Srila Prabhupada As He Is

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Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

Srila Prabhupada’s Lecture on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s Appearance Day, Feb 7, 1969, Los Angeles


“Bhaktivinoda Thakura organized this Krsna Caitanya’s movement in pure form from Mayapur. He published many books and papers, Sajjana-tosani. When he passed away in 1914, at that time, he entrusted the matter to Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, that “I am going, my work unfinished, about this Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement. You take charge of it.” So he took very seriously the word of Bhaktivinoda Thakura.


So since 1914 to ’18, he was simply thinking that “How I can expand this movement?” So in 1918 he started this movement with the help of some disciples. Krsna sent him. So one of the disciples, he is now Tirtha Maharaja. Perhaps he is… He belonged to Rama Krishna Mission Society. So he is very ambitious. So he took the opportunity of starting this movement, finding out the saintly person. So apart from that point of view, with his help this Gaudiya Mission was started, and gradually it developed.


So in Calcutta Guru Maharaja started in 1918. And, I think, in 1922, when I was young man, one of my friends, he took me to Guru Maharaja. That was my first meeting. And, of course, he was speaking to everyone, but he found me as something. So immediately after my meeting, he said this, that “Why don’t you preach this Caitanya’s cult in the Western countries?” That is a memorable day. Of course, I did not know that I will have to do it. You see?


….I talked with him in so many ways: “Who will hear your Caitanya’s message? We are dependent country.” At that time I was Gandhi’s devotee. In 1920 I gave up my educational career and joined this Congress Movement. Because Gandhi’s program was to boycott the university education and the British law court, so we took this opportunity and gave up education. You see? (chuckles) So then Dr. Bose, he was my father’s friend. So he asked, “What this Abhaya is doing?” And my sister told him, “Oh, he has appeared in the B.A. examination, but he is not doing anything.” So Dr. Bose was my father’s friend. So he appointed me the manager of his laboratory. I did not know anything; still, he appointed me. So that was in 1921. In 1920 I gave up my education. Of course, I was married in 1918, and I got my first child in 1921. So in 1922, when I saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that “Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea.” That I appreciated at that time. And at that time I thought, “This great personality is asking me to preach. I would have immediately joined, but now I am married. It will be injustice.” Of course, I thought like that, in that way. Of course, Guru Maharaja did not say anything, that “You give up your family life.” No, never said. He simply gave the idea. So I thought that “It would have been better if I was not married.” Anyway, then, 1923, I left Calcutta on my business, and I established my headquarter at Allahabad. So all the days I was thinking of this, “Oh, I saw a very nice saintly person. But I am now off from Calcutta.” So I was thinking like that. Practically he initiated me because I was thinking of…, always.


Then, in 1928, there was a big fair which is called Kumbhamela. At that time I was doing business in Allahabad. My business was very flourishing. It was well-known drug shop. So the persons who went to organize our Gaudiya Matha’s camp in that fair, somebody has told that “Here is a Bengali gentleman’s business. You can go, and he is very religious man. He will help.” So all the disciples of Guru Maharaja, they approached my shop, my store, drug store. And because I was thinking of them, so I thought, “Oh, here is the men.” You see? You see? I was very glad–“So they have come again”–because I was separated from them in 1923, and again I saw them in 1928 after five years, and I was thinking of Guru Maharaja simply in this way, “Oh, I met a very nice saintly person. Very nice saintly person. If I can see him again?” Like that. So in this way, with my help, the Allahabad center of Gaudiya Matha was established. Then I was initiated in 1933. In 1933. And in 1936 I was, at that time, in Bombay, and Guru Maharaja was very much indisposed, and he was at Puri, Jagannatha Puri. We have got our temple there. Guru Maharaja established sixty-four temples, small and big. Just like I am increasing, he increased. So most of the temples were in Bengal. In Bengal there were about fifty out of sixty-four. And one temple was at Allahabad, one was in Madras. In this way, outside Bengal, about three, four, one Benares. And he sent Bon Maharaja also in 1933 to London for preaching, but unfortunately, some way or other, he could not do anything, so Guru Maharaja called him back in 1934. He was not satisfied and sent another Godbrother, gosvami.


In 1936, just on the 13th, December, I wrote him one letter. Not 13th. I think by the beginning of December, 1936, I wrote one letter to Guru Maharaja. I knew he was little kind upon me, so I wrote that “Guru Maharaja, you have got many disciples. I am also one of them. But they are doing direct service to you. Some of them are brahmacaris, some of them sannyasis, but I am a householder. I cannot…” Of course, I was giving sometimes some monetary help, but I could not give any direct service, so I asked him that “If there is any particular service I can do for you?” So that letter was replied in 13th December, dated 13th December, from Puri. And he passed away on the 31st December. Just a fortnight before. So the reply was the same as he wanted me to do this preaching work in 1922, when I first met him, that “You try to preach whatever you have learned from me to the English-knowing people in English. That will do good to you and to the people to whom you shall preach. That is my instruction.” So I took up, direction. And then he passed away in 1936, 31st December. So I consulted some of my Godbrothers, senior Godbrothers, “Guru Maharaja has told me like this. What can I do?” So you have heard the name of Professor Sanyal, and there were other Godbrothers. They asked me to write on the Vaisnava-siddhanta in English. So perhaps in 1935 I wrote one poetry. The part of it, somebody, you have got. He was very pleased. Since then he was insisting me that “You write on, preach on in English.” At that time I was thinking, “What can I do?” So anyway, after his passing away, this Back to Godhead paper was started, as late in 1944, I think, because the expenditure was three hundred, four hundred rupees per month.


So somehow or other, it has begun, the blessings of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, as he wanted me, he desired me. So because he desired, my… I am not very expert or educated or nothing extraordinary, but only thing is that I believed in his word. That is… You can say that is my qualification. I believed cent percent in his word. So whatever success is there, it is just due to my firm faith in his instruction. So I am trying to follow. And by his grace, you are helping me. So actually, the responsibility will now depend on you. I am also old man. I may pass away at any moment. This movement should go on, you see, this movement started by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, then accelerated by Gosvamis, and then again Visvanatha Cakravarti. And when… Just like whenever there is… Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati. When there is some slowness, either Krsna Himself or some representative comes to give it a push. So you should know it, that this movement should be pushed on. This should not be neglected.


Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada As He Is



Aug 25, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — Srila Prabhupada’s Lecture on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s Appearance Day, Feb 7, 1969, Los Angeles




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