Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty-seven

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


Dhruva Darshana (viewing the pole star): The groom and bride should rise and go outside. The groom should point out the pole star to her and make her vow:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri dhruva-priyo devata
dhruva-darshane viniyogah
om druvam asi dhruvaham
pati kule shri vishnu vaishnava sevasu bhuyasam
shri ….. (his name) adhikarinah anugata shri ….. (her name) devy-aham


“You are the pole star, fixed forever. May I be fixed like the pole star in my husband’s house, in the service of Vishnu and his devotees.”


He should show her the constellation Arundhati, situated in the great bear or seven sages, and make her recite the following:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
arundhati darshane viniyogah
om arundhaty- avaruddhaham asmi


“Oh Arundhati, faithful wife of Vasishtha (one of the seven sages), as a wife, I also am now fixed, in my husband’s house.”


The groom should look at his wife and say:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
kanyanu-mantrane viniyogah
om dhruva dyauh dhruva prthivi
dhruvam vishvam idam jagat
dhruvasah parvata ime
dhruva stri pati kule
shri vishnu vaishnava sevasu iyam


“Fixed is the sky, fixed is the earth. Fixed is the world, the universe. Fixed are these mountains, fixed is this wife, in her husband’s house, in the service of Vishnu and his devotees.”


The bride should say:


…….. gotra shri (her name) devi aham
bho bhavantam …….. (husband’s) gotram abhivadaye


“I, being of …….. gotra, salute you, husband, of …….. gotra.”


The groom should respond:


om krishna matih bhava saumye


“Fix your mind in Krishna.”


A woman with husband and child should lead them to a pedestal and sprinkle water over them from a pot using mango leaves.


The husband should go to the fire, perform Vyasta Samasta Mahavyahriti Homa, and then silently offer ghee-soaked wood of pradesha length into the fire.


He should perform Udicya Karma.




The groom should take mahaprasadam rice saying the following mantras:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
mahaprasadanna bhojane viniyogah
om shri mahaprasadannenanena prana sutrena vishnuna
badhnami satya granthina manash ca hridayam ca te


“By this mahaprasadam, the thread of life, By Vishnu, by the knot of highest truth, I bind your mind and heart.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
shri vishnu-vaishnava-sevana-karmasu dampatyoh hridayaikya-prathane viniyogah

yad etad hridayam tava
tad astu hridayam mama
tad idam hridayam mama
tad astu hridayam tava


“What is your heart, let that be my heart. What is my heart, let that be yours.”


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
dvipajjagati chandah
shri harih devata
annasutoi viniyogah
om annam pranasya panktim shah
tena badhnami tva (wife’s name) asau


“This is nourishment for the five airs of life. By this I bind you, ……..devi (wife’s name).”


The groom should eat, then the bride should eat the remnants. For three nights the wife should take mahaprasadam only and maintain brahmacarya, sleeping on the ground, (not on a bed).


Yanarohana (mounting the vehicle):


On the fourth morning after the wedding, the husband should lead the wife to a vehicle saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
trishtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
yanarohane viniyogah
om su kimshukam shalmalim vishvarupam suvarna-varnam sukritam sucakram
aroha surye amritasya nabhim syonam patye vahatum krinushva


“Oh effulgent woman, mount this golden well-made carriage, with fine wheels, containing the whole universe, the source of immortality, bright as the sun. Make it carry you to your husband’s house.”


At the crossing of four roads, while travelling he should say:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
catushpathadya-mantrane viniyogah
om ma vidan paripanthino yasidanti dampati sugebhir durgamatitamp-adrantu ratayah


“May those that oppose the couple not succeed. May we pass the hard journey pleasantly. May the foes melt away.”


Stepping from the vehicle the groom should sing the Vamadevya Ganam.


He should lead the bride into his house. Some married women with children should seat the bride comfortably and the groom will say:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
anushtup chandah
shri vishnuh devata
asano-paveshane viniyogah
om iha gavah prajayadhvam ihashva iha purushah
iho premna samarcito shri vasudevo virajatam


“Here may the cows, the horses and the men multiply with offspring. Here may Vishnu, worshipped with love, remain glorious.”




Nov 11, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).






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