by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami
Vivaha Karma (marriage)
At this time, the father can give a dowery and gifts to the Deity and the Vaishnavas.
The father or a married woman with sons will then tie the upper cloth of the groom and the veil of the bride with a cloth containing haritaki, betel, gandha, flowers, tulasi, kum-kum, and tumeric. The following shloka should be recited:
shri lakshmi-pitambarayoh revati-balaramayoh
tatha sita-ramayosh ca shri durga-shivayor yatha
devahuti-kardamayoh shaci-maghavator yatha
yatha ‘halya-gautamayor devaki-vasudevayoh
mandodari-ravanayor yashoda-nandayor yatha
shri draupadi-pandavayoh shri taravali-bhubhujoh
damayanti-nalakayoh shri-radha-krishnayor yatha
anayoh kanya varayos tatha syad granthi bandhanam
The father may undo the kusha knot on their hands and seat the bride to the right hand side of the groom.
Go Moksha (releasing the cow):
A cow should be presented to the groom.
A barber should exclaim:
gauh gauh
“Here is a cow.”
The groom should reply:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chando
gorupo vishnuh devata
purva-bandha-gavi-mokshane viniyogah
om munca gam varuna pashad dvishantam me abhidhehi
tam jahi…..(name of father) cobhayor utshrija
gamattu trinani pivatudakam
“Free the cow from the ropes of Varuna. Call the name of he who opposes. Dismiss him on behalf of …..(father). Let the cow free, let her eat grass and drink water.”
While the cow is released the groom will say:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
trishtup chando
gorupo vishnuh devata
gavanu mantrene viniyogah
om mata rudranam duhita vasunam svasadityanam amritasya nabhih
pra nu vocam cikitushe janaya ma gamana gam aditim vadhishta
“The cow is the mother of the Rudras, the daughter of the Vasus. She is the sister of the Adityas, the source of nectar. To him who understands I say, “Do not kill the sinless cow, Aditi.”
The cow is then released.
Acchidra Vacana (words to absolve oneself of faults):
Acchidra vacana is then recited by the father:
om asmin kanya sampradana karmani
anga hinam kriya hinam vidhi hinam ca yad bhavet
astu tat sarvam acchidram krishna karshna prasadatah
“Whatever breach of rules, lack of ingredients or ceremony there has been in this bestowal of the bride, let that be overlooked, by the mercy of Krishna and his associates.”
om tat sat
om adya krite ‘smin kanya sampradana karmani
yat kincit vaigunyam jatam
tad dosha prashamanaya
shri vishnu smaranam aham karomi
“To alleviate any fault which may have been committed in the ceremony of bestowing the bride, I now perform remembrance of Vishnu.”
The father should perform Vishnu Smaranam (see Appendix II) and recite the maha-mantra, followed by kirtana and offering obeisances to the spiritual master, the Vaishnavas, Lord Chaitanya and Gandarvika-Giridhari.
Kushandika (Preliminary rites for the yajna)
The groom should now perform the Kushandika rites according to the scriptural rules, either in the same place where the Sampradana was performed or in the main house. He should install Shri Vishnu’s form as the fire named “Yojaka”
Before building the vedi(yajna kunda) of four hands by four hands (approx. 6ft, by 6ft), he should clean the place of all dirt, hair, husk, charcoal, bones, gravel etc. He should gradually make the North and Eastern sides (of the kunda) level and smear it and the floor of the covered Mandapa with cow dung. He should purify himself according to the scriptural rules, perform acamana and wear two pieces of cloth. Sitting on a kusha-asana facing East,
Abhyukshana Patra Sthapana (establishing the pot of water):
A copper waterpot should be filled with water, gandha, flowers, tulasi, barley, betel, haritaki, durva, white rice, tumeric and mustard seeds and placed on the North side of the fire. This will be used for purifying items by sprinkling (abhyukshana).
Panca Rekha Sthapana (drawing five lines in the kunda):
He should face east, on the west side of the fire pit (yajna kunda). Placing the right knee on the ground, and placing the left hand on the ground with palm up, while holding a kusha grass blade of one pradesha length (approx. 9in) in it. Taking another kusha grass blade with the right hand, he should draw in the kunda a line twelve fingers long (one pradesha, 9 inches) and pointing East (see Appendix I), while meditating on the personality of earth. He should say:
@FOOTNOTE: one pradesha = twelve fingers = nine inches
om rekhe tvam prithvi-rupa pitavarnasi
“Oh line, you are earth, yellow in color”.
From the base of the first line he should draw a second line twenty-one fingers long, pointing towards the North while meditating on the cow:
om rekhe tvam go-rupa lohita varnasi
“Oh line, you are the cow, reddish in color”.
Parallel to the first line but seven fingers to its left, starting from the second line, he should draw a third line the length of one pradesha in the Eastern direction, while meditating on Kalindi. He should say:
om rekhe tvam kalindi-rupa-krishna varnasi
“Oh line, you are Yamuna, black in color.”
Parallel to the third line at a distance of seven fingers he should draw a fourth line starting from the second line, in the Eastern direction, one pradesha in length, while meditating on Lakshmi:
om rekhe tvam shri-rupa-svarna varnasi
“Oh line, your are Shri, golden in color”.
At a distance of seven fingers from the last line and parallel to it he should draw a fifth line of one pradesha length in the Eastern direction, meditating on Sarasvati. He should say:
om rekhe tvam sarasvati-rupa shukla varnasi
“Oh line, you are Sarasvati, white in color”.
Utkara Nirasana (expelling the impurities):
He should take a pinch of earth from each line with the thumb and ring finger of the right hand and throw out the earth from the kunda to a distance of one “aratni” (distance from elbow to tip of little finger) in the North East direction, saying:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
utkara nirasane viniyogah
om nirastah paravasuh
“The depleter of fortune has been thrown out and destroyed”.
@FOOTNOTE : The viniyogas are not chanted during the yajna, as stated in the Narada Samhita:
homakalas na drishyate prajachandarshi devata
“The chanting of the application (viniyoga) , the metre, the rishi, or the devata is not observed at the time of yajna”.
Rekhabhyukshana (purifying the lines with water):
Taking water from the abhyukshana patra he should sprinkle it on the lines.
Agni Samskara (purifying the fire):
From the fire which is kindled but not yet placed in the pit he should take one burning stick and cast it in the South Western direction to expel the inauspicious elements of the fire:
@Footnote: Fire can either be started by mantra, churned from the arani with proper concentration, started from the sunlight by a magnifying glass focused on camphor placed on a bell-metal plate, brought from a lamp in the Deity room or from a brahmana’s house (meaning from his daily household yajna). If none of the above methods are practical, then one can use matches etc.
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
trishtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
agni-samskara viniyogah
om kravyadam agnim prainomi duram
yamarajyo ‘gacchatu vipravaah
“I cast the inauspicious fire in charge of burning corpses far away. May those who oppose this rite go to the kingdom of death”.
Agni Sthapana (establishing the fire):
He should take a burning stick from the purified fire and place it on the third line saying:
om prajapatih vishnu rishih
brihati chandah
shri vishnuh devata
agni-sthapane viniyogah
om bhur bhuvah svah om
Agni Avahana
He should then install the fire for weddings who is named “Yojaka Agni”
om yojaka namagnaye ihagaccha
agne tvam yojaka namasi
shri vishnos-teja evayam
“Oh fire named Yojaka Agni, kindly be present here. O fire of Lord Vishnu please come.”
Agni Puja (worship of the fire):
Meditating on the fire as Vishnu he should worship the fire with articles beginning with padyam, etc.
@ Footnote: The sweet Form of Krishna is not installed in the fire. Only forms of Lord Vishnu are installed.
Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty-one
Oct 30, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).
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