Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirty-two

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


With the following mantras, he should perform the udakanjali seka by sprinkling water on the South side from West to East saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri ananto devata
udakanjali seke viniyogah
om ananta anvamamsthah


“Ananta please sanction this.”


He should sprinkle water on the West side from South to North, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri acyuto devata
udakanjali seke viniyogah
om acyuta anvamamsthah


“Acyuta please sanction this.”


He should sprinkle water on the North side from West to East saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
udakanjali seke viniyogah
om sarasvaty anvamamsthah


“Sarasvati please sanction this.”


Darbha Jutika Homa (offering grass into the fire):


He should take some kusha grass in his hands with palms upwards. He should sprinkle the kusha with ghee three times, on the tips, middle portion and root portion, reciting the following mantra each time:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
darbha-trna-bhyajane viniyogah
om aktam rihana vyantu vayah


“May this sprinkling of ghee produce blessings.”


Holding the kusha in his left hand, he should then sprinkle the kusha grass with water and throw into the fire using his right hand, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtupa chandah
shri vishnuh devata
darbha-jutika-homa viniyogah
om bho vaishnavanam-adhipate vishno
rudrah tanticaro vrisha
pashun asmakam ma himsit
etad astu hutam tava svaha


“Oh Vishnu, Lord of the devotees, let this be an offering to you so that Rudra, who wanders near the tied up cows, does not harm our animals.”


Purna Ahuti (final offering):


Standing up he should make the final offering of mahaprasadam, cloth, thread, gandha, garland, sandalwood, flowers, fruit, and betel, into the fire saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
virad gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
vishnu-dasya yashaskamasya yajaniya-prayoge viniyogah
om purna homam yashase vishnave juhomi
yah asmai vishnave juhomi
sa varam asmai dadati
vishnoh varam vrine
yashasa bhami loke svaha


“I make this final offering to Vishnu, who is fame. Whoever makes an offering to Vishnu gives the most select items as offering. I choose the best for Vishnu. May my stay in this world lead to glory.”


Shanti Dana (sprinkling prokshana water over the fire):


The hotri should go around the fire and release the knot from the kusha grass brahma, then return to his seat. Sitting, he should sprinkle water from the abhyukshana patra on the North East part of the fire, repeating the Shanti Dana mantras three times:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
shanti-karmani jape viniyogah
om bhur bhuvah svah
kaya nashcitra abhuvaduti sada vridhah sakha
kaya shacishthaya vrita
om bhur bhuvah svah
kastva satyo madanam mam hishtho matsadandhasah
drida cidaruje vasu
om bhur bhuvah svah
abhi shunah sakhinam avita jaritrinam
shatam bhavasyutaye


“The Lord is worshippable. He is our helper, constantly expanding. He is our eternal friend. He displays this through His wonderful activites. You are the worshippable absolute truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong, You break the opposition of the foes. You are the protector of those who sing Your praises. You are affectionate to those who accept You as a friend. Be with us a hundred times, to give us protection, O .”


om svasti no govindah
svasti no ‘cyutanantau
svasti no vasudevo vishnur dadhatu
svasti no narayano naro vai
svasti nah padmanabhah purushottamo dadhatu
svasti no vishvakseno vishveshvarah
svasti no hrishikesho harir dadhatu
svasti no vainateyo harih
svasti no ‘njanasuto hanur bhagavato dadhatu
svasti svasti sumangalai kesho mahan
shri krishnah saccidananda ghanah sarveshvareshvaro dadhatu
om dyauh shantih
antarikshag¯ shantih
prithivi shantih
apah shantih
vayuh shantih
tejah shantih
oshadhayah shantih
lokah shantih
brahmana shantih
vaishnava shantih
shantir astu dhritir astu
om shantih om shantih om shantih


“May there be peace in the heavenly planets, in the ether, on the earth, in the water, in the air, in the light, in the herbs, in all the planetary systems, with the brahmanas, with the Vaishnavas. Let there be peace, let there be satisfaction.”


He should give dakshina to the Vaishnavas that have pancaratrika initiation and to the brahmanas present, according to his ability.


The hotri should chant the acchidra-vacana and vaigunyasamadana (to allay any faults)


To the best of his abilitiy, he should serve all the elevated Vaishnavas and other living entities with great care. The devotees should perform Krishna-samkirtana as nicely as possible. The groom should pay dandavatas to all. This is the udicya karma.


This ends the Vivaha rites.






In the morning, the husband after performing acamana and his daily sandhya rites should chant the Purusha Sukta and according to the scriptural rules, worship Lord Narayana and His Vaishnava parshadas. That same evening at an auspicious time, he should mix cow-urine, mud and water and smear it on the ground. He should face a Deity of the Lord or Shri Shalagrama and after reciting the Vishnu Smaranam and Svasti Vacanam, he should offer an arghya1 to the Shalagrama or the Deity of the house in a conch or earthen vessel five times with the following mantras.


om jagannatha mahabaho
sarvopadrava nashana
nava pushpotsave me’rghyam
grihana jagadishvara
etad-arghyam – om shri vishnave namah
om narayana hare rama
govinda garuda-dhvaja
navapushpotsve me ‘rghyam
grihana parameshvara
etad-arghyam – om shri vishnave namah
om dinabandho kripa sindho
paramananda madhava
navapushpotsave me’rghyam
grihana madhusudana
etad-arghyam – om shri vishnave namah
om vishvatman vishvabandho
vishvesha vishvalocana
navapushpotsave me’rghyam
grihana syamasundara
etad-arghyam – om shri vishnave namah
om cidananda hrishikesha
bhaktavashya janardana
navapushpotsave me’rghyam
grihana kamalapate
etad-arghyam – om shri vishnave namah


“Oh Supreme Lord, at this festive occasion with fresh flowers please accept the arghya offered by me.”


With the worship of Lord Vishnu and the Vaishnavas completed, he should procede to the place where he will unite with his wife. Before offering the arghya, or just before the act of union, the husband should be clean and decorated with sandalwood pulp and wearing nice cloth.


The husband facing East, should situate himself behind his seated wife. With his right hand reaching over her right shoulder he should touch her yoni saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnu acyuta hari jagadisha devata
garbhadhane viniyogah
om vishnuh yonim kalpayatu
acyuto rupani pimshatu
asincatu harih garbham
jagadisho dadhatu te


“May Vishnu prepare the yoni; may Acyuta fashion the forms; may Hari carry out the fertilization; may Jagadisha present the child to you.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri garbhodashayi nara-narayano devata
garbhadhane viniyogah
om garbham dhehi garbhodashayin garbham te naranarayanau
adhattam pushkara srajau


“Garbhodashayi Vishnu please bestow the child; Nara-Narayana, bedecked with lotus garlands, please give her the child.”


Touching her navel he should say:


om dirghayusham krishna bhaktam
putram janaya suvrate


“Oh virtuous wife, bear a long-living son, a devotee of Krishna.”


Then they should unite.


This is the Garbhadhana rite according to the followers of the Sama Veda.




(Rite for making a male child)


In the case of a first pregnancy this rite should be performed during the third month of pregnancy.


It may be performed later for other pregnancies, when the signs of pregnancy begin to show. Manu says that it should be performed when the foetus begins to move in the womb. Some commentators say the rite should be performed on the first pregnancy only, and not during the following pregnancies. It should be performed when the moon is in a male constellation. The woman should fast, bathe and put on a new cloth.




Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Thirty-two




Nov 21, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).





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