by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami
Upanayanam (Taking the Child Back to Godhead):
This ceremony should be conducted counting eight years from conception or eight years from the birth of the son, for brahmanas, on an auspicious day.
Otherwise, the ceremony should take place at least before the sixteenth year of the child has passed. According to the original rules, if there is more delay, the child is not entitled to undergo the ceremony and receive the sacred thread.
(According to some authorities, the brahmana child should take the thread between the ages of five and sixteen; the kshatriya child should take the thread between the ages of six and twenty two; the vaishya should take the thread between the ages of eight and twenty four).
The ceremony should be performed by an authorised acarya.
On the morning of the Upanayanam ceremony, the acarya should take bath, perform worship of the Supreme Lord and the Vaishnavas and then perform Sattvika Vriddhi Shraddha.
He should then perform Kushandika rites ending with Virupaksha Japa, calling the fire named “Samudbhava”.
The child should be fed a little prasadam; he should be clean-shaved (with shikha), bathed, decorated, and dressed in one piece of clean silk or cotton cloth.
Passing by the North side of the fire, the child should sit on the right hand side of the acarya, facing East.
The acarya should start by throwing ghee-soaked wood of pradesha length into the fire silently.
He should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahriti Homa:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhur svaha – idam vishnave idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
ushnik chandah
shri acyuto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhuvah svaha – idam acyutaya idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri narayano devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om svah svaha – idam narayanaya idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri ananto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha – idam anantaya idam na mama
The acarya or hotri should offer five oblations of ghee saying:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
upanayana home viniyogah
om vishno vratapate vratam carishyami
tat te prabravimi
tat shakeyam tenardhyasam
idam aham anritat satyam upaimi svaha –
idam vishnave idam na mama
“Oh Vishnu, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this Upanayanam rite. By this, may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.”
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
ushnik chandah
shri acyuto devata
upanayana home viniyogah
om acyuta vratapate vratam carishyami
tat te prabravimi
tat shakeyam tenardhyasam
idam aham anritat satyam upaimi svaha –
idam acyutaya idam na mama
“Oh Acyuta, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this Upanayanam rite. By this, may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.”
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri narayano devata
upanayana home viniyogah
om narayana vratapate vratam carishyami
tat te prabravimi
tat shakeyam tenardhyasam
idam aham anritat satyam upaimi svaha –
idam narayanaya idam na mama
“Oh Narayana, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this Upanayanam rite. By this, may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.”
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri ananto devata
upanayana home viniyogah
om ananta vratapate vratam carishyami
tat te prabravimi
tat shakeyam tenardhyasam
idam aham anritat satyam upaimi svaha –
idam anantaya idam na mama
“Oh Ananta, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this Upanayanam rite. By this, may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.”
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
panktih chandah
shri sankarshano devata
upanayana home viniyogah
om sankarshana vratanam vratapate vratam carishyami
tat te prabravimi
tat shakeyam tenardhyasam
idam aham anritat satyam upaimi svaha –
idam sankarshanaya idam na mama
“Oh Sankarshana, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this Upanayanam rite. By this, may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.”
Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirty-eight
Dec 03, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).
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