Sri Suka-sari-stava – 8

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Sri Suka-sari-stava
(Parrots praise Radha and Krsna)





 Part Eight.


Chapter One


Text 86

krsnasya purna-vidhu-mandala-sannivesam
ganda-dvayam makara-kundala-nrtya-rangam


krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; purna-full; vidhu-of moons; mandala-sannivesam-circle; radha-of Srimati Radharani; adhara-of the lips; amrta-rasayana-of the nectar; seka-by the sprinkling; pustam-nourished; ganda-of cheeks; dvayam-pair; makara-shark-shaped; kundala-of earrings; nrtya-of dancing; rangam-arena; bhati-is splendidly manifest; indranila-mani- sapphire; darpana-of the mirror; darpa-pride; hari-removing.


Splendid as two full moons, a dancing arena for shark-shaped earrings, robbing sapphire mirrors of their pride, and nourished with nectar sprinkled by Radha’s lips, Krsna’s cheeks are splendidly manifest.


Text 87



paryucchalat-manifesting; madhurima-of sweetness; amrta-of nectar; nimnagayah-of the swiftly moving mountain stream; avarta-garta-whirlpools; nibha-like; srkva-the corners of the mouth; yuga-pair; ati-very; ramyam-charming; sri-kanta-of Lord Krsna, the master of the goddess of fortune; danta-from the teeth; visarat-emanating; kirana-by the effulgence; abhisiktam- bathed; dugdha-of milk; abhidhauta-whitened; nava-fresh; pallava-of blossoms; nindi-chastizing; rocih-whose splendor.


Bathed in the effulgence of His handsome teeth, rebuking the splendor of new flowers washed in milk, and its corners whirlpools in a gushing stream of the nectar of sweetness, Krsna’s mouth is splendidly manifest.


Text 88

sri-syamimarunimayor milana-pradese


ostha-the lips; upari-above; svasana-of breathing; nirgamana-expulsion; nimnam-depression; bandhuka-the bandhuka flower; jit-defeating; chavi-splendor; dara-small; uccvasita-breath; ostha-the lips; madhyam-middle; sri-syamima-of the color blue; arunimayoh-and of fthe color red; milana-meeting; pradese-place; stoka-a little; unnata-raised; ayata-extended; manohara-beautiful; sima-boundry; sobham-splendor.


He breathes through His slight opening of His lips. Meeting there, the colors red and blue defeat the bandhuka flower’s glory. Slightly raised and expanded, they stand at the pinnacle of handsomeness.


Text 89

svam pasyatam itara-raga-hara-svabhavam
suksmayata-dhvanibhir ahrta-visva-cittam


bimba-than the bimba fruit; ati-more; manju-beautiful; adhara-lips; madhya-in the midst; gata-gone; alpa-small; rekham-line; svam-own; pasyatam-of the beholders; itara-for anything else; raga-attraction; hara-removing; sva-bhavam-by its own nature; sasvat-eternally; nija-own; amrta-nectar; su-vasita-amoratic; manju-charming; vamsi-of the flute; suksma- elegant; ayata-expanded; dhvanibhih-with sounds; ahrta- enchanted; visva-of the universe; cittam-the mind.


Those who see Lord Krsna’s lips, which are more handsome than the bimba fruit, lose all attraction for anything else. Playing beautiful melodies on a flute aromatic with the nectar of His lips, Krsna enchants everyone’s heart.


Text 90

sarvasva-ratna-pitako vraja-sundarinam
jivatu-sidhu-casakam vrsabhanujayah
tac-chri-lasad-dasana-laksana-laksitam sri-
krsnadharostham anisam hrdi me cakastu


sarvasva-entire wealth; ratna-jewels; pitakah-chest; vraja-of Vrajabhumi; sundarinam-of the beautiful girls; jivatu-of the life; sidhu-of nectar; casakam-cup; vrsabhanu-jayaj-of Srimati Radharani, the daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu; tat-that; sri-with beauty; lasat-shining; dasana-with teeth; laksana-characteristics; laksitam-characterized; sri-krsna; of Lord Krsna; adhara-ostham-lips; anisam-day and night; hrdi-in the heart; me-of me; cakastu-may be manifested.


May Sri Krsna’s lips, which are decorated with splendid teeth, and which are a chest of jewels that are the treasure of Vraja’s beautiful girls and the cup of nectar drunk by King Vrsabhanu’s daughter, always appear in my heart.


Text 91-92

sat-korakan sikhara-hiraka-mauktikanam
vama-bhruvam adhara-bimba-sukayamanam

jatyaiva paktrima-sudadita-bija-manjun
sasvat-priyadhara-rasasvadanena sonan
sriman-mukunda-dasanan subhagah smaranti


sva-their own; akara-of the form; sausthava-by the excellence; vinindita-chastized; kunda-of kunda flowers; vrnda- of the multitude; sat-of excellent; korakan-buds; sikhara- sikhara gems; hiraka-diamonds; mauktikanam-of pearls; sobha- luster; abhimana-pride, bhara-abundance; mandala-of the area; kanti- splendor; lesan-fragment; vama-bhruvam-of the beautiful-eyebrowed gopis; adhara-of the lips; bimba-for the bimba fruits; sukayamanam-turning into parrots; jatya-by birth; eva- certainly; paktrima-ripe; su-nice; dadima-pomegranate; bija- seeds; manjun-charming; sasvat-eternal; priya-of the dearmost Srimati Radharani; adhara-by the lips; rasa-nectar; asvadanena- by tasting; sonan-reddened; kanta-of His beloved Srimati Radharani; ostha-lips; sonamani-rubies; bhedana-breaking; kama-of cupid; tankan-chisels; srimat-mukunda-of Lord Mukunda; dasanan-teeth; subhagah-those who are fortunate; smaranti- meditate.


Those who are fortunate meditate on Lord Mukunda’s teeth as with their handsomeness rebuking jasmine buds and reducing the diamonds’, pearls’, and sikhara gems’ pride in their own glory, as charming as pomegranate seeds, as trasnforming the beautiful-eyebrowed gopis into parrots that yearn to taste the bimba fruits of His lips, as becoming red by always tasting the nectar of His beloved’s lips, and as Kamadeva’s chisels for cutting the ruby of Her lips.


Text 93

jiyan nija-pranayi-vrnda-manas-tamo-ghni
sri-radhika-pranaya-sagaram edhayanti
gopi-priyanana-vidhoh smita-kaumudi sa


jiyat-all glories; nija-His own; pranayi-of loving devotees; vrnda-for the multitude; manah-of the mind; tamah- darkness; ghni-removing; sri-radhika-of Srimati Radhrani; pranaya-of the love; sagaram-the ocean; edhayanti-increasing; atma-own; prasada-of mercy; kanika-with drops; uksita- sprinkled; visva-the entire; loka-world; gopi-to the gopis; priya-of the most dear Krsna; anana-of the face; vidhoh-of the moon; smita-of the smile; kaumudi-the moonlight; sa-that.


All glories to the moonlight of Lord Gopipriya’s smile, which destroys the darkness in the devotees’ hearts, sprinkles His mercy on the world, and makes turbulent waves in the ocean of Sri Radhika’s love!


Text 94

krsnasya venu-ninadarpita-madhurikam
asyambuja-smita-marandam aham smarami


padma-with Laksmi-devi; adi-beginning; divya-celestial; ramani-beautiful women; kamaniya-yearned after; gandham-the fragrance; gopa-angana_-of the gopis; nayana-of the eyes; bhrnga-by the bumble-bees; nipiyamanam-drunk-krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; venu-in the flute; ninada-in the sound; arpita-placed; madhurikam-sweetness; asya-of the face; ambuja-of the lotus flower; smita-of the smile; marandam-honey; aham-I; smarami- meditate.


I meditate on Krsna’s lotus face’s smile’s honey, which He places in the sound of His flute, and which the bumblebees of the gopis’ eyes drink and Laksmi and other beautiful celestial goddesses yearn to smell.


Text 95

nana-rasadhya-kavita mani-janma-bhumir
visvaya visva-rasadapi hare rasajna
radhadharamrta-rasasvadanad yathartha


nana-various; rasa-with mellows of interpersonal relationships; adhya-enriched; kavita-of poetry; mani-of the gems; janma-of birth; bhumih-the place; asranta-without experiencing fatigue; sat-six; vidha-kinds; rasa-of tastes; asvadana-relishing; pravina-expert; visvaya-to the universe; visva-complete; rasa-transcendental bliss; da-granting; api-also; hareh-of Lord Hari; rasajna-the tongue; radha-of Srimati Radharani; adhara-of the lips; amrta-of the nectar; rasa-the taste; asvadanat-because of relishing; yatha-artha- appropriately named.


Lord Hari’s tongue is a jewel mine of many nectar (rasa) poems. It is expert at tasting the six nectars (rasa). It gives nectar (rasa) to the world. It tastes the nectar (rasa) of Sri Radha’s lips. Its name rasajna (the knower of nectar) is apt.


Text 96

antah-prema-ghrta-smitottama-madhur narmaiksavaih samyuta
abhiri-madanarka-tapa-samani visvaika-santarpani
sa jiyad amrtabdhi-darpa-damani vani rasala hareh


antah-in the heart; prema-pure love; ghrta-ghee; smita-of hte smile; uttama-best; madhuh-honey; narma-of joking words; aiksavaih-with sugar; samyuta-endowed; sabda-relating to the sound of words; artha-relating to the meanng of words; ubhaya- both; sakti-power; sucita-indicated; rasa-mellows; adi- beginning with; indullasat-of camphor; saurabha-fragrance; abhiri-for the gopis; madana-of cupid; arka-the sun; tapa-the heat; samani-subduing; visva-of the universe; eka-sole; santarpani-delight; sa-that; jiya-all glories; amrta-of nectar; abdhi-of the ocean; darpa-the pride; damani-quelling; vani-the words; rasala-curds mixed with sugar and spices; hareh-of Lord Hari.


Glory to the curds of Lord Hari’s nectar words, which are prepared with the ghee of His love, sweetened with the honey of His smile and the sugar of His jokes, and spiced with the camphor of methaphors, alliterations and other literary ornaments, and which delight the world, curbs the nectar ocean’s pride, and cool the gopis tormented by the sun of amorous desires!


Text 97

kantih smarasuga-visesa ivendranilah
sri-nasikocca-sikhara vilasaty aghareh


arvak-downwards; mukha-placed; indramani-sapphire; srsta-fashioned; tila-sesame; prasuna-flower; kantih-splendor; smara-of cupid; asuga-arrow; visesah-specific; iva-like; indranilah-sapphire; nilasma-of sapphires; klpta-constructed; suka-of a parrot; cancu-beak; vinindi-chastizing; rocih-whose splendor; sri-nasika; of the nose; ucca-raised; sikhara-tip; vilasati-is splendidly manifest; agha-areh-of Lord Krsna, the enemy of Aghasura.


Glorious as a sapphire sesame-flower tilted downwards, like a sapphire Kama’s arrow, and its glory rebuking a sapphire parrot’s beak, the handsome tip of Lord Krsna’s nose is gloriously manifest.


Jul 28, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of ‘Sri Suka-sari-stava’ by Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Gosvami –




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