So don’t be worried, do your best and success or failure does not matter

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“So don’t be worried, do your best and success or failure does not matter. Krishna is absolute, so there is no such thing as success or failure in Krishna Consciousness, or in other words, there is no question of failure in Krishna Consciousness, whatever we do it is success. Whatever one may do in the material world,

if he is even Rockefeller, it is all failure, defeat, because it will not exist beyond this body.

He does not know that next life I may be dog or cat. But whatever service we can do for Krishna, even if somebody is not able to execute fully Krishna Consciousness, whatever amount of service he does it never goes in vain.

It will eternally remain. And it will act.

Even somebody does small amount of service, and not even very willingly, still, he is assured to get human body in next birth, and chance to execute some service further.

So there is no question of failure in Krishna Consciousness. It is only success.

Krishna says, My devotee is never vanquished. So we must try sincerely, that’s all.”


Śrila Prabhupāda
In a letter of November the 15th of 1968.


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