by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami
It is also stated in the Skanda Purana –
brahmajno brahmanah proktah
shuddha-sattvashayah sada
devadidevam govindam-
mrite nanyat prapujayet
nityo naimitike kamyo
yadi mohat tu vibudhan
sa candalo bhaved dhruvam
“That brahmana who knows the Absolute Truth, and who is eternally situated on the platform of pure goodness, only worships Govinda, the Lord of all the demigods in his nitya, naimitika and kamya pujas. He worships no one else. If he does so due to illusion, he becomes equal to a candala.”
The Brahma Vaivarta Purana says –
mohad yo brahmano bhutva
hyajnanaj jnana-puvatah
vina vishnum-adho-gatih
“That brahmana who, due to illusion, whether knowingly or unknowingly, worships other deities other than Vishnu, takes birth again in a miserable lower species of life.”
The Uttara Gita states –
vaishnavan bhaja kaunteya
ma bhajastanya devatah
upadevams tatha yaksha-
raksho bhutaganan api
“O Kaunteya, one should only worship Vaishnava Deities; one should never worship primary demigods, secondary demigods, yakshas, rakshasas or ghosts.”
Also in the Brihad Vishnu Purana –
mamriteha nyamsta vibudhan
vaishnavo brahmano tatha
yadyarcchayed vaishnavamsh –
candalatvam avapnuyat
“If a Vaishnava or a brahmana worships any other deity other than Lord Vishnu, he becomes equal to a candala.”
All this evidence is easy to understand, therefore we have not explained it any further as to do so would increase the size of the book. Further proof is also found in Shrimad Bhagavatam (1.2.26-29) –
mumukshavo ghora-rupan
hitva bhuta-patin atha
narayana-kalah shanta
bhajanti hy anasuyavah
sama-shila bhajanti vai
vasudeva-para veda
vasudeva-para makhah
vasudeva-para yoga
vasudeva-parah kriyah
vasudeva-param jnanam
vasudeva-param tapah
vasudeva-paro dharmo
vasudeva-para gatih
“Those who are serious about liberation are certainly nonenvious, and they respect all. Yet they reject the horrible and ghastly forms of the demigods and worship only the all-blissful forms of Lord Vishnu and His plenary portions.
Those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance worship the forefathers, other living beings and the demigods who are in charge of cosmic activities, for they are urged by a desire to be materially benefited with women, wealth, power and progeny.
In the revealed scriptures, the ultimate object of knowledge is Shri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead. The purpose of performing sacrifice is to please Him. Yoga is for realizing Him. All fruitive activities are ultimately rewarded by Him only. He is supreme knowledge, and all severe austerities are performed to know Him. Religion (dharma) is rendering loving service unto Him. He is the supreme goal of life.”
Therefore, when worshipping Lord Vishnu, one should not begin by worshipping Ganesha and the other devas, rather one should perform “Panca-Mahabhagavata Puja” instead by installing and worshipping Shri Vishvaksena, Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat Kumara.
Similarly, instead of worshipping the navagrahas, one should worship Shri Kavi, Havya, Antariksha and the other navayogendras.
Instead of doing puja to Indra and the dikpalas, the Vaishnavas should worship the great devotees, namely Brahma, Shukhadeva, Sada-Shiva, Garuda, Narada, Kapila, Bali, Bhishma, Prahlada, Hanuman, Ambarisha, Janaka, Yamadeva, Svayambhuva Manu, Uddhava, and Vyasa. In Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga, these Maha-bhagavatas are always worshipped.
The devotees of the Lord substitute the worship of Gauri and the matriganas with the worship of the Vaishnavis i.e. Paurnamasi, Lakshmi, Antaranga, Ganga, Yamuna, Gopi, Vrindavati, Gayatri, Tulasi, Sarasvati, Prithivi, Go, Yashoda, Devahuti, Devaki, Rohini, Sita, Draupadi, Kunti, Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Nagnajiti, Lakshmana, Kalindi, bhadra, and Mitravinda.
The devotees of Lord Gopala should also worship Shridama and the other cowherd boys. The devotee of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna should also worship the Divine Couples’ intimate associates such as Lalita and the other gopis. The devotees should worship Lord Shriman Narayanas’ expansions such as Matsya etc and His respective parshada devotees.
Like this, Lord Vasudeva and his devotees, should be worshipped with sixteen, twelve, ten, or five items, with the Purusha Sukta prayers or other choice mantras from the Vedas or Agamas. Then, one should perform the adhivasa according to the rules of the shastras.
In this way, the brahmanas and householder Vaishnavas only worship the Supreme Lord in their daily activities, occasional activities, fruitive activities and other auspicious rites. They only worship the Lords’ associates such as Vishvaksena etc. and never worship the demigods, not even in their dreams.
Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Seventeen
Oct 22, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).
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