Sri Krishna, the Greatest Cheater Part 2

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Srila Rupa Gosvami:

Radha says,

“Ferocious waves lash at Yamuna now. The boat is full of water, but Krishna seems unafraid.”

Krishna says,

“O beautiful Radha, don’t be harsh. We will escape by Your mercy. Please offer Me a fare of promise to enjoy amorous moments with You in Govardhana.”

Radha says,

“You are a cheat, Krishna. Go and hide under a pile of cow-dung. Why do You come and beg so uselessly. Turn away. You have tricked the Gopis and frightened them in an old boat, but why Your tricks vanish with Me?”


Srila Rupa Gosvami:

“When the old boat tossed in the stormy waves of Yamuna, Krshna tricked Radha and received amorous favours for His pastimes from the terrified Gopis in pledge of their rescue.”


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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