ŚB 1.7.47
यथाहं मृतवत्सार्ता रोदिम्यश्रुमुखी मुहु: ॥ ४७ ॥
gautamī pati-devatā
yathāhaṁ mṛta-vatsārtā
rodimy aśru-mukhī muhuḥ
My lord, do not make the wife of Droṇācārya cry like me. I am aggrieved for the death of my sons. She need not cry constantly like me.
Sympathetic good lady as she was, Śrīmatī Draupadī did not want to put the wife of Droṇācārya in the same position of childlessness, both from the point of motherly feelings and from the respectable position held by the wife of Droṇācārya.
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