Sri Hari Dasa, the Acarya of the Holy Name

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Deliberation on the chanting of the Holy Name


Glories to Gaura-Gadadhara and the life of Jahnava. Glory to Sita’s husband, Srivasa and all devotees.

With great anguish, Hari Dasa cried and then Gauracandra embraced him with love.

The Lord said: Where is there another devotee like you? You know all spiritual truths and are always beyond the influence of Maya.

The Greatness of Exclusive Bhajana

Ananya bhajanera sresthata

You descended here and appeared in a low-class family, showing everyone that it is not through wealth, respect, birth in an important family or worldly virtues that one can attain Krishna.

One who has intense sraddha in exclusive bhajana is even superior to the Devatas. He is a great personality.

Sri Hari Dasa, the Acarya of the Holy Name

Sri-hari-dasera namacaryata

You know nama-tattva[1], which is the essence of everything. You are a perfect example of correct conduct and are the most expert in the propagation of the Holy Name[2].

O Hari Dasa, speak of the limitless glories of the Holy Name. If those words come from your mouth, I will feel great bliss.


[1] The truths about the Holy Name.

[2] Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura says: Pracare pandita. Learned in srinama, the Holy Name of Krishna.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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