Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.14.17

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ŚB 1.14.17

सूर्यं हतप्रभं पश्य ग्रहमर्दं मिथो दिवि ।
ससङ्कुलैर्भूतगणैर्ज्वलिते इव रोदसी ॥ १७ ॥
sūryaṁ hata-prabhaṁ paśya
graha-mardaṁ mitho divi
sasaṅkulair bhūta-gaṇair
jvalite iva rodasī


sūryam — the sun; hataprabham — its rays declining; paśya — just see; grahamardam — clashes of the stars; mithaḥ — among one another; divi — in the sky; sasaṅkulaiḥ — being mixed with; bhūtagaṇaiḥ — by the living entities; jvalite — being ignited; iva — as if; rodasī — crying.


The rays of the sun are declining, and the stars appear to be fighting amongst themselves. Confused living entities appear to be ablaze and weeping.

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