Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirteen

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Earth from the Ganga


om bhur-asi bhumirasy aditir asi
vishvadhaya vishvasya bhuvanasya dhatri
prithivim yaccha prithivim drgmha prithivim ma himsih
om anaya ganga-mrittikya shubhadhivasah astu


“You are the earth, the supporter of the worlds, the supporter of the universe, sustaining everything. Control the earth, make the earth firm, do not harm the earth.”


Gandha (sandalwood paste)


om gandha-dvaram duradharsham nitya pushtam karishinim
ishvarigm sarvabhutanam tvam ihopahvaye shriyam
om anena gandhena shubadhivasah astu


“By gandha you become protected, continually nourished. Abounding in purity, wealth, beauty and prosperity, I call you here.”


Note: gandha may be mixed with other fragrances like musk, aguru, saffron, camphor, etc.




om pra-parvatasya vrishabhasya prishthan navash-caranti svasi-ca iyanah
ta avavritan na dhara gudakta ahim budhnyam anu riyamana
vishnor-vikramanam asi vishnor vikrantam asi vishno krantam asi
om anaya shilaya shubhadhivasah astu


“The streams of water pour spontaneously from the mountain-like hump of the bull. They stream downwards flowing onwards, after Ahibudhnya. You are the lifting of Vishnu’s foot, you are the movement of Vishnu’s foot, you are Vishnu’s step.


@Footnote on ahibudhnya


Rice paddy


om dhanyam-asi dhinuhi devan
@ dhinuhi yajnam dhinuhi yajnapatim CHANGE!!!
dhinuhi mam yajnanyam
om anena dhanyena shubhadhivasah astu


“You are grain. Please the Lord, please the sacrifice and the performer of sacrifice. Bring happiness to me as I conduct this sacrifice.”


Durva grass


om kandat kandat prarohanti purushah purushaspari
eva no durve pratanu sahasrena shatena ca
om anaya durvaya shubadhivasah astu


“Piece by piece, joint by joint, durva grass, you manifest offspring. Give us offspring, a hundred, a thousand.”




om shrish-ca te lakshmish ca patnyav
aho ratre parshve
nakshatrani rupam ashvinau vyattam
ishnannishanamum ma ishana
sarvalokam ma ishana
om anena pushpena shubhadhivasah astu


“Piety and prosperity are Your consorts. Day and night are Your sides. The stars are Your form. The heaven and earth are Your open mouth. Bestow what we desire. Bestow the goal in this world. Bestow the highest goal. “




om yah phalinir ya aphala apushpa yashca pushpinih
brihaspati-prasuta-sta no muncantvagm-hasah
om anena phalena shubhadhivasah astu


“May that power that produces the fruit, that makes the flower bloom, which arises through the mantras and through the Lord of mantra, free us from all difficulties.”




om dadhikravno akarisham jishnor ashvasya vajinah
surabhi no mukha karat pra nayugmshi tarishat(e)
om anena dadhna shubhadhivasah astu


“I offer myself unto the Lord who gave Himself to the gopis of Vraja in exchange for yoghurt; the killer of the horse-demon, who is swift, who gives fragrance to the face, let Him increase our life span.”




om ghritavati bhuvananam abhi shriyorvi prithvi
madhudughe supeshasa dyava prithivi varunasya
dharmana vishkabhite ajare bhuri retasa
om anena ghritena shubhadhivasah astu


“The broad earth flows with ghee, which is sweet smelling, beautiful and brings prosperity to the worlds. The heavens and earth, through the law of the just Lord are abounding in unlimited seed in all places.”


Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirteen




Oct 14, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).






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