Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty-three

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


Agni Sanmukhi Karana (respects to the fire):


Facing the fire, he should say:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
agni-sanmukhi-karane viniyogah
om eko ha devah pradisho nu sarvah
purvo ha jatah sa u garbhe antah
sa eva jatah sa janishyamanah
pratyanjanas tishthati sarvato mukhah


“The Lord is one. By his order all others exist. He, who was the first existing, sometimes appears in the womb like a human being. He has appeared before and will appear again. All men are turned towards Him, who is present everywhere”.


Trinadi Shodhana (cleaning the area, strewing kusha):


He should take kusha grass in his right hand, and starting from the North side of the mandapa, go around, while chanting:


@ Footnote: Placing the kusha grass around the fire is for protection against Rakshasas.


om kautsa rishih
jagati chandah
shri vishnuh devata
prishtasya shadahasya shashtehani agni-marute shastre parisamuhane viniyogah
om kautsah
om imam stomam arhate jatavedase
rathamiva sanmahema manishaya
bhadra hi nah pramatih asya samsadi
agne sakhye ma rishama vayam tava


Going around the second time, he should chant:


om kautsah
om bharam idhmam krinvama harimshi te
citayantah parvana parvana vayam
jivatave prataram sadhaya dhiyah
agne sakhye ma rishama vayam tava


While going third time he should chant:


om kautsah
om shakema tva samidham sadhaya dhiyah
tve deva havih adantyahutam
tvamadityan a vaha tan hrusmasi
agne sakhye ma rishama vayam tava


After he should put the kusha in ishanakona (North –East). Then taking them one by one, the straws should be placed on the floor in 3 lines without chanting mantras. He should start from N.E. corner, and make one line of kusha straws touching each other to the S.E. corner.In the same way he should put 2 more lines next to the first one. The lines are touching at the point where they start. In a similar way he should put kusha in 3 lines, starting from S.E. corner and going to S.W. corner. After that 3 lines from N.W. corner to N.E. corner, and from S.W. corner to N.W. corner.


Svastika Nivedana (worshipping the directions):


He should offer flowers and candana (which has been offered to the Lord) to the ten directions. saying:


om etan mahaprasada naivedyadi
purvasyam shri naradaya svaha (East)
agneyam shri kapila devaya svaha (South-East)
yamye shri yamabhagavataya svaha (South)
nairrityam shri bhishmadevaya svaha (South-West)
praticyam shri shukadevaya svaha (West)
vayavyam shri janakaya svaha (North-West)
udicyam shri sadashivaya svaha (North)
aishanyam shri praladaya svaha (North-East)
urdhvam shri brahmane svaha (up)
adhah shri balirajaya svaha (down)


Vimshati Kashthika Homa (offering twenty sticks into the fire):


He should take twenty sticks of khadira, palasha, or udumbara wood, or kusha grass, which are of two pradeshas (18 inches) in length. He should pour a sruva of ghee over the middle portion and offer into the fire without mantra while meditating on Vishnu.


Ajya Samskara (purifying the ghee):


Taking two blades of kusha grass with tips intact he should bind them with a third kusha and cut them to the length of one pradesha without using the finger nails, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
pavitre vishnuh devata
pavitrecchadane viniyogah
om pavitre stho vaishnavyau


“Oh pavitras, you are devotees of Vishnu.”


Sprinkling them with water he should say:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
pavitre vishnuh devata
pavitre marjjane viniyogah
om vishnoh manasa pute sthah


“You are pure through the desire of Vishnu.”


He should place them in a copper vessel and pour ghee into the vessel. Using the thumb and ring finger of the right hand he should grasp the tips of the kushas and with the thumb and ring finger of the left hand he should grasp the root end. The right hand should be palm up and the left hand palm down. By dipping the middle portion into the ghee he should then offer ghee into the fire one time, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
ajyam vishnuh devata
ajyat-plavane viniyogah
om devas tva savitot punatu
acchidrena pavitrena


vasoh suryasya rashmibhih svaha “May Savita purify you with this faultless kusha, with these rays from the sun.”


He should then offer two more oblations of ghee into the fire in the same way without mantra.


Holding the kushas in his left hand, he should sprinkle water on them and then using the right hand, throw them into the fire.


He should sprinkle the vessel of ghee with water and then lower it into the North part of the fire three times, and then lay it on strewn kusha grass.


Sruva Samskara (purifying the spoon):


The sruva should be made from khadira, palasha or udumbara wood, and of a length of one “aratni” (distance from elbow to tip of little finger). He should purify the sruva by sprinkling it with water, then by lowering it into the North part of the fire three times.


Udakanjaliseka (taking blessings for performing the sacrifice):


Keeping his right knee on the earth and his left knee raised, he should pour water from his cupped hands from West to East on the South side of the fire, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri ananto devata
udakanjaliseke viniyogah
om ananta anumanyasva


“Please allow this rite, Ananta.”


He should pour on the West side from South to North, saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri acyuto devata
udakanjaliseke viniyogah
om acyuta anumanyasva


“Please allow this rite, Acyuta.”


He should pour on the North side from West to East saying:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri vishnuh devata
udakanjaliseke viniyogah om sarasvaty anumanyasva


“Please allow this rite, Sarasvati.”


Agni paryukshana (sprinkling water around the fire):


He should sprinkle water around the fire in clockwise direction:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
shri aniruddho devata
agni-paryukshane viniyogah
om prabho aniruddha prasuva yajnam
pra suva yajnapatim bhagaya
pata sarva bhuta sthah
ketapuh ketam nah punatu
vagishah vacam nah svadatu


“Oh Aniruddha, bring forth the sacrifice, bring forth the Lord of the sacrifice for good fortune. You are situated everywhere. Purifier of desires, purify our desires. May the Lord of words relish our prayers.”


Virupaksha Japa (prayer to the Lord as Virupaksha):


Raising his right knee from the ground, he should hold fruit, flowers, rice and kusha between his fists, the right fist being above and the left fist being below. He should recite the following:


om prajapatih vishnu rishih
gayatri chandah
rudra-rupo vishnuh devata
shri mahabhagavata virupaksha jape viniyogah
om bhur bhuvah svah
om mahantam virupaksham tvam atmana prapadye,
bhagavata virupaksho ‘si dantanjih tasya te shayya parne,
griham antarikshe vimitam hiranmayam /
tad devanam hridayani ayasmae kumbhe ‘nthah sannihitani tani /
balabric ca balasac ca raksato ‘pramani animishat(e) /
tat satyam yatte dvadasha putrah,
te tva samvatsare samvatsare kama prena yajnena yajayitva
punah brahma acaryam upayanti /
tam deveshu brahmano ‘si, aham manushyeshu, brahmano vai
brahmanam upadhavati, upa tva dhavami,
japantam ma ma pratijapih,
juhvantam ma ma prati haushih,
kurvantam ma ma pratikarshih
tvam prapadye / tvaya prasuta
idam karma karishyami,
tan me radhyatam
tam me samridhyatam,
tan me upapadyatam /


samudro ma vishvavyacah / brahma anujanatu,
tutho ma vishvavedah / brahma anah putro anujanatu,
svatro ma pracetah / maitra varuno anujanatu,
tasmai virupakshaya dantanjaye, samudraya
vishvavyacase, tuthaya vishvavedase, svatraya
pracetase saasrakshaya brahmanah putraya
parama bhagavatottamaya namah /


“I surrender with body, mind and soul to the great, beautiful Personality of Godhead, manifested as Agni, possessed of unlimited eyes and flashing teeth, whose resting place is under a palasha tree, whose golden abode flashes in the sky like lightening, who is accompanied by all the devatas, who are situated in the metal kumbha. Being full of strength, attentive and unblinking, You watch for demons. You are manifest in twelve forms, known as Your sons. Those aspirants who, throughout the years, worship You with sacrifices, achieve the spiritual status of Brahman.


You are the best amongst the devas. May I become the best amongst men by becoming Your devotee. He who is part of the Lord, follows after the Lord. May I thus seek after You. May I not offend by my faulty chanting, my faulty offerings, my faulty activities. I surrender to You; inspired by You, I perform this activity. May it bring me satisfaction. May it bring me spiritual prosperity. May I reach the ultimate goal.


You are the all-pervading Personality, unlimited ocean. Be merciful upon me. You are Tutha, Vishvadeva, and the son of Brahma. Be merciful upon me. You are the deliverer from fear, the wisest one, the sun and the moon. Please be merciful upon me.


To the many-eyed, smiling Lord, the all pervading ocean of mercy, to the all powerful, all wealthy, all strong, all knowing, all perceiving Personality, the son of Brahma, the Supreme Lord, possessor of all opulences, I pay my respects.”


He should throw the rice to the North East, and give the flowers and fruit to the brahma priest.


Then he should say:


om tapash ca tejas ca shraddha ca
hrish ca satyam ca akrodhash ca
tyagash ca dhritish ca dharmash ca sattvan ca
vak ca manash ca atma ca brahma ca


tani prapadye, tani mam avantu “I surrender to austerity, energy, faith, humility, truth, absence of anger, renunciation, patience, righteousness, goodness, words, mind, soul. May they be merciful upon me.”


Amantrika Homa (silent homa):


He should throw ghee-soaked wood of pradesha length with flowers and gandha into the fire silently.


Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty-three



Nov 03, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).





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