Sri Suka-sari-stava – 10

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Sri Suka-sari-stava
(Parrots praise Radha and Krsna)





 Part Ten.


Chapter Two


Text 1

sri-radhika-preritayatha vrndaya
samalalitah svasthyam upagatah sukah
distas ca krsnasya gunanuvarnane
sa-sarikah praha sabham sa nandayan


sri-radhika-by Srimati Radharani; preritaya-asked; atha-then; vrindaya-by Vrinda-devi; samlalitah-stroked; svasthyam-happiness; upagatah-attained; sukah-the parrot; distah-instructed; ca-also; krishnasya-of Lord Krishna; guna-of the transcendental qualities; anuvarnane-in the matter of describing; sa-along with; sarikah-the female parrot; praha-spoke; sabham-the assembled gopis; sah-he; nandayan-delighting.


Then the two parrots, stroked by Vrnda-devi on Sri Radhika’s request, now calm and happy, and now ordered to glorify Krsna’s transcendental qualities, spoke, delighting the assembly.


Text 2

kavibhir anavagahyam tam mahadbhir varako
‘py aham ajita-gunabdhim jihvaya ledhum ihe
yad api phalam abhedyam langaliyam su-pakvam
sprsati tad api cancva tan muhur lubdha-kirah


kavibhih-by poets and philosophers; anavagahyam-unfathomable; tam-that mahadbhih-by the great; varakah-insignificant; api-although; aham-I am; ajita-unlimited; guna-of transcendental qualities; abdhim-the ocean; jihvaya-with my tongue; ledhum-to drink; ihe-I am trying; yat api-although; phalam-fruit; abhedyam-unbreakable; langaliyam-of the coconut tree; su-pakvam-perfectly ripe; sprsati-touches; tat api-nevertheless; cancva-with his beak; tat-that; muhuh–constantly; lubdha-greedy; kirah-parrot.


Insignificant I try with my tongue to lick up the limitless ocean of the unconquerable Lord’s qualities, which even the great souls cannot fathom. Again and again this greedy parrot strikes an unbreakable ripe coconut with its beak.


Text 3

ihaninisami karena bhaskaram
murdhna bibhitsami sumeru-parvatam
dorbhyam titirsami maharnavam yato
gunan vivaksami harer apatrapah


iha-in this matter; aninisami-I desire to fetch; karena-in my hand; bhaskaram-the sun; murdhna-with my head; bibhitsami-I desire to break; sumeru-parvatam-Mount Sumeru; dorbhyam-with my arms; titirsami-I desire to cross; maha-the great; arnavam-ocean; yatah-because; gunan-the transcendental qualities; vivaksami-I desire to describe; hareh-of Lord Hari; apatrapah-shameless.


This shameless person aspires to describe Lord Hari’s transcendental qualities. It is as if I wished to swim across the great ocean by the strength of my own arms. It is as if I wished to smash apart Mount Sumeru by striking it with my head. It is as if I wished to carry the sun in my hand.


Text 4

ya ya jata hari-guna-lava-sparsa-puta rasajna
sa sa jatu sprsati nitaram kvapi vartam tad-anyam
sreni ya sa rasayati katham kudmalam paicu-mardam


ya ya-whatever; jata-born; hari-of Lord Hari; guna-of the transcendental qualities; lava-of a drop; sparsa-by the touch; puta-purified; rasajna-tongue; sa sa-that; jatu-ever; sprsati-touches; nitaram-certainly; kvapi-at all; vartam-topics; tat-than those; anyam-other; makandiya-of the mango tree; prathama-first; mukula-fruits; asvada-by the taste; pusta-nourished; anya-another; pusta-nourished; sreni-series; ya-that; sa-that tongue; rasayati-relishes; katham-how is it possible?; kudmalam-the ripe; paicu-mardam-bitter nimba fruit.


Any tongue purified by tasting a single nectarean drop of Lord Hari’s transcendental qualities can never again taste anything else. How can a tongue that tastes the first sweet mango fruits ever try to taste the sharply bitter nimba fruit?


Text 5

yad uktam gargena vraja-pati-puras te ‘sya hi sisor
gunais tais taih samyam labhata iha narayana iti
gunanam anantyam parama-subhata gokula-vidhor
mahattvam gambhiryadikam api ca tenaiva kathitam


yat-what; uktam-was spoken; gargena-by Garga Muni; vraja-of Vraja; pati-the king; purah-in the presence; te-they; asya-of Him; hi-certainly; sisoh-the child; gunaih-with qualities; taih taih-with these; samyam-equality; labhata-attained; iha-in this matter; narayane-with Lord Narayana; iti-thus; gunanam-of qualities; anantyam-infinity; parama-supreme; subhata-auspicious beauty; mahattvam-greatness; gambhirya-depth; adikam-beginning with; api-also; ca-and; tena-by him; eva-certainly; kathitam-were related.


Garga said to the king of Vraja: “Your boy has qualities like Lord Narayana.” He said that Krsna, the moon of Gokula, has limitless transcendental qualities and is supremely handsome, glorious, profound, and filled with all virtues.


Text 6

sva-bhakte vatsalya-pranaya-vasatader guna-tater
anantatvat sankhya danuja-jayino naiva ghatate
bahutvat palyanam anisam uru-vrtteh samudayad
ihapy ekaikasyapi hi bhavati samyan na gananam


sva-bhakta-to His devotees; vatsalya-parental affection; pranaya-to the love; vasata-submissiveness; adeh-beginning with; guna-of transcendental qualities; tateh-of the series; anantavat-because of the infinity; sakhya-complete enumeration; danuja-jayinah-of Lord Krsna, the conqueror of the demons; na-not; eva-certainly; ghatate-occurs; bahutvat-because of the largeness; palyanam-of the devotees under His protection; anisam-day and night; uru-with great; vrtteh-endeavor; samudayat-from the manifestation; iha-in this matter; api-also; eka-ekasya-one by one; api-even; hi-certainly; bhavati-is; samyak-complete; na-not; gananam-counting.


Because they have no end, Lord Krsna’s transcendental qualities such as His being conquered by His devotees’ love, cannot be counted. Because they are so many, even though the devotees earnestly try, day and night, to count them one by one, it is not possible to count them all.


Text 7

rupam bhusana-bhusanam nava-vayah kaisora-madhya-sthitam
viryam kandukitadri silam amalam lila jagan-mohini
audaryam sva-samarpanavadhi daya yasyakhila-plavika
kirtir visva-visodhini katham asau krsno ‘stu varnyah ksitau


rupam-beauty; bhusana-of ornaments; bhusanam-the ornament; nava-vayah-youthful age; kaisora-madhya-in the full bloom of youth; sthitam-situated; viryam-prowess; kandukita-became like a toy ball; adri-a great mountain; sila-character; amalam-spotless; lila-pastimes; jagat-the universe; mohini-enchanting; audaryam-generosity; sva-Himself; samarpana-giving; avadhi-up to; daya-mercy; yasya-of whom; akhila-the entire world; plavika-inundating; kirtih-fame; visva-the universe; visodhini-purifying; katham-how is it possible?; asau-He; krsnah-Lord Krsna; astu-may be; varnyah-described; ksitau-on this earth.


His handsomeness is the ornament of ornaments. His age is the prime of youth. His strength turns mountains into toy balls. His character is spotless. His pastimes enchant the world. His generosity is willing to give even Himself as a gift. His mercy floods the world. His fame purifies the world. How can Lord Krsna be described in this world?


Text 8

tat kaisoram sa ca guna-cayah sa ca gopangana_lih
sa vesa-srih sa ca madhurima sa ca kandarpa-lila
sa vaidagdhi sa ca suci-rasah sa ca capalya-laksmir
angi-karad ajani saphala srila-gopendra-sunoh


tat-that; kaisoram-youthfulness; sah-that; ca-also; guna-of virtes; cayah-a multitude; sa-that; ca-also; gopa-angana_-of gopis; alih-a host; sa-that; vesa-srih-beauty; sah-that; ca-also; madhurima-sweetness; sa-that; ca-also; kandarpa-amorous; lila-pastimes; sa-that; vaidagdhi-experties; sah-that; ca-also; suci-rasah-purity; sa-that; ca-also; capalya-restlessness; laksmih-opulence; angi-karat-because of being accepted; ajani-have become; sa-phala-fruitful; srila-gopa-indra-sunoh-by Lord Krsna, the son of the king of the cowherds.


Youthfulness, the gopis, handsomeness, sweetness, amorous pastimes, intelligence, purity, charming restlessness, and a host of transcendental virtues all attained supreme success because they were accepted by Lord Krsna, the prince of gopas.


Text 9

sri-krsnasyakhilangan mrgamada-rasa-samlipta-nilotpalanam
kaksa-bhru-sroni-kesad aguru-rasa-lasat-parijatotpalanam
sri-nasa-nabhi-vaktrat kara-pada-nayanac cendu-liptambujanam
sat-saurabhyamrtormih prasarati jagad aplavayanti samantat


sri-krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; akhila-all; angat-from the limbs; mrgamada-rasa-with musk; samlipta-anointed; nila-blue; utpalanam-lotus flowers; kaksa-under His arms; bhru-of His eyebrows; sroni-of the middle part of His body; kesat-from the hairs; aguru-rasa-with aguru; lasat-splendid; parijata-utpalanam-of parijata flowers; sri-nasa-from His nose; nabhi-navel; vaktrat-face; kara-hands; pada-feet; nayanat-and eyes; ca-also; indu-with camphor; lipta-anointed; ambujanam-of lotus flowers; sat-transcendental; saurabhya-of aroma; amrta-of nectar; urmih-with waves; prasarati-flows; jagat-the universe; aplavayant-inundating; samantat-in all directions.


Fragrant nectar waves of the musk-anointed blue lotus flower frgrance coming from all of Sri Krsna’s limbs, the aguru-scented parijata flower fragrance from His eyebrows, armpits and waist, and the camphor-anointed lotus flower fragrance from His nose, navel, face, hands, feet, and eyes, now flood the world in all directions.


Text 10

guna hi gopi-tati-harino harer
gopi-tatih prema-pariplutasaya
prema harer indriya-citta-harako
haris ca tasya vasatam upagatah


gunah-the qualities; hi-certainly; gopi-tati-the gopis; harinah-enchants; hareh-of Lord Hari; gopi-tatih-the gopis; prema-with pure love of Krsna; paripluta-drowned; asaya-with the aspiration; prema-pure love; hareh-of Lord Hari; indriya-the senses; citta-and mind; harakah-enchants; harih-Lord Hari; ca-also; tasyah-of the gopis; vasatam-the state of being submissive; upagatah-has attained.


Lord Hari’s transcendental qualities enchant the gopis’ hearts. The gopis become plunged in an ocean of love for Him. Their love charms Lord Hari’s mind and senses. Lord Hari is conquered by them.



Aug 01, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of ‘Sri Suka-sari-stava’ by Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Gosvami –




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