Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty-nine

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


The husband should offer the following oblations to remove obstacles in raising cows:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vasudevo devata
cathurthi home viniyogah
om vasudeva prayashcitte tvam jivanam prayashcittih asidasah tva nathakama upadhavamiya asyah apashavya tanuh tam asyah apajahi svahaidam vasudevaya idam na mama


“O Vasudeva, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri sankarshano devata
cathurthi home viniyogah
om sankarshana prayashcitte tvam jivanam prayashcittih asidasah tva nathakama upadhavamiya asyah aputrya tanuh tam asyah apajahi svahaidam sankarshanaya idam na mama


“O Sankarshana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri pradyumno devata
cathurthi home viniyogah
om pradyumna prayashcitte tvam jivanam prayashcittih asidasah tva nathakama upadhavamiya asyah aputrya tanuh tam asyah apajahi svahaidam pradyumnaya idam na mama


“O Pradyumna, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri aniruddho devata
cathurthi home viniyogah
om aniruddha prayashcitte tvam jivanam prayashcittih asidasah tva nathakama upadhavamiya asyah aputrya tanuh tam asyah apajahi svahaidam aniruddhaya idam na mama


“O Aniruddha, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vasudeva sankarshana pradyumnaniruddhah catasro devatah
cathurthi home viniyogah
om vasudeva sankarshana pradyumnaniruddhah prayashcitte tvam jivanam prayashcittih asidasah tva nathakama upadhavamiya asyah aputrya tanuh tam asyah apajahi svahaidam vasudeva sankarshana pradyumnaniruddhabhyah idam na mama


“O Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”Then a married woman who has children should make the groom and bride stand and should lead them to the North side of the fire taking the water pot with the ghee remnants. She should sprinkle this on the heads of the groom and bride using leaves. The groom should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahrti Homa:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogahom
bhur svaha – idam vishnave idam na mamaom prajapatih vishnu rishih
ushnik chandah
shri acyuto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogahom
bhuvah svaha – idam acyutaya idam na mamaom prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri narayano devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogahom
svah svaha – idam narayanaya idam na mamaom prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri ananto devata
vyasta samasta mahavyahrti home viniyogahom bhur bhuvah svah svaha – idam anantaya idam na mama


He should offer ghee-soaked wood into the fire without mantra.He should perform Shatyayana Homa, Vamadevya Ganam and the other rites of udicya karma. Udicya KarmaHe should perform Shatyayana Homa (remedial sacrifice) to allay any faults in the performance, beginning with the vishnuh


om tat sat
______(time and place)
______ karmani (name of ceremony)
yat kincit vaigunya jatam
tad dosha prasamanaya
shri krishna smaranam purvakam
shatyayana homam aham kurviya


He should call the fire named “Vidhu”,worship Him as mentioned before and offer ghee and wood of one pradesha length into the fire without mantra, then perform the Mahavyahrti Homa.


He should recite the following verse meditating on Krishna:


om krishno vai saccidananda ghanahkrishnah adi purushah krishnah purushottamahkrishno ha u karmadi mulamkrishna sa ha sarvaikaryahkrishnah kasham krit adisha mukha prabhu pujyahkrishno’nadis tasmin ajandantar bahyeyan mangalam tal labhate kriti


“Lord Krishna is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss and cognizance. He is the original and Supreme Person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Krishna is without any beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Krishna alone.”


He should then perform the Prayashcitta Homa:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom pahi no
‘cyuta enase svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Oh Acyuta, give us protection from our sins.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom pahi no vishva vedase svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Oh Lord, give us protection for the benefit of the universe.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom yajnam pahi hare vibho svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Oh Lord of all opulences, protect this yajna.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom sarvam pahi shriyah pate svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Oh Lord of Lakshmi, protect everything here.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom pahi no ‘nanto ekaya pahi uta dvitiyaya
pahi urjam trtiyaya pahi girbhis catashribhih vishno svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Oh Ananta, by this first oblation protect us, and by the second also, preserve our strength by the third, by the four prayers protect us.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom punah urja nivartasva punah vishnor isa ayusah
punah na pahi ahamsah svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Strength, come forth, Vishnu come forth with food and long life. Protect us from sin.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom saha rayya nivartasva vishno pinvasva dharaya
vishvapsya vishvatas pari svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“Come forth with everything good. O Vishnu, increase like streams of milk from a cow, O Vishnu, throughout the universe.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom ajnatam yad anajnatam yajnasya kriyate mithuh
vishno tad asya kalpaya tvam hi vekha yatha tatham svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“O Vishnu, rectify whatever was performed wrongly, consciously or unconsciously, in this sacrifice. Understand our sincere intention.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prayashcitta home viniyogahom prajapateh vishno nat tvat etani anyo
vishva jatani pari ta babhuvayat kamah te juhuma tat no ‘stu
vayagm syama patayo rayinam svaha -idam vishnave idam na mama


“O Vishnu, master of all creatures, there is no one besides You. The Lord has encompassed everything. With desire for You, we have sacrificed unto You. May those desires be fulfilled. May we become the masters of spiritual wealth.”He should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahrti Homa again and offer wood in the fire.


Nov 15, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).







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