Sanskrit words 5

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रक्षकः (rakShakaH) = (m) guard, protector

रक्षण (rakShaNa) = protection

रक्षणाय (rakShaNaaya) = for protection

रक्षति (rakShati) = (1 pp) to protect

रक्षस (rakShasa) = adj. devil

रक्षा (rakShaa) = protection

रक्षां (rakShaaM) = protecting armour

रक्षांसि (rakShaa.nsi) = the demons

रक्षितं (rakShitaM) = the person who has ben protected(by)

रक्षितः (rakShitaH) = (past part.masc.nom.S) the protected one

रक्ष्य (rakShya) = protection

राकिणी (raakiNii) = the goddess in svadhishthana

राग (raaga) = Anger

रागवति (raagavati) = red-coloured, passionate

रागात्मकं (raagaatmakaM) = born of desire or lust

रागी (raagii) = very much attached

राघवं (raaghavaM) = thew descendant of Raghu

राघवः (raaghavaH) = RAghava (RAma)

राजगुह्यं (raajaguhyaM) = the king of confidential knowledge

राजद्रोहः (raajadrohaH) = (m) sedition

राजद्वार (raajadvaara) = doors of apalace

राजन् (raajan.h) = king

राजनिति (raajaniti) = (f) politics

राजमणिः (raajamaNiH) = the jewel of the kings or the king of jewels

राजयोग (raajayoga) = Combinations for Status and Power

राजर्षयः (raajarshhayaH) = the saintly kings

राजविद्या (raajavidyaa) = royal policy, king-craft, statesmanship, state-policy, the training in the traits and skills of nobility

राजसं (raajasaM) = in the mode of passion

राजसः (raajasaH) = in the mode of passion

राजसभा (raajasabhaa) = assembly of king, advisors, and subjects

राजसस्य (raajasasya) = to one in the mode of passion

राजसाः (raajasaaH) = those situated in the mode of passion

राजसिक (raajasika) = Regal planets – Sun, Mars and Venus

राजसी (raajasii) = in the mode of passion

राजहंस (raajaha.nsa) = swan

राजहंसः (raajaha.nsaH) = the royal swan

राजा (raajaa) = a ruler, king

राजाधिराज (raajaadhiraaja) = Overking of kings

राजीव् (raajiiv) = lotus

राजीव (raajiiva) = lotus

राजीवनेत्रं (raajiivanetraM) = the lotus-eyed

राजेंद्रं (raaje.ndraM) = the lord of kings

राज्य (raajya) = Kingdom

राज्यं (raajyaM) = kingdom

राज्यसुखलोभेन (raajyasukhalobhena) = driven by greed for royal happiness

राज्यस्य (raajyasya) = for the kingdom

राज्येन (raajyena) = is the kingdom

रात्र (raatra) = night

रात्रि (raatri) = night

रात्रिं (raatriM) = night

रात्रिः (raatriH) = night

रात्रिकृतं (raatrikRitaM) = night-done

रात्रिचन्द्रौ (raatrichandrau) = the pair of night and moon

रात्रौ (raatrau) = in the night

रात्र्यागमे (raatryaagame) = at the fall of night

राधा (raadhaa) = Radha, Krishna’s beloved

राम (raama) = Rama, deity Shrii Rama

रामं (raamaM) = rAma

रामः (raamaH) = Rama

रामकवचं (raamakavachaM) = rAma-armour

रामकृष्ण (raamakRishhNa) = Commonly known Ramakrishna, a saint from Bengal

रामकृष्णस्य (raamakRishhNasya) = of Ramakrishna

रामचंद्र (raamacha.ndra) = rAmachandra

रामचंद्रः (raamacha.ndraH) = rAma

रामचंद्रम् (raamacha.ndram.h) = rAmachandra

रामचंद्राय (raamacha.ndraaya) = to rAmachandra

रामचंद्रेति (raamacha.ndreti) = saying `rAmachandra’

रामचंद्रो (raamacha.ndro) = Lord RAmachandra

रामनाम (raamanaama) = the name of rAma (uttering of the word `rAma’ only once is

रामनाम्ना (raamanaamnaa) = by the name of rAma

रामबलोपेतां (raamabalopetaaM) = that which has been attained through rAma’a strength, power

रामभद्र (raamabhadra) = raama who gives the well-being

रामभद्राय (raamabhadraaya) = to the good-giving, protecting RAma

रामभद्रेति (raamabhadreti) = rAmabhadra+iti, saying `rAmabhadra”(raama who gives the

रामरक्षा (raamarakShaa) = rAma armour or rama- protection

रामरक्षां (raamarakShaaM) = raamarakshA (hymn)

रामरक्षास्तोत्रजपे (raamarakShaastotrajape) = in the chanting of rAmaraksha hymn

रामलक्ष्मणौ (raamalakShmaNau) = raama \ lakshmaNa

रामस्य (raamasya) = rAmaa’s

रामह् (raamah) = Lord Rama

रामान्नास्ति (raamaannaasti) = no one  is except from rAma

रामाभोग (raamaabhoga) = sexual pleasures?

रामाय (raamaaya) = to rAma

रामायणः (raamaayaNaH) = epic Ramayana, part of itihas (history)

रामे (raame) = in RAma

रामेणाभिहता (raameNaabhihataa) = the one struck by rAma

रामेति (raameti) = rAma+iti saying thus rAma

रामो (raamo) = rAma

रावण (raavaNa) = a demon king from Lanka who abducted the wife of Rama

रावणारिम् (raavaNaarim.h) = rAvaNasya ariM, the enemy of rAvaNa

राशि (raashi) = Sign of the Zodiac

राश्ट्र (raashTra) = nation

राष्ट्रिकः (raashhTrikaH) = A inhabitant of a kingdom or country, a subject, governor

राष्ट्रिय (raashhTriya) = belonging to a kingdom or country, national

राष्त्रं (raashhtraM) = kingdom, empire, territory, country, nation, people, subjects

रासलास्य (raasalaasya) = raasa dance

राहू (raahuu) = North Lunar Node. Caput Draconis or Dragon’s head

राक्षस (raakShasa) = demon

राक्षसीं (raakShasiiM) = demonic

राज्ञी (raaGYii) = (f) queen

रिङ्गति (ri.ngati) = to crawl

रिपवः (ripavaH) = enemies

रिपु (ripu) = Enemy

रिपुः (ripuH) = enemy

रीतिः (riitiH) = procedure/practice/custom

रु (ru) = light

रुचिः (ruchiH) = taste; flavour

रुद् (rud.h) = to cry

रुद्ध्वा (rud.hdhvaa) = checking

रुद्र (rudra) = a form of Shiva

रुद्रः (rudraH) = the Destroying God

रुद्राणां (rudraaNaaM) = of all the Rudras

रुद्रान् (rudraan.h) = the eleven forms of Rudra

रुध् (rudh.h) = to stop, control

रुधिर (rudhira) = blood

रुपं (rupaM) = beauty

रुक्ष (rukSha) = dry

रूप (ruupa) = beautiful form

रूपं (ruupaM) = beaut

रूपमैश्वरं (ruupamaishvaraM) = universal form

रूपसंपन्नौ (ruupasa.npannau) = (two)persons endowed with beautiful appearance

रूपस्य (ruupasya) = form

रूपाणि (ruupaaNi) = forms

रूपित्रं (ruupitraM) = (n) camera

रूपेण (ruupeNa) = form

रेखन (rekhana) = etching

रेखा (rekhaa) = line

रेखाचित्र (rekhaachitra) = line drawing, sketch

रेखाचित्रं (rekhaachitraM) = (n) diagram, chart

रेचक (rechaka) = outbreathing

रेणु (reNu) = molecule

रेत (reta) = semen

रेवति (revati) = Twenty-seventh nakshatra

रेषा (reshhaa) = line

रोकपालः (rokapaalaH) = (m) cashier

रोग (roga) = disease

रोगी (rogii) = patient, ill or sick person

रोचते (rochate) = (1 ap) to like

रोदिति (roditi) = to cry

रोधिता (rodhitaa) = resistivity

रोमहर्षः (romaharshhaH) = standing of hair on end

रोमहर्षणं (romaharshhaNaM) = making the hair stand on end

रोहति (rohati) = (1 pp) to grow

रोहिणी (rohiNii) = Fourth nakshatra

रौद्र (raudra) = the sentiment of violence, wrath, rage

र्हास (rhaasa) = deterioration

लंघ् (la.ngh.h) = to climb

लंबोदरं (laMbodaraM) = having a long stomach

लंबोदराय (laMbodaraaya) = to the long-stomached

लगुड (laguDa) = a club, a stick

लग्न (lagna) = The Ascendant or 1st house

लग्नकः (lagnakaH) = (m) bail

लग्नधिपति (lagnadhipati) = Ascendant lord

लघु (laghu) = small / inferior / light

लघुः (laghuH) = light

लघुड (laghuDa) = club, stick

लघुत्वं (laghutvaM) = lightness

लघ्वाशी (laghvaashii) = eating a small quantity

लङ्का (la.nkaa) = the kingdon of Ravana, Ceylon or Sri Lanka

लज्जा (lajjaa) = modesty

लज्ज्यते (lajjyate) = (1 ap) to be ashamed, embarrassed

लत (lata) = creeper

लता (lataa) = (f) creeper, vine

लद्दुक (ladduka) = laddoo, a sweet-ball

लब्धं (labdhaM) = gained

लब्धा (labdhaa) = regained

लब्ध्वा (labdhvaa) = having achieved

लभ् (labh.h) = to obtain

लभते (labhate) = (1 ap) to get, to obtain

लभन्ते (labhante) = do achieve

लभस्व (labhasva) = gain

लभे (labhe) = I obtain

लभेत् (labhet.h) = gains

लभ्य (labhya) = Easy

लभ्यः (labhyaH) = can be achieved

लय (laya) = Decline

लयं (layaM) = tranquillity or the lull after destruction or the Deluge

लययोग (layayoga) = yoga using the latent power of kundalini

ललाट (lalaaTa) = the forehead

ललाटक (lalaaTaka) = (n) forehead

ललित (lalita) = (a) playing, sporting, dallying; amorous, lovely, beautiful; grace, charm

ललित (lalita) = lovely, beautiful, elegant, graceful

ललिता (lalitaa) = A women; wanton woman; musk; a form of goddess Durga; various metres

लव (lava) = Piece

लवङ्ग (lava.nga) = clove

लवङ्गः (lava.ngaH) = (m) cloves

लवण (lavaNa) = (m) salty

लवणम् (lavaNam.h) = (n) salt

लशुनम् (lashunam.h) = (n) garlic

लसत्भिः (lasatbhiH) = glowing

लसितं (lasitaM) = beautified

लक्ष (lakSha) = Lakh,  100,000 in number, also sight

लक्षं (lakShaM) = target

लक्षणं (lakShaNaM) = symptom; indication; aspect; characteristics

लक्ष्मणपूर्वजं (lakShmaNapuurvajaM) = the  (earlier-born)elder of LakShmaNa

लक्ष्मणानुचरो (lakShmaNaanucharo) = having LakshmaNa as  the follower

लक्ष्मणो (lakShmaNo) = laksshmaNaH

लक्ष्मणोपेतं (lakShmaNopetaM) = having Lakshmana nearby

लक्ष्मि (lakShmi) = goddess of wealth, beauty and luck, wife of Vishnu

लक्ष्मी (lakShmii) = wealth

लक्ष्यम् (lakShyam.h) = (n) aim, target, goal

लक्ष्यमात्रव्यापकः (lakShyamaatravyaapakaH) = lakshyam + atra + vyApakaH:goal or target + here + manifested

लाकिणी (laakiNii) = the goddess in manipuraka

लाघव (laaghava) = sweetness, kindness, lightness

लाघवं (laaghavaM) = with ease or lightness

लाजैः (laajaiH) = with the roasted rice, wheat flakes

लाभ (laabha) = acquirement, acquisition

लाभं (laabhaM) = gain

लाभालाभौ (laabhaalaabhau) = both profit and loss

लाल् (laal.h) = to  pamper

लाला (laalaa) = (f) saliva

लिख् (likh.h) = to write

लिखति (likhati) = wrote

लिखितवान् (likhitavaan.h) = wrote

लिङ्गं (li.ngaM) = gender

लिङ्गानां (li.ngaanaaM) = genders

लिङ्गानि (li.ngaani) = genders

लिङ्गैः (li.ngaiH) = symptoms

लिप् (lip) = to smear

लिपिकः (lipikaH) = (m) clerk

लिप्यते (lipyate) = is affected

लिम्पति (limpati) = (6 pp) to anoint

लिम्पन्ति (limpanti) = do affect

लीला (liilaa) = legend (?)

लुञ्छितकेश (luJNchhitakesha) = hair cut here and there

लुप्त (lupta) = stopped

लुब्धः (lubdhaH) = greedy

लुब्धक (lubdhaka) = (m) hunter

लुभ्यति (lubhyati) = (4 pp) to covet

लुम्पति (lumpati) = (6 pp) to break

लेख (lekha) = writings, article

लेखनी (lekhanii) = (f) pencil

लेखफलकम् (lekhaphalakam.h) = (n) slate

लेखांकन (lekhaa.nkana) = accounting

लेखानि (lekhaani) = writings

लेप (lepa) = smearing

लेपकारः (lepakaaraH) = (m) person who builds houses

लेलिह्यसे (lelihyase) = You are licking

लेश (lesha) = little-bit, slight

लोक (loka) = this world

लोकं (lokaM) = world;people

लोकः (lokaH) = world

लोकतन्त्रं (lokatantraM) = (n) democracy

लोकत्रये (lokatraye) = in the three planetary systems

लोकय (lokaya) = (verbal stem) to see

लोकयानम् (lokayaanam.h) = (n) car

लोकसंग्रहं (lokasa.ngrahaM) = the people in general

लोकस्य (lokasya) = of the people

लोकाः (lokaaH) = all the world

लोकात् (lokaat.h) = from people

लोकान् (lokaan.h) = to heaven

लोकापवाद (lokaapavaada) = general infamy

लोकाभिरामं (lokaabhiraamaM) = the laudable one of the people

लोके (loke) = in the world

लोकेषु (lokeshhu) = planetary systems

लोचन (lochana) = eye

लोचनम् (lochanam.h) = eyes

लोभ (lobha) = greed

लोभं (lobhaM) = greed

लोभः (lobhaH) = greed

लोभविरह (lobhaviraha) = greedless

लोभाविष्ट (lobhaavishhTa) = (adj) greedy

लोम (loma) = hair

लोल (lola) = swinging

लोलासन (lolaasana) = the swing posture

लोष्ट (loshhTa) = clay

लोष्ट्र (loshhTra) = pebbles

लोह (loha) = iron

लोहमार्गः (lohamaargaH) = (m) railway track

लौलिकी (laulikii) = a movement of the abdominal muscles and organs

वंद (va.nda) = Worship

वंदे (va.nde) = (Vr. Pr.I. P.Sing.AP)bow; salute

वंश (va.nsha) = family

वंशसंहारः (va.nshasa.nhaaraH) = (m) genocide

वंशहीन (va.nshahiina) = without family

वः (vaH) = your

वक्तारम् (vaktaaram.h) = the man who speaks or utters

वक्तुं (vaktuM) = to say

वक्तृ (vaktRi) = orator

वक्त्र (vaktra) = the mouth

वक्त्रं (vaktraM) = face

वक्त्राणि (vaktraaNi) = the mouths

वक्र (vakra) = Retrograde

वक्रगति (vakragati) = not straight

वक्रतुण्डाय (vakratuNDaaya) = to one who has crooked limb or part(the twised broken tusk)

वक्रा (vakraa) = (adj) curved, crooked

वक्रासन (vakraasana) = the curved posture

वङ्ग (va.nga) = Bengal

वचः (vachaH) = words

वचन (vachana) = talk

वचनं (vachanaM) = word

वचने (vachane) = (loc.sing) in words or speech

वचसा (vachasaa) = with words

वच्मि (vachmi) = vachAmi or shall speak

वज्र (vajra) = one of the channels in the spine, a thunderbolt, diamond

वज्रमणी (vajramaNii) = diamond

वज्रं (vajraM) = the thunderbolt

वज्रम् (vajram.h) = (n) diamond

वज्रासन (vajraasana) = the thunderbolt posture

वज्रोली (vajrolii) = the thunderbolt contraction

वञ्चना (vaJNchanaa) = cheating

वटवृक्षः (vaTavRikShaH) = (m) a banyan tree

वत्स्य (vatsya) = reside

वद् (vad.h) = to talk

वद (vada) = please tell

वदंति (vada.nti) = ( tell; speak

वदति (vadati) = (1 pp) to speak

वदन (vadana) = face

वदनम् (vadanam.h) = (n) mouth

वदनैः (vadanaiH) = by the mouths

वदन्ति (vadanti) = say

वदसि (vadasi) = You tell

वदिष्यन्ति (vadishhyanti) = will say

वद्यपक्ष (vadyapakSha) = Dark half of the lunar month

वधः (vadhaH) = (m) murder

वधू (vadhuu) = (f) bride

वन (vana) = forest

वनं (vanaM) = forest

वनचर (vanachara) = animal

वनस्पतिशास्त्रम् (vanaspatishaastram.h) = botany

वन्तः (vantaH) = subject to

वन्द् (vand.h) = to bow down

वन्द (vanda) = Worship

वन्दते (vandate) = (1 ap) to salute

वन्दित (vandita) = praised, saluted

वन्दे (vande) = worship

वन्हिः (vanhiH) = fire

वपति (vapati) = (1 pp) to sow

वपुः (vapuH) = body

वमति (vamati) = (1 pp) to vomit

वय (vaya) = age

वयं (vayaM) = we

वयस् (vayas.h) = age

वयसि (vayasi) = of age

वयसिगते (vayasigate) = vayasi+gate, when age has advanced/gone

वर (vara) = Groom

वरं (varaM) = better

वरः (varaH) = better

वरद (varada) = the one granting boons

वरदं (varadaM) = that which gives boons

वरदमूर्तये (varadamuurtaye) = to the personified boongiver

वरान् (varaan.h) = (masc.Acc.Pl.) boons; bridegrooms

वरानने (varaanane) = Oh! lady having the best face!

वराह (varaaha) = the boar

वराहः (varaahaH) = (m) pig, boar

वरिष्ठम् (varishhTham.h) = the foremost

वरुणः (varuNaH) = the demigod controlling the water

वर्ग (varga) = Divisional or Harmonic Charts

वर्गमूल (vargamuula) = square root

वर्गोत्तम (vargottama) = Same sign in navaa.nsha as in Bhavi usually increasing power for good or bad

वर्जयेत् (varjayet.h) = (verb III P.sing.PP) should be avoided ; given up

वर्जिताः (varjitaaH) = are devoid of

वर्ण (varNa) = colour

वर्णं (varNaM) = colours

वर्णयां (varNayaaM) = do we describe

वर्णलेखन (varNalekhana) = chromatography

वर्णलेखा (varNalekhaa) = chromatogram

वर्णसङ्कर (varNasa.nkara) = of unwanted children

वर्णसङ्करः (varNasa.nkaraH) = unwanted progeny

वर्णादीं (varNaadii.n) = the letter groups or caste groups

वर्तते (vartate) = (1 ap) to exist, to be

वर्तन (vartana) = Behavior

वर्तन्ते (vartante) = are being engaged

वर्तमान (vartamaana) = Present

वर्तमानः (vartamaanaH) = being situated

वर्तमानानि (vartamaanaani) = present

वर्तय (vartaya) = to operate (causal from vart.h)

वर्तिन् (vartin.h) = one who lives / behaves

वर्ते (varte) = I am engaged

वर्तेत (varteta) = remains

वर्तेयं (varteyaM) = thus engage

वर्त्म (vartma) = path

वर्त्मनि (vartmani) = on the path

वर्धते (vardhate) = (1 ap) to grow, to increase

वर्धन (vardhana) = Who prospers

वर्धमानकः (vardhamaanakaH) = (m) special containers used to store pickles

वर्श (varsha) = Year

वर्शफल (varshaphala) = Annual results. Method of Progression using Solar Returns

वर्ष् (varshh.h) = to pour

वर्ष (varshha) = year

वर्षं (varshhaM) = rain

वर्षतु (varshhatu) = (Vr.Imp.IIIP S)let it rain

वर्षा (varshhaa) = monsoon

वलखिल्य (valakhilya) = a class of tiny entities, about the size of a thumb

वलय (valaya) = circle

वलयम् (valayam.h) = (n) bangle

वल्लि (valli) = (fem) creeper

वश (vasha) = Agree

वशं (vashaM) = control

वशाः (vashaaH) = (Nom.Pl.) (are under) control or influence

वशात् (vashaat.h) = under obligation

वशी (vashii) = one who is controlled

वशी+कृ (vashii+kRi) = to conquer, overcome

वशे (vashe) = in full subjugation

वश्य (vashya) = under control

वस् (vas.h) = to live

वसत् (vasat.h) = one who lives

वसति (vasati) = (1 pp) to stay, dwell

वसन (vasana) = dwelling

वसन्त (vasanta) = the deity of Spring, also Spring itself

वसन्तौ (vasantau) = (and) Spring season

वसवः (vasavaH) = the Vasus

वसानं (vasaanaM) = having worn

वसुधा (vasudhaa) = earth

वसुधैव (vasudhaiva) = vasudhA(fem.nom.sing.)earth;world +  eva:alone;itself

वसुन् (vasun.h) = the eight Vasus

वसुन्धरा (vasundharaa) = (f) earth

वसौनां (vasaunaaM) = of the Vasus

वस्ति (vasti) = internal cleansing

वस्तु (vastu) = Article

वस्तुतः (vastutaH) = actually, in reality

वस्तुमान (vastumaana) = mass

वस्तुमानौउर्जा (vastumaanauurjaa) = mass-energy

वस्तुक्षय (vastukShaya) = wasting

वस्तू (vastuu) = goods

वस्तूनि (vastuuni) = objects

वस्त्र (vastra) = Garment

वहति (vahati) = (1 pp) to carry

वहन् (vahan.h) = counterrotaing field of light affecting body \ spirit

वहम्यहं (vahamyahaM) = vahAmi + ahaM:bear or carry + I

वहा (vahaa) = Porter

वहामि (vahaami) = carry

वह्नि (vahni) = fire

वह्निः (vahniH) = fire ( for worship)

वह्निकण (vahnikaNa) = spark

वक्ष (vakSha) = chest

वक्षःस्थलम् (vakShaHsthalam.h) = (n) breasts, chest

वक्षोज (vakShoja) = breasts

वक्ष्यामि (vakShyaami) = shall explain

वा (vaa) = or

वांग्मय (vaa.ngmaya) = full of speech

वांछ् (vaa.nchh.h) = to want

वांछा (vaa.nchhaa) = (fem) desire

वाक् (vaak.h) = language/speech

वाक्य (vaakya) = sentence

वाक्यं (vaakyaM) = words

वाक्यानि (vaakyaani) = sentences

वाक्येन (vaakyena) = words

वाग्मी (vaagmii) = master of speech

वाङ्मयं (vaa.nmayaM) = of the voice

वाङ्मयः (vaa.nmayaH) = full of the `word’ i.e.  master of the word \ language

वाचं (vaachaM) = words

वाचः (vaachaH) = the Vedas

वाचा (vaachaa) = speech

वाचाल (vaachaala) = capable of talking

वाच्यं (vaachyaM) = to be spoken

वाञ्छसि (vaaJNchhasi) = you desire

वाञ्छित (vaaJNchhita) = desired

वाटिका (vaaTikaa) = (f) garden

वाणिज्यं (vaaNijyaM) = trade

वाणी (vaaNii) = language

वाणीं (vaaNiiM) = speech

वात (vaata) = (masc) wind

वातय (vaataya) = blow (like a wind?)

वाताटः (vaataaTaH) = (m) kite

वातात्मजं (vaataatmajaM) = the son of the wind-god (`vAta’ or `vAyu)

वातायन (vaataayana) = a horse

वातायनं (vaataayanaM) = window

वातायनासन (vaataayanaasana) = the horseface posture

वातावरणम् (vaataavaraNam.h) = (n) environment, also used to mean weather

वातोन्माद (vaatonmaada) = hysteria

वाद (vaada) = argument

वादः (vaadaH) = the natural conclusion

वादयति (vaadayati) = to play (a musical instrument)

वादान् (vaadaan.h) = fabricated words

वादिनः (vaadinaH) = the advocates

वादिनी (vaadinii) = she  who speaks

वाद्यवृदः (vaadyavRidaH) = (m) orchestra

वानर (vaanara) = monkey

वानरयूथमुख्यम् (vaanarayuuthamukhyam.h) = the chieftain of the monkey brigade

वापि (vaapi) = at all

वाम (vaama) = left side

वामदेवासन (vaamadevaasana) = Vamadeva’s posture

वामन (vaamana) = Vishnu’s fifth incarnation also known as trivikrama

वामप्रकाश (vaamaprakaasha) = lovely shiningness

वामांकारूढ (vaamaa.nkaaruuDha) = having the left side of the body climbed, occupied by

वामे (vaame) = left side

वायु (vaayu) = wind

वायुः (vaayuH) = the vital airs

वायोः (vaayoH) = of the wind

वायौ (vaayau) = air(life-breath)

वार (vaara) = Day

वारं (vaaraM) = and again

वारधिपति (vaaradhipati) = Ruler of the Day

वारि (vaari) = water

वारिधर (vaaridhara) = water-carrier(cloud )

वारिणि (vaariNi) = the one who prevents

वारिद (vaarida) = cloud (one who gives water)

वारिवाह (vaarivaaha) = (m) cloud

वार्ता (vaartaa) = news

वार्तां (vaartaaM) = word (here enquiry/inquiry)

वार्ष्णेय (vaarshhNeya) = O descendant of VRishhNi

वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् (vaalmiikikokilam.h) = the vAlmIki-cuckoo

वासः (vaasaH) = (m) living, habitation

वासना (vaasanaa) = longings, craving

वासर (vaasara) = Day

वासव (vaasava) = indra

वासवः (vaasavaH) = the heavenly king

वासस् (vaasas.h) = apparel / clothes

वासांसि (vaasaa.nsi) = garments

वासित (vaasita) = made fragrant

वासुकिः (vaasukiH) = Vasuki

वासुकी (vaasukii) = a name of Shesha

वासुदेवः (vaasudevaH) = the Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa

वासुदेवस्य (vaasudevasya) = of KRishhNa

वासुदेवाः (vaasudevaaH) = KRishhNa

वासो (vaaso) = cloth, dress

वास्तुशास्त्र (vaastushaastra) = study of architecture

वास्तू (vaastuu) = place, residence

वाहन (vaahana) = vehicle

वाहनकारक (vaahanakaaraka) = Significator of vehicles which is Venus

वाहिका (vaahikaa) = transportation

वि+अप+गम् (vi+apa+gam.h) = to go away

वि+चिन्त् (vi+chint.h) = think

वि+भा (vi+bhaa) = to adorn

वि+स्मृ (vi+smRi) = to forget

वि+ज्ञा (vi+GYaa) = to know

विंदति (vi.ndati) = enjoys

विंशंश (vi.nsha.nsha) = A Varga. The harmonic twentieth division.  Used for delineating Religious fervour and accrued spiritual merit

विंशोत्तरि (vi.nshottari) = The most popular Dasha method in use today

विंशोपक (vi.nshopaka) = A method of calculating planetary strength using the Vargas

विकम्पितुं (vikampituM) = to hesitate

विकर (vikara) = enzyme

विकरः (vikaraH) = (m) enzyme

विकर्णः (vikarNaH) = Vikarna

विकर्मणः (vikarmaNaH) = of forbidden work

विकल (vikala) = disabled

विकलं (vikalaM) = not related or joined

विकलक (vikalaka) = differential

विकलन (vikalana) = differentiation

विकल्प (vikalpa) = imagination, fancy

विकारं (vikaaraM) = appearance (generally, grotesque/ugly)

विकारान् (vikaaraan.h) = transformations

विकारि (vikaari) = changes

विकासः (vikaasaH) = (m) development

विकिरति (vikirati) = to cast a net

विकीर्ण (vikiirNa) = scattered

विकृ (vikRi) = modify, alter

विकृत (vikRita) = Ugly

विकृतवहा (vikRitavahaa) = Ugly porter

विक्रान्तः (vikraantaH) = mighty

विक्रीणीते (vikriiNiite) = to sell

विक्र्ताचरणी (vikrtaacharaNii) = adj. mentally disturbed behaviour

विखण्डनं (vikhaNDanaM) = (n) fission

विख्यात (vikhyaata) = famous

विगत (vigata) = having discarded

विगतः (vigataH) = is removed

विगतज्वरः (vigatajvaraH) = without being lethargic

विगतभीः (vigatabhiiH) = devoid of fear

विगतस्पृहः (vigataspRihaH) = without being interested

विगुणः (viguNaH) = even faulty

विग्रह (vigraha) = attack

विग्रहसन्धौ (vigrahasandhau) = for war(dissension) or peace-making

विघति (vighati) = Equivalent to 24 seconds of clock time

विघ्न (vighna) = calamity

विघ्ननाशिने (vighnanaashine) = to the destroyer of all obstacles

विघ्नैः (vighnaiH) = difficulties, obstacles

विचर् (vichar.h) = to think

विचक्षण (vichakShaNa) = clever, wise

विचक्षणः (vichakShaNaH) = the experienced

विचार (vichaara) = thought

विचारं (vichaaraM) = thought

विचालयेत् (vichaalayet.h) = should try to agitate

विचाल्यते (vichaalyate) = becomes shaken

विचित्र (vichitra) = foolish, extraordinary, strange

विचित्रः (vichitraH) = wonderful/mysterious

विचिन्तय (vichintaya) = think well

विचिन्त्य (vichintya) = having thought

विचेतसः (vichetasaH) = bewildered

विजयं (vijayaM) = victory

विजयः (vijayaH) = victory

विजयते (vijayate) = is victorious

विजयी (vijayii) = victorious man

विजानतः (vijaanataH) = who is in complete knowledge

विजानीताः (vijaaniitaaH) = are in knowledge

विजानीयं (vijaaniiyaM) = shall I understand

विजितात्मा (vijitaatmaa) = self-controlled

विजितेन्द्रियः (vijitendriyaH) = sensually controlled

विततः (vitataH) = are spread

वितरति (vitarati) = to distribute

वितर्क (vitarka) = discernment

वितृ (vitRi) = to distribute

वितृष्णां (vitRishhNaaM) = desirelessness

वित्त (vitta) = money

वित्तं (vittaM) = wealth

वित्तकोषः (vittakoshhaH) = (m) bank

वित्ते (vitte) = wealth

वित्तेशः (vitteshaH) = the lord of the treasury of the demigods

विद् (vid.h) = to obtain

विदः (vidaH) = who understand

विदधामि (vidadhaami) = give

विदारयति (vidaarayati) = to split apart

विदाहिनः (vidaahinaH) = burning

विदितम् (viditam.h) = known

विदितात्मनां (viditaatmanaaM) = of those who are self-realised

विदित्वा (viditvaa) = having known/realised

विदिशां (vidishaaM) = non-direction

विदुः (viduH) = understood

विदूषकः (viduushhakaH) = (m) clown, joker

विदेश (videsha) = foreign land

विदेशी (videshii) = foreigner

विद्धि (viddhi) = know for sure

विद्मः (vidmaH) = do we know

विद्महे (vidmahe) = ?

विद्यते (vidyate) = there is

विद्यनिपुणै (vidyanipuNai) = by the ace scholar Shankara (Plural is used for reverance)

विद्यया (vidyayaa) = (fem.instr.sing.) by knowledge

विद्या (vidyaa) = knowledge

विद्यात् (vidyaat.h) = you must know

विद्यातुरानां (vidyaaturaanaaM) = ( of people who are indulging in knowledge

विद्यानां (vidyaanaaM) = of all education

विद्यानिधिः (vidyaanidhiH) = the stock-pile of knowledge (here rAma)

विद्यामहं (vidyaamahaM) = shall I know

विद्यार्थिनी (vidyaarthinii) = (f) student

विद्यार्थी (vidyaarthii) = (m) student

विद्यालयः (vidyaalayaH) = (m) school

विद्यावान् (vidyaavaan.h) = a knowledgeable manor scholar

विद्युत्कन्दः (vidyut.hkandaH) = (m) incandescent bulb

विद्रोह (vidroha) = revolt

विद्रोहः (vidrohaH) = (m) rebellion

विद्वत् (vidvat.h) = scholar

विद्वत्त्व (vidvattva) = scholarliness

विद्वान् (vidvaan.h) = learned

विद्विषावहै (vidvishhaavahai) = may us not quarrel or hate

विधातृ (vidhaatRi) = the creator

विधान (vidhaana) = placing

विधानं (vidhaanaM) = (n) legislation

विधानं (vidhaanaM) = Arranging, disposing; Performing, making, doing, executing; Creation, creating; Ordinance, Sacred rule or precept, sacred injunction; Mode, manner; Wealth; Pain, agony, torment, distress;

विधानोक्तः (vidhaanoktaH) = according to scriptural regulation

विधि (vidhi) = ritual

विधिः (vidhiH) = (m) law, ritual

विधिदिष्टः (vidhidishhTaH) = according to the direction of scripture

विधिहीनं (vidhihiinaM) = without scriptural direction

विधीयते (vidhiiyate) = does take place

विधूत (vidhuuta) = moving

विधेम (vidhema) = make

विधेयात्मा (vidheyaatmaa) = one who follows regulated freedom

विध्वंस (vidhva.nsa) = destruction

विन (vina) = without

विनङ्क्ष्यसि (vina.nkShyasi) = you will be lost

विनद्य (vinadya) = vibrating

विनय (vinaya) = humility

विनयी (vinayii) = man with humility

विनशयसि (vinashayasi) = you destroy

विनश्यति (vinashyati) = falls back

विनश्यत्सु (vinashyatsu) = in the destructible

विना (vinaa) = without

विनामूल्य (vinaamuulya) = free, without cost

विनाश (vinaasha) = total destruction

विनाशं (vinaashaM) = destruction

विनाशः (vinaashaH) = destruction

विनाशाय (vinaashaaya) = for the annihilation

विनिग्रहः (vinigrahaH) = control

विनिन्दति (vinindati) = to scold

विनियतं (viniyataM) = particularly disciplined

विनियमः (viniyamaH) = (m) regulation

विनियमित (viniyamita) = regulated

विनियम्य (viniyamya) = regulating

विनियोगः (viniyogaH) = distribution (of various limbs, postures)

विनिर्मुक्ताः (vinirmuktaaH) = liberated

विनिवर्तन्ते (vinivartante) = are practiced to be refrained from

विनिवृत्त (vinivRitta) = disassociated

विनिश्चितैः (vinishchitaiH) = certain

विनिहंसि (viniha.nsi) = you kill

विनोद (vinoda) = humor

विनोदः (vinodaH) = (m) humour, joke

विनोदय (vinodaya) = divert/recreate(be happy)

विन्दति (vindati) = (6 pp) to find

विन्दते (vindate) = enjoys

विन्दामि (vindaami) = I have

विपणन (vipaNana) = marketing

विपणिः (vipaNiH) = market-place, mall

विपणी (vipaNii) = market

विपणी (vipaNii) = market

विपत्ति (vipatti) = calamity

विपरिवर्तते (viparivartate) = is working

विपरीत (vipariita) = inverted, contrary to rule, wrong

विपरीतं (vipariitaM) = the opposite

विपरीतकरणी (vipariitakaraNii) = the upside-down posture

विपरीतान् (vipariitaan.h) = in the wrong direction

विपरीतानि (vipariitaani) = just the opposite

विपर्यय (viparyaya) = inversion

विपर्ययेणाऽपि (viparyayeNaa.api) = by changing also

विपर्याय (viparyaaya) = a mistaken view

विपश्चित् (vipashchit.h) = (m) a learned man, scholar

विपश्चितः (vipashchitaH) = full of discriminating knowledge

विपक्ष (vipakSha) = of the opposite side

विपाक (vipaaka) = the distressing results of karmas

विपुल (vipula) = ample

विपुलं (vipulaM) = more than enough, plenty

विप्रतिपन्न (vipratipanna) = adj. perplexed

विप्रतिपन्ना (vipratipannaa) = without being influenced by the fruitive results

विप्रप्रियं (viprapriyaM) = the loved of the Brahmins

विप्राः (vipraaH) = (masc.nom.Pl.)Brahmins

विप्लवः (viplavaH) = (m) revolt

विफलः (viphalaH) = not good fruitless

विभक्तं (vibhaktaM) = divided

विभक्तेषु (vibhakteshhu) = in the numberless divided

विभागयोः (vibhaagayoH) = differences

विभागशः (vibhaagashaH) = in terms of division

विभाजन (vibhaajana) = distribution

विभाजन (vibhaajana) = partition

विभावसौ (vibhaavasau) = in the fire

विभुं (vibhuM) = greatest

विभुः (vibhuH) = the Supreme Lord

विभुम् (vibhum.h) = the Lord who shines

विभूतयः (vibhuutayaH) = opulences

विभूति (vibhuuti) = divine power

विभूतिं (vibhuutiM) = opulence

विभूतिनां (vibhuutinaaM) = opulences

विभूतिभिः (vibhuutibhiH) = opulences

विभूतेः (vibhuuteH) = of opulences

विभूश् (vibhuush.h) = to decorate

विभूषण (vibhuushhaNa) = ornament, asset

विभ्रमः (vibhramaH) = bewilderment

विभ्रष्टः (vibhrashhTaH) = deviated from

विभ्रान्ताः (vibhraantaaH) = perplexed

विमत्सरः (vimatsaraH) = free from envy

विमानम् (vimaanam.h) = (n) an aircraft, plane

विमुक्तः (vimuktaH) = liberated

विमुक्तानां (vimuktaanaaM) = of those who are liberated

विमुक्तैः (vimuktaiH) = by one who has become free from

विमुच्य (vimuchya) = being delivered from

विमुञ्चति (vimuJNchati) = one gives up

विमुह्यति (vimuhyati) = one is bewildered

विमूढ (vimuuDha) = foolish

विमूढः (vimuuDhaH) = bewildered

विमूढभावः (vimuuDhabhaavaH) = bewilderment

विमूढाः (vimuuDhaaH) = foolish persons

विमूढान् (vimuuDhaan.h) = perfectly befooled

विमृश्य (vimRishya) = deliberating

विमोचन (vimochana) = freedom

विमोहयति (vimohayati) = bewilders

विमोहिताः (vimohitaaH) = deluded

विमोक्षणात् (vimokShaNaat.h) = giving up

विमोक्षाय (vimokShaaya) = meant for liberation

विमोक्ष्यसे (vimokShyase) = you will be liberated

वियोगं (viyogaM) = extermination

विरक्त (virakta) = uninerested

विरक्तिः (viraktiH) = (f) aversion

विरचित (virachita) = created

विरचितं (virachitaM) = created, composed

विरल (virala) = rare

विरह (viraha) = separation

विरहितं (virahitaM) = without

विरागः (viraagaH) = Non-attachment/desirelessness

विराटः (viraaTaH) = Virata

विराम् (viraam.h) = to stop

विराम (viraama) = stop

विरामः (viraamaH) = respite, full stop

विरोचन (virochana) = a demon prince

विरोध (virodha) = opposition

विलगन (vilagana) = parting

विलग्न (vilagna) = separate

विलग्नता (vilagnataa) = segragation

विलग्नाः (vilagnaaH) = becoming attached

विलयमं (vilayamaM) = extinct

विलेपन (vilepana) = smearing

विलोकयतां (vilokayataaM) = of those who are seeing

विलोक्य (vilokya) = on seeing

विलोम (viloma) = against the natural order of things

विवर्जित (vivarjita) = without/ having abandoned

विवर्जितं (vivarjitaM) = devoid of

विवर्धनाः (vivardhanaaH) = increasing

विवस्वतः (vivasvataH) = of the sun-god

विवस्वते (vivasvate) = unto the sun-god

विवस्वान् (vivasvaan.h) = Vivasvan (the sun-god’s name)

विवक्षा (vivakShaa) = choice

विवाह (vivaaha) = Wedding

विवाहं (vivaahaM) = marriage

विविक्त (vivikta) = to solitary

विविक्तसेवी (viviktasevii) = living in a secluded place

विविध (vividha) = varied

विविधः (vividhaH) = various

विविधाः (vividhaaH) = various

विविधैः (vividhaiH) = various

विवृणुते (vivRiNute) = (Vr. Pr.III Per.S.AP)chooses

विवृद्धं (vivRiddhaM) = increased

विवृद्धे (vivRiddhe) = when developed

विवेक (viveka) = (m)discretion

विवेकिन् (vivekin.h) = one who is thoughtful and just

विशते (vishate) = he enters

विशन्ति (vishanti) = enter

विशमवृत्ती (vishamavRittii) = uneven or strained movement whilst breathing

विशां (vishaaM) = and the vaisyas

विशाखा (vishaakhaa) = Sixteenth nakshatra

विशाल (vishaala) = very great

विशालं (vishaalaM) = vast

विशालकः (vishaalakaH) = (m) magnifier

विशालाक्षौ (vishaalaakShau) = (two)persons with (lotus-like)large eyes

विशिष्टाः (vishishhTaaH) = especially powerful

विशिष्यते (vishishhyate) = is by far the better

विशुद्ध (vishuddha) = pure

विशुद्धया (vishuddhayaa) = fully purified

विशुद्धये (vishuddhaye) = for clarifying

विशुद्धात्मा (vishuddhaatmaa) = a purified soul

विशेष (visheshha) = particular

विशेषतः (visheshhataH) = especiaaly

विशेषसङ्घान् (visheshhasa.nghaan.h) = specifically assembled

विशेषज्ञ (visheshhaGYa) = the knowledgeable or wise person

विश्यति (vishyati) = (4 pp) to pierce

विश्लेष (vishleshha) = lonely (antonym of aashleshha which is  embrace)

विश्लेष( ः) (vishleshha(H)) = separation

विश्लेषण (vishleshhaNa) = macroanalysis

विश्वं (vishvaM) = the universe

विश्वकोषः (vishvakoshhaH) = (m) encyclopedia

विश्वताः (vishvataaH) = from all around the world

विश्वतोमुखं (vishvatomukhaM) = and in the universal form

विश्वतोमुखः (vishvatomukhaH) = Brahma

विश्वमार्यं (vishvamaaryaM) = vishvaM:Universe and AryaM: (acc.sing.):noble person

विश्वमूर्ते (vishvamuurte) = O universal form

विश्वरूप (vishvaruupa) = in the form of the universe

विश्वविद्यालयः (vishvavidyaalayaH) = (m) university

विश्ववेदाः (vishvavedaaH) = one who has understood the world(vishva)

विश्वसनीय (vishvasaniiya) = (adj) reliable

विश्वस्य (vishvasya) = universe

विश्वामित्र (vishvaamitra) = vishvAmitra’s

विश्वास (vishvaasa) = faith

विश्वासः (vishvaasaH) = (m) belief

विश्वासभूमि (vishvaasabhuumi) = trustworthy

विश्वे (vishve) = the Visvedevas

विश्वेश्वर (vishveshvara) = O Lord of the universe

विष (vishha) = poison

विषम (vishhama) = odd (as in odd or even)

विषमिव (vishhamiva) = like poison

विषमे (vishhame) = in this hour of crisis

विषय (vishhaya) = kingdom (here)

विषयाः (vishhayaaH) = on the subject matter

विषयान् (vishhayaan.h) = sense objects

विषये (vishhaye) = in topics, in subjects

विषाण (vishhaaNa) = horns

विषादं (vishhaadaM) = moroseness

विषादि (vishhaadi) = morose

विषीदन् (vishhiidan.h) = while lamenting

विषीदन्तं (vishhiidantaM) = lamenting

विषुस्पृश (vishhuspRisha) = touched, tinged with poison (poison-tipped arrow?)

विषेशाधिकारः (vishheshaadhikaaraH) = (m) privilege

विषेषता (vishheshhataa) = difference

विषोपमेयं (vishhopameyaM) = poison-like

विष्टभ्य (vishhTabhya) = pervading

विष्ठितं (vishhThitaM) = situated

विष्णु (vishhNu) = the preserver of life

विष्णुः (vishhNuH) = the Lord MahaavishhNu

विष्णुत्वं (vishhNutvaM) = the quality/state of Brahman/god-realisation

विष्णो (vishhNo) = O Lord Visnu

विष्लेषण (vishhleshhaNa) = analysis

विसंमोहन (visaMmohana) = infatuation

विसर्गः (visargaH) = creation

विसृजन् (visRijan.h) = giving up

विसृजामि (visRijaami) = I create

विसृज्य (visRijya) = putting aside

विस्तरः (vistaraH) = the expanse

विस्तरशः (vistarashaH) = in detail

विस्तरस्य (vistarasya) = to the extent

विस्तरेण (vistareNa) = in detail

विस्तारं (vistaaraM) = the expansion

विस्तारः (vistaaraH) = (m) amplitude

विस्तारित (vistaarita) = expanded

विस्फुरणै (visphuraNai) = by emanation

विस्मयः (vismayaH) = wonder

विस्मयपदं (vismayapadaM) = object of wonder

विस्मयाविष्टः (vismayaavishhTaH) = being overwhelmed with wonder

विस्मिताः (vismitaaH) = in wonder

विहग (vihaga) = bird

विहगः (vihagaH) = Bird, cloud, arrow, sun, moon, a planet in general, some thing that moves in the sky

विहाय (vihaaya) = giving up

विहार (vihaara) = in relaxation

विहारस्य (vihaarasya) = recreation

विहारिणि (vihaariNi) = one who strolls

विहिआ (vihiaa) = vihitA?, understood

विहित (vihita) = prescribed

विहितं (vihitaM) = directed

विहिताः (vihitaaH) = used

विहितान् (vihitaan.h) = arranged

विहीन (vihiina) = without

विहीना (vihiinaa) = bereft

विहृ (vihRi) = to roam

विक्षिप्त (vikShipta) = mental aggitation

विक्षेप (vikShepa) = confusion

विज्ञातं (viGYaataM) = has been known

विज्ञातुं (viGYaatuM) = to know

विज्ञान (viGYaana) = comprehension, Science

विज्ञानं (viGYaanaM) = numinous knowledge

विज्ञानमय (viGYaanamaya) = full of greater(scientific in a way) knowledge

विज्ञानी (viGYaanii) = scientist

विज्ञाय (viGYaaya) = after understanding

वीक्षः (viikShaH) = (m) lens

वीजति (viijati) = to fan

वीत (viita) = free from

वीतरागाः (viitaraagaaH) = in the renounced order of life

वीथि (viithi) = (f)  road, way

वीर (viira) = the sentiment of valor

वीरञ्च (viiraJNcha) = name of Brahma

वीरभद्रासन (viirabhadraasana) = the arrow posture

वीरासन (viiraasana) = the hero posture

वीर्य (viirya) = vitality, enthusiasm, semen

वीर्यं (viiryaM) = valour

वीर्यवान् (viiryavaan.h) = very powerful

वीर्यां (viiryaaM) = glories

वीक्ष् (viikSh.h) = to see

वीक्षन्ते (viikShante) = are beholding

वीक्ष्य (viikShya) = having seen

वृक (vRika) = wolf

वृकोदरः (vRikodaraH) = the voracious eater (Bhima)

वृजनं (vRijanaM) = the ocean of miseries

वृणुते (vRiNute) = chooses

वृत् (vRit.h) = to exist

वृत्त (vRitta) = desire

वृत्तपत्रिका (vRittapatrikaa) = (f) newspaper

वृत्तिस्थाः (vRittisthaaH) = whose occupation

वृत्ती (vRittii) = tendancy

वृथा (vRithaa) = (indecl) wanton, uselessly, idly

वृद्ध (vRiddha) = aged

वृद्धः (vRiddhaH) = old man

वृद्धश्रवाः (vRiddhashravaaH) = having become old with years of hearing knowledge

वृद्धि (vRiddhi) = growth

वृद्धि (vRiddhi) = growth

वृन्तम् (vRintam.h) = (n) the stem of a flower

वृन्ताकम् (vRintaakam.h) = (n) brinjal

वृन्द (vRinda) = (n) group

वृशशैल (vRishashaila) = vRishaa hill

वृश्चिक (vRishchika) = The Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio

वृश्चिकासन (vRishchikaasana) = the scorpion posture

वृषभ (vRishhabha) = The Zodiacal Sign of Taurus

वृषभः (vRishhabhaH) = (m) bull, the Zodiacal Sign of Taurus

वृष्टि (vRishhTi) = rain

वृष्टिः (vRishhTiH) = (m) rain, showers

वृष्णीनां (vRishhNiinaaM) = of the descendants of VRishhNi

वृक्ष (vRikSha) = tree

वृक्षासन (vRikShaasana) = the tree posture

वृक्षि (vRikShi) = I sing. aatmane. `injunctive’ of vRij, `to avoid

वेगं (vegaM) = urges

वेगः (vegaH) = (m) speed

वेणी (veNii) = (f) pigtail, ponytail

वेणुः (veNuH) = flute

वेतनम् (vetanam.h) = (n) salary

वेत्त (vetta) = the knower

वेत्ति (vetti) = knows

वेत्थ (vettha) = know

वेद (veda) = Ancient Indian Religious Texts

वेदः (vedaH) = (masc.nom.sing.)the Veda

वेदक्रम (vedakrama) = vedaas

वेदना (vedanaa) = feelings of pain

वेदयज्ञ (vedayaGYa) = by sacrifice

वेदवादरताः (vedavaadarataaH) = supposed followers of the Vedas

वेदवित् (vedavit.h) = the knower of the Vedas

वेदविदः (vedavidaH) = persons conversant with the Vedas

वेदाः (vedaaH) = Vedic literatures

वेदानां (vedaanaaM) = of all the Vedas

वेदान्त (vedaanta) = Vedic method of Self-Realisation

वेदान्तकृत् (vedaantakRit.h) = the compiler of the Vedanta

वेदान्तवेद्यो (vedaantavedyo) = one knowable thro’ `upanishat.h’

वेदितव्यं (veditavyaM) = to be understood

वेदितुं (vedituM) = to understand

वेदे (vede) = in the Vedic literature

वेदेषु (vedeshhu) = Vedic literatures

वेदैः (vedaiH) = by study of the Vedas

वेद्यं (vedyaM) = what is to be known

वेद्यः (vedyaH) = knowable

वेधस् (vedhas.h) = brahmaa

वेधसे (vedhase) = to the Brahman (like rAma)

वेपथुः (vepathuH) = trembling of the body

वेपथुमथी (vepathumathii) = she who is sweating

वेपमानः (vepamaanaH) = trembling

वेला (velaa) = (fem) time

वेश (vesha) = dress

वेषः (veshhaH) = make-ups/garbs/roles

वेष्टिः (veshhTiH) = (m) dhoti

वै (vai) = emphasis

वैकुण्ठ (vaikuNTha) = the abode of Vishnu

वैकुण्ठाधिपती (vaikuNThaadhipatii) = ruler of vaikuNTha which is Vishnu

वैक्लव्यं (vaiklavyaM) = (Nr.Nom.sing.) sorrow

वैद्यः (vaidyaH) = doctor

वैध (vaidha) = (adj) legal

वैनतेयः (vainateyaH) = Garuda

वैमानिकः (vaimaanikaH) = (m) pilot

वैयक्तिक (vaiyaktika) = (adj) personal

वैयाकरण (vaiyaakaraNa) = Grammar

वैयाकरणस्यैषः (vaiyaakaraNasyaishhaH) = to the grammarian+this

वैर (vaira) = enmity

वैराग्य (vairaagya) = uncolouredness, not desiring physical objects

वैराग्यं (vairaagyaM) = renunciation

वैराग्येण (vairaagyeNa) = by detachment

वैराज्य (vairaajya) = excelent rulership

वैरिणं (vairiNaM) = greatest enemy

वैरिषु (vairishhu) = on enemies

वैशेशिका (vaisheshikaa) = one of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy

वैश्य (vaishya) = the caste of merchants and professionals

वैश्यः (vaishyaH) = mercantile people

वैश्रवण (vaishravaNa) = son of Vishravas (typically applied only to Kubera)

वैश्वानरः (vaishvaanaraH) = My plenary portion as the digesting fire

वैष्णव (vaishhNava) = a large sect of the followers of Sri Vishnu

वैज्ञानिकः (vaiGYaanikaH) = (m) scientist

व्यक्त (vyakta) = made known

व्यक्तयः (vyaktayaH) = living entities

व्यक्तिं (vyaktiM) = personality

व्यक्तिगत (vyaktigata) = (adj) individual

व्यजनम् (vyajanam.h) = (n) fan

व्यतितरिष्यति (vyatitarishhyati) = surpasses

व्यतीतानि (vyatiitaani) = have passed

व्यत्त (vyatta) = open

व्यथन्ति (vyathanti) = are disturbed

व्यथयन्ति (vyathayanti) = are distressing

व्यथा (vyathaa) = trouble

व्यथिष्ठाः (vyathishhThaaH) = be disturbed

व्यदारयत् (vyadaarayat.h) = shattered

व्यपदेश (vyapadesha) = (m) mention, name

व्यपाश्रयः (vyapaashrayaH) = taking shelter of

व्यपाश्रित्य (vyapaashritya) = particularly taking shelter

व्यपेतभीः (vyapetabhiiH) = free from all fear

व्यभिचारिन् (vyabhichaarin.h) = adj. deviate

व्ययभाव (vyayabhaava) = House of Expenditure/Loss or 12th

व्ययम् (vyayam.h) = (n) expenditure, spending

व्यरंसीत् (vyara.nsiit.h) = passed, elapsed

व्यर्थ (vyartha) = u(adj)seless, purposelss

व्यवकलनम् (vyavakalanam.h) = (n) subtraction

व्यवच्छेत्सीः (vyavachchhetsiiH) = cut or dissect

व्यवसायः (vyavasaayaH) = enterprise or adventure

व्यवसायात्मिका (vyavasaayaatmikaa) = resolute in KRishhNa consciousness

व्यवसितः (vyavasitaH) = situated in determination

व्यवसिता (vyavasitaa) = engaged

व्यवस्थितान् (vyavasthitaan.h) = situated

व्यवस्थितिः (vyavasthitiH) = the situation

व्यवस्थितौ (vyavasthitau) = put under regulations

व्यवस्यति (vyavasyati) = (verb Pr.III P.sing.PP) tries

व्यवहारः (vyavahaaraH) = (m) business, transaction

व्यवासिताः (vyavaasitaaH) = have decided

व्यशेम (vyashema) = ?

व्यसन (vyasana) = addiction

व्याकरणं (vyaakaraNaM) = (n) grammar

व्याकुल (vyaakula) = alarmed (adj)

व्याकुलत्व (vyaakulatva) = (neut) sorrow, concern

व्याकुलिता (vyaakulitaa) = she who has been afflicted/affected

व्याख्यानं (vyaakhyaanaM) = (n) lecture

व्याघ्रः (vyaaghraH) = (m) tiger

व्याधः (vyaadhaH) = (m) hunter

व्याधि (vyaadhi) = disease

व्याधिमुक्ति (vyaadhimukti) = healing

व्याधी (vyaadhii) = illness

व्यान (vyaana) = one of the vital airs, circulates energy all over the body

व्यापार (vyaapaara) = affair (masc)

व्यापारी (vyaapaarii) = (m) merchant, trader

व्याप्तं (vyaaptaM) = pervaded

व्याप्य (vyaapya) = pervading

व्यामिश्रेण (vyaamishreNa) = by equivocal

व्याल (vyaala) = elephant

व्यावहारिक (vyaavahaarika) = (adj) practical

व्यास (vyaasa) = diameter

व्यासः (vyaasaH) = Vyasa

व्यासङ्ग (vyaasa.nga) = varied interests, (involvement in) many hobbies

व्यासप्रसादात् (vyaasaprasaadaat.h) = by the mercy of Vyasadeva

व्यासोच्छिष्ठं (vyaasochchhishhThaM) = vyAsa + uchchhishhThaM:by VyAsa + mouth-dropped

व्याहरन् (vyaaharan.h) = vibrating

व्युदस्य (vyudasya) = laying aside

व्यूढं (vyuuDhaM) = arranged in a military phalanx

व्यूढां (vyuuDhaaM) = arranged

व्योमचारिणः (vyomachaariNaH) = the people who wander over the sky (and `pAtAla’\bhUtala’)

व्योमन् (vyoman.h) = (n) the sky

व्रज (vraja) = go

व्रजेत (vrajeta) = walks

व्रण (vraNa) = injury, wound (masc, neut)

व्रत (vrata) = austerities

व्रताः (vrataaH) = avowed

व्रात (vraata) = disciplined course

व्रिद्ध (vriddha) = old, aged

शँसति (sha.Nsati) = (1 pp) to praise

शंकर (sha.nkara) = Shankara

शंका (sha.nkaa) = fear

शंस (sha.nsa) = praise

शंससि (sha.nsasi) = You are praising

शकुन्तला (shakuntalaa) = the heroine of the play

शकुन्तला (shakuntalaa) = shakuntalA (the heroine of the Drama ‘AbhiGYAna shAkuntalam’)

शक्त (shakta) = strong

शक्ताः (shaktaaH) = capable

शक्ति (shakti) = strength

शक्तिः (shaktiH) = power; might

शक्तिचालनी (shaktichaalanii) = one of the mudras, involves contracting the rectum

शक्तिचालिनी (shaktichaalinii) = the nerve-power posture

शक्तित्रयः (shaktitrayaH) = three powers of `ichcha’, `kriya’ and `gyana’

शक्नवाम (shaknavaama) = I pl `imperative’ paras. of shak, be able

शक्नोति (shaknoti) = (5 pp) to be able

शक्नोमि (shaknomi) = am I able

शक्नोषि (shaknoshhi) = you are able

शक्य (shakya) = possible

शक्यं (shakyaM) = is able

शक्यः (shakyaH) = practical

शक्यत्त्वात् (shakyattvaat.h) = from capability

शक्यसे (shakyase) = are able

शक्रस्य (shakrasya) = (masc.poss.S)of  God Indra

शङ्करः (sha.nkaraH) = Lord Siva

शङ्का (sha.nkaa) = doubt

शङ्ख (sha.nkha) = conch shell

शङ्खं (sha.nkhaM) = conchshell

शङ्खः (sha.nkhaH) = (m) a conch

शङ्खाः (sha.nkhaaH) = conchshells

शङ्खान् (sha.nkhaan.h) = conchshells

शङ्खौ (sha.nkhau) = conchshells

शठ (shaTha) = Rogue

शठः (shaThaH) = deceitful

शड्बल (shaD.hbala) = Six Strengths. A method of determining planetary powers

शड्वर्ग (shaD.hvarga) = The Six Harmonic Charts: Rashi, Hora, dreshhkaaNa, navaa.nsha, dvadasha.nsha and tri.nsha.nsha

शत (shata) = Hundred

शतं (shataM) = a hundred

शतकोटि (shatakoTi) = 100 koti or 1000 millions

शततन्त्री (shatatantrii) = (f) santoor (shatatanrii viiNaa)

शततारका (shatataarakaa) = Twenty-fourth nakshatra, hundred minor stars

शतपदी (shatapadii) = (f) centipede

शतशः (shatashaH) = hundreds

शताभिशक (shataabhishaka) = Twenty-fourth nakshatra (also shatataarakaa)

शतेन (shatena) = hundred

शतैः (shataiH) = by hundreds

शत्रु (shatru) = enemy

शत्रुभाव (shatrubhaava) = House of Enemies or 6th

शत्रुं (shatruM) = the enemy

शत्रुः (shatruH) = enemy

शत्रुत्वे (shatrutve) = because of enmity

शत्रुन् (shatrun.h) = enemies

शत्रुवत् (shatruvat.h) = as an enemy

शत्रौ (shatrau) = in  (towards)the enemy

शनि (shani) = Saturn

शनिवार (shanivaara) = Saturday

शनैः (shanaiH) = slowly

शन्तिं (shantiM) = perfect peace

शपति (shapati) = (1 pp) to curse

शब्द (shabda) = Word

शब्दं (shabdaM) = sound

शब्दः (shabdaH) = combined sound

शब्दकोष (shabdakoshha) = dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary

शब्दकोषः (shabdakoshhaH) = (m) dictionary

शब्दब्रह्म (shabdabrahma) = ritualistic principles of scriptures

शब्दसंग्रह (shabdasa.ngraha) = vocabulary

शब्दसमूह (shabdasamUha) = a group of words, a collection of words, glossary

शब्दादिन् (shabdaadin.h) = sound vibration, etc

शब्दार्थ (shabdaartha) = meaning of (any) word

शब्दावलिः (shabdaavaliH) = (f) glossary

शब्धार्थ (shabdhaartha) = word by word meaning

शम (shama) = Tranqulity

शमं (shamaM) = mental tranquillity

शमः (shamaH) = cessation of all material activities

शमनं (shamanaM) = subsiding

शम्बूकः (shambuukaH) = (m) snail

शम्भु (shambhu) = a name of Shiva

शय (shaya) = Sleep

शयन (shayana) = a bed

शयनं (shayanaM) = sleep

शयनप्रकोष्ठः (shayanaprakoshhThaH) = (m) bedroom

शयनागारं (shayanaagaaraM) = (n) dormitory

शयनासन (shayanaasana) = the repose posture

शय्या (shayyaa) = (f) bed

शर (shara) = Arrow

शरण (sharaNa) = Refuge

शरणं (sharaNaM) = resort/surrender

शरणार्थी (sharaNaarthii) = Refugee

शरण्यौ (sharaNyau) = the refuge , people who are worthy of giving asylum, protection to

शरद् (sharad.h) = autumn

शरदः (sharadaH) = (autumnal seasons) years

शरीर (shariira) = body (neut)

शरीरं (shariiraM) = body

शरीरमाद्यं (shariiramaadyaM) = body + the beginning

शरीरस्थं (shariirasthaM) = situated within the body

शरीरस्थः (shariirasthaH) = dwelling in the body

शरीराणि (shariiraaNi) = bodies

शरीरिणः (shariiriNaH) = of the embodied soul

शरीरे (shariire) = in the body

शर्करा (sharkaraa) = (f) sugar

शर्म (sharma) = grace

शलभ (shalabha) = a locust

शलभः (shalabhaH) = (m) grasshopper

शलभासन (shalabhaasana) = the locust posture

शलाका (shalaakaa) = a small twig (in this case, like an eye-pencil)

शल्यः (shalyaH) = (m) porcupine

शल्यकारः (shalyakaaraH) = (m) surgeon

शल्यचिकित्सकः (shalyachikitsakaH) = (m) surgeon

शव (shava) = cadaver

शवपेतिका (shavapetikaa) = (f) coffin

शवासन (shavaasana) = the corpse posture

शश (shasha) = rabbit

शशः (shashaH) = (m) rabbit

शशाङ्क (shashaa.nka) = moon

शशाङ्कः (shashaa.nkaH) = the moon

शशि (shashi) = moon

शशिसूर्ययोः (shashisuuryayoH) = of the moon and the sun

शशी (shashii) = the moon

शश्वच्छान्तिं (shashvachchhaantiM) = lasting peace

शष्टष्टक (shashhTashhTaka) = 6th and 8th from each other

शष्ट्यांश (shashhTyaa.nsha) = A varga. The 60th Harmonic Chart. Used in cases of delineation of twins

शस्त्र (shastra) = weapon

शस्त्रं (shastraM) = weapon

शस्त्रपाणयः (shastrapaaNayaH) = those with weapons in hand

शस्त्रपूताः (shastrapuutaaH) = having become holy by (strike of) weapon

शस्त्रभृतां (shastrabhRitaaM) = of the carriers of weapons

शस्त्रसम्पाते (shastrasampaate) = in releasing his arrows

शस्त्राणि (shastraaNi) = weapons

शफ़री (shafarii) = a very small fish

शांतमूर्तिम् (shaa.ntamuurtim.h) = the personification of peace or unruffled benign-looking

शांतिः (shaa.ntiH) = peace

शाकाहार (shaakaahaara) = macrobiotic, vegetarian

शाकिणी (shaakiNii) = the goddess in vishuddha chakra

शाख (shaakha) = branch

शाखं (shaakhaM) = branches

शाखा (shaakhaa) = (fem) branch

शाखाः (shaakhaaH) = branches

शाटिका (shaaTikaa) = (f) saree

शाधि (shaadhi) = just instruct

शान्त (shaanta) = the sentiment of happiness, peace, pleasure

शान्तः (shaantaH) = peaceful

शान्तरजसं (shaantarajasaM) = his passion pacified

शान्ति (shaanti) = calmness

शान्तिं (shaantiM) = peace

शान्तिः (shaantiH) = peace

शान्त्यरूपं (shaantyaruupaM) = the letter `shA’+ANTYARUPAM , having this form in the end

शाम्भवी (shaambhavii) = related to Shiva who is known as shambhu

शाम्भवीमुद्रा (shaambhaviimudraa) = gazing between ones eyes

शाम्यति (shaamyati) = (4 pp) to stop

शारदा (shaaradaa) = Wife of Sri Ramakrishna (also Goddess Sarasvati)

शारीरं (shaariiraM) = in keeping body and soul together

शार्दुलः (shaardulaH) = tiger

शाश्वतं (shaashvataM) = original

शाश्वतः (shaashvataH) = permanent

शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता (shaashvatadharmagoptaa) = maintainer of the eternal religion

शाश्वतस्य (shaashvatasya) = of the eternal

शाश्वताः (shaashvataaH) = eternal

शाश्वतीः (shaashvatiiH) = many

शाश्वते (shaashvate) = of the Vedas

शास्त्र (shaastra) = science

शास्त्रं (shaastraM) = revealed scripture

शास्त्रविधिं (shaastravidhiM) = the regulations of the scriptures

शास्त्राणि (shaastraaNi) = sciences (Scriptures)

शास्त्रे (shaastre) = (loc.S) in the scriptures

शिखण्डी (shikhaNDii) = Sikhandi

शिखर (shikhara) = tip, peak

शिखरम् (shikharam.h) = (n) summit, mountain top

शिखरिणां (shikhariNaaM) = of all mountains

शिखिं (shikhi.n) = peacock

शिरः (shiraH) = head

शिरस् (shiras.h) = head

शिरसा (shirasaa) = with the head

शिरस्त्राण (shirastraaNa) = (m) helmet

शिरीष (shiriishha) = name of a flower

शिरोवेदना (shirovedanaa) = (f) headache

शिर्ष (shirshha) = the head

शिर्षासन (shirshhaasana) = the head-stand posture

शिर्सङ्गुष्ठासन (shirsa.ngushhThaasana) = the deep lunge posture

शिला (shilaa) = (fem) stone

शिल्पिन् (shilpin.h) = sculptor

शिल्पी (shilpii) = (m) sculptor

शिव (shiva) = the destroyer

शिवसुताय (shivasutaaya) = to the son of `shiva’

शिशिर (shishira) = frosty season

शिष्टत्व (shishhTatva) = wisdom

शिष्य (shishhya) = student

शिष्यः (shishhyaH) = disciple

शिष्यम् (shishhyam.h) = the disciple. the student

शिष्यान् (shishhyaan.h) = desciples

शिष्येण (shishhyeNa) = disciple

शिष्यैः (shishhyaiH) = disciples

शिक्षण (shikShaNa) = teaching

शिक्षण (shikShaNa) = education

शिक्षणं (shikShaNaM) = of teaching

शिक्षते (shikShate) = (1 ap) to learn

शी (shii) = to sleep

शीग्रं (shiigraM) = hurry; quickness

शीघ्रं (shiighraM) = immediately

शीत (shiita) = cold

शीतक (shiitaka) = (m) refrigerator

शीतल (shiitala) = cool

शीर्श (shiirsha) = head

शीर्ष (shiirshha) = head

शील (shiila) = character

शीलं (shiilaM) = chastity

शीलम् (shiilam) = good conduct, virtue

शीश्कारः (shiishkaaraH) = (m) a whistle

शुंठः (shu.nThaH) = roasted?

शुक (shuka) = parrot

शुकः (shukaH) = (m) parrot

शुकहरितः (shukaharitaH) = dark green colour (literally, parrot green)

शुक्तिः (shuktiH) = oyster

शुक्र (shukra) = The planet Venus. The word means Semen or Sexual Secretions

शुक्रवार (shukravaara) = Friday

शुक्ल (shukla) = light

शुक्लः (shuklaH) = the white fortnight

शुचः (shuchaH) = worry

शुचि (shuchi) = clean

शुचिः (shuchiH) = pure

शुचीनां (shuchiinaaM) = of the pious

शुचौ (shuchau) = in a sanctified

शुण्ठी (shuNThii) = (f) ginger

शुण्डा (shuNDaa) = (f) elephant’s trunk

शुद्ध (shuddha) = pure

शुद्धपक्ष (shuddhapakSha) = Bright side of the lunar month, also shuklapaksha

शुद्धये (shuddhaye) = for the purpose of purification

शुद्र (shudra) = the caste of servants and labourers

शुनक (shunaka) = (m) dog

शुनि (shuni) = in the dog

शुब्रता (shubrataa) = whiteness

शुभ (shubha) = good, auspicious

शुभं (shubhaM) = good , auspicious

शुभग्रह (shubhagraha) = Benefic planet

शुभदि (shubhadi) = giver of auspicious

शुभस्य (shubhasya) = of good things

शुभान् (shubhaan.h) = the auspicious

शुभास्ते (shubhaaste) = shubhAH + te:good + your

शुभ्र (shubhra) = clean

शुल्कं (shulkaM) = (n) fees, duty

शुश्रूशा (shushruushaa) = service

शुष्के (shushhke) = in the drying up of

शुष्यति (shushhyati) = (4 pp) to dry

शूद्र (shuudra) = untouchable

शूद्रः (shuudraH) = lower-class men

शूद्रस्य (shuudrasya) = of the shudra

शूद्राणां (shuudraaNaaM) = of the shudras

शून्य (shuunya) = zero

शून्यं (shuunyaM) = zero

शून्यता (shuunyataa) = vacuum

शूर (shuura) = valiant

शूराः (shuuraaH) = heroes

शूरो (shuuro) = warrior or skilled one

शूर्पकर्णकं (shuurpakarNakaM) = having long ears

शूल (shuula) = triant , trishuula

शृंगार (shRi.ngaara) = the sentiment of love

शृगालः (shRigaalaH) = fox

शृङ्खला (shRi.nkhalaa) = (f) a chain

शृङ्गम् (shRi.ngam.h) = (n) horn

शृणु (shRiNu) = just hear

शृणुयात् (shRiNuyaat.h) = does hear

शृणुयाम (shRiNuyaama) = May we  hear

शृणोति (shRiNoti) = (5 pp) to listen

शृण्वतः (shRiNvataH) = hearing

शृण्वन् (shRiNvan.h) = hearing

शेणिषेवेत (sheNishheveta) = does not marry

शेष (sheshha) = remaining

शैब्यः (shaibyaH) = Saibya

शैल (shaila) = shell

शैलाधिराज (shailaadhiraaja) = the king of mountains(Himaalayaas)

शैली (shailii) = (f) style

शोउचगृहम् (shouchagRiham.h) = (n) toilet

शोक (shoka) = sorrow

शोकं (shokaM) = lamentation

शोकहतं (shokahataM) = attacked(hata) by grief(shoka)

शोचति (shochati) = (1 pp) to grieve

शोचनीय (shochaniiya) = adj. lamentable

शोचितुं (shochituM) = to lament

शोच्य (shochya) = (participle,fem.)fit to be worried about;worth-concern

शोणित (shoNita) = red (adj); blood (neut)

शोथः (shothaH) = (m) swelling

शोदशांश (shodashaa.nsha) = A Varga. The 16th Harmonic Chart. Used for deeper delineation of Fourth House matters

शोधन (shodhana) = purification

शोभ् (shobh.h) = to shine, look good

शोभिनि (shobhini) = person glowing with

शोभेत (shobheta) = shine

शोषयति (shoshhayati) = dries

शौच (shaucha) = mental and bodily cleanliness

शौचं (shauchaM) = cleanliness

शौर्यं (shauryaM) = heroism

श्मश्रु (shmashru) = moustache, beard

श्यति (shyati) = to sharpen

श्यामल (shyaamala) = dark

श्यामलं (shyaamalaM) = the dark-complexioned one

श्यालाः (shyaalaaH) = brothers-in-law

श्रढावान् (shraDhaavaan.h) = believer; man of faith

श्रद्दधानाः (shraddadhaanaaH) = with faith

श्रद्धः (shraddhaH) = faith

श्रद्धया (shraddhayaa) = with faith

श्रद्धयान्वितः (shraddhayaanvitaH) = accompanied with faith

श्रद्धयान्विताः (shraddhayaanvitaaH) = with faith

श्रद्धा (shraddhaa) = (f) faith

श्रद्धां (shraddhaaM) = faith

श्रद्धावन्तः (shraddhaavantaH) = with faith and devotion

श्रद्धावान् (shraddhaavaan.h) = a faithful man

श्रम (shrama) = (masc) excertion

श्रमजीविवादः (shramajiivivaadaH) = (m) proletarianism

श्रयति (shrayati) = (1 pp) to reach

श्रवः (shravaH) = having heard(old learned man?)

श्रवण (shravaNa) = Twenty-second nashaktra

श्रविष्टा (shravishhTaa) = Twenty-third nakshatra also known as dhanishhThaa

श्राम्यति (shraamyati) = (4 pp) to be tired

श्रिताः (shritaaH) = taking shelter of

श्रिवत्स (shrivatsa) = the curl on Vishnu’s breast

श्री (shrii) = Added before a name to show respect

श्रीः (shriiH) = wealth

श्रीगणेशाय (shriigaNeshaaya) = to Lord Ganesh

श्रीदरूप (shriidaruupa) = resembling lakshmii

श्रीपति (shriipati) = LakShmi’s consort MahAvishhNu’s

श्रीबुधकौशिक (shriibudhakaushika) = sHrI budhakaushika (the author of this hymn)

श्रीभगवानुवाच (shriibhagavaanuvaacha) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said

श्रीमच्छन्करभगवत्+चरणैः (shriimachchhankarabhagavat.h+charaNaiH) = by the Shankaracharya who is known

श्रीमत् (shriimat.h) = honourable prefix

श्रीमतं (shriimataM) = of the prosperous

श्रीमद् (shriimad.h) = respectful prefix

श्रीमान् (shriimaan.h) = the man with `shrI’ i.e. the endowed man

श्रीराम (shriiraama) = Lord Rama

श्रीरामं (shriiraamaM) = shri rAma

श्रीरामचंद्रचरणौ (shriiraamacha.ndracharaNau) = the  two feet of rAmachandra

श्रीरामचंद्रप्रीत्यर्थे (shriiraamacha.ndrapriityarthe) = For pleasing the Lord sItArAma

श्रीरामचंद्रम् (shriiraamacha.ndram.h) = rAma

श्रीरामदूतं (shriiraamaduutaM) = the messenger of rAma

श्रीरामरक्षा (shriiraamarakshaa) = the protection of Lord Rama

श्रुणोति (shruNoti) = (5 pp) to hear

श्रुत (shruta) = knowledge

श्रुतं (shrutaM) = heard

श्रुतवान् (shrutavaan.h) = knowledgeable

श्रुतस्य (shrutasya) = all that is already heard

श्रुति (shruti) = ear or veda

श्रुतिपरायणाः (shrutiparaayaNaaH) = inclined to the process of hearing

श्रुतिमत् (shrutimat.h) = having ears

श्रुती (shrutii) = that which hears i.e.ears

श्रुतेन (shrutena) = (instr.S)thro’ hearing, or thro’ Veda

श्रुतौ (shrutau) = have been heard

श्रुत्वा (shrutvaa) = having heard

श्रेणी (shreNii) = scale

श्रेयः (shreyaH) = good

श्रेयान् (shreyaan.h) = far better

श्रेष्ठ (shreshhTha) = best

श्रेष्ठः (shreshhThaH) = a respectable leader

श्रेष्ठौ (shreshhThau) = the best (2 persons)

श्रोतव्यस्य (shrotavyasya) = toward all that is to be heard

श्रोतारम् (shrotaaram.h) = one who hears

श्रोत्रं (shrotraM) = ears

श्रोत्रादीनि (shrotraadiini) = such as the hearing process

श्लाघते (shlaaghate) = (1 ap) to praise

श्वः (shvaH) = tomorrow

श्वपाके (shvapaake) = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)

श्वशुर (shvashura) = father-in-law

श्वशुरान् (shvashuraan.h) = fathers-in-law

श्वशूराः (shvashuuraaH) = fathers-in-law

श्वसन् (shvasan.h) = breathing

श्वसिति (shvasiti) = breathe

श्वान (shvaana) = Dog

श्वास (shvaasa) = Breath

श्वासप्रश्वास (shvaasaprashvaasa) = heaving and sighing

श्वेत (shveta) = (adj) white

श्वेतकेतः (shvetaketaH) = Shvetaketu(maan with white flag?)

श्वेतायसः (shvetaayasaH) = (m) steel

श्वेतैः (shvetaiH) = with white

षट्पद (shhaTpada) = one with six legs (insect); here, a bumble bee

षड् (shhaD.h) = six

षड्यन्त्रं (shhaDyantraM) = (n) conspiracy

षण् (shhaN.h) = six

षण्ड (shhaNDa) = (masc/neut) collection.

षण्मासाः (shhaNmaasaaH) = the six months

षण्मुख (shhaNmukha) = with six mouths, a name of Kartikeya

षत्कारः (shhatkaaraH) = (m) sixer (cricket)

षद् (shhad.h) = to sit

षष्ठाणि (shhashhThaaNi) = the six

षोडश (shhoDasha) = number sixteen

षोडशः (shhoDashaH) = number sixteen

स (sa) = he

संग्रहः (sa.ngrahaH) = collection, repertoire, conglomeration, sum, totality, compilation, epitome, summary

संचालक (sa.nchaalaka) = manager, coordinator

संपादक (saMpaadaka) = editor

संपादकीय (saMpaadakiiya) = editorial

संपादनं (saMpaadanaM) = editing, accomplishing, effecting, fulfilment, gaining, obtaining, acquiring, cleaning, clearing

सत् (sat) = existence.

सत्त्व (sattva) = essence, main quality or essence of being.

समन्वित (samanvita) = (p.p) Connected with, connected in natural order; followed; Endowed with; affected by; collected together (sam.h + anu+ root i).

समूहः (samUhaH) = group, collection, multitude, assemblage, aggregate, number, flock, troop

समूहनं (samuuhanaM) = bringing together, collection, plenty

सयत (sayata) = attempting

संमूढभाविन् (saMmuuDhabhaavin.h) = adj. deluded

सं (saM) = prefix for well

सं+तृ (saM+tRi) = to cross

संकट (sa.nkaTa) = calamity / danger

संकुचन (sa.nkuchana) = shrinkage

संगति (sa.ngati) = company

संगतिरैका (sa.ngatiraikaa) = sa.ngatiH+ekA, company+(only) one (way)

संगर (sa.ngara) = (m) a vow

संगवर्जितः (sa.ngavarjitaH) = freed from the contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation

संगीत (sa.ngiita) = music

संग्रह (sa.ngraha) = collection

संग्रहः (sa.ngrahaH) = the accumulation

संग्रहेण (sa.ngraheNa) = in summary

संग्रामभूमि (sa.ngraamabhuumi) = (fem) battleground

संग्रामं (sa.ngraamaM) = fighting

संघटन (sa.nghaTana) = organisation

संघनन (sa.nghanana) = condensation

संघर्ष (sa.ngharshha) = conflict

संघे (sa.nghe) = (loc.sing.) in Union or togetherness or group

संचय (sa.nchaya) = collection

संतुलन (sa.ntulana) = balance

संदमन (sa.ndamana) = inhibition

संदर्शय (sa.ndarshaya) = (verbal stem) to show

संधानं (sa.ndhaanaM) = combination?

संनिधौ (sa.nnidhau) = in the presence of, close

संन्यसि (sa.nnyasi) = one who has renounced the world

संन्यस्त (sa.nnyasta) = one who has renounced

संन्यस्य (sa.nnyasya) = giving up completely

संन्यास (sa.nnyaasa) = of renunciation

संन्यासं (sa.nnyaasaM) = renunciation

संन्यासः (sa.nnyaasaH) = renunciation of work

संन्यासनात् (sa.nnyaasanaat.h) = by renunciation

संन्यासस्य (sa.nnyaasasya) = of renunciation

संन्यासी (sa.nnyaasii) = renouncer

संन्यासीनां (sa.nnyaasiinaaM) = for the renounced order

संन्यासेन (sa.nnyaasena) = by the renounced order of life

संपर्क (saMparka) = contact

संपश्यन् (saMpashyan.h) = (pr.participle) looking at

संपूर्ण (saMpuurNa) = total

संपूर्णम् (saMpuurNam.h) = complete, finis, over

संप्राप्ते (saMpraapte) = ( when you have) reached/obtained

संप्राप्नोति (saMpraapnoti) = attains

संबन्ध (saMbandha) = relationship

संभावनामात्रेण (saMbhaavanaamaatreNa) = by honouring (with gifts) alone

संमार्जयति (saMmaarjayati) = to clean, to wash, to wipe

संमिश्रणं (saMmishraNaM) = mixed

संयत (sa.nyata) = controlled

संयम (sa.nyama) = dharana, dhyana and samadhi taken together

संयमतां (sa.nyamataaM) = of all regulators

संयमिनः (sa.nyaminaH) = tamed or self-denying like that of a hermit

संयमी (sa.nyamii) = the self-controlled

संयम्य (sa.nyamya) = keeping under control

संयाति (sa.nyaati) = verily accepts

संयावः (sa.nyaavaH) = (m) haluwa, sweet-dish

संयुक्ताः (sa.nyuktaaH) = engaged

संयुजा (sa.nyujaa) = valency

संयोगं (sa.nyogaM) = connection

संयोगात् (sa.nyogaat.h) = by the union between

संयोजयति (sa.nyojayati) = to thread (i.e. pass a thread through the eye of a needle)

संरचना (sa.nrachanaa) = structure

संलग्न (sa.nlagna) = adjacent, next to each other, close

संलेखः (sa.nlekhaH) = (m) instrument (financial)

संवत्सर (sa.nvatsara) = Designated year, 60 in number and change cyclically

संवाद (sa.nvaada) = (m) conversation , dialouge

संवादं (sa.nvaadaM) = conversation

संविग्न (sa.nvigna) = distressed

संविदाकारः (sa.nvidaakaaraH) = (m) contractor

संवृत्तः (sa.nvRittaH) = settled

संशय (sa.nshaya) = doubt

संशयं (sa.nshayaM) = doubts

संशयः (sa.nshayaH) = doubt

संशयस्य (sa.nshayasya) = of the doubt

संशितव्रताः (sa.nshitavrataaH) = taken to strict vows

संशुद्ध (sa.nshuddha) = washed off

संशुद्धिः (sa.nshuddhiH) = purification

संशोधन (sa.nshodhana) = research

संशोधनम् (sa.nshodhanam.h) = (n) research, discovery

संश्रिताः (sa.nshritaaH) = having taken shelter of

संसर्ग (sa.nsarga) = company

संसाधनम् (sa.nsaadhanam) = (n) resource

संसार (sa.nsaara) = world

संसारः (sa.nsaaraH) = world/family

संसारात् (sa.nsaaraat.h) = fromthe world

संसारिणो (sa.nsaariNo) = ordinary family man

संसारे (sa.nsaare) = world

संसारेषु (sa.nsaareshhu) = into the ocean of material existence

संसिद्धः (sa.nsiddhaH) = he who is mature

संसिद्धिं (sa.nsiddhiM) = in perfection

संसिद्धौ (sa.nsiddhau) = for perfection

संस्कार (sa.nskaara) = impression, conditioning

संस्काराः (sa.nskaaraaH) = (Masc.Nom.Pl.) prescribed ritual duties(16?)

संस्कृत् (sa.nskRit.h) = Sanskrit

संस्कृत (sa.nskRita) = refined

संस्कृतशिक्षणं (sa.nskRitashikshaNaM) = learning of Sanskrit

संस्कृति (sa.nskRiti) = culture

संस्तभ्य (sa.nstabhya) = by steadying

संस्था (sa.nsthaa) = (f) institution

संस्थानं (sa.nsthaanaM) = (n) institute

संस्थापनार्थाय (sa.nsthaapanaarthaaya) = to reestablish

संस्पर्शजाः (sa.nsparshajaaH) = by contact with the material senses

संस्पर्शन (sa.nsparshana) = (neut) contact

संस्मृत्य (sa.nsmRitya) = remembering

संहरते (sa.nharate) = winds up

संहार (sa.nhaara) = destroy (take away)

संहारः (sa.nhaaraH) = (m) slaughter, destruction

संहित (sa.nhita) = sandhi : the phonetic combination of words in sanskrit

संहिता (sa.nhitaa) = (f) code

संहितासंधिः (sa.nhitaasa.ndhiH) = sa.nhitaa+sandhiH joined together?

संहृ (sa.nhRi) = to completely destroy

संहृष्ट (sa.nhRishhTa) = (adj) happy

संज्ञके (sa.nGYake) = which is called

संज्ञार्थं (sa.nGYaarthaM) = for information

संज्ञितं (sa.nGYitaM) = in the matter of

संज्ञितः (sa.nGYitaH) = is called

संज्ञैः (sa.nGYaiH) = named

सः (saH) = He

सकल (sakala) = the entire

सकलानि (sakalaani) = all

सकलापदाम् (sakalaapadaam.h) = all dangers’

सकारणम् (sakaaraNam.h) = with reason

सकाश (sakaasha) = company

सकृत् (sakRit.h) = (ind) once

सकृदपि (sakRidapi) = once even

सक्त (sakta) = attached

सक्तं (saktaM) = attached

सक्तः (saktaH) = attached, engrossed, absorbed

सक्तह् (saktah) = capable of

सक्ताः (saktaaH) = being attached

सक्थिनी (sakthinii) = pivotal region?

सखा (sakhaa) = friend

सखि (sakhi) = friend

सखीन् (sakhiin.h) = friends

सखैव (sakhaiva) = like a friend

सख्युः (sakhyuH) = with a friend

सगद्गदं (sagadgadaM) = with a faltering voice

सङ्कटासन (sa.nkaTaasana) = the dangerous posture

सङ्करः (sa.nkaraH) = such unwanted children

सङ्करस्य (sa.nkarasya) = of unwanted population

सङ्कलनम् (sa.nkalanam.h) = (n) addition

सङ्कल्प (sa.nkalpa) = determination

सङ्कल्पः (sa.nkalpaH) = (m) decision, resolution, plan

सङ्कुचित् (sa.nkuchit.h) = (adj) limited, narrow

सङ्केत (sa.nketa) = indication

सङ्केतः (sa.nketaH) = (m) address, information

सङ्क्रमण (sa.nkramaNa) = concurrence, coming together

सङ्क्रान्ति (sa.nkraanti) = the festival of makara sankraant

सङ्ख्या (sa.nkhyaa) = (f) number, count

सङ्ख्ये (sa.nkhye) = in the battlefield

सङ्ग (sa.nga) = togetherness, closeness

सङ्गं (sa.ngaM) = attachment

सङ्गः (sa.ngaH) = attachment

सङ्गणक (sa.ngaNaka) = computer

सङ्गरतः (sa.ngarataH) = indulging in good company

सङ्गरहितं (sa.ngarahitaM) = without attachment

सङ्गविवर्जितः (sa.ngavivarjitaH) = free from all association

सङ्गवीहिनः (sa.ngaviihinaH) = bereft of company

सङ्गात् (sa.ngaat.h) = from attachment

सङ्गीत (sa.ngiita) = music

सङ्गीतकम् (sa.ngiitakam.h) = (n) a music concert

सङ्गे (sa.nge) = in the company

सङ्गेन (sa.ngena) = by association

सङ्ग्राम (sa.ngraama) = battle, battlefield

सङ्घ (sa.ngha) = group, organisation, gathering

सङ्घटित (sa.nghaTita) = united

सङ्घाः (sa.nghaaH) = the assemblies

सङ्घातः (sa.nghaataH) = the aggregate

सङ्घैः (sa.nghaiH) = the groups

सचन्त (sachanta) = to accompany, procure

सचिव (sachiva) = (m) minister

सचिवः (sachivaH) = (m) secretary

सचेताः (sachetaaH) = in my consciousness

सच्छब्दः (sachchhabdaH) = the sound sat

सजल (sajala) = With water

सज्ज (sajja) = adorned, equipped

सज्जते (sajjate) = becomes attached

सज्जन (sajjana) = good man

सज्जन्ते (sajjante) = they become engaged

सञ्चय (saJNchaya) = collection

सञ्चयान् (saJNchayaan.h) = accumulation

सञ्चिका (saJNchikaa) = (f) file

सञ्छिन्न (saJNchhinna) = cut

सञ्जनयन् (saJNjanayan.h) = increasing

सञ्जय (saJNjaya) = O Sanjaya

सञ्जयति (saJNjayati) = binds

सञ्जायते (saJNjaayate) = develops

सञ्जीवनी (saJNjiivanii) = a life-restoring elixir or herb

सण्घटन (saNghaTana) = organisation, unity

सत् (sat.h) = a good man

सत्चित्आनन्द (sat.hchit.haananda) = bliss consciousness

सतः (sataH) = of the eternal

सतत (satata) = always

सततं (satataM) = always

सततयुक्तानां (satatayuktaanaaM) = always engaged

सतां (sataaM) = of saintly people

सति (sati) = being

सती (satii) = Sati

सत्कार (satkaara) = respect

सत्कार्य (satkaarya) = good or useful work particularly helpful to many

सत्त्व (sattva) = inner strength

सत्त्वं (sattvaM) = the strength

सत्त्ववतं (sattvavataM) = of the strong

सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः (sattvasa.nshuddhiH) = purification of one’s existence

सत्त्वस्थाः (sattvasthaaH) = those situated in the mode of goodness

सत्त्वात् (sattvaat.h) = from the mode of goodness

सत्त्वानां (sattvaanaaM) = good beings’

सत्त्वानुरूपा (sattvaanuruupaa) = according to the existence

सत्त्वे (sattve) = the mode of goodness

सत्पुरुष (satpurushha) = good man

सत्य (satya) = Truth

सत्यं (satyaM) = Truth

सत्यमेव (satyameva) = Truth alone

सत्यसंधं (satyasa.ndhaM) = the one bound by Truth

सत्यस्य (satyasya) = of truth

सत्रं (satraM) = (n) session

सत्सङ्गत्वे (satsa.ngatve) = in good company

सद्भवे (sad.hbhave) = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme

सदय (sadaya) = compassionate

सदसत् (sadasat.h) = to cause and effect

सदा (sadaa) = always

सदाचार् (sadaachaar) = good conduct / behaviour

सदानन्द (sadaananda) = ever joyous

सदाशिव (sadaashiva) = a form of Shiva

सदुपयोग (sadupayoga) = correct or right use derived from sat.h + upayoga

सदृश (sadRisha) = (adj) similar, looking like

सदृशं (sadRishaM) = accordingly

सदृशः (sadRishaH) = like

सदृशी (sadRishii) = like that

सदैव (sadaiva) = always

सदोदित (sadodita) = always, constant

सदोषं (sadoshhaM) = with fault

सद्गमय (sadgamaya) = sat.h and gamaya: Truth and lead(causal of ‘go’)

सद्बुद्धिं (sadbuddhiM) = sat.h+buddhiM, good+awareness(loosely speaking:mind)

सद्यः (sadyaH) = instantly

सद्यह् (sadyah) = immediately

सन् (san.h) = being so

सनातन (sanaatana) = ancient

सनातनं (sanaatanaM) = eternal atmosphere

सनातनः (sanaatanaH) = eternally the same

सनातनाः (sanaatanaaH) = eternal

सन्कल्पमस्तु (sankalpamastu) = saMkalpaM +  astu:resolution + let there be

सन्तः (santaH) = the devotees

सन्तत (santata) = repeated

सन्ततगमन (santatagamana) = unbroken togetherness

सन्तप्त (santapta) = burning

सन्तरिष्यसि (santarishhyasi) = you will cross completely

सन्ताः (santaaH) = are respected

सन्ताप (santaapa) = harrasment

सन्ति (santi) = there are

सन्तुष्ट (santushhTa) = satisfied

सन्तुष्टः (santushhTaH) = perfectly satiated

सन्तोश (santosha) = satisfaction

सन्तोष (santoshha) = satisfaction

सन्दर्भ (sandarbha) = reference

सन्दृश्यन्ते (sandRishyante) = are seen

सन्देश (sandesha) = message

सन्देहः (sandehaH) = (m) doubt

सन्धि (sandhi) = The junctional point of two consecutive bhaavas

सन्धीकाल (sandhiikaala) = twilight (both morning and evening time)

सन्नद्धः (sannaddhaH) = fully armed, prepared

सन्निभानि (sannibhaani) = as if

सन्नियम्य (sanniyamya) = controlling

सन्निविष्टः (sannivishhTaH) = situated

सन्निहिते (sannihite) = (in the) presence/nearness of

सपत्नान् (sapatnaan.h) = enemies

सप्त (sapta) = seven

सप्तवर्ग (saptavarga) = Seven Vargas a sequence of varga or harmonic charts. Consists of Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, navaa.nsha, dvaadasha.nsha, tri.nshaa.nsha and Saptaa.nsha

सप्तांश (saptaa.nsha) = A varga. The harmonic Seventh Division. Used for delineations of Children and Grandchildren and one’s creative projections

सफल (saphala) = fruitful

सबान्धवान् (sabaandhavaan.h) = along with friends

सभा (sabhaa) = assembly

सभासद (sabhaasada) = literally one who sits in the assembly

सम (sama) = Equal

समं (samaM) = in equanimity

समंतात् (sama.ntaat.h) = from all around

समः (samaH) = equipoised

समकोनासन (samakonaasana) = the sideways leg-splits posture

समग्रं (samagraM) = in total

समग्रान् (samagraan.h) = all

समघनता (samaghanataa) = isodensity

समचित्तः (samachittaH) = equal-minded/equanimity

समचित्तत्वं (samachittatvaM) = equilibrium

समचुम्बकशील (samachumbakashiila) = isoclinic

समतल (samatala) = Level surface

समता (samataa) = equilibrium

समतित्य (samatitya) = transcending

समतीतानि (samatiitaani) = completely past

समतोल (samatola) = equillibrium

समत्वं (samatvaM) = equanimity

समद (samada) = furious

समदर्शनः (samadarshanaH) = seeing equally

समदर्शिनः (samadarshinaH) = who see with equal vision

समधिगच्छति (samadhigachchhati) = attains

समन्ततः (samantataH) = from all sides

समन्तात् (samantaat.h) = everywhere

समन्वयः (samanvayaH) = (m) co-ordination

समन्वितः (samanvitaH) = qualified

समप्रतिद्रव्य (samapratidravya) = isoantibody

समबाह्याङ्ग (samabaahyaa.nga) = isocortex

समबुद्धयः (samabuddhayaH) = equally disposed

समबुद्धिः (samabuddhiH) = having equal intelligence

समभार (samabhaara) = isobaric

समभारत्त्व (samabhaarattva) = isobarism

समभारिक (samabhaarika) = isobar

समभुजीय (samabhujiiya) = (adj) equilateral

सममूल्यता (samamuulyataa) = equivalence

समय (samaya) = time

समर्चा (samarchaa) = well worshipped

समवर्णिक (samavarNika) = isochromatic

समवर्तताग्रे (samavartataagre) = was there before

समवस्थितं (samavasthitaM) = equally situated

समवायः (samavaayaH) = (m) company

समविलोपी (samavilopii) = isobestic

समवृत्ती (samavRittii) = prANayAma with equally long inhalation, exhalation, suspension

समवेताः (samavetaaH) = assembled

समवेतान् (samavetaan.h) = assembled

समव्यासिक (samavyaasika) = isodiametric

समसंलग्नक (samasa.nlagnaka) = isoagglutinative

समसंलग्नता (samasa.nlagnataa) = isoagglutination

समसंलग्नत्त्व (samasa.nlagnattva) = isoagglutinin

समस्त (samasta) = all

समस्तं (samastaM) = entire

समस्ताः (samastaaH) = all; the entire

समस्थिती (samasthitii) = standing still

समाः (samaaH) = like

समाकुल (samaakula) = (adj) confused, bewildered

समागताः (samaagataaH) = assembled

समाचर (samaachara) = do perfectly

समाचरन् (samaacharan.h) = practicing

समाज (samaaja) = Society

समाजतन्त्र (samaajatantra) = democratic

समाजवाद (samaajavaada) = socialism

समाजसेवा (samaajasevaa) = social service benefiting society

समाधातुं (samaadhaatuM) = to fix

समाधाय (samaadhaaya) = fixing

समाधिना (samaadhinaa) = by complete absorption

समाधिविधान (samaadhividhaana) = in the state of trance

समाधिस्थस्य (samaadhisthasya) = of one situated in trance

समाधी (samaadhii) = state where the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation

समाधौ (samaadhau) = in the controlled mind

समान (samaana) = identical, likeness, comparable

समानाः (samaanaaH) = ( are equal

समाप्तम् (samaaptam.h) = is complete or over

समाप्नोषि (samaapnoshhi) = You cover

समायुक्तः (samaayuktaH) = keeping in balance

समारम्भाः (samaarambhaaH) = attempts

समारोह (samaaroha) = programme

समारोहः (samaarohaH) = (m) function

समाविष्टः (samaavishhTaH) = absorbed

समावृतः (samaavRitaH) = covered

समास (samaasa) = compound word

समासतः (samaasataH) = in summary

समासेन (samaasena) = in summary

समाहर्तुं (samaahartuM) = in destroying

समाहित (samaahita) = (adj) content, satisfied

समाहितः (samaahitaH) = approached completely

समितिञ्जयः (samitiJNjayaH) = always victorious in battle

समिती (samitii) = committee

समिद्धः (samiddhaH) = blazing

समीकरः (samiikaraH) = (m) electric iron

समीकरण (samiikaraNa) = equation

समीपस्थ (samiipastha) = (standing) nearby

समीपे (samiipe) = (adv) near

समीक्ष् (samiikSh.h) = to examine

समीक्ष्य (samiikShya) = after seeing

समुत्थेन (samutthena) = arisen from

समुत्पन्न (samutpanna) = arisen

समुदाय (samudaaya) = assembled crowd

समुदायः (samudaayaH) = (m) community

समुदित (samudita) = (adj) flourishing

समुद्धर्ता (samuddhartaa) = the deliverer

समुद्भवं (samudbhavaM) = directly manifested

समुद्भवः (samudbhavaH) = born of

समुद्भवान् (samudbhavaan.h) = produced of

समुद्यमे (samudyame) = in the attempt

समुद्र (samudra) = sea

समुद्रपर्यन्ता (samudraparyantaa) = bounded by ocean

समुद्रं (samudraM) = the ocean

समुद्रेषू (samudreshhuu) = among the oceans

समुन्नति (samunnati) = prosperity

समुपवृत् (samupavRit.h) = Thus

समुपस्थित (samupasthita) = present

समुपस्थितं (samupasthitaM) = present

समुपाश्रितः (samupaashritaH) = having taken shelter of

समुह (samuha) = (m) group

समुहे (samuhe) = in group

समूह (samuuha) = (m) a multitude, crowd

समृद्ध (samRiddha) = with full

समृद्धं (samRiddhaM) = flourishing

समृद्धवेगः (samRiddhavegaH) = with full speed

समे (same) = in equanimity

समेतं (sametaM) = come together with

समौ (samau) = in suspension

सम्पत् (sampat.h) = assets

सम्पत्ति (sampatti) = prosperity

सम्पदं (sampadaM) = assets

सम्पद्यते (sampadyate) = he attains

सम्पन्न (sampanna) = endowed with

सम्पन्ने (sampanne) = fully equipped

सम्पर्क (samparka) = contact

सम्पश्यन् (sampashyan.h) = considering

सम्पादक (sampaadaka) = (m) editor

सम्पादकः (sampaadakaH) = (m) editor

सम्पादन (sampaadana) = editting

सम्पादिका (sampaadikaa) = (f) editor

सम्पीडकः (sampiiDakaH) = (m) compressor

सम्पुष्टिः (sampushhTiH) = (f) corroboration

सम्पूर्ण (sampuurNa) = full

सम्प्रकीर्तितः (samprakiirtitaH) = is declared

सम्प्रतिष्ठा (sampratishhThaa) = the foundation

सम्प्रपद् (samprapad.h) = to become

सम्प्रवृत्तानि (sampravRittaani) = although developed

सम्प्रेक्ष्य (samprekShya) = looking

सम्प्लुतोदके (samplutodake) = in a great reservoir of water

सम्बन्ध (sambandha) = Full relationship between planets

सम्बन्धिनः (sambandhinaH) = relatives

सम्भव (sambhava) = birth

सम्भवं (sambhavaM) = born of

सम्भवः (sambhavaH) = production

सम्भवति (sambhavati) = occur, arise

सम्भवन्ति (sambhavanti) = they appear

सम्भवाः (sambhavaaH) = produced of

सम्भवान् (sambhavaan.h) = produced of

सम्भवामि (sambhavaami) = I do incarnate

सम्भावितस्य (sambhaavitasya) = for a respectable man

सम्भूतं (sambhuutaM) = arisen kim

सम्मर्जनी (sammarjanii) = (f) broom

सम्मूढ (sammuuDha) = bewildered

सम्मूढाः (sammuuDhaaH) = befooled by material identification

सम्मेलनं (sammelanaM) = (n) conference

सम्मोहं (sammohaM) = into delusion

सम्मोहः (sammohaH) = perfect illusion

सम्मोहात् (sammohaat.h) = from illusion

सम्यक् (samyak.h) = proper

सम्यग्ग्राहयित्वा (samyaggraahayitvaa) = well+captured

सरः (saraH) = (neut) lake

सरति (sarati) = (1 pp) to go

सरल (sarala) = straight, candid

सरस् (saras.h) = lake

सरस (sarasa) = Excellent

सरसां (sarasaaM) = of all reservoirs of water

सरसान्गयष्थी (sarasaangayashhthii) = she whose body is like a (lean)stick

सरस्वति (sarasvati) = goddess of speech and learning

सरिता (saritaa) = (f) river

सरोज (saroja) = lotus ( one that is born in a lake)

सरोवरम् (sarovaram.h) = (n) lake

सर्गः (sargaH) = birth and death

सर्गाणां (sargaaNaaM) = of all creations

सर्गे (sarge) = while taking birth

सर्गेऽपि (sarge.api) = even in the creation

सर्प (sarpa) = snake

सर्पाणां (sarpaaNaaM) = of serpents

सर्व (sarva) = all

सर्वं (sarvaM) = all

सर्वः (sarvaH) = all

सर्वकर्म (sarvakarma) = of all activities

सर्वकर्माणि (sarvakarmaaNi) = all reactions to material activities

सर्वकारः (sarvakaaraH) = (m) coalition

सर्वगतं (sarvagataM) = all-pervading

सर्वगतः (sarvagataH) = all-pervading

सर्वगुह्यतमं (sarvaguhyatamaM) = the most confidential of all

सर्वजगत् (sarvajagat.h) = the eentire world

सर्वतः (sarvataH) = on/from all sides (indecl)

सर्वतो (sarvato) = from all (sides)

सर्वत्र (sarvatra) = everywhere

सर्वत्रगं (sarvatragaM) = all-pervading

सर्वत्रगः (sarvatragaH) = blowing everywhere

सर्वथा (sarvathaa) = in all respects

सर्वदा (sarvadaa) = always

सर्वदेहिनां (sarvadehinaaM) = of all embodied beings

सर्वद्वाराणि (sarvadvaaraaNi) = all the doors of the body

सर्वद्वारेषु (sarvadvaareshhu) = in all the gates

सर्वधनुष्मताम् (sarvadhanushhmataam.h) = of all shooters (bow, arrow carriers)

सर्वधर्मान् (sarvadharmaan.h) = all varieties of religion

सर्वपापैः (sarvapaapaiH) = from all sinful reactions

सर्वभावेन (sarvabhaavena) = in all respects

सर्वभूत (sarvabhuuta) = to all living entities

सर्वभूतस्थं (sarvabhuutasthaM) = situated in all beings

सर्वभूतस्थितं (sarvabhuutasthitaM) = situated in everyone’s heart

सर्वभूतहिते (sarvabhuutahite) = for the welfare of all living entities

सर्वभूतानां (sarvabhuutaanaaM) = of all living entities

सर्वभूतानि (sarvabhuutaani) = all created entities

सर्वभूतानी (sarvabhuutaanii) = all living entities

सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhuuteshhu) = among all living beings

सर्वभृत् (sarvabhRit.h) = the maintainer of everyone

सर्वमतेन (sarvamatena) = according to all schools of thought/unanimously

सर्वयोनिषु (sarvayonishhu) = in all species of life

सर्वलोक (sarvaloka) = of all planets and the demigods thereof

सर्ववित् (sarvavit.h) = the knower of everything

सर्वविद् (sarvavid.h) = one who knows everything

सर्ववृक्षाणां (sarvavRikShaaNaaM) = of all trees

सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = all

सर्वसंपदाम् (sarvasaMpadaam.h) = all wealth

सर्वसङ्कल्प (sarvasa.nkalpa) = of all material desires

सर्वसम्मतिः (sarvasammatiH) = unanimity

सर्वस्मिन्नपि (sarvasminnapi) = in all beings

सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = of everyone

सर्वस्वं (sarvasvaM) = all of one’s belongings, holding

सर्वहरः (sarvaharaH) = all-devouring

सर्वज्ञान (sarvaGYaana) = in all sorts of knowledge

सर्वाः (sarvaaH) = all

सर्वाङ्ग (sarvaa.nga) = the whole body

सर्वाङ्गासन (sarvaa.ngaasana) = the shoulderstand posture

सर्वाणि (sarvaaNi) = all

सर्वान् (sarvaan.h) = all kinds of

सर्वारम्भ (sarvaarambha) = of all endeavours

सर्वारम्भः (sarvaarambhaH) = all ventures

सर्वार्थ (sarvaartha) = for all worthy or meaningful or riches

सर्वार्थान् (sarvaarthaan.h) = all things

सर्वे (sarve) = all

सर्वेभ्यः (sarvebhyaH) = of all

सर्वेषां (sarveshhaaM) = all

सर्वेषु (sarveshhu) = in all the

सर्वेक्षणम् (sarvekShaNam.h) = (n) survey, poll

सर्वै( ः) (sarvai(H)) = ( by all

सर्वैः (sarvaiH) = all

सलक्ष्मणः (salakShmaNaH) = with LakshmaNa

सलिल (salila) = water

सविकारं (savikaaraM) = with interactions

सविचार (savichaara) = investigational meditation

सवितर्क (savitarka) = inspectional meditation

सवितृ (savitRi) = a name of Sun

सव्यसाचिन् (savyasaachin.h) = O Savyasaci

सशत्र (sashatra) = with weapons,armed

सशरं (sasharaM) = along with arrows

सस्य (sasya) = grain

सह (saha) = With

सहंश (saha.nsha) = Special positions or points signifying important events in life. They are somewhat similar to Arabic parts

सहः (sahaH) = force, strangth (neut)

सहकार्यं (sahakaaryaM) = (n) co-operation

सहज (sahaja) = the karma to which one is born

सहजभाव (sahajabhaava) = House of Siblings or 3rd

सहजं (sahajaM) = born simultaneously

सहते (sahate) = (1 ap) to bear

सहदेवः (sahadevaH) = Sahadeva

सहनववतु (sahanavavatu) = saha + nau + avatu: together + us + (You)protect

सहनौ (sahanau) = together us

सहयोगः (sahayogaH) = (m) colloboration

सहसा (sahasaa) = (adv) hastily, perforce

सहस्त्रावर्तनात् (sahastraavartanaat.h) = according to the prescribed shAstrA cycle

सहस्र (sahasra) = one thousand

सहस्रं (sahasraM) = 1000 times

सहस्रकृत्वः (sahasrakRitvaH) = a thousand times

सहस्रपात् (sahasrapaat.h) = thousand-footed

सहस्रबाहो (sahasrabaaho) = O thousand-handed one

सहस्रशः (sahasrashaH) = thousands

सहस्रशीर्षा (sahasrashiirshhaa) = thousand-headed

सहस्रस्य (sahasrasya) = of many thousands

सहस्रान्तां (sahasraantaaM) = similarly, ending after one thousand

सहस्रार (sahasraara) = the thousand-petalled lotus within the cerebral cavity

सहस्राक्षः (sahasraakShaH) = thousand-eyed

सहस्रेण (sahasreNa) = by thousand

सहस्रेषु (sahasreshhu) = out of many thousands

सहाय (sahaaya) = helper, friend, ally

सहासं (sahaasaM) = with smile

सहितं (sahitaM) = with

सक्षी (sakShii) = witness

सङ्गोष्टी (sa~NgoshhTii) = (f) symposium

सङ्घतकः (sa~NghatakaH) = (m) component

सञ्घनकः (sa~nghanakaH) = (m) condenser

सा (saa) = that is

सांप्रतं (saaMprataM) = (indeclinable) now

सांस्कृतिक (saa.nskRitika) = cultural

साकं (saakaM) = with

सागरं (saagaraM) = (masc.Acc.S)ocean

सागरः (saagaraH) = the ocean

सागरात् (saagaraat.h) = from the ocean

साङ्ख्य (saa.nkhya) = one of the schools(systems) of Indian philosophy

साङ्ख्यं (saa.nkhyaM) = analytical study

साङ्ख्ययोग (saa.nkhyayoga) = the yoga of science

साङ्ख्यानां (saa.nkhyaanaaM) = of the empiric philosophers

साङ्ख्ये (saa.nkhye) = in the fight

साङ्ख्येन (saa.nkhyena) = of philosophical discussion

साङ्ख्यैः (saa.nkhyaiH) = by means of Sankhya philosophy

साज्यसमिद्भिः (saajyasamidbhiH) = with ghee(clarified butter) and `samidhaa’ sticks

साटोप (saaTopa) = (adj) proud

साडेसाति (saaDesaati) = Saturn’s transit of the lunar 12,1,2 houses.  It lasts about 7 1\/2 years and is regarded as problematic for the Native by some Jyotishi.  If the sarvaashhTakavarga of the signs in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon have more than 30 points this relieves a lot of the above malefic side-effects. One should also judge the whole chart and see whether there is real malevolence to this transit

सात्त्विक (saattvika) = to one in goodness

सात्त्विकं (saattvikaM) = in the mode of goodness

सात्त्विकः (saattvikaH) = in the mode of goodness

सात्त्विकाः (saattvikaaH) = in goodness

सात्त्विकी (saattvikii) = in the mode of goodness

सात्यकिः (saatyakiH) = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRishhNa)

सात्विक (saatvika) = Pure Planets i.e. Waxing Moon, Jupiter and Mercury

साधक (saadhaka) = an aspirant, seeker

साधकं (saadhakaM) = means

साधन (saadhana) = instrument

साधना (saadhanaa) = practice, a quest

साधयेत् (saadhayet.h) = achieves

साधर्म्यं (saadharmyaM) = same nature

साधिभूत (saadhibhuuta) = and the governing principle of the material manifestation

साधियज्ञं (saadhiyaGYaM) = and governing all sacrifices

साधु (saadhu) = good man

साधुः (saadhuH) = a saint

साधुभावे (saadhubhaave) = in the sense of the nature of the devotee

साधुषु (saadhushhu) = unto the pious

साधूनां (saadhuunaaM) = of the devotees

साध्याः (saadhyaaH) = the Sadhyas

साध्वी (saadhvii) = (feminine form of saadhu ie , a virtuos person )

सान्त्वयति (saantvayati) = (10 up) to console

साम (saama) = the Sama Veda

सामर्थ्यं (saamarthyaM) = capacity, strength

सामवेदः (saamavedaH) = the Sama Veda

सामाजिक (saamaajika) = social

सामानि (saamaani) = Sama Veda

सामान्य (saamaanya) = common

सामासिकस्य (saamaasikasya) = of compounds

साम्नं (saamnaM) = of the Sama Veda songs

साम्यवादः (saamyavaadaH) = (m) communism

साम्ये (saamye) = in equanimity

साम्येन (saamyena) = generally

साम्राज्य (saamraajya) = universal soverignty

सायं (saayaM) = evening

सायंप्रातः (saayaMpraataH) = both evening \ morning

सायन (saayana) = The Tropical Zodiac with precession

सायमधीयानो (saayamadhiiyaano) = evening studied man

सार (saara) = essence

सारिका (saarikaa) = a bird (nightingale / cuckoo ? )

सार्थवाह (saarthavaaha) = (m) a merchant

सार्वभौम (saarvabhauma) = of the whole earth

सार्वायुष (saarvaayushha) = of full life-span

सालम्ब (saalamba) = supported

सालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन (saalambasarvaa.ngaasana) = the supported shoulderstand posture

सावधान (saavadhaana) = attention

साहङ्कारेण (saaha.nkaareNa) = with ego

साहस (saahasa) = adventure

साहसे (saahase) = (loc.sing.) in bravery or adventure

साहाय्यक (saahaayyaka) = (m) assitant , helper

साहाय्यम् (saahaayyam.h) = (n) help, assistance

साहित्य (saahitya) = literature

साक्षत्कार (saakShatkaara) = the spirit

साक्षात् (saakShaat.h) = directly

सिंह (si.nha) = lion

सिंहः (si.nhaH) = (m) lion

सिंहनादं (si.nhanaadaM) = roaring sound, like that of a lion

सिंहासन (si.nhaasana) = the lion posture

सिंहासनम् (si.nhaasanam.h) = (n) throne

सिकता (sikataa) = salt

सिक्त (sikta) = sprayed

सिक्थं (sikthaM) = (n) wax

सिक्थवर्तिका (sikthavartikaa) = (f) candle

सिञ्चति (siJNchati) = (6 pp) to sprinkle

सित (sita) = Blank

सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः (sid.hdhyasid.hdhyoH) = in success and failure

सिद्ध (siddha) = a prophet or adept, ever-ready, having psychic power

सिद्धः (siddhaH) = perfect

सिद्धयः (siddhayaH) = great achievements including mystic powers

सिद्धये (siddhaye) = for perfection

सिद्धसङ्घाः (siddhasa.nghaaH) = perfect beings

सिद्धांश (siddhaa.nsha) = A Varga. The 24th Harmonic Chart. Also known as Chaturvi.nsha.nsha. Used in delineating Spiritual Gifts

सिद्धानां (siddhaanaaM) = of those who have achieved perfection

सिद्धान्त (siddhaanta) = thesis

सिद्धासन (siddhaasana) = the adept’s posture

सिद्धि (siddhi) = success, achievement

सिद्धिं (siddhiM) = powers

सिद्धिः (siddhiH) = success

सिद्धी (siddhii) = a psychic (or occult) power

सिद्धौ (siddhau) = in success

सिध् (sidh.h) = to be accomplished

सिधमंत्रो (sidhama.ntro) = having got the effect of the mantra

सिध्द (sidhda) = accomplished

सिध्दार्थ् (sidhdaa.rth) = (m) pr.n

सिध्यंति (sidhya.nti) = (Vr.Pr.III

सिध्यति (sidhyati) = (4 pp) to reach

सिन्धुः (sindhuH) = ocean

सीकता (siikataa) = (f) sand

सीता (siitaa) = the wife of Rama

सीतापतिं (siitaapatiM) = siotA’s husband

सीतापतिः (siitaapatiH) = the husband or lord of sItA

सीतायाः (siitaayaaH) = sItA’s

सीदति (siidati) = (1 pp) to sit

सीदन्ति (siidanti) = are quivering

सीमा (siimaa) = limit, boundary

सीमाशुल्कं (siimaashulkaM) = (n) customs duty

सीव्यति (siivyati) = to sew

सीसं (siisaM) = (n) lead (Pb)

सु (su) = good, used as a prefix

सुन्दर (sundara) = beautiful, lovely, handsome, charming

सुन्दरी (sundarii) = beautiful woman

सुवृत्-तत्त्व (suvRit-tattva) = the principle of goodness

सुंदरम् (su.ndaram.h) = the handsome one

सुःऋद् (suHRid.h) = affectionate

सुकर (sukara) = easy

सुकुमारौ (sukumaarau) = (two) handsome young lads

सुकृतं (sukRitaM) = pious activities

सुकृतदुष्कृते (sukRitadushhkRite) = good and bad results

सुकृतस्य (sukRitasya) = pious

सुकृतिं (sukRitiM) = good deed

सुकृतिनः (sukRitinaH) = those who are pious

सुकृतिनां (sukRitinaaM) = of the good-doer

सुकृती (sukRitii) = the man with good deeds

सुख (sukha) = happiness

सुखं (sukhaM) = easily

सुखः (sukhaH) = and happiness

सुखतः (sukhataH) = for happiness

सुखद (sukhada) = the one giving comfort

सुखदुःख (sukhaduHkha) = happiness and distress

सुखमेधते (sukhamedhate) = happiness, obtains

सुखलेशः (sukhaleshaH) = (even a little) happiness

सुखसम्पदाम् (sukhasampadaam.h) = of the happiness and wealth

सुखस्य (sukhasya) = of happiness

सुखानि (sukhaani) = happiness thereof

सुखार्थिनः (sukhaarthinaH) = (of) a man seeking happiness

सुखासन (sukhaasana) = the easy posture

सुखासनम् (sukhaasanam.h) = (n) a reclining chair, rocking chair

सुखिनः (sukhinaH) = happy

सुखी (sukhii) = happy

सुखे (sukhe) = in happiness

सुखेन (sukhena) = in transcendental happiness

सुखेषु (sukheshhu) = in happiness

सुगन्धिं (sugandhiM) = one that has a nice fragrance

सुग्रीवेशः (sugriiveshaH) = master-sugrIva, the monkey king (literally meaning the one

सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ (sughoshhamaNipushhpakau) = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka

सुजन (sujana) = good man

सुत (suta) = son

सुता (sutaa) = daughter

सुदति (sudati) = woman

सुदुराचारः (suduraachaaraH) = one committing the most abominable actions

सुदुर्दर्शं (sudurdarshaM) = very difficult to see

सुदुर्लभः (sudurlabhaH) = very rare to see

सुदुष्करं (sudushhkaraM) = difficult

सुधा (sudhaa) = Nectar

सुधां (sudhaaM) = (fem.Acc. Sing.)nectar

सुधाकर् (sudhaakar) = Moon

सुधाखण्डः (sudhaakhaNDaH) = (m) chalk

सुनियमनय (suniyamanaya) = with good niyama or GYaana, also with na, ya, ma, na, ya gaNaas

सुनिश्चितं (sunishchitaM) = definitely

सुन्दर (sundara) = beautiful

सुन्दरीं (sundariiM) = (sundari in objective case)

सुपुत्र (suputra) = good son

सुपूजितम् (supuujitam.h) = well worshipped

सुप्त (supta) = asleep

सुप्तजानुशिर्षासन (suptajaanushirshhaasana) = the supine head-knee posture

सुप्तपस्चिमोत्तनासन (suptapaschimottanaasana) = the supine back-stretching posture

सुप्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन (suptapaadaa.ngushhThaasana) = the supine big toe posture

सुप्तबद्धपद्मासन (suptabaddhapadmaasana) = the supine bound lotus posture

सुप्तवज्रासन (suptavajraasana) = the supine thunderbolt posture

सुमनस्य (sumanasya) = benevolence

सुमित्रा (sumitraa) = dasharath’s wife, laxman’s mother

सुर (sura) = god

सुरगणाः (suragaNaaH) = the demigods

सुरगुरोः (suraguroH) = of Brihaspati (the teacher of Gods)

सुरङ्गिक (sura.ngika) = (f) a small tunnel

सुरसङ्घाः (surasa.nghaaH) = groups of demigods

सुराणां (suraaNaaM) = of the demigods

सुरेन्द्र (surendra) = king of gods

सुर्य (surya) = A name for the Sun

सुर्योदय (suryodaya) = sun-rise

सुलभ (sulabha) = Easy

सुलभः (sulabhaH) = very easy to achieve

सुवर्णकारः (suvarNakaaraH) = (m) goldsmith

सुविपुलं (suvipulaM) = great , in bulk

सुविरूढ (suviruuDha) = strongly

सुव्यवस्थिता (suvyavasthitaa) = well organised

सुशील (sushiila) = of good character

सुशीलत्व (sushiilatva) = good character

सुशुम्ना (sushumnaa) = the spinal cord

सुषुप्तिः (sushhuptiH) = deep sleeping

सुषुप्तिकरण (sushhuptikaraNa) = hypnosis

सुषुप्तीअवस्था (sushhuptiiavasthaa) = the state of the mind in dreamless sleep

सुसुखं (susukhaM) = very happy

सुस्मित (susmita) = endowed with good smiles

सुहृत् (suhRit.h) = to well-wishers by nature

सुहृद् (suhRid.h) = (bahuvriihi) friend

सुहृदं (suhRidaM) = the benefactor

सुहृदः (suhRidaH) = well-wishers

सुज्ञानाय (suGYaanaaya) = (instr.S) thro’good knowledge

सू (suu) = to produce

सूक्त (suukta) = good words

सूचना (suuchanaa) = suggestion

सूचि (suuchi) = (fem) needle, pointer

सूचिका (suuchikaa) = (f) safety pin

सूची (suuchii) = (f) needle, list

सूचीपत्रं (suuchiipatraM) = (n) catalogue

सूत (suuta) = the chariot driver

सूतपुत्रः (suutaputraH) = Karna

सूत्र (suutra) = a thread

सूत्रचक्रम् (suutrachakram.h) = (n) spinning wheel, charkha

सूत्रे (suutre) = on a thread

सूयते (suuyate) = manifests

सूर्य (suurya) = sun

सूर्यः (suuryaH) = the sun

सूर्यकान्त (suuryakaanta) = Effulgent like Sun

सूर्यगृहे (suuryagRihe) = in the home of sun(during the solar eclipse)

सूर्यनमस्कार (suuryanamaskaara) = the homage to the sun posture

सूर्यनारायण (suuryanaaraayaNa) = used for addressing Sun

सूर्यवर्चस्वी (suuryavarchasvii) = with the prowess and brilliance of sun

सूर्यश्च (suuryashcha) = sun + and

सूर्यास्तः (suuryaastaH) = (m) sunset

सूर्योदयः (suuryodayaH) = (m) sunrise

सूक्ष्म (suukShma) = minute, extremely small, keen

सूक्ष्मत्वात् (suukShmatvaat.h) = on account of being subtle

सूक्ष्मदर्शकम् (suukShmadarshakam.h) = (n) microscope

सूक्ष्मशरीर (suukShmashariira) = the astral body

सृजति (sRijati) = (6 pp) to create

सृजामि (sRijaami) = manifest

सृती (sRitii) = different paths

सृष्टिः (sRishhTiH) = creation

सृष्टी (sRishhTii) = World

सृष्ट्वा (sRishhTvaa) = creating

सेचननालः (sechananaalaH) = (m) a water-gun used during Holi, pichkaari

सेतु (setu) = a bridge

सेतुकृत्पातु (setukRitpaatu) = may the builder of bridge (over the sea) protect

सेतुबन्धासन (setubandhaasana) = the bridge posture

सेतुबंधनं (setuba.ndhanaM) = bridging

सेनयोः (senayoH) = of the armies

सेनानीनां (senaaniinaaM) = of all commanders

सेन्द्रियमानस (sendriyamaanasa) = sa+indriya+mAnasa, wwith senses and mind

सेव् (sev.h) = to serve

सेवक (sevaka) = (m) servant

सेवते (sevate) = (1 ap) to serve

सेवम (sevama) = (n) apple

सेवया (sevayaa) = by the rendering of service

सेवा (sevaa) = service

सेवामहे (sevaamahe) = (verb.Pr.I Per.Pl.Atma.Pada)

सेवित्वं (sevitvaM) = aspiring

सैनिकः (sainikaH) = (m) soldier

सैन्यस्य (sainyasya) = of the soldiers

सैषा (saishhaa) = saa+eshhA, that feminine form

सोढुं (soDhuM) = to tolerate

सोपानम् (sopaanam.h) = (n) staircase, steps

सोम (soma) = The Moon

सोमः (somaH) = the moon

सोमपाः (somapaaH) = drinkers of soma juice

सोमवार (somavaara) = Monday

सौंदर्यमालिका (sau.ndaryamaalikaa) = Garland of beauty

सौःऋद (sauHRida) = friendship

सौचिकः (sauchikaH) = (m) tailor

सौदामिनी (saudaaminii) = (f) lightning

सौभद्रः (saubhadraH) = the son of Subhadra

सौभाग्यवती (saubhaagyavatii) = Mrs

सौमदत्तिः (saumadattiH) = the son of Somadatta

सौमित्रिवत्सलः (saumitrivatsalaH) = he who is affectionate to LakshmaNa

सौम्यं (saumyaM) = very beautiful

सौम्यत्वं (saumyatvaM) = being without duplicity towards others

सौम्यवपुः (saumyavapuH) = the beautiful form

सौरभ (saurabha) = fragrance

सौरव्यूहः (sauravyuuhaH) = (m) the solar system

सौवर्ण (sauvarNa) = golden

सौहृद (sauhRida) = friendship

सौक्ष्म्यात् (saukShmyaat.h) = due to being subtle

सःऋद् (sHRid.h) = friend

स्कंधौ (ska.ndhau) = shoulders

स्कन्द (skanda) = a name of Kartikeya, god of war

स्कन्दः (skandaH) = Kartikeya

स्कन्धः (skandhaH) = (m) shoulder

स्खलनशील (skhalanashiila) = adj. liable to lapse

स्तः (staH) = is

स्तनभर (stanabhara) = breasts that are(full-with milk)

स्तब्धः (stabdhaH) = impudent

स्तभ् (stabh) = (root) to make immobile, to stun

स्तम्भः (stambhaH) = (m) pillar

स्तम्भन (stambhana) = Stationary planet

स्तुत (stuta) = praised

स्तुति (stuti) = praise

स्तुतिः (stutiH) = praise

स्तुतिभिः (stutibhiH) = with prayers

स्तुवंति (stuva.nti) = praise, flatter

स्तुवन्ति (stuvanti) = are singing hymns

स्तेनः (stenaH) = thief

स्तेय (steya) = robbery

स्तोत्र (stotra) = hymn

स्तोत्रं (stotraM) = hymn

स्तोत्रे (stotre) = in composing a hymn

स्त्यन (styana) = sloth

स्त्रंसते (stra.nsate) = is slipping

स्त्रवति (stravati) = (1 pp) to flow

स्त्रियः (striyaH) = women

स्त्रियश्चरित्रं (striyashcharitraM) = the characater of  a woman

स्त्री (strii) = (f) woman

स्त्रीकारक (striikaaraka) = Significator of wife or partner Venus

स्त्रीषु (striishhu) = by the womanhood

स्थः (sthaH) = situated

स्थगयति (sthagayati) = to stop someone

स्थम्बितः (sthambitaH) = (gerund) startled/overwhelmed

स्थला (sthalaa) = (f) tiles (on the floor)

स्था (sthaa) = to stand

स्था( तिष्ठति) (sthaa(tishhThati)) = to stand

स्थाणुः (sthaaNuH) = unchangeable

स्थान (sthaana) = place, house, position

स्थानं (sthaanaM) = place

स्थानक (sthaanaka) = (m) station, base

स्थानभ्रश्ट (sthaanabhrashTa) = adj. skidrow bum

स्थानान्तरण (sthaanaantaraNa) = transfer

स्थानि (sthaani) = situated

स्थाने (sthaane) = rightly

स्थापय (sthaapaya) = please keep

स्थापयति (sthaapayati) = to put, to keep

स्थापयित्वा (sthaapayitvaa) = placing

स्थालिका (sthaalikaa) = (f) plate, dish

स्थावर (sthaavara) = not moving

स्थावराणां (sthaavaraaNaaM) = of immovable things

स्थास्यति (sthaasyati) = remains

स्थितं (sthitaM) = situated

स्थितः (sthitaH) = situated

स्थितधीः (sthitadhiiH) = one fixed in KRishhNa consciousness

स्थितप्रज्ञः (sthitapraGYaH) = transcendentally situated

स्थितप्रज्ञस्य (sthitapraGYasya) = of one who is situated in fixed KRishhNa consciousness

स्थिताः (sthitaaH) = are situated

स्थितान् (sthitaan.h) = standing

स्थिति (sthiti) = position

स्थितिं (sthitiM) = situation

स्थितिः (sthitiH) = situation

स्थिती (sthitii) = existing

स्थितौ (sthitau) = situated

स्थित्वा (sthitvaa) = being situated

स्थिर (sthira) = fixed

स्थिरराशि (sthiraraashi) = Fixed Signs

स्थिरं (sthiraM) = firm

स्थिरः (sthiraH) = still

स्थिरता (sthirataa) = steadiness

स्थिरबुद्धिः (sthirabuddhiH) = self-intelligent

स्थिरां (sthiraaM) = stable

स्थिराः (sthiraaH) = enduring

स्थिराङ्कः (sthiraa~NkaH) = (m) constant number/variable

स्थिरैः (sthiraiH) = with firm or strong (limbs)

स्थूल (sthuula) = (adj) strong, big

स्थूलः (sthuulaH) = (adj) fat

स्थूलमात्रा (sthuulamaatraa) = macro

स्थूलशरीर (sthuulashariira) = (bahuvriihi) big-bodied

स्थूलस्फटिकी (sthuulasphaTikii) = macrocrystaline

स्थैर्यं (sthairyaM) = steadfastness

स्नातकोत्तर (snaatakottara) = post graduate

स्नाति (snaati) = to bathe

स्नान (snaana) = bath, ablution

स्नानशील (snaanashiila) = (metaphorically) pure

स्नानगृहम् (snaanagRiham.h) = (n) bathroom

स्नायु (snaayu) = sinew

स्नायुवितननं (snaayuvitananaM) = sprain

स्निग्ध (snigdha) = affectionate; also oily,greasy

स्निग्धाः (snigdhaaH) = fatty

स्नुषा (snushhaa) = (f) daughter-in-law

स्नेह (sneha) = love

स्नेहः (snehaH) = friendship (oil)

स्नेहात् (snehaat.h) = (Masc.absol.sing.) from affection

स्नेहेन (snehena) = (Masc.instr.sing.) through affection

स्पन्दते (spandate) = (1 ap) to throb

स्पर्शनं (sparshanaM) = touch

स्पर्शान् (sparshaan.h) = sense objects, such as sound

स्पष्ट (spashhTa) = Longitude of planet or house (bhaava)

स्पृश् (spRish) = to touch

स्पृशति (spRishati) = (6 pp) to touch

स्पृशन् (spRishan.h) = touching

स्पृष्टं (spRishhTaM) = (past participle) touched

स्पृहा (spRihaa) = aspiration

स्प्रिहणियरूपं (sprihaNiyaruupaM) = desirable form (personal appearance)

स्फीत (sphiita) = (adj) prosperous

स्फुटित (sphuTita) = overt

स्फुरति (sphurati) = (6 pp) to throb

स्फुरित (sphurita) = shining

स्फोतकः (sphotakaH) = (m) bomb, explosive

स्म (sma) = an indeclinable that changes the sentence to past tense from present tense

स्मयते (smayate) = (1 ap) to smile

स्मरति (smarati) = (1 pp) to remember, recollect

स्मरन् (smaran.h) = thinking of

स्मरामि (smaraami) = remember

स्मरेत् (smaret.h) = remembers, recalls

स्माशन (smaashana) = graveyard

स्मृत (smRita) = remembered

स्मृतं (smRitaM) = is considered

स्मृतः (smRitaH) = is considered

स्मृता (smRitaa) = when remembered

स्मृति (smRiti) = of memory

स्मृतिः (smRitiH) = memory

स्मृतिभ्रंशात् (smRitibhra.nshaat.h) = after bewilderment of memory

स्मृती (smRitii) = memory

स्यन्दने (syandane) = chariot

स्यन्दिन् (syandin.h) = oozing

स्यां (syaaM) = would be

स्यात् (syaat.h) = may be

स्याम (syaama) = will we become

स्युः (syuH) = form from “as.h” meaning “those who may be”

स्युतम् (syutam.h) = (n) a bag

स्रोतसां (srotasaaM) = of flowing rivers

स्व (sva) = Self

स्वं (svaM) = own

स्वः (svaH) = the nether world(?)

स्वकं (svakaM) = His own

स्वकर्म (svakarma) = in his own duty

स्वकर्मणा (svakarmaNaa) = by his own duties

स्वकीय (svakiiya) = (asj) private

स्वचक्षुषा (svachakShushhaa) = your own eyes

स्वच्छ (svachchha) = pure

स्वच्छंदी (svachchha.ndii) = adj. self-absorbed

स्वजनं (svajanaM) = kinsmen

स्वतंत्र (svata.ntra) = Free

स्वतेजसा (svatejasaa) = by Your radiance

स्वदेश (svadesha) = one’s own country

स्वधर्मं (svadharmaM) = your religious duty

स्वधर्मः (svadharmaH) = one’s prescribed duties

स्वधर्मे (svadharme) = in one’s prescribed duties

स्वधा (svadhaa) = oblation

स्वन (svana) = sound

स्वनुष्ठितात् (svanushhThitaat.h) = perfectly done

स्वपति (svapati) = (2pp) to sleep

स्वपन् (svapan.h) = dreaming

स्वप्न (svapna) = dream

स्वप्नं (svapnaM) = dreaming

स्वप्नः (svapnaH) = dreaming

स्वप्नशीलस्य (svapnashiilasya) = of one who sleeps

स्वप्नावबोधस्य (svapnaavabodhasya) = sleep and wakefulness

स्वप्नावस्था (svapnaavasthaa) = the state of the mind in a dream

स्वप्ने (svapne) = in dream

स्वभाव (svabhaava) = nature, personal mental attributes

स्वभावः (svabhaavaH) = characteristics

स्वभावजं (svabhaavajaM) = born of his own nature

स्वभावजा (svabhaavajaa) = according to his mode of material nature

स्वभावजेन (svabhaavajena) = born of your own nature

स्वभावनियतं (svabhaavaniyataM) = prescribed according to one’s nature

स्वमतिपरिणामावधि (svamatipariNaamaavadhi) = according to one’s intellectual capacity

स्वयं (svayaM) = herself

स्वयंप्रकाशित (svayaMprakaashita) = self-illumined like stars(Sun)

स्वया (svayaa) = by their own

स्वर (svara) = sound

स्वरन्धरा (svarandharaa) = (f) harmonium

स्वरूप (svaruupa) = one’s true nature

स्वरूपं (svaruupaM) = form

स्वर्ग (svarga) = heaven

स्वर्गं (svargaM) = to heaven

स्वर्गतिं (svargatiM) = passage to heaven

स्वर्गपराः (svargaparaaH) = aiming to achieve heavenly planets

स्वर्गलोकं (svargalokaM) = heaven

स्वर्गात् (svargaat.h) = (Masc.abl.S)heaven

स्वर्गे (svarge) = in heaven

स्वलीलया (svaliilayaa) = sva+lIlaya, through one’s play-like action

स्वल्प (svalpa) = little

स्वल्पं (svalpaM) = a little

स्वल्पतन्त्रं (svalpatantraM) = (n) oligarchy

स्वसंवेदन (svasa.nvedana) = the understanding of oneself

स्वस्ति (svasti) = all peace

स्वस्तिकासन (svastikaasana) = the prosperous posture

स्वस्तिनस्तार्क्ष्यो (svastinastaarkShyo) = let tArkshya or Garuda do good to us

स्वस्तिर्नो (svastirno) = good to us

स्वस्थः (svasthaH) = being situated in himself

स्वस्थैः (svasthaiH) = by healthy persons (ie , healthy in minds , their minds being well

स्वस्यः (svasyaH) = by his own

स्वहस्तः (svahastaH) = Signature

स्वक्षेत्र (svakShetra) = Planet in its own sign

स्वां (svaaM) = of Myself

स्वागतकक्षः (svaagatakaxaH) = (m) drawing room

स्वाति (svaati) = The fifteenth nakshatra. Can be spelt Svati

स्वाद (svaada) = (m) taste

स्वादते (svaadate) = (1 ap) to taste

स्वादु (svaadu) = sweet

स्वाधीन (svaadhiina) = dependent on the self

स्वाध्याय (svaadhyaaya) = self-study

स्वाध्यायः (svaadhyaayaH) = study of Vedic literature

स्वाध्यायान्मा (svaadhyaayaanmaa) = sva + adhyAyAt.h + mA:fromone’s learning + don’t

स्वाप (svaapa) = (m) sleep

स्वामि (svaami) = master

स्वामी (svaamii) = the master

स्वायत्त (svaayatta) = dependent only one onself

स्वाराज्य (svaaraajya) = `self-rule’, i.e., not being subordinate someone else

स्वार्थ (svaartha) = one’s own ends

स्वार्थी (svaarthii) = adj. self-centered

स्वीकरोति (sviikaroti) = to accept

स्वेन (svena) = by your own

स्वैरतन्त्रं (svairatantraM) = (n) autocracy

स्व्यं (svyaM) = of one’s own

स्व्रांजली (svraa.njalii) = Musical notes

ह (ha) = the sun

हंस (ha.nsa) = (masc) swan, goose

हंसः (ha.nsaH) = (m) swan

हंसासन (ha.nsaasana) = the swan posture

हट (haTa) = force, against one’s will

हटयोग (haTayoga) = union with the supreme via discipline

हतं (hataM) = killed

हतः (hataH) = being killed

हतान् (hataan.h) = already killed

हतानि (hataani) = (past.part.)having been killed

हतैः (hataiH) = having been killed

हत्या (hatyaa) = (f) assassination

हत्वा (hatvaa) = by killing

हनन (hanana) = killing

हनिष्ये (hanishhye) = I shall kill

हनुमत्प्रभुः (hanumatprabhuH) = the lord of Hanuman

हनुमान (hanumaana) = a monkey chief, son of Anjana and Vayu

हनुमानासन (hanumaanaasana) = the splits

हन्त (hanta) = O ! , Alas !

हन्तारं (hantaaraM) = the killer

हन्ति (hanti) = kills

हन्तुं (hantuM) = to kill

हन्तृ (hantRi) = desirous of killing

हन्यते (hanyate) = is killed

हन्यमाने (hanyamaane) = being killed

हन्युः (hanyuH) = may kill

हय (haya) = horse

हयैः (hayaiH) = horses

हर् (har.h) = to steal

हर (hara) = shankara

हरः (haraH) = shiva

हरति (harati) = (1pp) to take (away)

हरन्ति (haranti) = throw

हरसि (harasi) = you remove

हरि (hari) = vishnu

हरिः (hariH) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa

हरिण (hariNa) = deer

हरित (harita) = green

हरितम् (haritam.h) = (n) cabbage

हरीः (hariiH) = VishNu

हरेः (hareH) = of Lord KRishhNa

हर्ताऽसि (hartaa.asi) = are the usurper

हर्म्य (harmya) = building

हर्श (harsha) = (masc) joy

हर्ष (harshha) = from happiness

हर्षं (harshhaM) = cheerfulness

हर्षशोकान्वितः (harshhashokaanvitaH) = subject to joy and sorrow

हल (hala) = a plough

हलासन (halaasana) = the plough posture

हलाहल (halaahala) = poison

हविः (haviH) = butter

हविषा (havishhaa) = offerings

हसति (hasati) = (1pp) to laugh

हस्त (hasta) = hand

हस्तघटी (hastaghaTii) = (f) wristwatch

हस्तपादङ्गुष्ठासन (hastapaada.ngushhThaasana) = the hand-to-big-toe posture

हस्तात् (hastaat.h) = from the hand

हस्ताक्षरम् (hastaakSharam.h) = (n) handwriting

हस्तिनि (hastini) = in the elephant

हस्तिपकः (hastipakaH) = (m) mahout, one who rides the elephant

हस्तैर्बिभ्राणं (hastairbibhraaNaM) = bearing in the hands

हाकिणी (haakiNii) = the goddess in aGYaa chakra

हानि (haani) = damage

हानिः (haaniH) = destruction

हार (haara) = Garland

हारिणी (haariNii) = remover

हालाहल (haalaahala) = poison

हास (haasa) = laughter

हास्य (haasya) = the sentiment of humor

हि (hi) = really

हिंसति (hi.nsati) = kills

हिंसा (hi.nsaa) = violence

हिंसां (hi.nsaaM) = and distress to others

हिंसात्मकः (hi.nsaatmakaH) = always envious

हित (hita) = benefit

हितं (hitaM) = beneficial

हितकाम्यया (hitakaamyayaa) = for your benefit

हिते (hite) = in welfare work

हितैषिन् (hitaishhin.h) = one who wishes good

हित्वा (hitvaa) = having given up/abandoned

हिनस्ति (hinasti) = degrade

हिमालयः (himaalayaH) = the Himalayan mountains

हिरण्यकश्यपु (hiraNyakashyapu) = a demon king, killed by Vishnu

हिरण्यगर्भ (hiraNyagarbha) = Effulgent, a name of Sun

हिरण्यगर्भः (hiraNyagarbhaH) = the Golden Embryo of life and form

हीनौ (hiinau) = bereft, having lost

हुत (huta) = offerings (usually made to a fire)

हुतं (hutaM) = offered

हुतभुक् (hutabhuk.h) = fire (one who eats offerings)

हुताशवक्त्रं (hutaashavaktraM) = fire coming out of Your mouth

हृ (hRi) = to steal

हृत (hRita) = deprived of

हृतत् (hRitat.h) = heart

हृत्स्थं (hRitsthaM) = situated in the heart

हृद् (hRid.h) = heart (neut)

हृदय (hRidaya) = heart

हृदयं (hRidayaM) = heart

हृदयस्थं (hRidayasthaM) = heart-stationed

हृदयानि (hRidayaani) = hearts

हृदयी (hRidayii) = in my heart

हृदयेषु (hRidayeshhu) = in the hearts of

हृदि (hRidi) = in the heart

हृद्देशे (hRiddeshe) = in the location of the heart

हृद्याः (hRidyaaH) = pleasing to the heart

हृषितः (hRishhitaH) = gladdened

हृषीकेश (hRishhiikesha) = O master of all senses

हृषीकेशं (hRishhiikeshaM) = unto Lord KRishhNa

हृषीकेशः (hRishhiikeshaH) = Hrsikesa (KRishhNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)

हृष्टरोमा (hRishhTaromaa) = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy

हृष्यति (hRishhyati) = takes pleasure

हृष्यामि (hRishhyaami) = I am enjoying

हेतवः (hetavaH) = causes

हेतु (hetu) = intention

हेतुः (hetuH) = aim (Here: cause)

हेतुना (hetunaa) = for the reason

हेतुमद्भिः (hetumadbhiH) = with cause and effect

हेतोः (hetoH) = in exchange

हेमन् (heman.h) = gold

हेमन्त (hemanta) = (masc) winter

होरा (horaa) = A Varga. The Division of a sign into Solar and Lunar or Division into halves. Used for determining Wealth amongst other things

ह्यः (hyaH) = yesterday

ह्रस्वा (hrasvaa) = (adj) short

ह्रियते (hriyate) = is attracted

ह्रीः (hriiH) = modesty

क्षणं (kShaNaM) = one second

क्षणप्रभा (kShaNaprabhaa) = (f) lightning

क्षणवियोग (kShaNaviyoga) = momentary separation

क्षणवीक्षित (kShaNaviikshita) = glance

क्षत्रिय (kShatriya) = the caste of princes and warriors

क्षत्रियबलं (kShatriyabalaM) = the power or might of the kshatriyas or kings

क्षत्रियस्य (kShatriyasya) = of the ksatriya

क्षत्रियाः (kShatriyaaH) = the members of the royal order

क्षन्तिः (kShantiH) = tolerance

क्षमता (kShamataa) = ability

क्षमा (kShamaa) = forgivance

क्षमी (kShamii) = forgiving

क्षय (kShaya) = loss, weakening, scaricity

क्षयं (kShayaM) = destruction

क्षयकृत् (kShayakRit.h) = the destroyer

क्षयति (kShayati) = (1 pp) to decay

क्षयात् (kShayaat.h) = (from) consunption/destruction

क्षयाय (kShayaaya) = for destruction

क्षर (kShara) = prone to end, destructible

क्षरं (kSharaM) = to the fallible

क्षरः (kSharaH) = constantly changing

क्षात्रं (kShaatraM) = of a ksatriya

क्षान्तिः (kShaantiH) = tolerance

क्षामये (kShaamaye) = ask forgiveness

क्षार (kShaara) = salty

क्षालयति (kShaalayati) = (10 pp) to wash

क्षितिपाल (kShitipaala) = (m) protector of the earth, king

क्षिप् (kShip) = (root) to throw

क्षिपति (kShipati) = (6 pp) to throw

क्षिपामि (kShipaami) = I put

क्षिप्त (kShipta) = neglected or distracted

क्षिप्रं (kShipraM) = soon

क्षी (kShii) = to dimnish

क्षीणकल्मषाः (kShiiNakalmashhaaH) = who are devoid of all sins

क्षीणे (kShiiNe) = spent-up/weakened state of

क्षीर (kShiira) = milk

क्षुद्र (kShudra) = insignificant, small

क्षुद्रं (kShudraM) = petty

क्षुध् (kShudh) = hunger

क्षुधा (kShudhaa) = hunger

क्षुधार्त (kShudhaarta) = hungry

क्षुध्यति (kShudhyati) = (4 pp) to be hungry

क्षुभ्यति (kShubhyati) = (4 pp) to tremble

क्षुर (kShura) = (masc) knife

क्षुरक्रिया (kShurakriyaa) = (fem) shaving, cutting with a knife

क्षुरपत्रम् (kShurapatram.h) = (n) blade

क्षूद्र (kShuudra) = weak (here)

क्षेत्र (kShetra) = field

क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = the field

क्षेत्रज्ञ (kShetraGYa) = and the knower of the body

क्षेत्रज्ञं (kShetraGYaM) = the knower of the field

क्षेत्रज्ञः (kShetraGYaH) = the knower of the field

क्षेत्रज्ञयोः (kShetraGYayoH) = and the knower of the field

क्षेत्री (kShetrii) = the soul

क्षेत्रेषु (kShetreshhu) = in bodily fields

क्षेपणास्त्रः (kShepaNaastraH) = (m) missile

क्षेपणी (kShepaNii) = (f) rocket

क्षेमं (kShemaM) = protection

क्षेमतरं (kShemataraM) = better

क्षोउति (kShouti) = to sneeze

क्षोभं (kShobhaM) = disturbance

ज्ञ (GYa) = one who knows (suffix)

ज्ञनकारक (GYanakaaraka) = Significator of knowledge which is Jupiter

ज्ञा (GYaa) = to know

ज्ञातचर (GYaatachara) = (adj) known

ज्ञातव्यं (GYaatavyaM) = knowable

ज्ञाति (GYaati) = community (people of the same caste etc.)

ज्ञातुं (GYaatuM) = to know

ज्ञाते (GYaate) = in the realised state

ज्ञातेन (GYaatena) = by knowing

ज्ञात्वा (GYaatvaa) = knowing well

ज्ञान (GYaana) = knowledge

ज्ञानं (GYaanaM) = knowledge

ज्ञानः (GYaanaH) = whose knowledge

ज्ञानगम्यं (GYaanagamyaM) = to be approached by knowledge

ज्ञानचक्षुषः (GYaanachakShushhaH) = those who have the eyes of knowledge

ज्ञानचक्षुषा (GYaanachakShushhaa) = by the vision of knowledge

ज्ञानदीपिते (GYaanadiipite) = because of the urge for self-realisation

ज्ञानप्लवेन (GYaanaplavena) = by the boat of transcendental knowledge

ज्ञानमनंतं (GYaanamana.ntaM) = Knowledge and Infinity or Absoluteness

ज्ञानमयः (GYaanamayaH) = (Masc. Nom.Sing.)full of knowledge

ज्ञानमयो (GYaanamayo) = full of Gyana or knowledge

ज्ञानयज्ञः (GYaanayaGYaH) = sacrifice in knowledge

ज्ञानयज्ञाः (GYaanayaGYaaH) = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge

ज्ञानयज्ञेन (GYaanayaGYena) = by cultivation of knowledge

ज्ञानयोगेन (GYaanayogena) = by the linking process of knowledge

ज्ञानवतां (GYaanavataaM) = of the wise

ज्ञानवान् (GYaanavaan.h) = learned

ज्ञानविहिनः (GYaanavihinaH) = (but)bereft of knowledge  of the Self

ज्ञानशब्दयोः (GYaanashabdayoH) = of knowledge and sound

ज्ञानस्य (GYaanasya) = of knowledge

ज्ञानाः (GYaanaaH) = knowledge

ज्ञानाग्निः (GYaanaagniH) = the fire of knowledge

ज्ञानात् (GYaanaat.h) = than knowledge

ज्ञानानां (GYaanaanaaM) = of all knowledge

ज्ञानावस्थित (GYaanaavasthita) = situated in transcendence

ज्ञानिनः (GYaaninaH) = of the knower

ज्ञानिभ्यः (GYaanibhyaH) = than the wise

ज्ञानी (GYaanii) = one who is in knowledge

ज्ञाने (GYaane) = in knowledge

ज्ञानेन (GYaanena) = with knowledge

ज्ञानेनैव (GYaanenaiva) = GYAnena + eva:thro’ knowledge alone

ज्ञानेन्द्रिय (GYaanendriya) = an organ of knowledge, i.e. the five senses

ज्ञायते (GYaayate) = known

ज्ञायसे (GYaayase) = can to be known

ज्ञास्यसि (GYaasyasi) = you can know

ज्ञेयं (GYeyaM) = be known

ज्ञेयः (GYeyaH) = should be known

ज्ञेयोसि (GYeyosi) = You can be known



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12/22/2018 23:25:17   




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