Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirty-six

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


Anna Prashana (Feeding the First Grains):


In the case of a male child the rite should be performed in the sixth or eigth month, on an auspicious day. In the case of girl, it should be performed in the fifth or seventh month, on an auspicious day.


This ceremony should not be performed before the fourth month, and not later than a year, for the sake of the child’s health. Signs of teeth are the indication that the child is ready for solid foods.


The father, having taken his morning bath and performed Vishnu and Vaishnava arcana and SattvikaVriddhi Shraddha, should perform Kushandika to the end of Virupaksha Japa, calling the fire named “Shuci.”


He should offer ghee-soaked wood of pradesha length into the fire silently and perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahriti Homa:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhur svaha – idam vishnave idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
ushnik chandah
shri acyuto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhuvah svaha – idam acyutaya idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri narayano devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om svah svaha – idam narayanaya idam na mama
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri ananto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogah
om bhur bhuvah svah svaha – idam anantaya idam na mama


He should offer an oblation of mahaprasadam rice into the fire, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shrimad ananto devata
purushadhi-patyarthasya catushpathe agnau anantabhimukhasya ajya home viniyogah
om mahaprasadannam vai ekam chandasyam
tat hi ekam bhutebhyah chandayati svaha –
idam sarva bhutebhyah idam na mama


“This mahaprasada rice is an offering for the bhutas.”


The father should offer oblations of ghee with the following mantras:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shrimad ananto devata
purushadhi-patyarthasya catushpathe agnau anantabhimukhasya ajya home viniyogah
om shrih vai esha yat sattvano virocano
sankarshano mayi sattvam avadhatu svaha –
idam sankarshanaya idam na mama


“This offering is for prosperity. May Virocana, Sattvana, Sankarshana bestow truth in me.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shrimad ananto devata
purushadhi-patyarthasya catushpathe agnau anantabhimukhasya ajya home viniyogah
om annasya ghritam-eva rasah-tejah
sampadartha tad anantaya juhomi svaha –
idam anantaya idam na mama


“Among food ghee is happiness, beauty, strength and nobility. I offer it to Ananta for all success.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shrimad ananto devata
mahaprasada-sevana vrittyavicchattyarthasya sayam pratah kshuddhame viniyogah
om vishnave kshudhe svaha – idam vishnave idam na mama


“To Vishnu for hunger.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shrimad ananto devata
mahaprasada-sevana vrittyavicchattyarthasya sayam pratah kshuddhame viniyogah
om shri vishnave kshuta pipasabhyam svaha – idam vishnave idam na mama


“To Vishnu for hunger and thirst.”


He should offer oblations to the five life airs, saying:


om pranaya svaha – idam pranaya idam na mama
om apanaya svaha – idam apanaya idam na mama
om samanaya svaha – idam samanaya idam na mama
om udanaya svaha – idam udanaya idam na mama
om vyanaya svaha – idam vyanaya idam na mama


He should then perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahriti Homa and throw ghee-soaked wood of pradesha length into the fire silently.


He should perform Shatyayana Homa, Vamadevya Ganam and the other rites of Udicya Karma. He should give dakshina to the initiated Vaishnavas and brahmanas.


He should then feed the child grains saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri acyuto devata
kumarasya mahaprasadanna-prashane viniyogah
om acyuta
annapate annasya no dhehy-anamivasya shushminah
pradataram tarishah urjam no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om pranaya svaha


“Oh Acyuta master of food, bestow food which gives strength and which is free from disease. You should lead the performer of sacrifice onwards. Give strength to us and the animals. I make this sacrifice to the prana.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri janardano devata
kumarasya mahaprasadanna-prashane viniyogah
om janardana
annapate krinuta annam no dhehi piyusha
asaktam te ‘nnam yad yad yuge no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om apanaya svaha


“Oh Janardana, Lord of sustenance and food, provide our sustenance, bestow Your food of bliss and immortality. At all times bestow upon us, both human and beast. I make this sacrifice to the apana.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri lakshmi-narayanau devate
kumarasya mahaprasadanna-prashane viniyogah
om lakshmi narayanau
annapati annam amritam no dhehi kamala samskritam
te bhukta shesham no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om samanaya svaha


“Oh Lakshmi-Narayana, rulers of sustenance, give us the food of immortality, prepared by Lakshmi herself. Bestow upon us Your remnants, to the humans and the animals alike. I make this sacrifice to the samana.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri yajno devata
kumarasya mahaprasadanna-prashane viniyogah
om annapate yajna annam adhiyajnam tvadiyam
no dhehi sarva durlabham manushyam vai sudhayutam
no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om udanaya svaha


“Oh Lord of sustenance, give us Your principal sacrifice, the food of that sacrifice. Bestow to us the human form and nature so hard ot attain, made eternal. Bestow that to us, humans and animals alike. I make this sacrifice to the udana.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri janardano devata
kumarasya mahaprasadanna-prashane viniyogah
om annapate janardana shad rasam amrita siktam
niveditam te sad annam no dhehi kilbishapaham
no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om vyanaya svaha


“Oh Janardana, give to us, both man and beast, Your eternal food, that which has been offered to You, soaked with the nectar of the six flavors, and capable of destroying all sins. I make this sacrifice to the vyana.”


After the Anna Prashana ceremony, he should give as much dakshina that he possibly can to all the initiated Vaishnavas and to all the vaishnava-brahmanas. He should serve (prasada) to all the devotees, guests and other living entities. After the Anna Prashana the next samskara is Putra Murdhabhighranam


This ends the Anna Prashana rites.


Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirty-six




Nov 29, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).





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