework
गृहस्थाः (gRihasthaaH) = householders
गृहादिषु (gRihaadishhu) = home, etc
गृहिणः (gRihiNaH) = (Masc.Nom.pl.) house-holders
गृहीत्वा (gRihiitvaa) = holding the
गृह्णन् (gRihNan.h) = accepting
गृह्णाति (gRihNaati) = to catch
गृह्यते (gRihyate) = can be so controlled
गेय (geya) = that which can be sung
गेयं (geyaM) = is to be sung
गेहे (gehe) = in the house
गो (go) = cow / bull
गोओष्ठी (gooshhThii) = (f) seminar
गोत्र (gotra) = family, race
गोपनीय (gopaniiya) = (adj) confidential
गोमुख (gomukha) = musical instrument resembling a cow’s face
गोमुखाः (gomukhaaH) = horns
गोमुखासन (gomukhaasana) = the cow-faced posture
गोरक्षासन (gorakShaasana) = the cowherd posture
गोविन्द (govinda) = Lord KRishna
गोविन्दं (govindaM) = Govinda
गौर (gaura) = white
गौरव (gaurava) = glory
गौरवं (gauravaM) = respect
ग्रन्थालयः (granthaalayaH) = (m) library
ग्रन्थिः (granthiH) = (m) gland
ग्रन्थी (granthii) = a knot, obstruction in the chitrini
ग्रसते (grasate) = (1 pp) to swallow
ग्रसमानः (grasamaanaH) = devouring
ग्रसिष्णु (grasishhNu) = devouring
ग्रस्तं (grastaM) = having been caught/seized
ग्रह (graha) = Planet
ग्रामम् (graamam.h) = (n) village
ग्राहकः (graahakaH) = (m) customer
ग्राहय (graahaya) = (verbal stem) to cause to be caught
ग्राहान् (graahaan.h) = things
ग्राहेण (graaheNa) = with endeavour
ग्राह्य (graahya) = what is to be grasped
ग्राह्यं (graahyaM) = accessible
ग्रीवं (griivaM) = neck
ग्लानिः (glaaniH) = discrepancies
ग्लायति (glaayati) = (1 pp) to fade
घट (ghaTa) = pot
घटः (ghaTaH) = (m) earthen pot
घटक (ghaTaka) = component
घटि (ghaTi) = Hour
घतः (ghataH) = (m) earthen pot
घन (ghana) = dark, ghana also means cloud
घनता (ghanataa) = density
घनसम (ghanasama) = Like cloud
घनिष (ghanishha) = well-built
घातयति (ghaatayati) = causes to hurt
घातुकः (ghaatukaH) = (m) butcher
घृणा (ghRiNaa) = (f) hatred
घृत (ghRita) = purified butter, Hindi ghee
घृतं (ghRitaM) = (Nr.nom. + acc. S) ghee; clarified butter
घोरं (ghoraM) = horrible
घोरे (ghore) = ghastly
घोष (ghoshha) = noise
घोषः (ghoshhaH) = vibration
घोषयति (ghoshhayati) = (10 up) to proclaim, announce
घ्नतः (ghnataH) = being killed
घ्नी (ghnii) = destroying
घ्राणं (ghraaNaM) = smelling power
च (cha) = and
च||न्द्रमा (cha||ndramaa) = (Fem.nom.S)the moon
चंद्रमाः (cha.ndramaaH) = the Moon god
चकार (chakaara) = did (past perfect tense of kRi+kar to do)
चकास्तु (chakaastu) = let it be shining
चक्र (chakra) = Circle, wheel, psychic centre in humans
चक्रं (chakraM) = cycle
चक्रबन्ध (chakrabandha) = wheel pattern, a form of bandha poetry
चक्रम् (chakram.h) = (n) wheel, cycle, circle
चक्रवातः (chakravaataH) = (m) cyclone
चक्रहस्तं (chakrahastaM) = disc in hand
चक्राअकार (chakraaakaara) = (bauvriihi) wheel-shaped
चक्रासन (chakraasana) = the wheel posture
चक्रिणं (chakriNaM) = with discs
चञ्चलं (chaJNchalaM) = flickering
चञ्चलत्वात् (chaJNchalatvaat.h) = due to being restless
चटकः (chaTakaH) = (m) sparrow
चण्डता (chaNDataa) = (f) intensity
चतुः (chatuH) = four
चतुरः (chaturaH) = capable / skiled/ clever
चतुरस्त्रः (chaturastraH) = (m) square
चतुरस्त्रकम् (chaturastrakam.h) = (n) frame (of a photograph or a picture)
चतुर्थ (chaturtha) = fourth
चतुर्थ्यां (chaturthyaaM) = during the (auspicious)4th day (from New Moon, full moon)
चतुर्भुजेन (chaturbhujena) = four-handed
चतुर्विधं (chaturvidhaM) = the four kinds
चतुर्विधाः (chaturvidhaaH) = four kinds of
चतुर्हस्तं (chaturhastaM) = who has four hands
चतुष्पादराशि (chatushhpaadaraashi) = Quadrupedal signs
चतुस् (chatus.h) = four
चतुस्सागरपर्यंतं (chatussaagaraparya.ntaM) = till or upto the four oceans
चत्वारः (chatvaaraH) = four
चत्वारि (chatvaari) = four
चन (cana) = cha(?)+na, and +not
चन्दन (chandana) = sandal
चन्द्र (chandra) = Name for the Moon
चन्द्रकुण्डली (chandrakuNDalii) = Chart where the Ascendant or lagna is the sign of the natal moon
चन्द्रराशि (chandraraashi) = Natal Moon sign. Used in India much like we use the Sun sign system in the West
चन्द्रलग्न (chandralagna) = Ascendant using the Natal lunar position
चन्द्रबिम्ब (chandrabimba) = moon disc
चन्द्रमसि (chandramasi) = in the moon
चन्द्रिक (chandrika) = moonlight
चन्द्रोदय (chandrodaya) = moon-rise
चपल (chapala) = fickle, unstable
चपलं (chapalaM) = fickle-minded
चपलता (chapalataa) = agility
चमसः (chamasaH) = (m) spoon
चमूं (chamuuM) = military force
चय (chaya) = (m) a heap
चयनम् (chayanam.h) = (n) selection, choice
चर् (char.h) = to wander
चर (chara) = moving
चरराशि (chararaashi) = Moveable signs
चरं (charaM) = moving
चरण (charaNa) = foot
चरणः (charaNaH) = (m) foot
चरतां (charataaM) = while roaming
चरति (charati) = (1 pp) to move, to roam
चरन् (charan.h) = acting upon
चरन्ति (charanti) = move or travel or wander
चराचरं (charaacharaM) = moving and nonmoving
चरित (charita) = nature
चरितं (charitaM) = story, character
चरित्र (charitra) = life
चरित्राणि (charitraaNi) = tales of valour
चरैवेति (charaiveti) = chara:moving (things) +eva:alone; only + iti:thus
चर्चा (charchaa) = discussion
चर्पट (charpaTa) = torn/tattered cloth
चर्मन् (charman.h) = (neu) skin, leather
चर्या (charyaa) = practise / observance
चल् (chal.h) = to walk
चल (chala) = moving
चलं (chalaM) = flickering
चलच्चित्र (chalachchitra) = movie
चलति (chalati) = (1pp) to walk
चलित (chalita) = deviated
चषकः (chashhakaH) = (m) glass
चषकाधानी (chashhakaadhaanii) = (f) saucer
चक्षु (chakShu) = eye
चक्षुः (chakShuH) = eyes
चक्षुस् (chakShus.h) = eye
चाकलेहः (chaakalehaH) = (m) chocolate candy, toffee
चातक (chaataka) = the ever thirsty chaataka bird that lives only on raindrops
चातुर्वर्ण्यं (chaaturvarNyaM) = the four divisions of human society
चान्द्रमसं (chaandramasaM) = the moon planet
चान्यत्रैक (chaanyatraika) = cha+anyatra+ekaH, and+in any other place+only one
चापं (chaapaM) = the bow
चापबाणधरो (chaapabaaNadharo) = bearing bow\arrow
चापल्य (chaapalya) = (from chapala) rashness
चापि (chaapi) = also
चारिणौ (chaariNau) = blowing
चालकः (chaalakaH) = (m) driver
चालकः (chaalakaH) = A restive elephant
चास्मि (chaasmi) = as I am
चिकित्सक (chikitsaka) = remedy
चिकित्सालयम् (chikitsaalayam.h) = (n) hospital
चिकीर्षवः (chikiirshhavaH) = wishing
चिकीर्षुः (chikiirshhuH) = desiring to lead
चिक्रोडः (chikroDaH) = (m) squirrel
चित् (chit.h) = pure consciousness
चिता (chitaa) = funeral pyre
चित्त (chitta) = mind
चित्तं (chittaM) = mind
चित्तः (chittaH) = mind
चित्तलयः (chittalayaH) = absorbed mind
चित्तविक्षेप (chittavikShepa) = confusion, distraction
चित्तवृत्ति (chittavRitti) = a mode of behaviour
चित्ता (chittaa) = mind
चित्तात्मा (chittaatmaa) = mind and intelligence
चित्र (chitra) = strange
चित्रं (chitraM) = surprising
चित्रकः (chitrakaH) = (m) a leopard
चित्रकार (chitrakaara) = (m) painter , artist
चित्रपटः (chitrapaTaH) = (n) movie, film
चित्रपतङ्गः (chitrapata.ngaH) = (m) butterfly
चित्रमन्दिरम् (chitramandiram.h) = (n) movie theatre
चित्ररथः (chitrarathaH) = Citraratha
चित्ररासभः (chitraraasabhaH) = (m) zebra
चित्रवेष्टिः (chitraveshhTiH) = (m) lungi
चित्रा (chitraa) = Fourteenth nakShatra
चित्रिनी (chitrinii) = a fine cord within the spine
चित्रोष्ट्रः (chitroshhTraH) = (m) giraffe
चिनोति (chinoti) = to collect, to gather
चिन्त् (chint.h) = to think
चिन्तय (chintaya) = (causative of cit) to think
चिन्तयति (chintayati) = (10 up) to think
चिन्तयन्तः (chintayantaH) = concentrating
चिन्तयेत् (chintayet.h) = should think of
चिन्ता (chintaa) = worrying
चिन्तां (chintaaM) = fears and anxieties
चिन्ताजडं (chintaajaDaM) = mind dullened by worry
चिन्तामणि (chintaamaNi) = the gem that gives you anything you can think about
चिन्तित (chintita) = something one has thought about
चिन्मयः (chinmayaH) = full of the `mind’ or consciousness
चिपण्यभिमुख (chipaNyabhimukha) = marketoriented
चिर (chira) = permanently
चिरकाल (chirakaala) = always, everpresent, permanent
चिरात् (chiraat.h) = after a long time
चिराय (chiraaya) = for long
चिरायुः (chiraayuH) = long-life- span (`chira’ actually means permanent cf. chiranjIvI)
चिह्न (chihna) = sign
ची (chii) = to increase
चीर (chiira) = dress made of bark?
चुंबक (chuMbaka) = magnet
चुंबन (chuMbana) = kiss
चुटति (chuTati) = to pinch
चुबुकसमर्पितजानु (chubukasamarpitajaanu) = face dedicated to(huddled up between) the knees
चुम्बति (chumbati) = to kiss
चुरिकाबन्ध (churikaabandha) = pattern of sword, a form of bandha poetry
चुल्लि (chulli) = (f) cooking fire
चूर्णयति (chuurNayati) = to grind (as wheat to flour)
चूर्णितैः (chuurNitaiH) = with smashed
चेकितानः (chekitaanaH) = Cekitana
चेत् (chet.h) = if
चेतना (chetanaa) = the living force
चेतयति (chetayati) = to warn
चेतस् (chetas.h) = mind
चेतसः (chetasaH) = their hearts
चेतसा (chetasaa) = by consciousness
चेतसां (chetasaaM) = of those whose minds
चेताः (chetaaH) = in heart
चेष्टः (cheshhTaH) = the endeavours
चेष्टते (cheshhTate) = (1 ap) to try, to attempt
चेष्टस्य (cheshhTasya) = of one who works for maintenance
चैतन्य (chaitanya) = energy, enthusiasm
चैलाजिन (chailaajina) = of soft cloth and deerskin
चोदना (chodanaa) = the impetus
चोधितकरण (chodhitakaraNa) = tested or awakened senses
चोरयति (chorayati) = (10 up) to steal, to rob
चौकारः (chaukaaraH) = (m) boundary, four (cricket)
च्यवन्ति (chyavanti) = fall down
छंद (chha.nda) = Hobby
छंदः (chha.ndaH) = metre (poetic)
छत्र (chhatra) = umbrella
छत्रम् (chhatram.h) = (n) umbrella
छत्राकम् (chhatraakam.h) = (n) mushroom
छदिः (chhadiH) = (m) roof
छद्मचारिणः (chhadmachaariNaH) = those who wander by adopting tricks such as becoming
छन्दसां (chhandasaaM) = of all poetry
छन्दांसि (chhandaa.nsi) = the Vedic hymns
छन्दोभिः (chhandobhiH) = by Vedic hymns
छलयतां (chhalayataaM) = of all cheats
छवी (chhavii) = picture , portrait
छात्राः (chhaatraaH) = students
छादन (chhaadana) = covering
छाया (chhaayaa) = shade
छायाचित्रं (chhaayaachitraM) = (n) photograph
छित्त्व (chhittva) = cutting
छित्त्वा (chhittvaa) = cutting off
छिद् (chhid.h) = to cut, break by cutting
छिद्र (chhidra) = (neut in this sense) hole, cut
छिनत्ति (chhinatti) = to tear, to break
छिन्दन्ति (chhindanti) = can cut to pieces
छिन्न (chhinna) = having torn off
छुरिका (chhurikaa) = (f) knife
छेत्ता (chhettaa) = remover
छेत्तुं (chhettuM) = to dispel
छेदन (chhedana) = cutting
ज (ja) = Born
जंघे (ja.nghe) = ankle
जंतूनां (ja.ntuunaaM) = (Nr.Poss.pl.) living beings; insects
जगजैत्र (jagajaitra) = jagaje?+atra, in the world?+here
जगत् (jagat.h) = universe
जगतः (jagataH) = of the world
जगतां (jagataaM) = of the Universe
जगत्पते (jagatpate) = O Lord of the entire universe
जगन् (jagan.h) = (Nr.nom + acc.sing.)world
जगन्निवास (jagannivaasa) = O refuge of the worlds
जग्रत् (jagrat.h) = awakened
जग्रतः (jagrataH) = or one who keeps night watch too much
जघन्य (jaghanya) = of abominable
जङ्गमं (ja.ngamaM) = moving
जटामुकुटमंडितम् (jaTaamukuTama.nDitam.h) = adorned by locks of hair forming a crown
जटिलः (jaTilaH) = with knotted hair
जठर (jaThara) = Intestine
जठरपरिवर्तनासन (jaTharaparivartanaasana) = the belly-turning posture
जठरे (jaThare) = in the stomach
जन् (jan.h) = to to be born or produced
जन (jana) = man
जनः (janaH) = people
जनक (janaka) = father
जनकात्मजा (janakaatmajaa) = janakA’s daughter
जनकादयाः (janakaadayaaH) = Janaka and other kings
जनघटातन्त्रं (janaghaTaatantraM) = (n) mobocracy
जनन (janana) = birth
जननं (jananaM) = birth
जननी (jananii) = mother
जनपदम् (janapadam.h) = (n) district
जनपदेषु (janapadeshhu) = in the society (janapada really meaning a village )
जनयेत् (janayet.h) = causal form from jan.h meaning “should generate”
जनसंपर्क (janasaMparka) = public relations, contact with people
जनसंसदि (janasa.nsadi) = to people in general
जनाः (janaaH) = persons
जनाधिपः (janaadhipaH) = kings
जनानां (janaanaaM) = of the persons
जनार्दन (janaardana) = O maintainer of all living entities
जनित्रं (janitraM) = (n) generator
जन्तवः (jantavaH) = the living entities
जन्तोः (jantoH) = of living beings
जन्म (janma) = birth, incarnation
जन्मः (janmaH) = (Mas.nom.Sing.)birth.janma:(Nr.)
जन्मकर्मफलप्रदां (janmakarmaphalapradaaM) = resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions
जन्मन् (janman.h) = birth
जन्मनां (janmanaaM) = repeated births and deaths
जन्मबन्ध (janmabandha) = from the bondage of birth and death
जन्मराशि (janmaraashi) = Sign occupied by the Moon at birth
जन्मसु (janmasu) = in births
जन्मानि (janmaani) = births
जप (japa) = Recitation
जपति (japati) = (1 pp) to mutter, mumble
जपन्नित्यं (japannityaM) = japan+nityaM, chanting+ever
जपयज्ञः (japayaGYaH) = chanting
जप्त्वा (japtvaa) = having chanted
जम्बाल (jambaala) = (masc) mud
जम्बीरम् (jambiiram.h) = (n) lemon
जम्बूकः (jambuukaH) = fox
जय (jaya) = victory
जयः (jayaH) = victory
जयते (jayate) = becomes victorious; wins
जयमंगलम् (jayama.ngalam.h) = victory that is auspicious
जयाजयौ (jayaajayau) = both victory and defeat
जयेम (jayema) = we may conquer
जयेयुः (jayeyuH) = they conquer
जरा (jaraa) = old age
जर्जर (jarjara) = old/digested (by disease etc)
जल (jala) = Water
जलं (jalaM) = (Nr.non. + acc.S)water
जलधि (jaladhi) = sea/ ocean
जलन्धर (jalandhara) = bandha where the chin rests in the notch between the collar bones
जलपतनसहम् (jalapatanasaham.h) = Sensitive point relating to going on a voyage. One of many used in Varshaphal and similar in idea to Arabic parts
जलपातः (jalapaataH) = (m) waterfall
जलबन्धः (jalabandhaH) = (m) dam
जललव (jalalava) = water drop
जलाशय (jalaashaya) = lake, pond
जल्प् (jalp.h) = to babble
जवनिका (javanikaa) = (f) towel
जहाति (jahaati) = can get rid of
जहि (jahi) = conquer
जहीहि (jahiihi) = jahi+iha, leave/give up+here(in this world)
जह्नु (jahnu) = name of an ancient king who adopted the ganga river
जह्नुसुता (jahnusutaa) = ganga
जज्ञिरे (jaGYire) = (Verb, Past IIIP pl.PP) took birth; were born
जागर्ति (jaagarti) = is wakeful
जागृ (jaagRi) = to stay awake
जागृत (jaagRita) = alert
जाग्रत (jaagrata) = (Vr.Imp.IIP.Pl.PP)Wake up; awake
जाग्रतावस्था (jaagrataavasthaa) = complete awareness of the state of the mind
जाग्रति (jaagrati) = are awake
जाड्य (jaaDya) = laziness, inability to identify/appreciate good qualities (here)
जात (jaata) = born, become (from jan.h, to be born, or created)
जातं (jaataM) = having become
जातः (jaataH) = of all beings
जातक (jaataka) = Nativity, literally means one who is born
जातस्य (jaatasya) = of one who has taken his birth
जाता (jaataa) = (part.fem.nom.S)is born
जाताः (jaataaH) = born
जाति (jaati) = circumstances of life to which one is born
जातिधर्माः (jaatidharmaaH) = community projects
जातु (jaatu) = at any time
जानकाराः (jaanakaaraaH) = knowledgeable
जानकीवल्लभः (jaanakiivallabhaH) = the darling of jAnaki (sItA)
जानन् (jaanan.h) = even if he knows
जानाति (jaanaati) = knows
जानीते (jaaniite) = know
जानीमः (jaaniimaH) = know
जानु (jaanu) = (n) knee
जानुशिर्षासन (jaanushirshhaasana) = the head-knee posture
जानुनी (jaanunii) = knees
जाने (jaane) = I know
जाप्यसमेत (jaapyasameta) = with chanting of the names of the lord
जामदग्न्यजित् (jaamadagnyajit.h) = he who scored a victory over jAmadagni(ParashurAm, the son
जामाता (jaamaataa) = (m) son-in-law
जाम्बवदाश्रयः (jaambavadaashrayaH) = he who gave refuge to jhambava(the bear-chieftain of
जायते (jaayate) = (4 ap) to be born
जायन्ते (jaayante) = develop
जाया (jaayaa) = Wife, female companion, spouse, strii
जाल (jaala) = net
जालं (jaalaM) = (n) net, network
जालम् (jaalam.h) = (n) net
जाह्नवी (jaahnavii) = the River Ganges
जिंव्हा (ji.nvhaa) = tongue
जिगिषतां (jigishhataaM) = of those who seek victory
जिघ्रति (jighrati) = (1 pp) to smell
जिघ्रन् (jighran.h) = smelling
जिजीविषामः (jijiivishhaamaH) = we would want to live
जित (jita) = having conquered
जितः (jitaH) = conquered
जितात्मनः (jitaatmanaH) = of one who has conquered his mind
जितात्मा (jitaatmaa) = having control of the mind
जितेन्द्रियं (jitendriyaM) = the conqueror of senses
जितेन्द्रियः (jitendriyaH) = having conquered the senses
जित्वा (jitvaa) = by conquering
जिवधारणकारि (jivadhaaraNakaari) = responsible for life’s existence
जिवभूतां (jivabhuutaaM) = comprising the living entities
जिव्यते (jivyate) = remain alive
जिव्हा (jivhaa) = (f) tongue
जिव्हां (jivhaaM) = tongue
जिज्ञासुः (jiGYaasuH) = inquisitive
जी (jii) = to live
जीर्ण (jiirNa) = very old, dilapidated, torn
जीर्णानि (jiirNaani) = old and useless
जीव् (jiiv.h) = to live
जीव (jiiva) = life
जीवलोक (jiivaloka) = the mortal world
जीवः (jiivaH) = life
जीवति (jiivati) = while living(without earning)
जीवन (jiivana) = life
जीवनं (jiivanaM) = life
जीवन्मुक्तिः (jiivanmuktiH) = salvation+freedom from bondage of birth
जीवभूतः (jiivabhuutaH) = the conditioned living entity
जीवमान (jiivamaana) = one who lives
जीवलोके (jiivaloke) = in the world of conditional life
जीवशास्त्रं (jiivashaastraM) = (n) biology
जीवस्य (jiivasya) = (masc.poss.S) of life
जीवात्मन् (jiivaatman.h) = Also spelt Jeevatman. Is the soul within the human sphere
जीवात्मा (jiivaatmaa) = the individual soul
जीवित (jiivita) = life
जीवितेन (jiivitena) = living
जीवेमः (jiivemaH) = may we live
जुष्टं (jushhTaM) = practiced by
जुहोसि (juhosi) = you offer
जुह्वति (juhvati) = offer
जृम्भते (jRimbhate) = to yawn
जेतासि (jetaasi) = you will conquer
जैमिनी (jaiminii) = Maharishi Jaimini a sage who wrote an elucidation of sections of Maharishi Parashara’s work. This became the basis for another system of Astrology in India
जोषयेत् (joshhayet.h) = he should dovetail
ज्यायसः (jyaayasaH) = gen. sing. of jyaayas, greater
ज्यायसि (jyaayasi) = better
ज्यायाः (jyaayaaH) = better
ज्येष्ठा (jyeshhThaa) = Eighteenth nakShatra
ज्योतिः (jyotiH) = light
ज्योतिर्ध्यान (jyotirdhyaana) = luminous contemplation
ज्योतिष (jyotishha) = The study of Illuminated bodies. The study of Astrology and Astronomy which were one science in the past
ज्योतिषी (jyotishhii) = An Astrologer
ज्योती (jyotii) = inner light
ज्योतीषां (jyotiishhaaM) = of all luminaries
ज्योत्स्न (jyotsna) = moonlight
ज्योत्स्ना (jyotsnaa) = (f) moonlight
ज्वर (jvara) = fever
ज्वलति (jvalati) = (1 pp) to glow
ज्वलद्भिः (jvaladbhiH) = blazing
ज्वलनं (jvalanaM) = a fire
ज्वालः (jvaalaH) = (m) fuse
झषाणां (jhashhaaNaaM) = of all fish
झृम्बणम् (jhRimbaNam.h) = (n) yawning
डयते (Dayate) = to fly
डुकृञ्करण (DukRiJNkaraNa) = grammatic formula “DukRi.nkaraNa”
डुकृञ्करणे (DukRiJNkaraNe) = the grammatical formula “DukRi.nkaraNe”
तं (taM) = him
तक्रं (takraM) = (Nr.nom. + acc.S)curd or buttermilk
तजक (tajaka) = A system of Solar Return Charts also known as Varshaphal
तड् (taD.h) = to hit
तडागः (taDaagaH) = lake, pond
तण्डव (taNDava) = violent dance of Shiva
तत् (tat.h) = that
ततं (tataM) = pervaded
ततः (tataH) = Then
ततस्ततः (tatastataH) = from there
ततो (tato) = then , afterwards
ततोहंसः (tatoha.nsaH) = tataH: then or from there + haMsaH:swan or Brahman
तत्त्व (tattva) = an element, the twenty-four categories of thatness
तत्त्वं (tattvaM) = truth/nature
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = in reality
तत्त्ववित् (tattvavit.h) = the knower of the Absolute Truth
तत्त्वज्ञान (tattvaGYaana) = of knowledge of the truth
तत्त्वे (tattve) = truth
तत्त्वेन (tattvena) = in reality
तत्परं (tatparaM) = afterwards
तत्परः (tatparaH) = very much attached to it
तत्परायणः (tatparaayaNaH) = who have completely taken shelter of Him
तत्प्रसादात् (tatprasaadaat.h) = by His grace
तत्बुद्धयः (tatbuddhayaH) = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme
तत्र (tatra) = there
तत्विदः (tatvidaH) = by those who know this
तत्समक्षं (tatsamakShaM) = among companions
तत्सिद्धिः (tatsiddhiH) = that materialisation
तथा (tathaa) = and , also , like that
तथापि (tathaapi) = yet , even then
तथैव (tathaiva) = similarly
तदनु (tadanu) = after that
तद् (tad.h) = he/she/it
तद्धाम (tad.hdhaama) = that abode
तदनंतरं (tadana.ntaraM) = later to that
तदनन्तरं (tadanantaraM) = thereafter
तदपि (tadapi) = tat.h+api, then even
तदा (tadaa) = then
तदात्मानः (tadaatmaanaH) = those whose minds are always in the Supreme
तदिह (tadiha) = tat.h+iha, that+here
तद्वत् (tadvat.h) = like that
तद्विद्धि (tadviddhi) = you must know it
तन (tana) = Body
तनय (tanaya) = (m) son
तनया (tanayaa) = daughter
तनु (tanu) = body
तनुभाव (tanubhaava) = First house or house of body
तनुं (tanuM) = form of a demigod
तनूं (tanuuM) = body
तनूज (tanuuja) = son
तनूभिः (tanuubhiH) = through the bodies (sharIra)
तन्तु (tantu) = thread / stalk
तन्तुवायः (tantuvaayaH) = (m) spinner (one who spins cloth, not the bowler 🙂
तन्त्र (tantra) = treatises on ritual, meditation, discipline, etc
तन्निष्ठाः (tannishhThaaH) = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme
तन्नो (tanno) = he to us
तन्मात्रा (tanmaatraa) = the five potentials or senses
तन्मुख्यं (tanmukhyaM) = tat.h + mukhyaM:that + important
तन्मेमनः (tanmemanaH) = tat.h + me + manaH: that + my + mind
तन्वि (tanvi) = woman
तप (tapa) = to burn, shine, suffer
तपः (tapaH) = penance
तपःसु (tapaHsu) = in undergoing different types of austerities
तपति (tapati) = (1 pp) to heat up
तपन्तं (tapantaM) = heating
तपस् (tapas.h) = sustained effort
तपसा (tapasaa) = by the penance
तपसां (tapasaaM) = and penances and austerities
तपसि (tapasi) = in penance
तपस्यसि (tapasyasi) = austerities you perform
तपस्या (tapasyaa) = (f) penance, meditation
तपस्विभ्यः (tapasvibhyaH) = than the ascetics
तपस्विषु (tapasvishhu) = in those who practice penance
तपामि (tapaami) = give heat
तपोभिः (tapobhiH) = by serious penances
तपोयज्ञाः (tapoyaGYaaH) = sacrifice in austerities
तप्त (tapta) = troubled, frustrated
तप्तं (taptaM) = executed
तप्यन्ते (tapyante) = undergo
तम् (tam.h) = him
तम (tama) = Anger
तमः (tamaH) = (m) darkness, ignorance
तमनेन (tamanena) = that+thro’ this
तमस् (tamas.h) = darkness
तमस (tamasa) = darkness, inertia, ignorance
तमसः (tamasaH) = to darkness
तमसि (tamasi) = the mode of ignorance
तमोद्वारैः (tamodvaaraiH) = from the gates of ignorance
तया (tayaa) = by her
तयोः (tayoH) = of them
तर (tara) = crossing over
तरंतु (tara.ntu) = (Vr.Imp.IIIP.Pl.PP) let them cross
तरक (taraka) = a demon slain by Kartikeya
तरङ्ग (tara.nga) = (m) wave
तरङ्गः (tara.ngaH) = (m) wave
तरणे (taraNe) = in crossing
तरति (tarati) = (1 pp) to cross
तरन् (taran.h) = swimming or crossing
तरन्गेषु (tarangeshhu) = among the waves
तरन्ति (taranti) = overcome
तरिष्यसि (tarishhyasi) = you will overcome
तरु (taru) = Tree
तरुणः (taruNaH) = young man
तरुणी (taruNii) = young woman
तरुणौ (taruNau) = (two)youngsters
तरुतलवासं (tarutalavaasaM) = living under the trees
तरू (taruu) = Tree
तर्केण (tarkeNa) = (masc.instr.Sing.)logic
तर्जनं (tarjanaM) = the fear
तर्जनी (tarjanii) = Finger
तर्हि (tarhi) = then, in that case
तल (tala) = Bottom
तल्पः (talpaH) = (m) mattress
तव (tava) = Yours
तवं (tavaM) = you
तस्थौ (tasthau) = stood
तस्मात् (tasmaat.h) = hence
तस्मिन् (tasmin.h) = in that
तस्मिन्काये (tasminkaaye) = tasmin.h+kaye, in that body
तस्मै (tasmai) = (masc.dat.S)to him
तस्य (tasya) = its
तस्यसु||न्दरं (tasyasu||ndaraM) = beautiful to him
तस्यां (tasyaaM) = in that
तस्यैश (tasyaisha) = tasya + esha(H):His + this
तक्षकः (takShakaH) = (m) carpenter
तक्षति (takShati) = to sculpt, to carve
तां (taaM) = to that
ताड (taaDa) = a mountain
ताडयति (taaDayati) = (10 up) to beat, slap
ताण (taaNa) = to stretch
ताण्डुल (taaNDula) = (rice) grains
तात् (taat.h) = that location i, e.protect me from behind
तात (taata) = My friend
तातः (taataH) = father
तादित (taadita) = beaten
तान् (taan.h) = them
तानि (taani) = his
तान्त्रिक् (taantrik.h) = pertaining to Tantra
ताप (taapa) = trouble
तापस (taapasa) = austerity, purification
तापसौ (taapasau) = (2)penance-doers
तामस (taamasa) = to one in the mode of darkness
तामसं (taamasaM) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसः (taamasaH) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसाः (taamasaaH) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसिक (taamasika) = Planets that are slothful – Waning Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury
तामसी (taamasii) = in the mode of ignorance
तारक (taaraka) = star, eye
तारिणि (taariNi) = the one who crosses
तारेण (taareNa) = thro’ the star
तालः (taalaH) = (m) lock
तालिका (taalikaa) = clap
तावत् (taavat.h) = by that time(when it was over)
तावन्निज (taavannija) = tAvat.h+nija, till then+one’s
तावान् (taavaan.h) = similarly
तासां (taasaaM) = of all of them
तिक्त (tikta) = (adj) bitter
तितिक्षस्व (titikShasva) = just try to tolerate
तित्तिभ (tittibha) = a firefly
तित्तिभासन (tittibhaasana) = the firefly posture
तिन्त्रिणी (tintriNii) = (f) tamarind
तिमिर (timira) = darkness
तिल (tila) = sesame seeds
तिलकम् (tilakam.h) = (n) bindi (the “dot on the forehead”)
तिष्ठति (tishhThati) = (1 pp) to stand
तिष्ठनि (tishhThani) = stand (from sthaa)
तिष्ठन्तं (tishhThantaM) = residing
तिष्ठन्ति (tishhThanti) = dwell
तिष्ठसि (tishhThasi) = remain
तीर (tiira) = (neut) edge, bank
तीक्ष्ण (tiikShNa) = pungent
तु (tu) = but
तुच्छ (tuchchha) = adj. trifling
तुण्डं (tuNDaM) = jaws/mouth?
तुमुलः (tumulaH) = uproarious
तुम्बरं (tumbaraM) = (n) tanpura, tambora
तुलना (tulanaa) = comparison
तुला (tulaa) = (f) balance, weighing scales
तुल्य (tulya) = comparable
तुल्यं (tulyaM) = equivalent, comparable
तुल्यः (tulyaH) = equal
तुश् (tush.h) = to be satisfied
तुषार (tushhaara) = (m) ice/snow
तुष्टः (tushhTaH) = satisfied
तुष्टिः (tushhTiH) = satisfaction
तुष्टिश्चास्तु (tushhTishchaastu) = tushhTiH + cha + astu:happiness + and + let there be
तुष्टुवांसः (tushhTuvaa.nsaH) = May we satisfy or make them happy?
तुष्णिं (tushhNiM) = silent
तुष्यति (tushhyati) = (4 pp) to be pleased
तुष्यन्ति (tushhyanti) = become pleased
तूण (tuuNa) = quiver(arrow receptacle)
तूल (tuula) = air
तूला (tuulaa) = Zodiacal Sign of Libra
तृटि (tRiTi) = defect
तृण (tRiNa) = grass
तृणा (tRiNaa) = grass
तृप्त (tRipta) = satisfied
तृप्तः (tRiptaH) = being satisfied
तृप्तिः (tRiptiH) = satisfaction
तृष्णा (tRishhNaa) = desire
तृष्णां (tRishhNaaM) = thirst/desire
ते (te) = they
तेऽपि (te.api) = even they
तेजः (tejaH) = prowess
तेजस् (tejas.h) = brilliance
तेजस (tejasa) = radiant energy, majesty
तेजस्विन् (tejasvin.h) = one who has tej (brilliance)
तेजस्विनां (tejasvinaaM) = of the powerful
तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु (tejasvinaavadhiitamastu) = with glory \ strength, our study, be
तेजोन्वेषः (tejonveshhaH) = (m) radar
तेजोभिः (tejobhiH) = by effulgence
तेजोमयं (tejomayaM) = full of effulgence
तेजोराशिं (tejoraashiM) = effulgence
तेन (tena) = by that; with that
तेनैव (tenaiva) = in that
तेशां (teshaaM) = their
तेषां (teshhaaM) = their
तेषु (teshhu) = on them
तैः (taiH) = by them
तैल (taila) = oil
तैलचित्र (tailachitra) = oil painting
तैलपः (tailapaH) = (m) cockroach
तैस्तैः (taistaiH) = various
तोयं (toyaM) = water
तोल (tola) = a balance
तोलयति (tolayati) = (10 up) to weigh
तोलाङ्गुलासन (tolaa.ngulaasana) = the balance posture
तोलासन (tolaasana) = the scales posture
तौ (tau) = they
तौस्थौ (tausthau) = stood (motionless) (past perfect tense of sthaa tishhTha to stand)
त्यक् (tyak.h) = to sacrifice
त्यक्त (tyakta) = giving up
त्यक्तजीविताः (tyaktajiivitaaH) = prepared to risk life
त्यक्तुं (tyaktuM) = to be renounced
त्यक्त्वा (tyaktvaa) = having abandoned/sacrificed
त्यक्त्वाऽत्मानं (tyaktvaa.atmaanaM) = having abandoned see as one’s own self
त्यज् (tyaj.h) = to leave
त्यजति (tyajati) = (1 pp) to abandon, to relinquish
त्यजन् (tyajan.h) = quitting
त्यजेत् (tyajet.h) = one must give up
त्याग (tyaaga) = sacrificing/abandonment
त्यागं (tyaagaM) = renunciation
त्यागः (tyaagaH) = renunciation
त्यागस्य (tyaagasya) = of renunciation
त्यागात् (tyaagaat.h) = by such renunciation
त्यागी (tyaagii) = the renouncer
त्यागे (tyaage) = in the matter of renunciation
त्याज्यं (tyaajyaM) = to be given up
त्रयं (trayaM) = three
त्रयाणां (trayaaNaaM) = three
त्रयी (trayii) = triplet
त्रये (traye) = in the three
त्रयोविंशति (trayovi.nshati) = number 23
त्रा (traa) = to save
त्राटक (traaTaka) = an exercise to clear the vision
त्राण (traaNa) = protection
त्रातुं (traatuM) = for protecting
त्रायते (traayate) = releases
त्रायेतां (traayetaaM) = (may the two) protect, save (us).(for one persons the verb is
त्राहि (traahi) = (Vr.Imp.II P.S PP)Protect
त्रि (tri) = three
त्रिकोण (trikoNa) = a triangle
त्रिकोणमिति (trikoNamiti) = trigonometry
त्रिकोणासन (trikoNaasana) = the triangle posture
त्रिकोन (trikona) = Trinal houses or 1,5,9
त्रिगुण (triguNa) = three qualities (i.e. satva, rajas and tamas)
त्रिगुनदोशैः (trigunadoshaiH) = having all three qualities as well as faults
त्रिजगति (trijagati) = in the three worlds
त्रिधा (tridhaa) = of three kinds
त्रिभिः (tribhiH) = three
त्रिभुजम् (tribhujam.h) = (n) triangle
त्रिविक्रम (trivikrama) = fifth incarnation of Vishnu commonly known as vaamana
त्रिविधं (trividhaM) = of three kinds
त्रिविधः (trividhaH) = of three kinds
त्रिविधा (trividhaa) = of three kinds
त्रिषु (trishhu) = in the three
त्रीणि (triiNi) = three
त्रीन् (triin.h) = three
त्रुटयः (truTayaH) = shortcomings, mistakes
त्रुटि (truTi) = shortcomings, mistakes
त्रैगुण्य (traiguNya) = pertaining to the three modes of material nature
त्रैलोक्य (trailokya) = of the three worlds
त्रैविद्यः (traividyaH) = the knowers of the three Vedas
त्व (tva) = suffix meaning property of.
त्वं (tvaM) = you
त्वक् (tvak.h) = skin
त्वत् (tvat.h) = than you
त्वत्तः (tvattaH) = from You
त्वत्तो (tvatto) = from you
त्वत्प्रसादात् (tvatprasaadaat.h) = by Your mercy
त्वत्समः (tvatsamaH) = equal to You
त्वदन्येन (tvadanyena) = besides you
त्वमेव (tvameva) = you only
त्वया (tvayaa) = by you
त्वयि (tvayi) = in yourself
त्वरणित्र (tvaraNitra) = accelerator
त्वरते (tvarate) = (1 ap) to hurry, to hasten
त्वरमाणाः (tvaramaaNaaH) = rushing
त्वरा (tvaraa) = hurry
त्वरित (tvarita) = quick, without delay
त्वहं (tvahaM) = tu + aham: emphasis + I
त्वा (tvaa) = unto you
त्वां (tvaaM) = to you
त्वै (tvai) = with regard to thee
दंडः (da.nDaH) = punishment
दंती (da.ntii) = the tusked one
दंश् (da.nsh.h) = to bite
दंष्ट्र (da.nshhTra) = tooth
दंष्ट्रा (da.nshhTraa) = (fem) tooth, fang
दक्षता (dakShataa) = (f) efficiency, care
दखिण (dakhiNa) = right side
दग्ध (dagdha) = burned
दण्ड (daNDa) = a staff, also monetary punishment for wrong doing
दण्डं (daNDaM) = stick(walking)
दण्डासन (daNDaasana) = the staff posture
दण्डी (daNDii) = Dandii
दत्तं (dattaM) = given
दत्तान् (dattaan.h) = things given
ददति (dadati) = give, donate
ददामि (dadaami) = I give
ददासि (dadaasi) = you give , confer upon
ददौ (dadau) = gave (from daa : to give)
दधतमुरुजटा (dadhatamurujaTaa) = bearing, head adornments
दधातु (dadhaatu) = let them give( us welfare)
दधामि (dadhaami) = create
दधिची (dadhichii) = a sage who gave his bones to the gods to make a thunderbolt
दध्मुः (dadhmuH) = blew
दध्मौ (dadhmau) = blew
दन्डदीप (danDadiipa) = (m) tubelight
दन्डयति (danDayati) = (10 up) to punish
दन्तः (dantaH) = (m) tooth
दन्तपाली (dantapaalii) = (f) gums
दम (dama) = self-control
दमः (damaH) = control of the senses
दमयतां (damayataaM) = of all means of suppression
दम्भ (dambha) = of pride
दम्भः (dambhaH) = pride
दम्भेन (dambhena) = out of pride
दया (dayaa) = mercy
दयालुः (dayaaluH) = the kind-hearted
दयित (dayita) = dear
दरिद्रता (daridrataa) = poverty; shortage
दर्प (darpa) = pride (masc)
दर्पं (darpaM) = pride
दर्पः (darpaH) = arrogance
दर्पण (darpaNa) = Mirror
दर्पणः (darpaNaH) = (m) mirror
दर्भ (darbha) = a sweet-smelling dried grass
दर्वी (darvii) = (f) serving spoon, ladle
दर्शन (darshana) = seeing
दर्शनं (darshanaM) = sight, Darshan
दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः (darshanakaa.nkShiNaH) = aspiring to see
दर्शनाय (darshanaaya) = for seeing
दर्शनीय (darshaniiya) = handsome
दर्शनेन (darshanena) = at the sight of
दर्शय (darshaya) = show
दर्शयामास (darshayaamaasa) = showed
दर्शितं (darshitaM) = shown
दर्शिनः (darshinaH) = seers
दर्शिभिः (darshibhiH) = by the seers
दल (dala) = leaf
दलम् (dalam.h) = (n) flower petal
दव (dava) = water
दश (dasha) = ten
दशति (dashati) = (1 pp) to bite
दशनविहीनं (dashanavihiinaM) = dashana+vihInaM, teeth+bereft
दशनान्तरेषु (dashanaantareshhu) = between the teeth
दशमिक (dashamika) = (adj) decimal
दशमुखान्तकः (dashamukhaantakaH) = the finisher (destroyer) of the ten-faced one (rAvaNa)
दशरथ (dasharatha) = dasharatha’s
दशरथतनयं (dasharathatanayaM) = the son of dasharatha
दशरथस्यैतौ (dasharathasyaitau) = dasharathasya+etaau, dasharatha’s+this pair
दशलक्षांश (dashalakShaa.nsha) = parts per million
दशा (dashaa) = Planetary period or system of directions. Also means the actual Major planetary period itself. There are many of these the most used being vi.nshottarii or 120 year cycle system. Others are ashhTottari (108), Chatursheetisama (84), Dwadashottari (112), Dwisaptatisama (72), Panchottari (105), ShashhTisama (60), Shatatri.nshatsama (36), Shodashottari (116), Yogini (30). These are lunar based. Then there are Rashi (sign) based systems: chara, sthira, kaala chakra and kendraadi dashas etc
दशांश (dashaa.nsha) = One of the varga-s or harmonic divisions of a sign. This is the 10th division
दशानन (dashaanana) = Another name for Ravana
दशावतार (dashaavataara) = the ten avataara-s of Vishnu
दशैकं (dashaikaM) = eleven
दष्ट (dashhTa) = bite
दह् (dah.h) = to burn
दहत् (dahat.h) = one that burns
दहति (dahati) = (1 pp) to burn, to pain
दक्ष (dakSha) = a lord of created beings
दक्षः (dakShaH) = expert
दक्षिण (dakShiNa) = South
दक्षिणात्तात् (dakShiNaattaat.h) = from the southern direction
दक्षिणायनं (dakShiNaayanaM) = when the sun passes on the southern side
दक्षिणे (dakShiNe) = in the southern direction
दक्षिणेश्वर (dakShiNeshvara) = Dakshineshvar, place near Calcutta
दा (daa) = to give
दाः (daaH) = giving
दाकिणी (daakiNii) = the goddess in mulaadhaara chakra
दाडिमफलम् (daaDimaphalam.h) = (n) pomegranate, anaar
दातव्य (daatavya) = shouold be given
दातव्यं (daatavyaM) = worth giving
दाता (daataa) = (masc.Nom.S) the giver
दातारं (daataaraM) = the giver
दातारम् (daataaram.h) = one who gives
दाधार (daadhaara) = holds
दान (daana) = the act of giving
दानं (daanaM) = charity
दानव (daanava) = a demon
दानवः (daanavaH) = the demons
दाने (daane) = in charity
दानेन (daanena) = by charity
दानेषु (daaneshhu) = in giving charities
दानैः (daanaiH) = by charity
दान्तौ (daantau) = with good teeth?
दाम (daama) = garland (like)
दाम्यति (daamyati) = (4 pp) to tame
दायित्वं (daayitvaM) = (n) obligation
दायिनी (daayinii) = giver
दारा (daaraa) = woman
दारिद्र्य (daaridrya) = poverty
दारु (daaru) = (neut) tree, wood
दार्वाघाटः (daarvaaghaaTaH) = (m) woodpecker
दाशरथिः (daasharathiH) = dasharatha’s son
दासः (daasaH) = (male, nom.sing.) servant
दासोस्म्यहम् (daasosmyaham.h) = disciple+am+I
दास्यन्ते (daasyante) = will award
दास्यामि (daasyaami) = I shall give charity
दाक्ष्यं (daakShyaM) = resourcefulness
दिग्बल (digbala) = Directional strength
दिङ्निर्णययन्त्र (di.n.hnirNayayantra) = compass
दिति (diti) = mother of the daityas demons
दिदर्शयिषन् (didarshayishhan.h) = wishing to show
दिन (dina) = Day
दिनदर्शिका (dinadarshikaa) = (f) calendar
दिनयामिन्यौ (dinayaaminyau) = dina+yAminI, day + night
दिनाङ्कः (dinaa.nkaH) = (m) date
दिने (dine) = (Loc.sing.) during the day i.e day-by-day
दिवं (divaM) = to heaven
दिवङ्गतः (diva.ngataH) = died
दिवस (divasa) = day
दिवसकृतं (divasakRitaM) = day-time-done
दिवसस्य (divasasya) = of days
दिवसे (divase) = on the day
दिवा (divaa) = during the day
दिवाकर (divaakara) = sun
दिवि (divi) = in heaven
दिव्य (divya) = divine
दिव्यं (divyaM) = transcendental
दिव्याः (divyaaH) = divine
दिव्यान् (divyaan.h) = celestial
दिव्यानां (divyaanaaM) = of the divine
दिव्यानि (divyaani) = divine
दिव्यायुधः (divyaayudhaH) = the man with divine weapons
दिव्यौ (divyau) = transcendental
दिशः (dishaH) = on all sides
दिशति (dishati) = (6 pp) to show
दिशा (dishaa) = directions
दिशां (dishaaM) = direction
दिशि (dishi) = in all directions
दीनजनाय (diinajanaaya) = to the poor (humble state) people
दीप् (diip.h) = to adorn, to grace
दीप (diipa) = light
दीपः (diipaH) = lamp
दीपक (diipaka) = Lamp
दीपेन (diipena) = with the lamp
दीप्त (diipta) = blazing
दीप्तं (diiptaM) = glowing
दीप्तानल (diiptaanala) = blazing fire
दीप्तिमन्तं (diiptimantaM) = glowing
दीप्तैः (diiptaiH) = shining
दीयते (diiyate) = is given
दीर्घ (diirgha) = Long
दीर्घसूत्र (diirghasuutra) = one who works slowly, procrastinates
दीर्घचक्री (diirghachakrii) = macrocyclic
दीर्घसूत्री (diirghasuutrii) = procrastinating
दीर्घा (diirghaa) = (adj) long
दु.ःश्चरित (du.Hshcharita) = adj. bad blooded
दुःख (duHkha) = sorrow
दुःखं (duHkhaM) = distress
दुःखतरं (duHkhataraM) = more painful
दुःखसंयोग (duHkhasa.nyoga) = of the miseries of material contact
दुःखहा (duHkhahaa) = diminishing pains
दुःखानां (duHkhaanaaM) = material miseries
दुःखालयं (duHkhaalayaM) = place of miseries
दुःखे (duHkhe) = and distress
दुःखेन (duHkhena) = by miseries
दुःखेषु (duHkheshhu) = in the threefold miseries
दुःखैः (duHkhaiH) = the distresses
दुःशील (duHshiila) = adj. bad-tempered
दुखन्द (dukhanda) = hot iron
दुग्ध (dugdha) = milk
दुर्भ्रातृ (durbhraatRi) = bad brother
दुरत्यया (duratyayaa) = very difficult to overcome
दुरात्मन् (duraatman.h) = evil natured, vile
दुरासदं (duraasadaM) = formidable
दुर्ग (durga) = fort
दुर्गति (durgati) = bad state , defeat
दुर्गतिं (durgatiM) = to degradation
दुर्गम् (durgam.h) = (n) fort
दुर्गा (durgaa) = Goddess Durga
दुर्गाणि (durgaaNi) = impediments
दुर्घटना (durghaTanaa) = (f) calamity, disaster
दुर्जन (durjana) = wicked person
दुर्जनं (durjanaM) = bad person
दुर्निग्रहं (durnigrahaM) = difficult to curb
दुर्निरीक्ष्यं (durniriikShyaM) = difficult to see
दुर्निवार (durnivaara) = hard to correct
दुर्बल (durbala) = weak
दुर्बुद्धि (durbuddhi) = stupid person, idiot
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